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Author Topic: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications.  (Read 71478 times)
Group: Guest

The grenade is indeed a 1/4 wave resonator as obtained by exposing the grenade to a teslacoil with same frequency..
You have one side 0V and other end max V
When you finetune the last layer and get it to 2Mhz exact in DUT mode you will see 1,4,6  and 8Mhz  harmonics also.

Because you need a groundwire I used a 37.5m 16mm^2 in order to match 1/2 wave.
In my opinion lower frequency resonating grenades need to be compensated by groundwire length.
My opinion



Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

Hi Ape,

thanks for your opinion.

It seems so that it is a 1/4 wave resonator the way i have measured it (equipment ground to one end forcing it to 1/4 wave resonance), but it should be able to resonate at 1/2 wave by hooking it up differently, only then to measure it is another story.

Not sure how the Grenade is hooked up in the Ruslan setup (no ground connected directly to it as i understand, see ground connection on the left side of the diagram) so it could be in half-wave resonance.

Also, when it is resonating slightly under 2MHz it also should have harmonics, so these harmonics are not linked alone to the 2MHz frequency and will be slightly under 4, 6, 8 etc. MHz me thinks.

Regards Itsu
Group: Guest
   My 28 turn yoke secondary coil connects to the grenade output coil just like in your Stalkers diagram. I've tried different ways to connect things up. But you can try placing your earth ground line on the wima O.47uf capacitor. Or at wima tuning cap  0.15uf at the grenade output where the output is taken from, but before the full bridge rectifier.  Or any where or point that you notice an improvement, at the output or at the bulbs. Then with the ground line connected resonance tuning can be done.
Without having proper resonance,  the ground line won't make any difference. That's how to tell if you have properly tuned for  resonance, or not.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

Not sure how the Grenade is hooked up in the Ruslan setup (no ground connected directly to it as i understand, see ground connection on the left side of the diagram) so it could be in half-wave resonance.

Regards Itsu

Incase you're wondering where to put your earth as in Ruslan style; 
-Put your grenade in place under antenna
-Start your controlled Tesla or kacher(betterfor the test)
-Place a 40w bulb on grenade O/P
-Use earth to tease both grenade terminals when kacher is on.
-Find out which is brighter.
-You just determined your grenade side that will be  earthed
Note. The PP will be off


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
   My 28 turn yoke secondary coil connects to the grenade output coil just like in your Stalkers diagram. I've tried different ways to connect things up. But you can try placing your earth ground line on the wima O.47uf capacitor. Or at wima tuning cap  0.15uf at the grenade output where the output is taken from, but before the full bridge rectifier.  Or any where or point that you notice an improvement, at the output or at the bulbs. Then with the ground line connected resonance tuning can be done.
Without having proper resonance,  the ground line won't make any difference. That's how to tell if you have properly tuned for  resonance, or not.



I have been wondering if you have fixed system because you always talk about .47μf thus 470 nf.  I have pulled down my system uncountable times and I have wound my grenade more than 50times, it is part of the research.

From the way you're saying it, it is your cap that determine your PP resonance frequency and not your grenade.

Am just thinking aloud.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4236
Nick, Max,

thanks for your suggestions, but i presently only have the Grenade (with Inductor and Antenna) under test.

I first like to map the workings of it in terms of resonances (harmonics) and standing waves if they exist.


Itsu:  Of course, I understand. You mentioned not sure where to place the Earth ground line. Or how to connect the yoke secondary up to the grenade coil. So, that is why I answered.

