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Author Topic: Parametric/inductive transformer concept  (Read 5417 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 331
Hi All,

I've been mulling about this idea for a while and so far haven't found a flaw.

It uses an additional inductive component to reduce some of the loading of the primary in a parametric transformer.

Consider a standard mag amp style of parametric transformer like (c) in the image attached. The idea would work for the other forms of such transformers, but it's easiest to explain with this form.

As most of you know, there's no inductive transfer of energy through this transformer. The transfer occurs through the change in mu of the core. Typically, the secondary is part of a tank circuit at half the primary frequency, and over several cycles parametric oscillations build in the tank due the change in L.
Either the secondary or primary windings have a reversed current direction, or counterwound coils, to cancel standard induction.

Despite many misunderstandings about this type of device over the last couple decades, it's definitely not overunity in this form. A well designed version with two cores may have an efficiency of around 80%. Orthogonal single core versions will be somewhat less. Saturation is an inherently lossy process (with a single exception that has no relevance here).

My idea puts a third winding closely coupled to the secondary winding. If the secondary reverses direction between the two toroids, this third winding will as well, so that inductive coupling is maximized between these two windings.

The secondary winding is in a high Q tank circuit with no additional load. The third winding goes straight to a resistive load of a size appropriate to allow parametric oscillations if it were part of the tank circuit (these devices are load sensitive).

As I imagine it to work, the primary at 2F generates parametric oscillations in the secondary as usual. However, the secondary induces to the third coil, powering the load.

As per Lenz's law, the third winding flux oppose changes in the secondary flux. Since variations of the secondary flux at quadrature to the primary are what draws power from it, Lenz's law reduces the loading on the primary.

The effect of the primary on the third coil is limited because it's not part of a tank circuit so parametric oscillations won't build. It does see a change in L due to the primary, but this change will increase current in the third coil (the change in parameter amplifies current of either polarity) but this rise in current will still be in opposition to the rise in current in the secondary, so the net effect should be a flattening of variations of total flux created by secondary and third coil.

I can't say whether it will be overunity or not, but there should be an increase in efficiency due to this process. A lot would depend on how well the parametric transformer was designed in the first place, and what square loop material, frequency, etc, it was run at.



Sr. Member

Posts: 331
Forgot to attached the image. It's here.

Sr. Member

Posts: 291
For some reason I didn’t manage to transfer any tangible power through a parametric transformer with orthogonal windings. Although I know that it should work, and moreover, it has been used in technology for many years.
And the efficiency of such stabilized power supplies reaches 86%. In addition, they are not afraid of output short circuits.
Sr. Member

Posts: 331
Hi Chief,

It looks like you either took two tape wound C cores and put them together, or possibly cut a square tape wound core in half. In either case, the laminations would intersect at right angles, meaning there would be micro-gaps throughout the area where the cores intersect-- areas where each core is facing an air gap rather than the other core.

This would result in a lot of flux leakage at the interface between the cores. I don't think the Wanlass family (the inventors of this type of core construction) had access to tape wound cores. Cravens Wanlass describes using 'randomly or cubic oriented material' in his primary patent using this topology.

I assume the tape cores are Metglas or some other square loop material?

I posted a paper in Partzman's bench recently on the superiority of the two toroid construction over the Wanlass type construction.


If you're still interested in working with the orthogonal cores, you might look at the attached patents. They show an asymmetry based on the use of grain oriented materials, which might be the 'boost' needed to make these overunity.

Neither is a parametric transformer, but the first one could easily be adapted to this use.

Magnetic Frequency Changer shows a very convenient core topology that doesn't have the flux leakage (and poor use of the core material) of the Wanlass type design, and uses only one core. You can see that the wire goes through holes cut out of a single sheet of grain oriented material.
This patent has three diagrams showing the BH curves of the material when at 90 degrees to the grain of the material, aligned with the grain, and at an intermediate angle.  Behavior can be controlled with a nearby permanent magnet. When properly tuned with a magnet for the steep part of the BH curve, "At this particular point on the curve a very small increase in the amplitude of the alternating input signal or the biasing voltage will produce
a very large increase in the amplitude of the output voltage."

The Flux Switching Transformer patent goes into more detail about the use of grain oriented material. The patent says: "A characteristic of grain oriented core materials which makes such particularly desirable in the present instance for core 13 is the tremendous difference in the permeability in the direction of grain orientation as compared to the permeability at right angles thereto. Thus where permeabilities of the order of several thousand may be common in the grain oriented direction, which is that of flux produced by winding 16, for example, transverse permeabilities of the order of several units will exist for the flux produced in core 13 by winding 18 and core 15. Thus even with core materials of high permeability for core 15, core 13 will provide a substantial reluctance in the total path for flux producer by winding 18. It is further characteristic of grain oriented core material, that although the transverse permeability is very low compared to the oriented permeability, that percentage changes in the permeability in the grain oriented direction will be Substantially equal to percentage changes in the degree of saturation in the transverse direction. Thus flux changes of several units in the transverse flux produced by winding 18 will cause permeability changes of the order of several thousands in the oriented direction of core 3 which is operated on by winding 16."

