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Author Topic: Engines  (Read 11117 times)
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Open source community is global
I believe Jimboot did ask about
Witnessing this event ( better ways?)
I know he has been out of town for a while.

There are other open source researchers in Australia that would
Love to see first hand ?
Can we try to arrange a visit ?

This would be the best path to advancing what you wish to teach here!
On another note:
 Grumage is already sizing up his test rig for your high pressure testing claims

With sincerity and gratitude
Best not to battle , best to allow a visit or ..suggest a few other things which can be replicated ( like the test rig Grumage is building)
Here the skill set and willingness to try is quite interested in
Actual experiments.
Full Member

Posts: 140
Chet, I know you mean well. And I shouldnt be posting like this on Grumages thread.
So without further adieu, I shall withdraw from making any further comments on this thread after this post.

One day we tried to start a petrol engine tractor.  It was on Joe's brothers farm. The rain had got into the motor and it wouldnt start.
Joe said to pour water into the carby and it will start. Everyone protested but they knew better than to disregard anything Joe says. So they poured water into the carby and the motor started. I really dont know much more than that but in all wisdom, it should have royally locked the motor up and even bust a piston. But it ran.

When around Joe, one needs a really open mind.

He had a straight 6 holden car. old school like a 60's model. The motor had been modified in that it was 'leaned' over which meant that at TDC the crank in relation to the conrod was that the piston was already moving down in the stroke at TDC when the TDC spark plug fired. This meant that the motor achieved Full power at an idle. More reves didnt add to the HP of the motor. The fuel consumption was almost nil as you could idle at 60 mph.  I believe there was a 2 speed electric diff added to make this possible.

There is lots one can do to a ICE motor thats conventional and not over unity.

In one experiment, where an In Line Magnetic Cell was made from a hotdog muffler. The exhaust came out sweet clean air. Some guy from Melboune 'borrowed' this hotdog In Line Cell and had it tested in the Lab to sell to VW who had tens of 1000's of diesel cars that were impounded over their computer scam on emissions software. One could recycle the air out of the exhaust and pipe it directly back into the intake manifold and never have any emissions from a Diesel or petrol car ever again. The exhaust from this 'muffler' would CURE the driver if a hose from the exhaust was piped into the car whilst driving along. The 'components' of Wind or air are just varying in magnetic charges. CO2 is Air that has had all the South Pole magnetic energy removed by 'combustion' and can be Re-Magnetized in an In-Line Cell.

Joe refuses to touch ICE anymore. Too much Govt over site and Compliance Plate issues. In fact he hasnt used his science on a car in 26 years.

He does do 'party tricks' though. Like taking off a spark plug lead and sparking directly into the 6 cells of a battery. You can do this with the Spark that ignites the fuel but not the 'other' side of the Coil's spark where it will blow up the battery for those whi think they know the polarity of sparks. He can take this spark plug lead and arc the electronic ignition and it reverses the spark's polarity and the motor will never fire until its reversed again. So many stories and most I witnessed or helped.

We have held literally 100's of professionally held demos. Some lasted up to 3 days. They mostly went like this one did.... Some monied types from Canberra challenged Joe to take Sea water and make it 100% 'potable'. Joe said to bring the water they wanted treated. Well they 'salted' the Sea water with some nasty chemicals thinking that should make it impossible to restructure. Joe had them sit some 3 meters away like kids in school watching a lab experiment. Their personal Bio Magnetic Field was in such disarray, he had to have them sit 3 meters away or the experiment would NOT work. We can overcome this Field Disturbance factor of 'agro' individuals by having them dip their Left hand into Charged water and waving their left hand over their head 3 times but its only good for minutes at a time. Anyway, Joe turned their spiked water into fresh drinkable water. They paid their demo fee and off they went and Joe thought they would be interested as commercial Benefactors. But no, they rang him up 2 weeks later and said 'they couldnt get their apparatus to work' even being built identical to Joes and operated the same as per their hidden camera video and wanted Joe to do it again to see if they missed something. They were there to steal the IP rather than invest. We have moved past Show and Tell. We may do demos if we are paid for our time. We actually dont care anymore. We have done enough proving to the skeptics and all for naught. If you dont believe water can be a battery or a fuel or a catalysist for Levitation and inertia devices then you have that right to remain ignorant. Its very difficult for me to write down this unique inventor's history without being 'prodded' by stupid statements like water will only burn if its made into 2 gases.   All these posts are collated into a chapter in The Book. This is how I choose to record it. The story of ignorance, deceit, theft and assassination attempts is as interesting as the science itself.

