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Author Topic: BTG Research (please only posts related to practical work)  (Read 8226 times)
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nice demo, so there is now (almost) no capacitive coupling between your mesh antenna and the main resonator (Grenade).

You mention:  "the small surface area reduces the capacitance considerably" by which i understand that the "old" antenna did had considerable capacitive coupling, did you measure that capacitance before?  What was it?

Anyway,  so what is causing the energy transfer we saw before from antenna to main resonator (Grenade)?  Inductance?

Hi Itsu, a relevant comment, thanks a lot. I made a comparison measurement, and found that my LCR meter actually don’t respond to such small capacitances therefore the posted measurement has no significance. So I made some more tests, comparing the behaviour of different emitters. As I did not figure out how to embed attachments into the text, I will assign numbers for commenting the images.
The first test with the grid (1) and the scope shot (2) drawn input current (3)
The comparison with the spiral (4) ; scope shot (5)   input current (6)
A copper sheet directly over the receiving coil (7)   scope shot (8)   input current (9)
Evaluation: There is virtually no difference between the spiral and the grid which indicates that the inductance of the spiral has no effect. This was expected, as on the hot end of the resonator the incident and the reflected waves of displacement cancel out each other. Therefore no current is in this sector.
When increasing the capacitance by increase of the surface area and diminishing the distance to the receiver coil, the result is a significant increase of the drawn current, and less power on the receiving coil. The phase shift of the potential compared with the unconnected probe is observed in all three cases.
In addition it has to be noted from practices of radio engineering, that a 1/4 wave antenna for a range of   1Mhz would have a length of 75m. With an extension coil at the current anti node this size could be reduced maybe to something like 30 m. But if the entire antenna is wound into a spiral, it would lose its ability to broadcast, as the physical extension has to be commensurate with the wavelength. 
So what is the process that causes  the transfer of the energy? And the phase shift?

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Posts: 4224


thanks for the additional tests, so there is hardly any difference in using the spiral antenna or the mesh antenna.

So yes, good questions, what is the process that causes the transfer of the energy? And the phase shift?

During my replication of the Ruslan device (2014), i got a message on my youtube channel in response to my video called: "Ruslan replication 10" which can be seen here:

This message was removed from my channel some years later, but i got a partial copy of this message in my personal email account, reading:

Rusaln Kulabuhov free energy device
Itsu please take a look at the “third coil” or the Tesla “extra coil” (link) as it is Tesla's “extra coil“ – quarter-wave resonator which HOLDS the energy, and through the relation of voltage of......

Not sure from whom it was (Rusaln Kulabuhov free energy device), but i put this info in the thread on OverUnity.com forum we were working on then:

Unfortunately the link in that post is not working anymore, but the "wayback machine" is able to retrieve the link and i made a copy of it, see attached Word document below.

The HTML file contained some information about the extra coil which i frankly did not understand very well and neither anyone else i asked was able to explain what was meant there.

So perhaps you can filter some information from that which can explain the workings of that extra coil.

Regards Itsu
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Posts: 116
I hope you don't mind that i will put posts that are not actively contributing to the scope of the topic to this place: Battlefield  , in order to keep the original  topic on track.Please understand that the BTG research topic is intented  for practical experiences. If you have relevant practical results, your contributions will be appreciated
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Thinking about with which kind of experiment more information about the excitation or ionisation of solid conductive bodies could be attained. In my case i have to figure out things that i can put into practice with my basic equipment. But if someone has access to a spectrometer(optical range), some tests for the corresponding wavelength for the excitation level of 1.4 eV could be carried out It is likely to by a surface related effect, for the properties of IR radiation.. Or maybe it is possible to make an analogous setup for the Franck Hertz tube for a solid state conductor? Regarding the observed phase shift it is not unambiguous as proof, as the effect is load-impedance dependent, although it is clearly different from capacitive or transformer coupling, where the(secondary) voltage appears immediately. Maybe the delay effect could be increased, by cascading various layers of material. Other ideas how to study in practice the phenomenon?
« Last Edit: 2023-01-09, 18:33:08 by Vidura »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4224

Hi Vidura,

thanks for sharing your views here, it's clear to me that your line of thinking is way out of my league, so i am afraid i won't be of any help here.

I agree that answering your questions can probably only be done by a well equipped lab and dedicated scientists, and that's where i expect any breakthrough will come from.

But until then, it won't prevent me from replicating any device that claims any form of over unity.


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do these devices have a common theory of operation?

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Hi Vidura,

I agree that answering your questions can probably only be done by a well equipped lab and dedicated scientists, and that's where i expect any breakthrough will come from.

But until then, it won't prevent me from replicating any device that claims any form of over unity.