This asymmetry between different directions in the core might be the key to making these types of devices much more efficient.



Sr. Member

Posts: 291

It looks like you either took two tape wound C cores and put them together, or possibly cut a square tape wound core in half. In either case, the laminations would intersect at right angles, meaning there would be micro-gaps throughout the area where the cores intersect-- areas where each core is facing an air gap rather than the other core.

It was a conventional transformer with a core of four C-shaped parts.
It was not easy to find such a transformer with a strictly square end cut.
We tried a whole bunch of them, mostly rectangular.
Of course, the area of ​​contact of the cores with such a connection decreases several times, but this design cannot be done differently. But she must work. I think there is not enough time for everything.
I start, I don't finish, I quit.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2121
The Flux Switching Transformer patent goes into more detail about the use of grain oriented material. The patent says: "A characteristic of grain oriented core materials which makes such particularly desirable in the present instance for core 13 is the tremendous difference in the permeability in the direction of grain orientation as compared to the permeability at right angles thereto.

Hi Fred,

Note that no "grain oriented" material is needed to achieve this effect. It is sufficient to saturate any non-oriented magnetic core with a permanent magnet along one axis. Saturation along this axis will reduce the permeability to very little, while transversely the permeability is unchanged.
I've played with this before but with no result for energy.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Sr. Member

Posts: 331

That's a good point. The first patent I mentioned does have a permanent magnet aligned along one of the orientations of the material, but makes little of it.

I don't think that a process with inherent losses like magnetic saturation is a likely candidate for 'excess energy', but I certainly encourage experimentation with parametric transformers and such--they are just inherently interesting to me. To me, the more intriguing possibility is the conversion of variable resistance to variable reactance.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
Hi Fred,

Note that no "grain oriented" material is needed to achieve this effect. It is sufficient to saturate any non-oriented magnetic core with a permanent magnet along one axis. Saturation along this axis will reduce the permeability to very little, while transversely the permeability is unchanged.
I've played with this before but with no result for energy.
I have to disagree with you on this one.  Saturation in one axis does significantly affect the permeability in the other axis.  I learned this many years ago while I worked for a "Marconi" company and got involved with the Marconi Research Laboratories.  I held a joint patent with one of their scientists for a magnetometer that used this axis cross coupling effect.

Sr. Member

Posts: 331
Hi Smudge, F6FLT,

I suspect this would very much depend on the material.


Sr. Member

Posts: 291
But I’m thinking, is Lenz’s rule present in the “parametric transformer”, parametric energy transfer?
Over the problem of which you have already broken your brains, trying to get rid of Lenz.
At the very least, the load in secondary response for the primary circuit is completely different from that of a conventional transformer.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2121
I have to disagree with you on this one.  Saturation in one axis does significantly affect the permeability in the other axis.  I learned this many years ago while I worked for a "Marconi" company and got involved with the Marconi Research Laboratories.  I held a joint patent with one of their scientists for a magnetometer that used this axis cross coupling effect.


I checked the facts a dozen years ago. The magnetic field of a stack of cylindrical neodynium magnets clearly perpendicular to the plane of a ferrite torus does not change the inductance of the coil. I have verified this by finding that the resonance frequency remains almost the same if the magnet is perpendicular, while it changes considerably when the magnet is in another direction, see photo.

I think that a different finding is only due to an experimental artefact: an orientation of the field which is not exactly perpendicular everywhere in the volume, to the supposedly unperturbed axis.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
I checked the facts a dozen years ago. The magnetic field of a stack of cylindrical neodynium magnets clearly perpendicular to the plane of a ferrite torus does not change the inductance of the coil. I have verified this by finding that the resonance frequency remains almost the same if the magnet is perpendicular, while it changes considerably when the magnet is in another direction, see photo.
That ferrite core will be grain oriented.  I was replying to your statement in reply #5 that applied to non-grain-oriented material.  Or did I misinterpret that reply?

Sr. Member

Posts: 331
Interesting results, F6FLT.

There's a whole class of devices called magnetic modulators that were used widely for FM before transistors came along, and most depended of cross saturation of a core. They wouldn't have worked if your results were the whole story. So how to account for the well known cross flux effect, and also your result?

