Without any snubber caps, i have 41.8Vpp across the left (highest voltage) MOSFET and 9.1Vpp across the other MOSFET (40V input).
When using a 6-100pF trimmer cap across the left (highest voltage) MOSFET Drain - Source, while scoping the voltage across its DS i did not see any noticeable difference, but when moving the probe to the other MOSFET DS, i could increase the voltage from 9.1 to 14.9V when turning the trimmer cap. to max.
I added then some ceramic caps to this trimmer cap and saw the change in voltages, see table below.
Finally i used a fixed 2nF ceramic cap across the left MOSFET instead of the trimmer cap, and its voltage dropped to 35.4V, while the voltage across the other MOSFET was increased to 34.2V.
Not what i expected as what i would expect is to have 20V across each MOSFET when balanced.
I do notice some rounded off corners on the left MOSFET with the 2nF cap, see screenshot (yellow trace, White is the original trace without any caps).
So it seems that the snubber caps are doing something, but not what we want, here is a table of the results:
Cap value |Left MOSFET| Right MOSFET ----------|------------|--------------- 0pF | 41.8V | 9.1V 100pF | 41.2V | 14.9V 200pF | 39.5V | 18.0V 570pF | 38.5V | 25.6V 2nF | 35.4V | 34.2V with rounded off corners visible.