If only more folks had this attitude.. Given the implications of a working multiple kw ou device, any and all efforts at research should be appreciated .. We need everything we can get, evidently.
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Posts: 116
do these devices have a common theory of operation?
To call it a theory by convention there have to be very consistent proofs, so let's call it hypothesis for the instance. IMO there is a common pattern, despite that the builders give differing explanations.  I will share my point of view on the theoretical topic, maybe some will find a useful inspiration for the attempts of replications.
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As the equipment for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the supposedly involved radiation is not accessible for me, nor anyone of the readers as it seems, I decided to change the strategy, and proceed with the suggestion of Hakasay to focus on designing the most simplified way which would lead to a proof of concept ( or discard it). At least with certain probabilities. Some updates will be posted soon.
Group: Guest
Vidora with your additional input regarding the coil on the threshold of your device you have quoted
a good few things I have picked up from others mainly Lithuanian  Russian speaking guys.

I put these pearls of wisdom on an old Tesla coil ie modified it temporarily while i did the tests
one was to use caps of a small value across the HV large winding and tune it for maximum output
and notice gain, approximately 2/3rd the way up the coil. Another was to take a leaf out of a
Peter Linderman's video and connect a HF string of diodes across the same winding experiment
this produced narrow pulses, it was then noticed that the winding length related to the frequency and
also related to the amount of nodes as the frequency was wound up on the fixed length pipe winding
this idea worked better with Mr IVO's charging circuit. Another trick was to try Tinsel's truncated post
about shorting out the coil which you will have to figure out for your self.
I have brought these facts up with others on here like Youtubers and exibiters and critics alike
and (they were not interested in fact some were even insulting)one in particular who demanded an experimenter should only post teck info when and  if he could solve his none working problem on why
his device wouldn't work.
« Last Edit: 2023-01-15, 10:47:14 by AlienGrey »
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 116
Vidora with your additional input regarding the coil on the threshold of your device you have quoted
a good few things I have picked up from others mainly Lithuanian  Russian speaking guys.

I put these pearls of wisdom on an old Tesla coil ie modified it temporarily while i did the tests
one was to use caps of a small value across the HV large winding and tune it for maximum output
and notice gain, approximately 2/3rd the way up the coil. Another was to take a leaf out of a
Peter Linderman's video and connect a HF string of diodes across the same winding experiment
this produced narrow pulses, it was then noticed that the winding length related to the frequency and
also related to the amount of nodes as the frequency was wound up on the fixed length pipe winding
this idea worked better with Mr IVO's charging circuit. Another trick was to try Tinsel's truncated post
about shorting out the coil which you will have to figure out for your self.
I have brought these facts up with others on here like Youtubers and exibiters and critics alike
and (they were not interested in fact some were even insulting)one in particular who demanded an experimenter should only post teck info when and  if he could solve his none working problem on why
his device wouldn't work.
Hi A.G. There is an effect that I have noted when the TC resonator is slightly out of tune, or when a harmonic of higher frequency is modulating on the fundamental frequency. It seems to reinforce the intensity  of the scalar wave.
I do not understand some parts of your post, and  I don't know the video you referred to nor  tinsels truncated post, could  you please be a little more specific?
Group: Guest
Hi A.G. There is an effect that I have noted when the TC resonator is slightly out of tune, or when a harmonic of higher frequency is modulating on the fundamental frequency. It seems to reinforce the intensity  of the scalar wave.
I do not understand some parts of your post, and  I don't know the video you referred to nor  tinsels truncated post, could  you please be a little more specific?
Yes it was this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV3posVDqJs and another with a iron band that looked like a shorted turn at the hot end, I chatted with him and asked if it a shorted turn he said it was ion and it enhanced it but he cut it off when i asked again if it was a shorted turn. Haw ever if you short out the HV winding you can get it to do strange things and also if you biffilar wind it as well as the energy appears to go down the center of the tube focused.I tried to get Itsu to try it but he wasn't very interested. You can try it with any TC but be aware the frequency might go into the HF range if yo want loads of nodes ect

Group: Guest
  This has been the only thread dealing with the Akula, Ruslan, and Stalker devices that has NOT had any cooperative team efforts.
  Partly because guys are following their own individual tangents, and not working together nor focussing on one device, towards seeing actual self running results, as we used to do. And, possibly because we have all been fooled, over and over again.

  Tests on that type of device have been ongoing for several years, close to 10 years now. Since Akula provided us with his first self runner, for us to replicate. As Kapanadze's devices were kept secret, to his death. Now everyone is stuck, and have mostly given up. As there have been no positive results,  by any of us after all these years. Yes, including you Vidura...up to now.
The real question is,  WHY IS THAT???

Group: Guest
Well i am still working on various sections of a device the Tesla coil or katcher as you call it.
I notice in your video you use coils connected to a led to find the nodes, what value is the inductor this will give me an idea of the katcher frequency between nodes in your case.
Also i notice your using a short katcher have you got a video section showing you doing that check if not can you describe the points where it lights up and is one point at the end of the winding or not.

It will give me an idea what up with your device but If your not interested that's ok as i'm doing ok with my experiments and understanding how it is suppose to work.

Group: Guest
   I know AG, you have stuck with it from the beginning, and I respect your persistence under these  low odds of success. You're still willing and interested. That's great.