In another trick he takes the spark plug lead and arcs the Hood or Bonnet struts and instantly the compressed gas inside has zero pressure left destroying the Thermodynamic properties of compressed gas inside rendering the strut useless but still perfectly intact. Some try to say it must cause a 'leak' on the seals or something but it doesnt. Joe can diagnose the fault in the engine bay without lifting the hood or even starting the motor. Some say this is second sight, but Joe says, God tells him what he needs to know when he needs to know it and he's never been wrong unless you ask Rachael his wife. Cayce needed to going a sleep like trance to access Akashic Info from the past present and future for his 15,000 recorded and investigatable readings. It is said that Tesla walked in the Park or fed the pigeons and the answers came to him. Joe merely needs to ask God how to build the Wardenclyff tower or what it 'broadcast' and God would start him abuilding it if he wanted to. Nothing escapes this guy. Nothing. And he dumps all this on me !!! I gotta ask why I dump it on youse guys but what else can I do under the provsio the Y factor of the Great Work of Alchemy is not to be revealed as to how ANY JoeCell actually works. But I have, its all there as a sum of all posts as Pearls for those with eyes to see.  Whitelightningwizard gets it. The guy is a vacuum for Joe titbits. He doesnt say water cant be set on fire or that it wont burn in an oil fire, he asks how do you explain it, as Walter Russell also has an explanation.

And then I come to this forum and try to tell you like it is and all I get is water cant burn unless its been split first. Or jimboots "cool story bro". Gives me a headache.

Decades of over unity research and seems like it always ends in bickering or fake video claims. Even in Person with Joe in the workshop, there must be contamination with alcohol to make the water burn even when they bring their own water. The excuses they imagine to exist which is a reflection of their thoughts on our personage is as many as the experiments we have done.

Aristotle said that the Quintessence or the Aether as Teslas inventive source, set the Laws governing how the other 4 States of Matter interact. These "Laws" encompass the "Great Work" as referred to in Alchemy writings and without an understanding of same, no Wardenclyff tower with its 2 phase motor/generator broadcasting Scalar or Aetheric Flatline Direct Non Hertzian Current without wires to the other side of the planet, will ever be duplicated. The FBI had Teslas origins as the planet VENUS. It would have been better for Tesla to never have invented anything as its been a travesty of injustice to the man and We the Metered People.. The same can be said of Joe.

Everything is made of Light Crystals. If wood can burn so can water. One merely needs to understand the Energy (polarity), Frequency and the Vibration of Everything. Or one can rely on a lifetime of fighting fires to know all there is to know about Fire and Water. 

Even Walter Russell said that to understand Water and Fire, one then knows all there is to know about the Physics of the Universal Construct.

I am actually surprised that NO ONE here actually remarked on the Fact that for the First time in Eons, has the actual Source for the phenomena known as 'electricity' both AC and DC, been freely given to a forum, or made public anywhere, where one would think this info is required for its production in any format, Over unity or otherwise. This HUGE DISCLOSURE completely went over all your heads. I have to ask, are youse all brain dead? Is all you want is free schematics to be more greedy than you already are? To have a greater ability to fuck up the planet and wage wars more efficiently? Tesla was Altruistic. Joe is Altruistic. As I am. There might be something to this mindset when dealing with Gods Creative Forces. Think about that for a while before embarking on your next 50:1 project and as you handle each and every component in its construction. Bless each component is a start, after all, each component is ALIVE. Thales, as did Aristotle said "Life is in Everything" giving rise to the theory there must be a god particle said some Higgs Buffoon.