   Max:  I'm not sure what you are saying.
   My induction circuit is connected to the yoke, which is tuned by the mentioned 0.47uf capacitor, plus by the push pull controller circuit, for frequency, and duty cycle adjustments.
   I follow the schematic, and place the 0.47uf 2000v wima tuning capacitor on the inductor circuit, where it is shown on the diagram, or schematic.
Of course I have a grenade, which is also wound according to the schematics, just one time, I do have another 4 inch yoke that I wound a bit different to test with , as well.
   There is also another tuning capacitor at the grenade coil's output, as mentioned previously. These caps are there to tune the inductor, and grenade output coil frequency, to their best frequency. I could also use some more tuning caps as well.
   And yes, my Kacher is the simple one, which so far works better that what others have shown using the controlable kacher.
   My kacher is also tuned to it's best output, by adding or removing turns, and then using a current transformer, as also mentioned before, and also shown in my last video on this project, to tune the Kacher's output frequency with, for best match to the induction circuits. Allowing me to light 600w worth of bulbs, on just 18v input, while showing an increase in light when the Kacher is also turned on. That is as far as I've gotten with all this, and I am waiting for you guys to show me how well your controlable kachers work, and what you can actually do with it. And IF it looks promising, I'll build one up as well. So far, the controlable Kacher that have been shown, have not looked too promising, up to now. But, that may all be a matter of tuning. As my Kacher by itself can light your suggested 40w test bulb to full brightness, (just by itself), when the rest of the induction circuits are turned OFF.
This is not a pissing contest, just showing what I've done...and to what point I've gotten to.

« Last Edit: 2023-05-30, 15:40:41 by NickZ »

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
I read your reply, the only question is ;are you contented with what you have?
If no, what are you doing about it?
Are you gonna wait for someone to make the difference only to have you to contend with as to how true.

My humble opinion.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
What am trying to say is, it is your inductor's inductance and your set PP frequency that determines your cap.


   Max: Your previous reply is NOT very humble.
   As mentioned, I follow the schematic and replicate what is shown to work.
   If an honest try at replication does not work, I keep trying to figure out what to do about it.
Remember I have an intact fully built system with a feed back circuit and all.
Are you content with what you built, or is it what apecore calls a deco art piece?
My caps used are what is shown on  the schematic, and are installed on my induction circuit, and also on the grenade output coil, as mentioned.
I do further tune to best resonance, as well.

   I have been trying to help you...even while you insult me, with "you are completlly wrong", and if I am "contented with what I have, and what am I going to do about it"?
And also, that people "will have you to contend with".
   Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

« Last Edit: 2023-06-01, 16:31:57 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
I hate to kick the bee hive  8) but have you found out how to produce standing waves in the kacher ?

   AG. No, waiting for you to show us just how to do that, and how well it worked for you, first.
   Cause, am not looking for standing waves.

Sr. Member

Posts: 280
i posted copy of Don smith how it works a couple of times already other than forcing you to listen to his libary of vids what can i do if you all ignor it  >:-) ;) its don smith  2003 the one where he talks over the phone.

Hi AG. I searched for your post on Don Smith but couldn't find anything. Would you mind pointing me to it?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236


could you please adhere to the normal practice of answering to a post with a new post, not by "adding" comments in the first poster post.

Also do not include your own text in the quote box when adding text or answering to a quoted text.

It makes it all very confusing to follow.

Thanks,  Itsu
Group: Guest
   Thanks, Itsu.
   I agree, and will do.
   I have also been trying to focus on this device, but, some members would rather make distracting off topic suggestion and insults, instead.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236
I looked at my Grenade (with Inductor and antenna) using several methods / equipment to determine its resonance frequencies / harmonics.

Here i present the result using Spectrum Analyzers

I have the Inductor and Antenna around the Grenade left alone with both leads open.

I "excite" the Grenade with a coupling coil (4 turns) attached to my FG set for square wave, and measure the resulting signals using the SA probe ground lead on one of the Grenade leads and the SA probe tip connected to the insulation of the other end thus avoiding to "load" the Grenade too much with the 50 Ohm impedance of the SA, see diagram.

Results can be seen in the attached pictures, first the MDO3054 SA results, then the Rigol DSA 815 results.

The strongest response was with the FG set to 1.87MHz (1/4 wave resonance), and the generated harmonics shown are:

1.87MHz (base resonance)
5.6MHz  (3rd Harmonic)
9.33MHz (5th Harmonic)
13.1MHz (7th Harmonic)
16.8MHz (9th Harmonic, strongest)
20.5MHz (11th Harmonic)
24.3MHz (13th Harmonic)

Group: Guest
   Ok, thanks for the info. Can you explain as you see it, just what does that tell you?
Seams like the numbers don't really match up to what Stalker mentioned.
And that makes me think that there may also be something wrong with the previous build information and device instructions, as well.
   Thanks again itsu.

