Hi Panyuming,
This is fig. 3 in the patent, not fig. 8
There are no mentions of Watts or mA in the patent. Nor does Tesla ever specifically define any input or output characteristics in any patent, as far as I know. He does in the Colorado Springs notebooks.
The source S is described as "an arc arc emitting copiously ultraviolet rays" so Tesla is indeed defining the nature of the source--although of course he believes the source emits energetic particles. (Tesla didn't believe in Hertzian waves).
Thank you Orthofield Senior Member for your guidance and discussion.
My own expression skills are poor, and I don't know English.

Without web translation, I wouldn't be able to learn and discuss here.
I'll just change some words.

Oh, and the number in Figure 8 is the number of the image attachment I used in this thread.
The W, mA I said is all under the premise of assumptions. I think it's for clarity.
There are two key points I want to make: it's also like one thing.
1. The ability of the receiver to receive radiated energy has nothing to do with the receiver's voltage (DC) to ground.
2. The receiver P is approximately an ideal current source, and the output current of P has nothing to do with the DC voltage of T.
It does not say to receive static electricity from the atmosphere. It is a situation in which a clear radiation source of receiver P is directed and aligned.
The radiation source S can be an ultraviolet lamp, an X-ray tube, or even the sun, rather than an omnidirectional like a radio station.
Assuming that the power of S is also indifferent, even if it is stronger than the sun. It just means that the radiation source causes P to generate an electric current.
Assuming 1mA, it is also completely indifferent to the value, and it is also within the achievable range.
Assuming that the power of 1000W from T is also to facilitate the introduction of COP=1000, I think the output of the solar receiver may be a thousand times larger than it is now.
These assumptions are also intended to illustrate the following two points:
1. In the case of getting the same current, increasing the output voltage at the same time can get more power output. (Although it is well known, it should be specifically noted here.) )
2. If the voltage exceeds the critical value, it enters the OU realm.
After the above explanation, I thought of another possibility.
The radiation cited by Nikola Tesla should be contained in solar radiation by its radiative properties.
The sun is a broad-spectrum radiation source, regardless of the sun's peak radiation distribution, the amount of radiation in line with the radiation spectrum that Nikola Tesla said is certainly greater than the illuminance of artificial radiation sources, especially in spacecraft.
