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Author Topic: Clemente Figuera revisited  (Read 14643 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 280
I've been working on some enhancements to my wave generator. I can now change the PWM carrier frequency, sine frequency and phase shift on the fly by twiddling some potentiometers.

I also started using the Arudino serial plotter, which is very useful for outputting the waves to see if everything looks fine.

I'm not entirely happy with how the potentiometers work. They're not super accurate and will often change resistance slightly on their own. I'm going to replace them with some form of digital input (buttons? keypad?).

Anyway, they give me a crude way to alter the behaviour of the system in real-time, which is very helpful for quickly trying different combinations.

I think I'm going to need to add a PI filter (low pass filter) to filter out the high frequency carrier wave, so that the output is a clean low(er) frequency sine wave. At the moment I guess what's happening is the MOSFETs are turning on and off according to the SPWM algorithm, and each switch off is causing the magnetic field to collapse. Ideally I would filter the SPWM MOSFET output and pass a smooth low(er) frequency sine wave to the coil(s).

I've been playing around with different arrangements of coils to get a feel for things. One thing I noticed was that if you have an output / receiver coil with the windings at 90° to the generator coil, then there is no signal received. This is expected behaviour.

When I insert a ferrite rod into the receiver coil, a signal is received.

I thought that was interesting. I guess it's working like a loop stick antenna.
Sr. Member

Posts: 280
The machine works because it's simulates a sine wave in the opposite direction without reversing current direction.

It needs three coils because it beats lenz by harvesting the opposing magnetic field with the simulated wave.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I am certainly very interested in learning more about the simulated opposing wave and how that can be used to circumvent lenz.
Jr. Member

Posts: 80
I can't speak for anyone else, but I am certainly very interested in learning more about the simulated opposing wave and how that can be used to circumvent lenz.

Nice work on your circuits..  Wish I could be of help- but you know circuitry better than I.  I stay in my lane.

Ok since you asked for more info- we should probably go slow because there is a lot to digest and too much at once is hard to absorb.  Sorry if some of this is redundant, I just need to start at the beginning.

What matters with induction is if a magnetic field is waning or waxing. (growing or shrinking).  The movement of the magnetic field causes the induction in the secondary.  The direction that your induced current flows in the secondary is dependent on if the magnetic field in the primary is growing or shrinking.

Grow a magnetic field and the induced secondary current flows one direction.  And shrinking the magnetic field in the primary makes the current flow the opposite way in the secondary.   Switching polarities is the same thing, just more extreme.. 

Normally, the way to reverse the magnetic field from growing to shrinking is by switching the power input lead to the other side of the coil. But doing that, lenz still applies in all configurations. The way nature designed the system is relating to the Right hand rule and Left hand rule. 

The way around the Lenz problem is to find a way to shrink a magnetic field without reversing current direction on the input.  If done smoothly with no breaks or collapsing of the field, we can get the primaries magnetic field to shrink - and the secondaries inducted current will travel in the direction as if we switched the primaries leads.

We basically simulated a 1/2 a sine wave in the attached picture.  We made the magnetic field grow and shrink without changing current direction to of the input. And we made the direction of the simulated 1/2 sine wave Opposite of what it would have been if we just pulsed the coil.

This alone is not enough.  There are more steps needed to be able to harvest this.  But the main work is now done and the stage is set. 

I believe this is exactly what Clemente and Tesla were doing.  As the patent says- it can also be accomplished with spacing of coils / distance.

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Posts: 489

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It might be worth your while to have a look at the Kunel patent. It is badly translated from German, but the diagrams are first-class. He does however use permanent magnets but claims kilowatts of output without movement.

"that for the production of electric current by
induction no torque is used, but that only the magnetic flux from permanent magnets is
converted into an induced flux with large temporal modification, e.g. into a fast pulsating or fast
changing induction flux, whereby the induction flux induces an electric current."

Figuera replicators might find this extract from the patent somewhat familiar

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Sr. Member

Posts: 280
I've succeeded in generating a sine wave with a DC offset from a SPWM signal. My PWM carrier frequency is 500kHz and I'm testing with a 10Hz sine frequency.

Here's my 'PI' low pass filter. It's two 0.1uF film capacitors attached to a 400uH inductor.