« Last Edit: 2023-06-01, 14:14:48 by NickZ »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236


well you mentioned here: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4471.msg104865#msg104865 that: "Stalker mentions Grenade frequency of 15.6Mhz", so perhaps he was referring to a harmonic like my strongest 9th harmonic at 16.8MHz which does exist in the Grenade.

If this is important i do not know yet, but for now It's nice to know the grenade is generating HF over a broad spectrum.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

Have you tried this method of Sergey stalker.



Sr. Member

Posts: 389

If you go to your sub-harmonic, maybe You're using divide by 50 or divide by 100.
If divide by 100 , then you will have 18.7 khz.  Choose range of 18---19khz with a square wave signal. As you sweep check where your 3rd harmonic is at maximum. It could be at sub-harmonic18.5khz or same 18.7khz


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

well you mentioned here: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4471.msg104865#msg104865 that: "Stalker mentions Grenade frequency of 15.6Mhz", so perhaps he was referring to a harmonic like my strongest 9th harmonic at 16.8MHz which does exist in the Grenade.

If this is important i do not know yet, but for now It's nice to know the grenade is generating HF over a broad spectrum.


The issue is 15.6 MHz I still think is a typographical error or translation error. All manners of harmonics are there and you're not going to use them.

Group: Guest

well you mentioned here: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4471.msg104865#msg104865 that: "Stalker mentions Grenade frequency of 15.6Mhz", so perhaps he was referring to a harmonic like my strongest 9th harmonic at 16.8MHz which does exist in the Grenade.

If this is important i do not know yet, but for now It's nice to know the grenade is generating HF over a broad spectrum.


Hi Itsu,
Nice to see those figures, is it possible to do another scan in DUT mode?
Inclusive ground connected.
Just to see what changes.

Grt, Ape

Group: Guest
  As I had mentioned previously, my grenade's best output frequency is around 18.5KHz. That is with the complete system grounded,
Including the kacher circuit. That is the best running frequency for my 37.5m grenade, and 18.75m inductor. Tuning for best gain.
  I understand that more than a small deviation of 300KHz is enough for it not to sync. And mine does sync, but still needs something.

« Last Edit: 2023-06-01, 18:18:55 by NickZ »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

Have you tried this method of Sergey stalker.




i think so, some years ago, i will see if Vasik had translated this video then.
Not sure now if he (Stalker) is tuning for peaks or dips in this video.


If you go to your sub-harmonic, maybe You're using divide by 50 or divide by 100.
If divide by 100 , then you will have 18.7 khz.  Choose range of 18---19khz with a square wave signal. As you sweep check where your 3rd harmonic is at maximum. It could be at sub-harmonic18.5khz or same 18.7khz



i will give it a try.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236
Hi Itsu,
Nice to see those figures, is it possible to do another scan in DUT mode?
Inclusive ground connected.
Just to see what changes.

Grt, Ape

Hi Ape,

not sure what you mean with "scan in DUT mode?"

But i understand you want me to look at those harmonics again, but now with a ground wire connected.

But remember that one side of the Grenade was already grounded by the Spectrum Analyzer so i don't think it will make any difference.

Group: Guest
Hi Ape,

not sure what you mean with "scan in DUT mode?"

But i understand you want me to look at those harmonics again, but now with a ground wire connected.

But remember that one side of the Grenade was already grounded by the Spectrum Analyzer so i don't think it will make any difference.


I did understand you did a measurement in DUT... the grenade connected as it schould be?
I saw difference in grenade stand alone results and conected as built

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236
Hi Ape,

with DUT i mean "Device Under Test" in this case the Grenade.

Because in some publications they call the device / component being tested this way (DUT) like here: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4471.msg104868#msg104868.

Anyway, yes, there will be a difference in measurement results with the Grenade (DUT) as stand alone like i have now and when in the complete circuit.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

If you go to your sub-harmonic, maybe You're using divide by 50 or divide by 100.
If divide by 100 , then you will have 18.7 khz.  Choose range of 18---19khz with a square wave signal. As you sweep check where your 3rd harmonic is at maximum. It could be at sub-harmonic18.5khz or same 18.7khz



My little correction here; "divide by 10 will be 187khz.

Maybe you will need to sweep between 180khz ---190khz , that's what I meant to say please.

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