Joe will do a demo for most anyone at a 1000 a day with video rights. But if this is how you want to Learn the Great Work of Free Energy, you wont understand a thing like all those 1000's before you. Perhaps there's the clue as to the decades of failure in over unity research except to a select FEW who clearly have a different mindset and a 'belief' in a higher source of knowledge.
Full Member

Posts: 140
It was Mr Diesel that invented the Spontaneous Combustion Engine known as the Diesel Motor. Words cast spells its why its called spelling. The word 'external' refers to the position of the Fire, like Steam engines required an Eternal combustion fuel fired generator to power the Piston by steam Imploding on the Piston. So "Internal" was used to describe this leap in Technology when placing the Fuel directly on the piston in a controlled Firing or combustion by bringing the 'fuel' inside the motor to run it. The fuel directly acting on the piston by the heat release mechanism (thermodynamics) to expand the Nitrogen in the Air rather than Suck water vapor into a vacuum. The Term Internal combustion engine is used to hide by a spelling meaning, the true "Nature" of its operation and how it was an improvement on its predecessor. One needs to know where we have been to go forward.
The Internal combustion engine replaced the Externally powered Implosion steam engine.
Mr Diesel was also one of them 'gifted' type of inventors that disappeared in mysterious circumstances. It was said the motor was first designed to run on Hemp?
It was said that he said at the dinner table before retiring to his state room that the conversation at the table was about running the motor on no fuel and that he was going back to his room to begin drawing it up or starting on it. Never to be seen again.
There is back ground to this 30:1 or 27: I believe is the actual ratio for the next Phase of 'Activity'.
Maybe research the jet propulsion engines as they like to compress air a whole lot to gain efficiency and they have data on compression ratios and its associated effects . Research man. But if you think about it the heat generated by just the air compressed and it may or may not require a spark to start the process. Its about the Nitrogen in the air we are looking to expand with 'heat' and there is Magnetic Energy in the Oxygen component of the Wind to 'release'. Cooling might be a problem but not in a test engine. when it runs, the cooling is the least of your problems.
Thats the best I can do.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 782
Believing in something false doesn't make it true.
I watched your video.  I have seen alcohol burn before.  I won't waste any more time with you.  I'll just add that I am 77 years old and have seen many many scammers and con artists.  Your comments below the video give you away when you claim it didn't work for the  miner because he had bad motives.  Real science doesn't work that way.


Just because it is on YouTube does not make it real.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
It was Mr Diesel that invented the Spontaneous Combustion Engine known as the Diesel Motor. Words cast spells its why its called spelling. The word 'external' refers to the position of the Fire, like Steam engines required an Eternal combustion fuel fired generator to power the Piston by steam Imploding on the Piston. So "Internal" was used to describe this leap in Technology when placing the Fuel directly on the piston in a controlled Firing or combustion by bringing the 'fuel' inside the motor to run it. The fuel directly acting on the piston by the heat release mechanism (thermodynamics) to expand the Nitrogen in the Air rather than Suck water vapor into a vacuum. The Term Internal combustion engine is used to hide by a spelling meaning, the true "Nature" of its operation and how it was an improvement on its predecessor. One needs to know where we have been to go forward.
The Internal combustion engine replaced the Externally powered Implosion steam engine.
Mr Diesel was also one of them 'gifted' type of inventors that disappeared in mysterious circumstances. It was said the motor was first designed to run on Hemp?
It was said that he said at the dinner table before retiring to his state room that the conversation at the table was about running the motor on no fuel and that he was going back to his room to begin drawing it up or starting on it. Never to be seen again.
There is back ground to this 30:1 or 27: I believe is the actual ratio for the next Phase of 'Activity'.
Maybe research the jet propulsion engines as they like to compress air a whole lot to gain efficiency and they have data on compression ratios and its associated effects . Research man. But if you think about it the heat generated by just the air compressed and it may or may not require a spark to start the process. Its about the Nitrogen in the air we are looking to expand with 'heat' and there is Magnetic Energy in the Oxygen component of the Wind to 'release'. Cooling might be a problem but not in a test engine. when it runs, the cooling is the least of your problems.
Thats the best I can do.

Dear MerLynn.

