I have a typical circuit with a load switched by a low side MOSFET, driven by a gate driver.
How can I measure the pulse fall time with an oscilloscope that has a 1x-10x passive probe?
When the MOSFET turns off, the probe takes a very long time to discharge, so I can't see the real pulse fall time. ...
We can put a simple fast transistor in emitter follower with a low emitter load resistance (for example 50 ohm), as a buffer in output of the MOSFET. It will have a high impedance for the MOSFET so it will not disturb its operation, and a low impedance for the scope so it will not be disturbed by it, and will isolate one from the other. In all cases, the scope must of course have a maximum working frequency compatible with the MOSFET fall time (F > 1/toff). The probe in 1x will be the best option.
« Last Edit: 2022-09-02, 10:39:33 by F6FLT »
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