I think it's possible that your very powerful permanent magnets (relative to the size of the core), have taken the toroid into the little-known regime called 'flux clamping'. This is a region of magnetic operation where the resultant B vector of the two magnetic fields is always above saturation, and there are no hysteretic losses. 

The attached patent, one of several from Lipkin, assigned to Sperry Rand, explains the matter better than I can. On page 4, col., line 44  he says:

"As the scalar value of the magnetizing field increases above that required for complete saturation, experiment shows that the saturated flux vector
comes increasingly under the dominance of the resultant magnetizing field, and although the saturated flux changes little in value, it becomes to a greater and greater degree aligned with the resultant field until the two representative vectors may be thought of as locked together.
In the region beyond the maximum rotational loss, an increase in applied field tends to bring the magnetic field closer to saturation. Under a condition of substantial saturation, the field and flux vectors have substantially the same direction, and, as the field vector rotates, the
flux vector tends to rotate with it continuing in the same direction as the field vector. At lesser values of the field, the field and flux vectors have somewhat different directions and the angle between them may vary. This characteristic of the substantially saturated flux vector having substantially the same direction as the field vector is termed "clamping action between the flux and field vectors
B and H” in FIG. 1 and similarly elsewhere in this specification and in certain claims."

This immediately suggests ways to both increase the maximum power density of transformers as well as reduce their losses, but the information seems to have been little used except for several patents from Krause and Delvecchio, originally assigned to Westinghouse. For instance:


I'll quote only the patent abstract here, which is a good synopsis of the above principle:

"A transformer utilizing a rotating flux for saturating the entire core. The transformer uses a core configured such that a vector sum of the induction produced by two windings in the core rotates through 360°. This is accomplished by arranging the component induction vectors to be perpendicular and the source voltages associated with each of the component induction vectors to be 90° out of phase. If the inductions are of equal magnitude and the vector sum is sufficient to saturate the core, rotation of the vector sum saturates the entire core and the transformer experiences a very low or nearly negligible hysteresis losses. Various topological configurations for the core, including a toroid, are described. The transformer windings can be arranged for single, two-phase, three-phase, or multi-phase operation."

In terms of your experiment, I suggest if you used ONE neo magnet and brought it close to your toroid while in operation, you would see the standard effect at some point. You're using TOO MUCH PM flux to see the typical orthogonal flux effect.

Sr. Member

Posts: 331
But I’m thinking, is Lenz’s rule present in the “parametric transformer”, parametric energy transfer?
Over the problem of which you have already broken your brains, trying to get rid of Lenz.
At the very least, the load in secondary response for the primary circuit is completely different from that of a conventional transformer.

Hi Chief,

I've only just started looking at the long paper you sent out. Thanks for the info! More to think about (because I didn't have enough haha).

There's no Lenz effect in a well designed parametric transformer. The loading of the primary is due to modulation of the L of the cores by the oscillating tank current of the secondary, out of phase with the primary current. So as primary current is rising, the L is rising at the same time, attenuating it. But I think you know that.

I think it's futile to try to get rid of Lenz. There are clear and present ways of using Lenz to increase output, and nullify loading of the primary, but that's for another letter.

My idea is to bring Lenz back into the paraformer so that the output current is reduced, and the effect on the primary is reduced. Lenz and parametric effect are made to work against each other. Maybe.



Sr. Member

Posts: 291

I've only just started looking at the long paper you sent out.
Long paper, as I was told, is nonsense. Perhaps this is so, although some points interested me, but oh well, I'm not talking about that now. I forgot to add that during experiments with this transformer with orthogonal windings, when I turned it on with a conventional magnetic amplifier, it worked perfectly. Well, you all know how a magnetic amplifier works. :) That is, the controlled saturation choke changed its inductance many times with the help of the second control coil. So my iron core worked perfectly. But parametrically excitation of oscillations turned out badly. :(
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2121
That ferrite core will be grain oriented.

What makes you say that? The datasheets of this kind of inductance do not specify if the grain is oriented or not.

I read on wikipedia :
"The ferrite cores used for power transformers work in the low frequency range (1 to 200 kHz usually[2]) and are fairly large in size, can be toroidal, shell, [...] They are useful in all kinds of electronic switching devices – especially power supplies from 1 Watt to 1000 Watts maximum, since more powerful applications are usually out of range of ferritic single core and require grain oriented lamination cores."

My toroid is not a transformer, it is a filtering inductance but for low powers so a priori not "grain oriented".

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Sr. Member

Posts: 331

Do you happen to know the name of the material in the toroid? More than likely a Mn-Zn ferrite.
As far as I can tell from bits and pieces of different datasheets, these ferrites are isotropic.
Some ferrites are however anisotropic, those intended to be permanently magnetized.