   I use neon bulbs indicators on the high voltage circuits. Or just CFL bulbs, as they work well, also, and can light some distance away.
   Led on an inductor or choke is for the yoke core push pull frequencies. You need to test different ones to find one that will light up the led(s).
  I tune my Kacher to it's highest output frequencies, using the CT (current transformer), connected to my scope, on the induction circuit, in order to sync the Kacher to the induction circuits. And to the tuned Earth ground line, also.
  It can take days to retune things, if you I lose the sync. Seams like no body cares about those details, any more.
As they have no sync to lose...

   Watch Geofusion controlable Kacher videos on YT, if interested.

« Last Edit: 2023-01-16, 20:45:08 by NickZ »
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Posts: 116
For those who have already some hardware built, if you are interested in setting it up  as per the description from Ruslan, I can give som guidelines regarding the rules of  Radio engineerings and electronics if you wish.
Regards Vidura.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
   Ruslan does not provide for the best advice, as Stalker does. Nor are his traslations clear and to the point.
   Plus Ruslan sold a non working device for $5000. There went his credibilities.
  We need advice that relates to free energy, not normal electronic theory, nor normal radio engineering.
  Do you have that type of advice? As that is what we really need, this is NOT your normal radio transmitter, that we are building here.
  What you can do is to show us how well you can build a working device, yourself. As you can't advice us on what you don't know about.
And you are still way behind in what has already been done, and is known and proven to some degree. And you still have nothing to show us, other than theories.

Could we have you perform experiments with your device, Nick?

I remember Kapanadze from the beginning, with the video in the "garden", before Aking.21 went to see Kap.  They disconnected the battery and showed it self-running in that video, held everything up in the air for all to see.  There was a Russian (Frolov?) taking measurements with a meter.

Anyway, the device looked simple.  Can anyone explain how this version of these device worked?
Group: Guest
For those who have already some hardware built, if you are interested in setting it up  as per the description from Ruslan, I can give som guidelines regarding the rules of  Radio engineerings and electronics if you wish.
Regards Vidura.
Hi Vidura i'm not sure what you mean but any thing you can explain or improve on as we don't know
what parts of Ruslans advice was junk and what wasn't. I'm pretty sure the kature and the amount of nodes
it produces are important, perhaps you can comment


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
I really just want to know the principles of operation, which no one seems able to explain in the last 10 or 12 years.

The Solovey papers appear to be a good start, as Aking.21 suggested as the simplest device to show the effect.
Group: Guest
Here is a converted Tesla coil i found on the internet, he doesn't say exactly how to modify it
notice his half push pull driver on his bench.
Group: Guest
I really just want to know the principles of operation, which no one seems able to explain in the last 10 or 12 years.

The Solovey papers appear to be a good start, as Aking.21 suggested as the simplest device to show the effect.
have you got a pointer or hyper link ?
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 116
Could we have you perform experiments with your device, Nick?

I remember Kapanadze from the beginning, with the video in the "garden", before Aking.21 went to see Kap.  They disconnected the battery and showed it self-running in that video, held everything up in the air for all to see.  There was a Russian (Frolov?) taking measurements with a meter.

Anyway, the device looked simple.  Can anyone explain how this version of these device worked?
Agreed Grumpy.
Nick should better show what he is able to do , than making questionable comments towards me. His videos are dated three years ago...
Please consider that any attempt to explain some of this devices is speculative, supposing that they are genuine. In context with the hypothesis I propose in the theoretical topic they could be explained. If interest is there I can expose my opinion , but in the other topic, as this one is RESERVED FOR PRACTICAL EXPERIMENTS.
We can try to analyse the early Kapanadze devices for example.
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 116
   Ruslan does not provide for the best advice, as Stalker does. Nor are his traslations clear and to the point.
   Plus Ruslan sold a non working device for $5000. There went his credibilities.
  We need advice that relates to free energy, not normal electronic theory, nor normal radio engineering.
  Do you have that type of advice? As that is what we really need, this is NOT your normal radio transmitter, that we are building here.
  What you can do is to show us how well you can build a working device, yourself. As you can't advice us on what you don't know about.
And you are still way behind in what has already been done, and is known and proven to some degree. And you still have nothing to show us, other than theories.
There are things that I know, because I learned. I am well aware that we are not looking for a radio transmitter, al contrary, and to AVOID radiation(RF) you have to know how to do it.
But anyway , you already know everything, then better go to your (physical) bench and finish your copy. What is the point  to post in my topic? Anyway I will remove all that is not about practical work from here.
By the way, If Ruslans device works, and ceased to work when installing it in a second floor apartment, it is straightforward to explain knowing something in radio technics.
Regards Vidura.

Group: Tinkerer
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Maybe Vidura has a "theory". He does not agree with what has been mentioned even by the real inventors, it seams.

Vidura may well be right, as the "real inventors" don't seem to be able to explain at all where the OU comes from (and assuming of course that there is any, which is highly doubtful in all the devices rehashed for decades).

By the way, If Ruslans device works, and ceased to work when installing it in a second floor apartment, it is straightforward to explain knowing something in radio technics.
Regards Vidura.

Good point ! :)

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
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