This is the PWM carrier signal. It's difficult to see much at this zoom level, but you can see the frequency at the bottom left.

This is the carrier signal zoomed in a little to see the SPWM waveform.

And finally this is the 10Hz sine wave after being filtered. I'm not entirely happy with it because the bottom halves of the waves have a tighter bend. I'll keep at it to see if I can clean it up.

I've attached the Arduino code just in case anyone is interested. It will most likely only work running on the Teensy 4.1.
Jr. Member

Posts: 80
It is difficult to get both sinewaves correct from either end of the resistor string..  When you get 1 wave perfect, the 2nd sucks..  I think it's essential both waves be exactly the same intensity, 180 degrees out of phase, and cross at the middle.  As one grows, the other shrinks at exactly the same velocity.

The resistor math isn't revealing itself to me no matter how many times I calculate..

I can get 2 opposite and equal waves using 2 resistor strings tho.. 

Any idea on how to calculate the resistor values?

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Posts: 1861

« Last Edit: 2023-05-05, 14:19:25 by partzman »
Jr. Member

Posts: 80
Don't know how the software works, but the image shows the coils are not wound the same direction.  There should be like no induction when they are wound opposite directions.

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Posts: 2735
Attached below is a sim of a solid state version of Figuera's 2009 patent.  IMO, this has all the assumed and known features that would seemingly provide a replication of his device.  However, as can be seen, the efficiency is really rather low!

The coil arrangement is such that primaries L1 and L3 are positioned on the outsides of the L2 secondary.  For simplicity, there are two independent pulse generators that produce triangle waves 180 degrees out of phase and their waveforms start at ground level and go positive.

From the plot math calculations we see that the pulse generators consume 195.14J and 195.13J respectively.  The output generates 11.113J at the 10 ohm load.  What is going on?

Here were my first thoughts when looking a Figuera's work around ten years ago.

It looks like a transformer of sorts but logically we should understand it cannot be one. Millions of some of the smartest people have studied every aspect of mutual induction for the last 100 years or so and it's more than well understood. Simply put, it cannot be a transformer because that cannot work. However Figuera uses certain keywords which should indicate this isn't mutual induction or a standard transformer action. Figuera claimed the induced is independent of the electromagnets which induced it. This is literally the opposite of "mutual induction" ie. "mutual" means having the same relationship to each other. In effect "mutual" means the reaction must be completely dependent of the action which produced it which has nothing to do with "independence".

What's going on?.

You did an amateur simulation of another amateur trying to make an electronic variation of the Figuera patent which could not possibly work. That's what's going on... what the hell did you think was going to happen?. I mean really?, what did you expect?.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Sr. Member

Posts: 479
That's why Figuera named it "the egg of Columbus". So simple yet undestandable only after somebody showed it to you.
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Hero Member

Posts: 2735
That's why Figuera named it "the egg of Columbus". So simple yet understandable only after somebody showed it to you.

"the egg of Columbus" concept applies in many ways...

Columbus asked his friends to balance an egg on end but never implied how to do it. They all made false assumptions based on there own experience and popular opinion. They couldn't imagine another way of solving the problem at hand even though the solution was obvious. For example, if they had beer on hand they could have soaked the egg until the acidity dissolved part of the shell and it became soft then easily balanced it. They also could have filled a cup half full of water/liquid and placed the egg in it. An egg can float thus only the tip would be touching the bottom in effect balancing within the cup of water. Creative and knowledgeable people not blindly following others can usually find alternative solutions to any problem.

My favorite problems were the Figuera and Hubbard devices as well as the Bessler wheel. Like all good puzzles I was a little disappointed after I solved them. Of course it took years and countless hours of research and experiments but that was what made it worth while. The best problems are always conceptually easy but perceptually very difficult.

I had fun yesterday and solved the 2 year problem of a simple yet robust variable pitch VAWT mechanism. I didn't want a mechanical eccentric to vary pitch like everyone else. I wanted the wind differential pressure across the device to automatically change the pitch to the optimum angle relative to the wind. Primitive bearings and linkages are too obvious so I applied organic solutions like nature (a reed which bends in the wind). To have the mass-velocity/differential pressure across the blade automatically flex it to the desired angle. It ended up looking identical to a normal VAWT only all these things happen under the surface within the blade structure to make it self-starting and produce 20% more power than expected. Like most FE devices, on the surface it looks like nothing different could happen, but in reality it does. That's pretty cool...

