@Renaissance Rising Don't take it personally, I have no quarrel with you. When I talk about a charlatan, I only think of Bedini, whose engine has never been overunity. A charlatan is not only a commercial swindler, he can also be a guy who says anything for social promotion and to give himself importance. References to Bedini do not prove that one is dishonest, but that one has been taken in by an impostor. As for my opinion, you're right, it's not the law, but I never claimed it was. But I don't know why, many would like me to have the same as theirs rather than justify their different opinion. Amazing!  As for my "unnecessary" scepticism according to you, that is only your opinion, not the law. On the contrary, I find it necessary, it is what allows us not to be fooled by charlatans. Didn't Bedini claim his motor/generator was overunity? Does anyone here have a working Bedini overunity motor/generator, or can they tell us who has a working one that we can see in a demonstration? End of story, I'm sticking to the facts.
"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"