The 'above saturation' vectorial effect I mentioned would work in isotropic materials-- as I think yours was-- but wouldn't work in anisotropic ones.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1949

Do you happen to know the name of the material in the toroid? More than likely a Mn-Zn ferrite.
As far as I can tell from bits and pieces of different datasheets, these ferrites are isotropic.
Some ferrites are however anisotropic, those intended to be permanently magnetized.

From my knowledge of ferrites I think that may not be correct.  Grain orientation that makes a ferrite anisotropic is a production process that can be applied to any ferrite.  The ferrite is ground down to a fine powder such that each grain is virtually a single domain.  This is then treated much like clay to be fired in a kiln but during the firing process the grains are orientated by the application of a magnetic field.  Once fired the magnetic field is removed and the grains remain orientated.  This not only applies to permanent magnet ferrites but also to soft ferrites where the grain orientation increases the permeability significantly along that axis, thus creating highly anisotropic material.  For ring cores the grains are orientated along a circumference.  Toroidal coils on such ring cores have much higher efficiency than ones using isotropic material, and I assumed that ring-core manufacturers would all offer grain-orientated cores for this reason.

For isotropic material it is so easy to prove mathematically that saturation along one axis alters the permeability along a crossed axis that I am surprised that people think otherwise.  When one axis is saturated application of an H field along a crossed axis causes the saturated magnetization vector to rotate slightly so it has a component along the crossed axis.  That component has a different value to that which would occur if the other axis were not saturated.  You can easily create a family of BH curves for one axis where each curve is for a specific H value along the crossed axis.  This looks somewhat like the familiar transistor collector voltage/current v. base current characteristics.  My take on F6's experimental results is that his ferrite core was grain orientated else he would have got different results.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2121

First of all, concerning ferrites, orienting the grains with a magnetic field is a heavy operation, which certainly increases the cost, and which I strongly doubt is applied to many ferrites except those reserved for particular uses. The ferrites I play with, and I think most of us do too, are rather cheap, low-end ones used in consumer equipment.

Secondly, I don't agree at all with the fact that from a transverse H2 field only a weak component would remain, because of the saturating H1 field at 90°. The fields superpose. The H2 field is weak, so it does not change the permeability, its component is simply superimposed on H1. Of course the resulting field will have rotated slightly, but this rotation is only what we see of H2, while the saturation remains globally along H1.

It is only by proving the variation of the permeability on an axis different from that of the saturating field, that you can prove what you say. However, there is nothing to support this idea. Even if the grain of my ferrite was oriented, which I don't think it is, we should see a difference in the case with or without a magnet, which is not the case.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2121

Do you happen to know the name of the material in the toroid? More than likely a Mn-Zn ferrite...

I found my ferrite but I don't see any marking. It is white (but maybe a coating), and painted yellow except on a circular area, see photo.

The 'above saturation' vectorial effect I mentioned would work in isotropic materials-- as I think yours was-- but wouldn't work in anisotropic ones.


Well noted!

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1847

The core you show is a powered iron toroid and is type -26.  See the attached table from Micrometals for specs.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2121

Thank you very much, I didn't know there were such colour codes with inductors.
Do you know if the ferrite is "grain oriented"?

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Sr. Member

Posts: 331
Thanks, Partzman!

The Bsat of these cores is much higher than ferrites-- on the other hand, that's quite a stack of neo magnets...

Sr. Member

Posts: 331
Long paper, as I was told, is nonsense. Perhaps this is so, although some points interested me, but oh well, I'm not talking about that now. I forgot to add that during experiments with this transformer with orthogonal windings, when I turned it on with a conventional magnetic amplifier, it worked perfectly. Well, you all know how a magnetic amplifier works. :) That is, the controlled saturation choke changed its inductance many times with the help of the second control coil. So my iron core worked perfectly. But parametrically excitation of oscillations turned out badly. :(

Hi Chief,

Yes, magnetic amplifiers work :-) ...and it is not necessary to get parametric oscillation for them to act as amplifiers. You can shuttle energy into and out of the coil with for instance a CLC circuit, without any oscillations at all. The real question is whether a saturating type magnetic amplifier can get gain over unity, and unfortunately, without some other principle, I think the answer is NO.

I had a chance to skim through the long paper you sent. I ignore all the HF/HV stuff because it's so easy to get some kind of testing artifacts. The tests of simple arrangements of switched inductors starting around pg. 52 are of some interest.

I don't think the Hubbard transformer worked by switched inductances. It seems similar in some ways to the Jensen Unidirectional Transformer and several other devices where two secondary fluxes are opposing each other, rather than returning through the primary. At some point I'll put forth a 'modern' form of the Hubbard for comment.


Sr. Member

Posts: 291
In my case this mechanical analogy haunts me.
Where is the mistake, why shouldn't it work?
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