I mention this because like the the egg of Columbus and all FE devices looks are always superficial and deceiving. We look at something and our mind tries to tell us one thing but the reality of it often suggests another. Kind of like people and I have found very few are who they would have us believe they are but some are.

« Last Edit: 2023-05-05, 22:57:25 by Allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Jr. Member

Posts: 80
AC--  Spill the beans on the Hubbard device..

I read a document or two but haven't invested time to look deep yet..  But it's on my list..

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
AC--  Spill the beans on the Hubbard device..
I read a document or two but haven't invested time to look deep yet..  But it's on my list..

This may be another case of "the egg of Columbus" because your already working on the Hubbard device, you just don't realize it yet.

For example, look at Figuera's last patent which your trying to replicate. We see three sets of coils, series coils N, series coils y and series coils S. If you draw the coils on a piece of paper then fold the left side of the coils around so they touch the right side of the coils in a circle you have the Hubbard device. Did you ever watch the movie "Contact" based on the novel by Carl Sagan?. In the movie they were given plans from an advanced civilization which nobody could figure out because they were thinking in 2D where they needed to be thinking in three dimensions to find the correct answer. This problem is similar and these devices are identical in there operation only the geometry has changed.

I believe the only person who took it to the next level and built a truly spherical device was Karl Schappeller. He also wrote a few mind bending books such as "the physics of the primary state of matter" utilizing a phenomena he called glowing magnetism. Coincidentally, Viktor Schauberger used the same term "glowing magnetism" to describe the effect and both inventors were living in Austria around the same time period.

There's probably zero chance anyone will connect the dots so I will explain glowing magnetism. Smudge in his last post, in the "TPU was it real" thread, speculated that a magnetic field could effect a HF/HV plasma being debated there. Of course it can and we can break the term glowing magnetism down into "glowing plasma" following the field of force produced by a "magnetic field" hence glowing-magnetism. Understand the context and back then in the early 1900 inventors simply described what they observed because much of the science we know wasn't discovered yet.

A better question is, how is it so many people today misinterpreted what all these inventors described in the past?. Ah but one would actually have to do real experiments which are similar, make the same observations then connected the dots. However many have become populists blindly following popular opinion or group think which another FE inventor by the name of Gustave Le Bon warned us about back in the late 1800's with his book "The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind". Dr. Gustave Le Bon also wrote "The Evolution of Forces" which is another good read, http://www.rexresearch.com/lebonfor/evforp1.htm.

So it's not as if there was ever a lack of information more so a lack of will to make the effort to learn what some of the greatest minds left us to rediscover. It's all out there if we choose to make the effort. So I'm hardly the one to spill anyone's beans, I'm a farmer for gods sake, why in the hell would I spill anyone's beans when I could plant them...


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Sr. Member

Posts: 302

So it's not as if there was ever a lack of information more so a lack of will to make the effort to learn what some of the greatest minds left us to rediscover.

Maybe Wesley was right ? When he say that not exist OU . :(

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

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OU probably does not exist, but to get more out than was used would mean energy was admitted from somewhere else, where is that somewhere else?



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Jr. Member

Posts: 80

If you draw the coils on a piece of paper then fold the left side of the coils around so they touch the right side of the coils in a circle you have the Hubbard device.

I was really hoping to get more than 1 sentence describing the device-  and something that we can understand.  But as expected, we got 1 sentence that has no direct answer and a few paragraphs of general filler and other fluff.

I only ask because you publicly claimed to have "Solved Them"..  Let me ask you,  why even come out and voluntarily disclose that you "Solved Them"  when you have no intention to share the solution? 


Sr. Member

Posts: 302
I only ask because you publicly claimed to have "Solved Them"..  Let me ask you,  why even come out and voluntarily disclose that you "Solved Them"  when you have no intention to share the solution?
It is in the west and so good for you. it's  either would you have perpetuum mobile or not.
You all have abundance, no wars, no suffering, you all swimming like cheese in butter.
And for some, it's a matter of life and death. But it doesn't work out, damn it! :) :'(

Sr. Member

Posts: 302
 It was found in my computer.
Maybe it will be interesting for you,and maybe you already have it.

