I agree and one comment in your link seems relevant...
Scotch tape can also generate X-rays and the actual process seems very easy to understand. Basically, we want an electrical disturbance with a very small time period to cause matter to vibrate and radiate EM waves within the X-ray spectrum. We can smash electrons into a target or pull scotch tape apart and have the opposite charges rapidly snap back together to produce the same effect.
I learned a few new tricks from my radiant energy/matter experiments which apply here. As we know, we can disturb matter causing it to vibrate and radiate EM waves. However we can also disturb matter causing it to move at high velocity away from the source while vibrating and radiating EM waves in itself. As such we have a group of particles acting as a motional source which seems to have confused many people.
"To generate X_Rays, you need to get electrons out of a wire (the cathode) into a vacuum. You need to accelerate them to high speed and then slam them into a thin metal target (the anode). The sudden stop makes them give off X-Rays."
Thanks for the insight AC. The name of the game in the short-term is working out experiments to characterize and map the rays emitted by these 'radiant energy' tubes.
As slight evidence to the single-plate acceleration+impact theory, Griffin notes yesterday the field also extends many feet in the opposite direction as well as forward. Beam pattern is fairly directional akin to that of a Yagi.
Other near-term questions/problems to be solved:
* Characterizing the spectral emissions. Are the emissions 'soft' (UV-band) X-rays or 'hard' (Gamma-band) X-rays?
* Characterizing the bandwidth. Is it a single-frequency emission or a broadband emission that covers a wide spectrum?
* Characterizing the efficiency/power compared to 'conventional' hot cathode 2-wire beam tubes. This efficiency seems like it is off-the-charts as shadowgraphs can be taken 20-30ft away with no optimizations.
* Characterizing/Isolating the rays from conventional EM emissions. Tesla later dubbed these 'cosmic rays' and they may have some unexpected properties compared to normal X-rays. Tesla believed his rays from these to be safe (or at least safer than Roentgen's). Perhaps these are coherent rays much like laser emissions that have never been studied in this band? Or perhaps it is not an X-ray at all, but a low frequency RF emission closer to UV or microwaves that are somehow able to penetrate tissue and metallic bodies.
Other notes:
* Testing different phosphorescent powders will give us some clue as to whether the rays are closer to UV or X rays. I've helped supply some material to support this.
* Building a detector that can output directly to an oscilloscope. That will tell us if the waves emitted are: Continuous, Half-wave rectified (only positive half of each cycle), or Full-wave rectified. It will also tell us what phase relation the emissions have to the input power.
* It was confirmed yesterday that solar cells are not affected at all by these rays.
* It was confirmed that magnetic and electrostatic fields will only affect+steer the beam in-tube, not in open air (a preliminary test had suggested otherwise)
* An accurate dosimeter is onhand, and I suggested using increasing layers of aluminum foil and charting the output vs aluminum thickness. That would give us a good idea as to the center freq of the emitted rays.
* The rays will attract thin strips of metal analogous to Dollard's 1980's Borderlands experiments and Dr. Adrian Marsh's replications in 2019 and 2020:
https://www.am-innovations.com/category/experiments/experiments-displacement/* Dielectric film (tape) appears to be unaffected by the rays, also in agreement with the Borderlands work.
"An overly-skeptical scientist might hastily conclude by scooping and analyzing a thousand buckets of ocean water that the ocean has no fish in it."