'Nothing is Something' - Mostly theoretical paper discussing impedance and parametrics
http://www.rexresearch.com/sweet/nothing.pdfVacuum Triode Amplifier / Space Quanta Magnifier
http://www.rexresearch.com/sweet/1nothing.htmAll Known Collected papers:
I found Sweet's work interesting since he used a great deal of analogies, mathematics, and high-level terminology in his writings (that did not seem contradictory to established theory and in-fact seemed to complemented other writings that followed him). It at least suggested a good level of competency/credibility.
What confounded me is how the writings seemed to have multiple authors or were written during very different project phases.
Analyzing them in detail, one ends up with two seemingly completely separate systems:
1 - 'Vacuum Triode Amplifier', promoted and popularized by the Bearden+Bed1ni's ilk, using 'special conditioned' barium ferrite magnets.
2 - A rotary PM generator using conventional magnets. He calls this the 'Space Flux-Coupled Alternator.'
I've seen
many, many attempts to model and replicate the VTA, but the alternator I had not see anyone on the forums even discuss, let alone analyze/replicate.

So, I thought it prudent to compile these portions together and diagram my interpretation of what is described by him.

"The Space-Flux Coupled Alternator:An Abstract Approach to Abstract Phenomena."
http://www.rexresearch.com/sweet2/spacefluxalt.pdf"Underlying Principals of the “Space Flux Coupled Alternator”.Neodymium-Iron Boron permanent magnets of extremely high energy product are arranged on a rotating field structure. Two such field structures are assembled on a common shaft. The stationary armature windings are arranged using modular construction between the field structures. The magnets are positioned on the shaft so a N pole is opposite to a S pole in attraction mode. The cross flux is very intense, and the source of this flux is not a property of the magnet itself but a property of the space field."
"When the rotor magnet assembly is driven by a prime mover the rotating magnetic field sweeps over the conductors comprising the coils in the stationary armature, sometimes called the stator. As the direction of the flux reverses during, the induced output waveform is sinusoidal. The induced voltage in the winding obeys Faraday’s law as quantified by Neumann (Eav Phi/t 10-8 volts). This is average value and must be multiplied by 1.11 form factor RMS effective volts."
1 - Appears to be a common PM alternator configuration.
"Another feature of the Space Flux Coupled machine is that the load current is sensed simultaneously with the output voltage. This power product is feed back coupled to the ampere turn product of the stator windings, as the machine sees all loads at unity power factor. Changing power factor loads has no effect on voltage regulation and there is zero loss due to reactive loads. This is due to the fact there is no ferromagnetic flux path, as the stator contains no iron. Thus there is zero eddy current and hysteresis loss as far as the stator assembly is concerned."
2 - Some sort of 'feedback' mechanism is employed inside the stator
3 - 'the stator contains no iron'
"The current is sensed by conventional current transformers having a 1:1 ratio, rectified by a three phase full wave bridge. This D.C. output is applied to a current winding closely coupled to the power-phase windings, but isolated to a degree that prevents transformer action from including voltage in the D.C. winding. This winding produces a magnetic field that varies in intensity as the square of the load current on a 1:1 isolation ratio."
"This is the same magnitude as the load current peak value. The D.C. flux varies as the square of the current and not sinusoidally as does the voltage and current of the power phase windings, with proper capacitors across the D.C. control voltage. The D.C. flux remains constant sustaining a constant flux during . The flux produced by the moving charges comprising the load current goes through zero, thus the complimentary flux, that is integrated with the coherent flux, aiding the cross flux between the attracting magnets. Thus the system is self-regulating.
As the load current increases, the complimentary flux adds to the cross flux. The voltage output remains constant. The primary limiting factor is the cross sectional area of the phase winding conductor."
4 - Describes a current feedback winding, fed from a current-sensing isolation transformer to a winding in the stator.
"Function of the voltage feedback: To provide a means of capturing more incoherent quanta to complement the existing integrated flux densities and or energy product. More feedback in the form of volt-ampere product at a cos of = 1 or unity of watts in the form of D.C. potential. This is obtained by potential transformers sensing the output terminal volts as this is virtually constant. The transformers are needed for isolation and for providing a much lower voltage that is rectified by a 3 phase full wave bridge and applied to a special potential winding in the stator assembly. How both the current and potential windings are assembled into thestator winding assembly is proprietary."