The early steam engines were using atmospheric pressure to do the work. Steam admitted into the cylinder was rapidly cooled by a water jet which caused a rapid decrease in the volume creating a vacuum. Your “ implosion “ ? Atmospheric pressure acted upon the piston crown ( open end ) and the beam was raised. Gravity was used to reset and refill the cylinder with steam ready for the next stroke.
As technology improved and boilers became much stronger the piston was moved under direct steam pressure. Further advances saw the steam used in multiple cylinders to get the most out of its expansive nature.

You mentioned Rudolph Diesel and his compression ignition engine. Actually he got the credit from the pioneering work done by George B. Brayton. Brayton is almost forgotten today but it was he who invented the direct fuel injection system but sadly died before the next step was patented by Diesel.

Brayton’s own cycle, patented in 1872 is more commonly known as the jet engine. An open version of his closed cycle acting upon a piston engine. I mention this here because the Brayton cycle uses compressed air and fuel mixture together before its ignition the resulting expansion does the work.

Cheers Graham.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
How quickly do the “ K “ type thermocouples register a change in temperature?
200ms - 2s depending on the thickness of the thermocouple wires and whether it is enclosed.
A fiberoptic temperature sensor might be faster and more inert chemically.

Would the addition of a sprinkling of pure Lithium granules in the bottom of the cylinder alter the water chemistry under extreme heating and pressure?
Yes and the exothermic reaction of Lithium with water would create Hydrogen and Lithium Hydroxide which would react with any aluminum in the vicinity or in the exhaust pathway....so don't use any aluminum alloys for the cylinder or the head or associated piping.
The presence of Lithium electrolyte will also create a galvanic common-mode voltage between bare thermocouple wires and the cylinder wall ...that voltage could constitute an error signal if the thermocouple measuring circuit is not engineered to reject it.
« Last Edit: 2023-09-12, 15:59:33 by verpies »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
200ms - 2s depending on the thickness of the thermocouple wires and whether it is enclosed.
A fiberoptic temperature sensor might be faster and more inert chemically.
Yes and the exothermic reaction of Lithium with water would create Lithium Hydroxide which would react with any aluminum in the vicinity or in the exhaust pathway....so don't use any aluminum alloys for the cylinder or the head or associated piping.
The presence of Lithium electrolyte will also create a galvanic common-mode voltage between bare thermocouple wires and the cylinder wall ...that voltage could constitute an error signal if the thermocouple measuring circuit is not engineered to reject it.

Thank you Verpies  O0

I shall have to look into the fiberoptic temperature sensor, I’ve never heard of that before!

I’m going straight for 50:1 compression ratio. I have several heavy crankshafts with a 50 mm stroke. I was intending to use 316 stainless Steel for the piston and cylinder/cylinder head and valve. A single valve can open for induction atmospherically and be mechanically operated for the exhaust stroke.

The pure Lithium granules are very expensive, are you able to suggest a cheaper alternative to this please? However this is just an additional side experiment. Initially I’m interested to see what temperature is actually generated in the compression chamber at that ratio.

Cheers Graham.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
I shall have to look into the fiberoptic temperature sensor, I’ve never heard of that before!
It has a small crystal at the end of the fiber that changes its light reflectance depending on temperature.

The pure Lithium granules are very expensive, are you able to suggest a cheaper alternative to this please?
You have a foundry business so you must have high temperature kilns, don't you?
If "yes" then you can melt any lithium salt or hydroxide and electrolyse it with a steel electrode in a graphite crucible powered by a MOT and LV rectifier.  You will get molten lithium on the negative steel electrode if you get rid of air in the crucible (especially the oxygen), e.g.: by flooding it with Argon.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
One good thing IMO
Would be method to monitor air samples
Input ambient reading
And output results ?

Is there something simple ?
Years ago I believe AllCanadian had mentioned a simple arduino thingy( air sampling ?
Seeing changes happening in real time
Priceless imo
( these are things we can get to Grumage and I would also like to get for other researchers ( me too)
Thanks Verpies for foundry info


Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 782
Believing in something false doesn't make it true.

I tried to include a link to a pressure sensor from ebay but it didn't want to paste correctly.  Ebay does have some pressure sensors for Arduino and other sensors that might be helpful.


