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Author Topic: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications.  (Read 64771 times)
Group: Guest
   Do you mean no noticible interaction, or sync? .
   Not sure what you mean.

Group: Guest
I have my push-pull running at resonance with a 570nF series cap to the Inductor having a sine wave of 500V across this cap at 25kHz.

Grenade is open (Fres 1226kHz) and the Kacher is on running at 1226kHz tuned with the ferrite bar and i see the above-mentioned interaction.

But no modulation (due to the push-pull running at 25kHz) is seen on this kacher signal.

I will try some further fine-tuning.....

I think Itsu is saying he is switching or gating the output of the katcher on and off
at 25khz  and then injecting it into the grenade  by transmission, but that is unclear and
needs verification how that's taking place. But wouldn't this need to be done on the grenade
output other wise the frequency is no longer in resonance but isn't clear.

Perhaps a flow chart might help explain what he is hoping to achieve.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4235
   Do you mean no noticible interaction, or sync? .
   Not sure what you mean.



i am trying to get the same signals as Max showed like here:  https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4471.msg105588#msg105588

A modulated signal consisting of a carrier signal of 1229kHz (Grenade resonance and Kacher resonance frequencies) and the push-pull signal (25kHz) with the Grenade "open" and the probe laying nearby the Antenna.

He states that if we have the Grenade resonating on the same frequency as the kacher (1229kHz in my case) there is some interaction (which i have, however very slim) and if we then activate the Push-pull on a certain sub-harmonic (50th in my case) frequency a pick-up probe would pick up this modulated signal.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

i am trying to get the same signals as Max showed like here:  https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4471.msg105588#msg105588

A modulated signal consisting of a carrier signal of 1229kHz (Grenade resonance and Kacher resonance frequencies) and the push-pull signal (25kHz) with the Grenade "open" and the probe laying nearby the Antenna.

He states that if we have the Grenade resonating on the same frequency as the kacher (1229kHz in my case) there is some interaction (which i have, however very slim) and if we then activate the Push-pull on a certain sub-harmonic (50th in my case) frequency a pick-up probe would pick up this modulated signal.



Your PP should be 24.58kHZ.  your signal hasn't matched up because if it does, there will be obvious modulation. That's the point your Tesla will start pumping.
Don't be deceived when they say Tesla doesn't need to be strong, those demonstrating weak signal at antenna when touch with a screwdriver knows that Tesla is grossly absorbed into grenade.

Checkout two of Geo's videos


« Last Edit: 2023-07-11, 07:04:11 by Maxolous »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4235


i know the Push-Pull should be at a 50th sub-harmonic frequency of the Kacher / Grenade resonance frequencies, so i was tuning the Push-Pull to be around this value (24.8, 25, etc. kHz), but never i saw this modulated signal yet, but as i mentioned above, i will do some further fine-tuning.

Thanks for the Geo video's, but as he has not yet showed a self-runner, how amazing his effects are, it does not necessarily mean he is/was on the right track.

Group: Guest
If you look at the Alexey Sergeev device he showed running on Overunity and YouTube  his grenade was running at 15khz and also push pull and his katcher was self oscillating at 1.5mhz witch does appear to be more practical
but his secret power is not disclosed in that article, and the same with the Akula device.


I will try and find it, it was some where between Dally 800 and 1200 page
« Last Edit: 2023-07-10, 14:51:57 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
  Can you place a link to that mentioned video, by Alexey.
Those seam like the correct frequencies, to me.

     Geo did not show being even close to OU, nor able to self run.
But, he did seam to be on the right "track".

    As far as weak kachers go,  my simple kacher running on 24v,  can produce a one centimeter streamer.
 I don't need that strong a voltage, as 10.000 Volts, will fry everything. And it can even light up to 100 watt bulb partially, just from the kacher running by itself, through the grenade. I don't consider that "weak". I am not braging, these are simple facts. Nothing to brag about.
Group: Guest
  Can you place a link to that mentioned video, by Alexey.
Those seam like the correct frequencies, to me.

     Geo did not show being even close to OU, nor able to self run.
But, he did seam to be on the right "track".

