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Author Topic: The Aether and science  (Read 20583 times)
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
The related OUR thread was closed before any real completion of the Ruslan device simulation results could be posted, many of the posts were deleted
and I was banned - so further analysis or observations did not appear in OUR
End quote
Are you saying an administrator banned you from this forum?

Or one of members with a moderated topic here removed your content from his/her thread ?

Banning seems the wrong word .. ?
Many times I wrote to you in PM’s and even on threads that you should have your info in a separate moderated topic
Where you are the moderator,
Both here and at Stefan’s forum !

Instead you write of data loss and bannings at other members moderated  topics ??
Not sure how this works towards preserving your open source contributions ,
Or making it easy for replicators to follow your work ?

Chet K

« Last Edit: 2022-08-22, 10:03:43 by Chet K »
Group: Guest
   It was AlienGrey that remove the thread about the Akula/Ruslan devices discussions and replications. You may have been moderated, but not banned. As he is the moderator of that thread, and may think that you or others are not contributing anything in a positive way.
   I think that he just got tired of dealing with certain people. Unfortunately he has never built such a device, nor probably never will. That's ok. But, one of the problems with moderators that don't really know about what they talking about, like Wesley, is that disinformation is created. Like in AG's his last post, pointing people to Delamorto's devices. None of which are OU, nor free energy. So, why lead us (again) on a wild goose chase???  And is why he get so much negative posts. I came here to get away from people like that. And find that he is here now, as well.
   Anyway, SL you are here and posting again, and the other thread does not exist. I also don't like to have to deal with some guys that cause a lot of negative discussion, and they can also be very insulting, and waste our time. We are not here for that, and it can cause the closing of a thread, or moderation of members. Nor are we here to hear about disinformation. That is why I restarted the RANT thread at OU.com. As there is no moderator there (I think) to delete and remove posts nor people. Like Wesley has done to me for asking for proof that the transmission of Zenneck waves for over a mile distance away, are what Kapanadze used to fool people, like in his lake video. And repeating that for years, while showing absolutely no proof. That to me is disinformation, at its best.
  So, solarlab, try to be a little nicer, and respectful, along with F6 that seams to have some issues, of insulting people, over and over again. Like me.

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326

A Couple of Technical Points (small peace offering to close out my interaction here)

Attached are two (2) PDFs that have never appeard here but might be of interest or value.

First is a look at surface electron behaviour in a high voltage environment and the possible
relation to the Grenade Coil.

Second is a Vizmuller patent regarding a "folded-back helical coil" used to form a filter. Only
one portion of the helical is folded in the patent, however several sections could also be folded
(wavelength related as in the Grenade) to further effect the filter performance. A close study
of the grenade shows this might be some of the reasoning behind the coil's design.

As I type this - I question why I even bother posting anymore???
None of this seems to ever go anywhere here!
No one has even attempted replicating the simple LinGen; or even commented...



Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
A Couple of Technical Points (small peace offering to close out my interaction here)

Attached are two (2) PDFs that have never appeard here but might be of interest or value.

First is a look at surface electron behaviour in a high voltage environment and the possible
relation to the Grenade Coil.

Second is a Vizmuller patent regarding a "folded-back helical coil" used to form a filter. Only
one portion of the helical is folded in the patent, however several sections could also be folded
(wavelength related as in the Grenade) to further effect the filter performance. A close study
of the grenade shows this might be some of the reasoning behind the coil's design.

As I type this - I question why I even bother posting anymore???
None of this seems to ever go anywhere here!
No one has even attempted replicating the simple LinGen; or even commented...


I don't see how surface currents of any type could be a mechanism for gain.  This is usually the best question to ask an inventor or experimenter.  It cuts straight to the point and past the BS.  "I don't know" is the best answer but we rarely hear that.  Instead we get some buzz words, and misplaced terminology.

Another good question is how is the current induced, but that's another discussion.

While the helical coil resonator patent looks similar to Kap's coil, I seriously doubt Kap's coil uses a helical resonator, or that the coil is a filter.  Kap's coil is probably very simple and uses a form of induction that isn't common knowledge. The wire through the center of the coil has a specific reason for being there.

As for the LinGen, I wouldn't bother attempting to build it without more information on how it is supposed to work.  Even then, it appears very expensive and Kap's coil looked very inexpensive.  I'm busy with a couple of other promising projects at this time, so other devices are just curiosities.