Just because it is on YouTube does not make it real.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
 Storage of the electron can be done in big capacitors. (modern "Leyden jars)
An object of this invention is to achieve voltages of up to 50,000 Volts, in which also can be provided, in some low-power at this voltage to f.i. activate asymmetric capacitors which everywhere, including in space, exercise thrust forces without the need for energy or fuel to be fed. Said asymmetric capacitor systems were already 40 years ago developed in the USA for the Air Force by Dr. T. Townsend Brown; these developments stayed relatively secret or no attention was donated to the technology of Brown, for decades.
For further explanation of the technology of Brown one would read U.S. Patent No. 2,949,550. The operation and theoretical background of this technology are well known by the inventor.
The thrust which asymmetrical capacitors exhibit is known as the 'Biefeld-Brown Effect'.
If there is no leakage of electrons, internally, ie an excellent dielectric um is required between the plates of the said asymmetric capacitors and also not externally, good insulation against leakage by the air or other medium, then the thrust is 'ad-infinitum'" and is provided by the 'gravitational inflow'.
If we let the thrust work anti-gravitational, ie if we want 'levitation', then the negative plate of the capacitor needs to be located vertically below
the positive plate and if horizontal movement is desired, then the positive plate has to be located in the direction of the movement compared to the negative plate; also in this case the energy is being supplied by the 'gravitational inflow'.
'Space-time' bends and a gravitational surf will established; on the angle of inclination of which the 'plate-pair of the capacitor continuously 'surfs'.
It will be obvious to the reader that only some possible capacitor embodiments are possible for operation of this technology.
Also, it is essential that the ohmic resistance in the cyclotron-circuit is minimal.
In 2000 and 2001, was shown in a number of experiments, that if 'free' electrons are send through very thin conductors, but only then if AC voltage of higher frequencies is applied, said 'free' electrons encounter much lower ohmic resistance, during and after passing through said thin conductor, a reduction to 95% is achievable.
We can speak of 'almost'-super-conductivity.
While Classical Physics for years is looking for super-conductivity by choosing certain materials and matrices, inventor has followed an entirely different course, like the creation of a change in the constitution of the 'electron-in-motion'

Now you tell me why we are stack with old polluting tech, please
« Last Edit: 2023-09-12, 18:44:07 by Grumage »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Did you mean "stuck" ?
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Did you mean "stuck" ?
Yes, thanks for observation … I don’t know how to switch off autocorrect on iPad  >:(

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Storage of the electron can be done in big capacitors. (modern "Leyden jars)
An object of this invention is to achieve voltages of up to 50,000 Volts, in which also can be provided, in some low-power at this voltage to f.i. activate asymmetric capacitors which everywhere, including in space, exercise thrust forces without the need for energy or fuel to be fed. Said asymmetric capacitor systems were already 40 years ago developed in the USA for the Air Force by Dr. T. Townsend Brown; these developments stayed relatively secret or no attention was donated to the technology of Brown, for decades.
For further explanation of the technology of Brown one would read U.S. Patent No. 2,949,550. The operation and theoretical background of this technology are well known by the inventor.
The thrust which asymmetrical capacitors exhibit is known as the 'Biefeld-Brown Effect'.
If there is no leakage of electrons, internally, ie an excellent dielectric um is required between the plates of the said asymmetric capacitors and also not externally, good insulation against leakage by the air or other medium, then the thrust is 'ad-infinitum'" and is provided by the 'gravitational inflow'.
If we let the thrust work anti-gravitational, ie if we want 'levitation', then the negative plate of the capacitor needs to be located vertically below
the positive plate and if horizontal movement is desired, then the positive plate has to be located in the direction of the movement compared to the negative plate; also in this case the energy is being supplied by the 'gravitational inflow'.
'Space-time' bends and a gravitational surf will established; on the angle of inclination of which the 'plate-pair of the capacitor continuously 'surfs'.
It will be obvious to the reader that only some possible capacitor embodiments are possible for operation of this technology.
Also, it is essential that the ohmic resistance in the cyclotron-circuit is minimal.
In 2000 and 2001, was shown in a number of experiments, that if 'free' electrons are send through very thin conductors, but only then if AC voltage of higher frequencies is applied, said 'free' electrons encounter much lower ohmic resistance, during and after passing through said thin conductor, a reduction to 95% is achievable.
We can speak of 'almost'-super-conductivity.
While Classical Physics for years is looking for super-conductivity by choosing certain materials and matrices, inventor has followed an entirely different course, like the creation of a change in the constitution of the 'electron-in-motion'

Now you tell me why we are stack with old polluting tech, please

I removed the quote marks to reveal your post in a more readable format.