    As far as weak kachers go,  my simple kacher running on 24v,  can produce a one centimeter streamer.
 I don't need that strong a voltage, as 10.000 Volts, will fry everything. And it can even light up to 100 watt bulb partially, just from the kacher running by itself, through the grenade. I don't consider that "weak". I am not braging, these are simple facts. Nothing to brag about.
Its here  https://overunity.com/12736/kapanadze-cousin-dally-free-energy/12165/


Sr. Member

Posts: 389


i know the Push-Pull should be at a 50th sub-harmonic frequency of the Kacher / Grenade resonance frequencies, so i was tuning the Push-Pull to be around this value (24.8, 25, etc. kHz), but never i saw this modulated signal yet, but as i mentioned above, i will do some further fine-tuning.

Thanks for the Geo video's, but as he has not yet showed a self-runner, how amazing his effects are, it does not necessarily mean he is/was on the right track.


See if you have resonance at 122.9k or there about.

Point of correction, I edited mine to 24.58kHZ that's the actual 50th sub-harmonic frequency of 1.229MHZ.

Be sure you have two pot on your PP cct. One for fine tuning. This enables you to pick the exact frequency. And one thing is your  "CT" in your TL494 board
Timing capacitor should be a very good one , this is in order not to drift away from res. freq. after awhile.

« Last Edit: 2023-07-11, 09:03:45 by Maxolous »
Group: Guest
Another point to watch out for Earth around the circuit around between the
three or five turn winding on the PP and any thing else, Or experiment whats
best for your Experiment.

« Last Edit: 2023-07-11, 13:19:06 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
See if you have resonance at 122.9k or there about.

Point of correction, I edited mine to 24.58kHZ that's the actual 50th sub-harmonic frequency of 1.229MHZ.

Be sure you have two pot on your PP cct. One for fine tuning. This enables you to pick the exact frequency. And one thing is your  "CT" in your TL494 board
Timing capacitor should be a very good one , this is in order not to drift away from res. freq. after awhile.

Max is this just a tracking frequency ? if so you could just generate your high freq
and devide it down and use a phase lock chip to lock the the smaller freq as a data window
up/ or down eather way would be just electronic locking freq.

ie 122,900/50 = 2458 as in your example

Group: Guest
   It is important to note, that the Earth ground line connection will only improve the output so long as there is some resonance in the whole system. If there is no adequate resonance, nothing will be noticed when connecting the ground.
Which is one way to know IF you are even close, or not.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Max is this just a tracking frequency ? if so you could just generate your high freq
and devide it down and use a phase lock chip to lock the the smaller freq as a data window
up/ or down eather way would be just electronic locking freq.

ie 122,900/50 = 2458 as in your example



That's the frequency at which Itsu's grenade resonate. You can not generate any frequency , there is or are freq. a grenade must listen to otherwise it's like what I will describe as winking at  a girl in the dark ;D

Group: Guest
Sure the only thing the grenade can listen to is the katcher it's a TX device.
If you monitor the output you can use it to make the katcher track the resonance
a few designs do that it's called AFC.  a 4046 can do that and correct the phase angle.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Sure the only thing the grenade can listen to is the katcher it's a TX device.
If you monitor the output you can use it to make the katcher track the resonance
a few designs do that it's called AFC.  a 4046 can do that and correct the phase angle.



Yes, the kacher is Tx while the grenade is Rx.
The PLL is a good method anyhow, but you must be acquainted with how it works. You must know how to do frequency multiplication  or division with it unless you have already made circuit copied from somewhere. The problem I see there is that , you are not going to apply it to Tesla and expect Tesla coil to resonate at your set frequency. You already know that Tesla coil resonate according to turns or wire length. That means , you still will adjust Tesla otherwise, you have to devise a new method.

Another question is if you chose your Tesla frequency and divide by whatever you're dividing with, how do you feed your Tesla frequency into the reference of your chip, because you can't just read your Tesla frequency once and implement . Since the chip works by feedback loop, it must continue to sample your frequency from Tesla. That's the only way to keep the phase angle intact and same in it multiplicity.

Anyway food for thought.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4235
See if you have resonance at 122.9k or there about.

Point of correction, I edited mine to 24.58kHZ that's the actual 50th sub-harmonic frequency of 1.229MHZ.