I'll throw out a peace offering of my own to thank you for yours:

There is no current without charge separation.

Group: Guest
Yes well I can't say i'm encouraged by down turn attitudes and comments unless that person has experimented and proved
one way or another either how a section of a device it's expected to work or has proved categorically that it has no chance and why I wouldn't say I have no idea about electronics  and i'm learning all the time, we all should be, rather than expecting a guru of some sort to just plonk a working device on the thread, any thing is possible the American junta has proved that since 1947 with it's patents.

I'm afraid none of the published circuits work as is, it's like getting on a bus  you have to find your own way once you get off or completely missed your stop!

« Last Edit: 2022-08-23, 06:59:02 by AlienGrey »
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326
"I don't see how surface currents of any type could be a mechanism for gain"

Here's a couple of key words to use in your search to discover how/why it works:

Field Electron Emission - Work Function - 1928 PRSL Fowler Nordheim electron field emission - or

YT - What is FIELD ELECTRON EMISSION what does FIELD ELECTRON EMISSION mean - Top 10 Demos With the Plasma Globe!

General: TWT theory, Particle Accelerator theory and operation

Pretty simple actually...

Almost forgot - carefully review all the material I've posted on the Holcomb device a.k.a LinGen and I'm pretty sure you'll get it.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I used to work with TWT's decades ago, no OU there...

Even with free electrons, you need a means to move them, to separate them.

"Gain" is a separate thing altogether. For that you need a way to "magnify" energy that uses less than it produces, otherwise it's just amplification.

Nothing you have mentioned so far is able to "magnify" energy.

Steven Mark (TPU) knew about it.  He even said it was the "secret".  He never explained more than that though.

Pretty simple actually...

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326
TWT theory is there - combine that with Kapanadze/Ruslan devices and BINGO!

(cold cathode Electron Emission - e source - HV {mv2} gain)

Yea - pretty simple!

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
It's crazy how many overunity specialists tell us how to get free energy, without ever showing us a proof of concept with a device they have built. Some don't build anything, others are competent but not in FE, they build setups with beautiful red and blue coils but we don't see any particular effect.

Some put Tesla everywhere, others want us to shake ether or other fairy dust, others want us to combine machines that for 10 years have never worked although it is rumored that each one separately is FE, and on ou.com we can't count anymore, so numerous are they, the threads of hucksters who claim to reveal the "secrets" of so-and-so.

My suggestion of the day is that those who do this don't know any more than you do, probably much less. Listening to them is a waste of time. The method that works is not to believe the boastful babble of ignorant prophets, but to verify the claimed facts, make falsifiable logical hypotheses so that we can discuss them, and test our own ideas.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Guest
   Well, we can see that the naysayer is the guy that knows it all about free energy, trying to convince us that only his negative disinformed comments are what we are here to discuss. As he has many empty claims about something that he obviously knows nothing about, claims but no proof, just more and more negative bullshit. As well as his constant  insults to any one here, that is showing and discussing what these threads are about. I would think of him as a troll, only here to disrupt, and get paid for it. And to snitch on anyone that comes forth with a working device, that proves that there is an ambient source to run this world, as Tesla said repeatedly said. Otherwise is he doing all this for fun? Some fun..
But, Not one positive comment coming out of his vast knowledge.

 So, why don't you start your own thread F6 about your misinformation. And spare us your broken record.
   If I were the moderator here you buddy would have been long gone, as you have said the same thing too many times, and we've heard it all again and again,  and now you are just here to disrupt, as you won't ever  do or show any "proof"  ever. Of what you "suggest" we should do. No one is going to show nor discuss anything with you. If you have not noticed yet. At least not me.
So "my suggestion" is, go bark up another thread.

« Last Edit: 2022-08-23, 17:35:31 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
I used to work with TWT's decades ago, no OU there...

Even with free electrons, you need a means to move them, to separate them.

"Gain" is a separate thing altogether. For that you need a way to "magnify" energy that uses less than it produces, otherwise it's just amplification.

Nothing you have mentioned so far is able to "magnify" energy.

Steven Mark (TPU) knew about it.  He even said it was the "secret".  He never explained more than that though.