This is more like science fiction to most, please advise how the average “ Fred in the shed “ could utilise this technology ?

The ICE is virtually everywhere on this planet it would make a great deal of sense if it could be converted to use a more eco friendly fuel.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar

I tried to include a link to a pressure sensor from ebay but it didn't want to paste correctly.  Ebay does have some pressure sensors for Arduino and other sensors that might be helpful.


Thanks Carroll.  O0

This is a very Grey area for me. We have never played with anything Arduino here, ever…. I wouldn’t have a clue as to where to start.

Cheers Graham.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Full Member

Posts: 246
Be the change you wish to see in the world
Member lfarrand has experience (+expertise?) using the Arduino devices, perhaps he can give some pointers?
I would personally avoid them unless absolutely necessary, however, he seems to be having great success with his implementation.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 782
Believing in something false doesn't make it true.
Hi again Graham,

What I like about Arduino is they are dirt cheap and pretty easy to program.  You CAN write your own programs.  The language is pretty easy to understand.  But most of us that use them use what are called "sketches".  They are program parts that you can put together to make your device do what ever you want it to do.  I just finished a simple project what reads the position of a pot and converts that into an adjustable time delay for a battery pulsing circuit I am building.  I just used a already built sketch and modified it slightly to do what I wanted.  If you have the time to learn a little they are actually fun to work with.  But I also understand they are not for everyone.  But if you want to look into that I will be glad to assist with programming or whatever else you might need in regards to sensors and such.  And I see there is also someone else experienced with Arduinos too.  I will be watching your project with interest.

Take care,

Just because it is on YouTube does not make it real.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052

This compression ratio was used on the English Electric Deltic engine and I was told that maintenance staff were warned to keep clear of the exhaust pipe because of the carcinogenic output.

Deltic opposed piston combustion:

Yes been a few years now  since presented: INNengine (Spain
  Just for tea time ( shows engine in the Mazda prototype !
And yes waffle plate ac compressors used this waffle plate design ( not opposing ?)
  Had noticed a comment in comments ( one of the INNengine you tubes)
  on a phase change booster ( AC waffle compressor)
Running off exhaust heat ( to drive the refrigerant phase change) in a 1970’s ford pinto
Looking for that article ,
It was mentioned In Robert Murry Smith vid on INNengine 4 weeks ago ( comment section ALA Chris Hunter claims)
« Last Edit: 2023-09-13, 19:18:29 by Chet K »
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
I removed the quote marks to reveal your post in a more readable format.

This is more like science fiction to most, please advise how the average “ Fred in the shed “ could utilise this technology ?

The ICE is virtually everywhere on this planet it would make a great deal of sense if it could be converted to use a more eco friendly fuel.

Now you are telling me that we can’t move forward because a have a legacy.

Fred from the shed will move with the flow as always did. Action should happen on a different level to get out of the mess.

If you can afford, have a look at Arie deGeus on this forum, download those files with patent and go slowly … than just look around this forum and tell me if it follows the right direction as you may recognise few devices where people struggle and they are parts of Arie patents

And I’m telling you with all my heart and with all the honesty that we don’t need ICE at all, nor burning anything including water unless we need a specific transmutation with the help of thermic treatment.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
On heat engines...

I think most are ignoring first principals.

In effect, the fuel CxHy oxidizes with O2 forming CO2 and H2O plus energy producing a temperature rise. The rise in temperature produces expansion and a rise in pressure. The rise in pressure produces a force acting over a distance or work on some working element like a piston. The efficiency of all heat engines can easily be calculated by the maximum temperature of combustion versus the exhaust temperature to atmosphere. This is true because the difference or drop in temperature is the amount of energy performing work.

