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2025-04-01, 00:07:11
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Author Topic: Patrick Kelly "A Tiny Generator"  (Read 13137 times)

Full Member

Posts: 246
Be the change you wish to see in the world
Another persons' Tiny Generator I stumbled across.

Full Member

Posts: 246
Be the change you wish to see in the world
My own rendition:

Full Member

Posts: 246
Be the change you wish to see in the world
The papers that Julian Perry has released thus far are readily available and free to download.

He intends for the info to be shared freely;

However the documents say "For selected circulation only" so I don't feel at liberty to share them here.

Happy to plug nonetheless;

All you need to do is make an account at https://www.researchgate.net/ and search for his name. They're free to download.

I will still be shooting an email across as I am hoping he may have something to suggest, to improve capture efficiency in my own unit.

I also plan to build the SS version when I am better informed.
« Last Edit: 2023-03-07, 01:28:01 by Renaissance Rising »
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Hero Member

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Full Member

Posts: 246
Be the change you wish to see in the world
Thanks Chet
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Posts: 270
Pulse Motor Diagnosis was deleted. Reason: Over unity is not allowed on this site.
35 minutes ago




It is their right about what is permitted as discussion on their forum and anyone who dont agree with their terms should find another place. I really don't think is the best approach to speak about ou/fe in such a way.

While i dont agree with their statement that all scientists are against ou/fe … this really is what The Inquisition did.
And present things like magic when something is far beyond their comprehension it really push everything back by hundreds os years. As we I honestly stand out for equal rights i won’t support any reference that we are all equal and some people are unfortunate enough for not reaching a certain level of personal development without judging them nor name calling. I just acknowledged where we stand assuming they are not acting necessary on purpose with an obscure reason.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326
It is their right about what is permitted as discussion on their forum and anyone who dont agree with their terms should find another place. I really don't think is the best approach to speak about ou/fe in such a way.

While i dont agree with their statement that all scientists are against ou/fe … this really is what The Inquisition did.
And present things like magic when something is far beyond their comprehension it really push everything back by hundreds os years. As we I honestly stand out for equal rights i won’t support any reference that we are all equal and some people are unfortunate enough for not reaching a certain level of personal development without judging them nor name calling. I just acknowledged where we stand assuming they are not acting necessary on purpose with an obscure reason.

There's an old saying that rings true more often than not:

"Get your real Science from an Engineer - NOT from a Scientist!"

A quote repeated many times from the IRE (1912 - 1962) and the IEEE... think about who actually does real stuff!


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