And the idea of closing part of the windings with contacts does not leave my head.
This is the only one of all the manipulations that lead to a change, a move in the energy flow in the device.
And it does not require us to do any work. turn on contact don't require force.
Or maybe there are no resistors at all, and the contacts themselves switch the windings on the iron.
Please note that the number of coils and the number of switching stages are the same. 7 and 8
Resistors are drawn to confuse. This is the windings on the yoke. ;)
Jr. Member

Posts: 80
Notice in Buforn's patents, he loops the electromagnet negatives back into the positive commutator contact brush.

I have seen in my experiments with this device instances where the negative has greater potential than the positive when viewing the source with the scope.

And the connection where the negatives parallel has a square with a circle.

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Posts: 2735
Digging through my old 3D printer files and found this former from one of my Figuera builds. This was the former for patent 30378.

I believe the wall thickness was 2mm and it turned out really well. I packed the former with iron filings and a binder then glued a cover plate onto it. I also like to use thin electricians tape to wrap all the areas where wire is going to be wound.

I don't even bother cutting down transformers or trying to laminate transformer plates anymore. It's not worth the hassle when I can easily 3D print any size or shape of former/core I want. On the iron filings, I got a 5 gallon pail of iron filings for nothing from a friend who does a lot of machining and grinding. I also like to use 2" thin wall PVC central vacuum tubing for longer cores. On the Cook build I was using 24" lengths of this PVC tubing, packed with iron filings then end caps glued on. There pretty beefy and heavy.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Sr. Member

Posts: 489

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Some interesting results re cascading transformers. Not ou, but I like his reasoning re growing magnetic fields and harvesting them.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Sr. Member

Posts: 489

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Notice in Buforn's patents, he loops the electromagnet negatives back into the positive commutator contact brush.

I have seen in my experiments with this device instances where the negative has greater potential than the positive when viewing the source with the scope.

And the connection where the negatives parallel has a square with a circle.

Floodrod: What is the switching time of your Figuera build ie C.P.S.?

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Jr. Member

Posts: 80
Floodrod: What is the switching time of your Figuera build ie C.P.S.?

I have built it like 10 different ways now.

N channel Mosfets
P channel mosfets
16 pole commutator
22 pole commutator
Stereo amplifier 2 channel positive sines
triangle waves
AC sines 90 out of phase that push the phase to 180 out of phase

I've tried resistors, resistance wire, chokes, transformers, And now building a pie coil setup

I've tried anywhere between 5 Hz to hundreds of Khz. Seen input go down under load, input go up under load, input stay the same under load, lots of Back EMF, No back-emf, and all sorts of results.  But so far, output always sucks!  Lol

Sr. Member

Posts: 489

Buy me some coffee
I have built it like 10 different ways now.

N channel Mosfets
P channel mosfets
16 pole commutator
22 pole commutator
Stereo amplifier 2 channel positive sines
triangle waves
AC sines 90 out of phase that push the phase to 180 out of phase

I've tried resistors, resistance wire, chokes, transformers, And now building a pie coil setup

I've tried anywhere between 5 Hz to hundreds of Khz. Seen input go down under load, input go up under load, input stay the same under load, lots of Back EMF, No back-emf, and all sorts of results.  But so far, output always sucks!  Lol
My research of "free energy" patents tends to one commonality. 
1 Tesla spikes (which are dangerous to modern transistors) and
2 high frequency.
You may be interested in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atUTu8sg94w which shows the effect of a  permanent magnet assist.
The rotor/stator effect of the Figuera design is bound to create Tesla spikes.
Here is a waveform from the Alexander patent:

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1250
Dear Aking21,

Please tell :  did you give the video link because you think the permanent magnet provides any efficiency advantage for the setup shown in the video?



My research of "free energy" patents tends to one commonality. 
1 Tesla spikes (which are dangerous to modern transistors) and
2 high frequency.
You may be interested in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atUTu8sg94w which shows the effect of a  permanent magnet assist.
The rotor/stator effect of the Figuera design is bound to create Tesla spikes.
Here is a waveform from the Alexander patent:
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