This explains why co-gen works so well and if our exhaust temp is 600C but we can use a hot water heat exchanger to reduce it to 50C then the efficiency jumps from around 30% to 95%. In effect, it doesn't matter how we reduce the exhaust temperature only that we do and use the energy to perform work or something useful. 

Yet many drone on about all kinds of complexities and contrivance when the concept of efficiency is so simple even a child could understand it. The lower the exhaust temperature to atmosphere the greater the efficiency.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Here is a clue most experts don't even understand...

In an engine everything is calculated with the expectation that everything should act like it should. If the cylinder temp goes from A to B then the pressure rises by C producing force D on the piston which moves E distance doing F work. Everything works so long as everything acts like it should.

Which begs the question, what if something didn't act like it should?, what then?.

There were some inventors who could produce more cylinder pressure and more work but the extra pressure was not due to a temperature rise. So of course the experts were baffled because they know of no other way to increase the pressure other than what they were taught from a textbook.

For example, one clever inventor modified his piston/head geometry, fuel injection and ignition system. The system was designed to act like a pulse detonation engine bouncing pressure waves between the head and piston like a resonator. In effect there were many higher pressure "cycles" within the normal combustion cycle. Kind of like PWM versus DC, where many smaller pulses can emulate a constant force.

Here we could be talking about ten times the pressure in one area but only for one tenth the time. Now we would have to consider not only the simple pressure/temperature by volume but also a pressure gradient, pressure region, regional density and a given volume changing it's momentum periodically within the cylinder. Oh shit, things just got really complicated in a way most people could not even imagine. On the surface this kind of engine would look no different than any diesel engine but it is very different.

That's the problem, a person cannot build what they cannot even imagine. We may need to get more creative.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
This is just cool
Flameless reaction motor ?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5XTNQLiR7tI see 4min 30 sec mark

Was discussing Aquarious linear generator with member here
And Vid has mention of it ,( I had heard it was in production?)
Flameless reaction?
Phase change ?
Here Aquarious generator
Cheap to make 
Full Member

Posts: 140
I watched your video.  I have seen alcohol burn before.  I won't waste any more time with you.  I'll just add that I am 77 years old and have seen many many scammers and con artists.  Your comments below the video give you away when you claim it didn't work for the  miner because he had bad motives.  Real science doesn't work that way.


Real Science in an Age of Uncertainty.

In answer to being called a con artist. Right of reply

Here is a closed Mind in Action.

Sure, that the video was a scammer for click baits or whatever.

3 Days went into the preparation of the 5 videos made that day. The first day was for Charlie Speirs the Director of Earth Resources for the Victorian Govt. He was also Head of Implementing Carbon Credits for Victoria Australia.
This was his second visit as, like you with your closed Mind, he also couldn't get his mind around what it was he saw the first time so he came back again. The Indoctrination is Strong in OLD Dogs and New Tricks.

Charlie actually came back for 16 samples of water treated with the Magnetic In Line Cell ... https://rumble.com/vhrdlh-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh..html
Charlie had fully grasped the fact that HIS WATER could be burnt with just adding DC. But he "couldnt get his mind around where the salt went" in the De Sal Cell vid above.
This he wanted Lab Proof of.
The Next Day my family showed up and the vids are the results of the same experiments Charlie observed with the same setup. I take exception at some 77 yr old dimwit thinking he knows it all, yet still searches on OUR.

My comments...
"One day back in 2013, Maurice, a Gold Miner was negotiating with us to acquire Gold Separation Tech using just "Magnetic Water". As part of the Tech Demo, this 'Burning Water" procedure was done. No matter how many matches were thrown at the water it would not burn on this day. Not until Maurice exited and stood outside the shed could we "light" the water. Gold Miners tend to be greedy 'service to self' people. He wanted ALL the IP, not just Precious Metal extraction. He didnt even know why he failed the interview and there was no way to tell him."