"The current and potential windings require relatively little power, and are applied in such a manner that rate of flow of moving charges may be accelerated beyond ⁄. Thus the duty factor of the copper changes. Losses diminish and more charges drawn from the now coherent space field flow at a faster rate as current to the load. This means as more current is required by varying loads more feedback magnetomotive forces free more electrons from binding forces complimented by potential magnetic forces of the orientated, coherent space field."
5 - Describes a voltage feedback winding, fed from a voltage transformer to a winding in the stator.
6 - "How both the current and potential windings are assembled into the stator winding assembly is proprietary." - this is described in two other papers.
Space Quanta Modulator - Clean Propulsion Power Now! Automotive Propulsion Tomorrow
"As you know the first prototype will be a 6-pole, single phase, 7½ -10 kW machine. The data in the folder applies to a 3 phase machine. The underlying principles are the same.
The 3 phase windings are conventional. For a 6 pole machine there would be 6 magnets per phase, totalling 18, and there would be 6 coil groups per phase at 2 coils per group, also totalling 18 groups. The area of a pole-phase group would approximately equal the area of one magnet. There would be 36 individual coils arranged in a lap configuration. "
7 - The area of a stator group approx. equals the area of one magnet.
8 - Standard and non-critical alternator size/configuration.
"The number of turns per coil is determined by Faraday's law as quantized by Neumann. Stranded wire is used for ease of winding. This wire is specially insulated, and over this insulation is wound a current feedback winding spirally traversing the total length of the coil conductor. Also a voltage winding of
considerably smaller wire and more turns is also wound axially, traversing the total length of the coil conductor. The respective leads are brought out to terminals,and to these terminals is connected the output of the current and voltage sensing transformers.
We now have,when the current and voltage windings are excited, another set of fields virtually in quadrature with the fields(alternating) initiated by the load current flowing in the power phase coils. The current and voltage initiating fields are in such a direction to either accelerate or decelerate the rate of flow of charges depending on the applied polarity and voltage amplitude."
"As polarity may be maintained constant , that polarity of acceleration should be chosen so charges move at faster rates, lowering copper duty factor, and at the same time opening the gates wider so more coherent field entities may enter for The conversion process. It’s obvious;we have a self-regulating machine whose inherent magnetic proper ties will provide energy conversion conservation to the Nth degree."
9 - 'Stranded wire is used', 'wire is specially insulated'. This would likely mean either litz, or insulated PTFE/silicone wire.
10 - 'over this insulation is wound a current feedback winding spirally traversing the total length of the coil conductor.'
11 - a voltage winding of considerably smaller wire and more turns is also wound axially, traversing the total lengthof the coil conductor.
12 - The respective leads are brought out to terminals,and to these terminals is connected the output of the current and voltage sensing transformers.
13 - The current and voltage initiating fields are in such a direction to either accelerate or decelerate the rate of flow of charges depending on the applied polarity and voltage amplitude.
"Letter to Mark from Sparky"
"The number of turns per coil is determined by Faraday’s Law as Quantized by Neumann. Stranded wire is used for ease of winding. This wire is specially insulated. Over this insulation is wound axially a current feedback winding spirally traversing the total length of the coil conductor.
The respective leads are brought out to terminals. To these terminals is connected the output of the current and voltage sensing transformers. We now have, when the current and voltage windings are excited, another set of fields, virtually in quadrature with the alternating fields initiated by the load current flowing in the power phase coils. The current and voltage initiating fields are in such a direction to either accelerate or decelerate the rate of flow of charges depending on the applied polarity and voltage amplitudes"
14 - 'Over this insulation is wound axially a current feedback winding spirally traversing the total length of the coil conductor.' Slightly different wording but very similar to above.
15 - 'Voltage feedback winding' is omitted, suggesting it may be a separate coil axial and adjacent to the phase/output winding. Or was an earlier draft, or a later draft that did not require one.
Anyway, enjoy. Perhaps someone will see some synchronicity with their work and run with it
"An overly-skeptical scientist might hastily conclude by scooping-up and analyzing a thousand buckets of seawater that the ocean has no fish in it."