Be sure you have two pot on your PP cct. One for fine tuning. This enables you to pick the exact frequency. And one thing is your  "CT" in your TL494 board
Timing capacitor should be a very good one , this is in order not to drift away from res. freq. after awhile.



i know my grenade suppose to resonate around 1229kHz (your method), and if i tune my kacher to that same resonance frequency of 1229kHz i do see some interaction on my pickup probe.

My Push-Pull circuit has 2 pots for frequency tuning and the CT cap is a SMD MLCC cap.

When i tune my Push-Pull to 24.58kHz there is some interaction visible on the pickup probe as seen by the screenshot below.
But this is no modulation as the peaks and dips are not aligned to each other, it's more a superposition of the Push-Pull signal on the Kacher signal or with other words, the pickup probe picks up both the Push-Pull signal and the kacher signal.

I do not get any modulated signal like shown by you.

Group: Guest
I'm probably wasting my time telling itsu this but a lot of those circuits
arn't workers and the internals arnt in tune (are free running)

The scope shots are gated Locked in a sort of resonance, I perfected the idea
to digitise  camera video in a line data window, as you can see it works here as well.

Sr. Member

Posts: 389

i know my grenade suppose to resonate around 1229kHz (your method), and if i tune my kacher to that same resonance frequency of 1229kHz i do see some interaction on my pickup probe.

My Push-Pull circuit has 2 pots for frequency tuning and the CT cap is a SMD MLCC cap.

When i tune my Push-Pull to 24.58kHz there is some interaction visible on the pickup probe as seen by the screenshot below.
But this is no modulation as the peaks and dips are not aligned to each other, it's more a superposition of the Push-Pull signal on the Kacher signal or with other words, the pickup probe picks up both the Push-Pull signal and the kacher signal.

I do not get any modulated signal like shown by you.



There is interaction, but small. Try checking the Tesla frequency as it is running to see if it is at 1229KHZ.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
I'm probably wasting my time telling itsu this but a lot of those circuits
arn't workers and the internals arnt in tune (are free running)

The scope shots are gated Locked in a sort of resonance, I perfected the idea
to digitise  camera video in a line data window, as you can see it works here as well.


Do you have a circuit diagram for this.
Can you elaborate.
No knowledge bus lost.

Group: Guest
It's not to dificult to sync hf and lf i would usuly use a latch triger but didn't here.



Sr. Member

Posts: 389
It's not to dificult to sync hf and lf i would usuly use a latch triger but didn't here.



I have seen your cct. but ity not 4046 as described. This is NAND gate in a  more simple manner of locking phase and varying frequency of tesla. I have an elaborate one which I use.

It can shift phase
It can change frequency
It can pulse width
It can increase or decrease number of pulses.

Check it out here below;
Group: Guest
I assumed you wanted to know how i produced the scope shots

Here is a 4046 PCB idid for Vasic's 041 circuit he published
some 3 or four years back. (it has 2 other boards to it. A pp and
HV & mixer.

I suppose you want the schematic  for it I will see if i can find it

I think it was an Igorik design. you might find it under his name.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
I assumed you wanted to know how i produced the scope shots

Here is a 4046 PCB idid for Vasic's 041 circuit he published
some 3 or four years back. (it has 2 other boards to it. A pp and
HV & mixer.

I suppose you want the schematic  for it I will see if i can find it

I think it was an Igorik design. you might find it under his name.



I see what I was contemplating on; the antenna is picking signal from Tesla for sampling, the pot is to control the VCO( voltage controlled oscillator) I guess.

As I said no knowledge is lost, you can send me.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

i know my grenade suppose to resonate around 1229kHz (your method), and if i tune my kacher to that same resonance frequency of 1229kHz i do see some interaction on my pickup probe.

My Push-Pull circuit has 2 pots for frequency tuning and the CT cap is a SMD MLCC cap.

When i tune my Push-Pull to 24.58kHz there is some interaction visible on the pickup probe as seen by the screenshot below.
But this is no modulation as the peaks and dips are not aligned to each other, it's more a superposition of the Push-Pull signal on the Kacher signal or with other words, the pickup probe picks up both the Push-Pull signal and the kacher signal.

I do not get any modulated signal like shown by you.



I went back to check, I think something is wrong with your setup.
See; a better modulation.

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Tesla without PP signal to modulate.
This is like the one you showed , it's clear there was no modulation in yours.

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