I agree with what you say, except for one point. Do you seriously believe that Kelvin did not know that birds were heavier than air, and yet they flew? Kelvin's phrase "heavier than air flying machines are impossible" was said in the context of his time, namely that according to his calculations from the power to weight ratio of the engines of his time, an aeroplane could not fly and he was right. Taken out of its context, which he may not even have specified, as it is so obvious, this sentence has been used against scientists to assert that any incompetent person who says or does anything would have as much chance as they do of being right, and of succeeding. The reminder of this anecdote therefore means nothing.
A second point I return to, which is not wrong but imho irrelevant, is the question of the interpretation of measurements. Measurements only serve to check that the equations that model physical phenomena are correct. You may be thinking of the interpretations of quantum mechanics? Its mathematical formalism is correct, the observations conform to the equations, the theoretical probability of measuring A rather than B corresponds to the experimental probability, but there are many interpretations of QM (Copenhagen school, Everett, transactional interpretation, relational interpretation...). Without quantified predictions of results, there is no physical science. An interpretation is not quantified. The interpretation of measurements is no longer science, it is research. In research, only the method is scientific, but unlike science, it is not yet knowledge but hypotheses. This is why we have several hypotheses depending on the interpretations we make. They help to progress, since the aim of the game is to eliminate the bad hypotheses by testing them in order to keep only the good one (if we have it), and this one will become science.
But in any case, these interpretations are based on facts, on observations. Concerning the OU, there are no facts or observations, not a single testable device, so what can be said about the commonality of the devices of those who claim to make them cannot be tested, and will therefore remain at the same level as a discussion on the sex of angels.
"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"