William Reich the 'inventor' of orgone or his way of discovering the ONLY 2 Forces in the Universe
Positive and Negative DC
North and South Pole Magnetism
Compression and Expansion (Walter Russell)

Reich was also FAMOUS for his (re)discovery of the "Y" or YOU factor. In that the Experimenter's PHYSICAL Presence can and WILL have an IMPACT of the EXPERIMENT
Yet this very Scientific POINT Reich made available for experimentation is what proves to CITFTA its a fake experiment.

Only Mad Dogs and English fools would believe that this wasnt true.
Only closed minded Fools would think this doesnt extend to the AUDIENCE in close proximity to the experiment.

This is how REAL SCIENCE works where everything is magnetic.  If the 'electrolysis indoctrination' is too strong then the mind is closed to real science.

What is presented here is a WAY to VERIFY to YOURSELF if you are a BUDDING ALCHEMIST Doing the GREAT WORK to have INSTANT Feedback as to the Progress one is making in utilizing this Y Factor to control an experiment.

This is obviously way above the heads of people like CITFTA

I think it is worth repeating what I wrote in an email this morning to another who is interested in learning how REAL SCIENCE works.

we all agree that 2 electrodes in 'water' 'makes' 2 gases that we call 'oxygen' and 'hydrogen'.
This 'experiment' we call "Electrolysis".

We can add more electrodes and 'neutral plates' inbetween the 'electrodes' and the RESULTS are NOT 'oxygen' and 'hydrogen'.
The device known as the Aquachifootbath.com will ALSO turn a small % of the water into 'oil' as 'scum' around the bathtub. Some DC power supplies do this more than others. Here is your apparatus to prove this to yourself that water is not H and O and heal yourself at the same time by using the ONLY BIO Electric immune system Booster ever invented.

So electrodes in water CANNOT be considered 'electrolysis' in every case.
Which then casts doubt that the original experiment may not actually be splitting water into 2 'elements'.
It maybe that the Magnetics of Direct Battery Current or DC actually makes 2 gases that are OPPOSITE POLARITY water vapors.
NO ONE else on the Planet Earth can make water vapor IMPLODE and then Explode or burn with just the reversal of the Position of the ELECTRODES.

"just because you 'believe' 2 electrodes is 'electrolysis' it does not
follow that more electrodes and Neutral Plates is also what your
INDOCTRINATION has lead you to also believe is electrolysis."

The fact that this experiment has INDOCTRINATED your BELIEF system by DESIGN to keep you ignorant of real science is what we are discussing. The entire Periodic Table of the Elements is based upon this 'electrolysis' experiment that water is made from 2 elements and that some how 'electrons' can split apart is never really explained.

The FACT that in ANY experiment the experimenter can 'effect' the outcome was William Reichs most famous discovery and he called it the "Y" factor or YOU factor. This is particularly relevant and observable when applying Magnetic Fields in experiments where one makes Water Magnetic with NEUTRAL PLATES and Geometrically and Magnetically aligned Electrodes.

Science has NO PLACE for Magnetics yet everything is Magnetic.

The 'science' one should 'trust' is FAKE AND GAY.
Magnetic Field Science is the ONLY Truth that can set you Free from the enslavement of carbon global warming climate change scams that they VAXXED the world for to reduce human carbon. Carbon, like H and O and every other element is a FREQUENCY of WATER or a Memory of Water.

And with that I have exercised my right of reply.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
This is just cool
Flameless reaction motor ?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5XTNQLiR7tI see 4min 30 sec mark

Was discussing Aquarious linear generator with member here
And Vid has mention of it ,( I had heard it was in production?)
Flameless reaction?
Phase change ?
Here Aquarious generator
Cheap to make

Hi Chet.

I didn’t see anything special about the videos, just a conventional burn of Hydrocarbon or Hydrogen in an unconventional engine design. Could you point out where you thought you saw “ flameless reaction “ please?

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
At 4 minute 30 second mark of first vid in your reply above,
Seems a new term being used “FRM”Flameless Reaction - motor?

It is written above few screenshots in vid at that time stamp and spoken by presenter to explain how it works ( no combustion?)
Was very odd to me ,
A phase change would be flameless reaction..?

First time I have ever seen this term used in what appears to be an ICE ( the “C” being very relevant to success ..normally )

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