Pretty simple actually...

   Grumpy: Gain is what this is all about.  And one would think that after seeing inventors and thieir devices concerning free energy,
From before, because now today no one is going to be showing anything that works, for free. Am I wrong???
Sr. Member

Posts: 479
Why do you argue on such a simple topic. Ether is Earth magnetic field and it contains energy from Sun and other cosmic sources trapped as a white noise. This energy accumulates till thunder balance it. The process of tapping this energy require ineraction with Earth field and probably using excess energy obtained to run electrons on surface of conductors. The main problem is that each power source  influence only it's own electrons. You cannot use human made power to speed up electrons generated by Earth.
Group: Guest
  The process of extracting use able energy from the surrounding immediate ambient source, is not a simple process, nor topic. As it's what can be done with it, that counts for us interested in free energy.
   Perhaps you can show how it can be done. As this is such a simple topic.
   I'm all ears...
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
   Well, we can see that the naysayer is the guy that knows it all about free energy, trying to convince us that only his negative disinformed comments are what we are here to discuss. As he has many empty claims about something that he obviously knows nothing about, claims but no proof, just more and more negative bullshit. As well as his constant  insults to any one here, that is showing and discussing what these threads are about. I would think of him as a troll, only here to disrupt, and get paid for it. And to snitch on anyone that comes forth with a working device, that proves that there is an ambient source to run this world, as Tesla said repeatedly said. Otherwise is he doing all this for fun? Some fun..
But, Not one positive comment coming out of his vast knowledge.

 So, why don't you start your own thread F6 about your misinformation. And spare us your broken record.
   If I were the moderator here you buddy would have been long gone, as you have said the same thing too many times, and we've heard it all again and again,  and now you are just here to disrupt, as you won't ever  do or show any "proof"  ever. Of what you "suggest" we should do. No one is going to show nor discuss anything with you. If you have not noticed yet. At least not me.
So "my suggestion" is, go bark up another thread.


When I talk about the boastful babble of ignorant prophets and hucksters of FE, Nickz insults and slanders me.
Does he feel guilty or is he afraid of being exposed? If he is neither an ignorant prophet nor a huckster, he should not be offended.
If moderators are to be called in, it is to eliminate the boastful babble and lies of ignorant prophets and hucksters, which defile our domain and threads.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326


OT - but do you have your Ruslan/Kapnadze/Stalker type device still intact (or near so)?


Group: Guest
    Guys:. I've had enough. I'll be back when there is something to discuss.
   Listen to F6 he hold all the keys all the knowledge we need. Plus he needs the money,
Group: Guest
Who or what is F6 about.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
F6 has a low tolerance for claims without support. I you reply with valid scientific arguments, then the beast is calmed.

He is well-versed in electronics and electrical theory and practice.

I \f one were to disclose a working energy device, I would want his analysis and comments about it.

Many may take his comments personally as attacks, but he is often correct about his conclusions.

Who really knows how a supposed OU device works?
Who further can build it? 
Who can perform accurate tests and experiments to conclude it's properties and parameters?

F6 is grounded, firmly to the Earth. Ignore him if you don't like his point of view.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326


Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148

Your answer is quite appropriate, the "beast" thank you.    :)

When you provide us with documentation, it is usually serious material, well focused, exactly in the subject, I have often noticed, a sign of relevance of analysis and willingness to understand the debate. As well as experimentation, it is trustworthy and useful to progress. This is the approach of the majority of participants here, I think, I try to be there too. It is the opposite of the delusions of the egomaniac nuts, very few in number but conspicuous, flooding any thread with the same indistinct nonsense whatever the subject.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Guest
Yes all thease colourfull metofores and short term contradictions are both confusing and amusing, if only this or that happens C.C
its all basic psycological iritation and fogging

Nick has a completed original device and a bouble beam scope with that type of device I need to know and see if his push piull output
is in sync with his katcher driver, how he gets is is also importand but I need to see if he has sync or resonance between both oscilaters ie
that the data window is in exactly the corect place and that the hf rise time is at the start of the window and finishes when the window closes.

Unless we test things out nothing will ever happen,.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148

What does this have to do with science and the ether?
Does his device shake the ether as he asks others to do?

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Guest
   I guess that the many videos I've posted on YT were not enough for you? Is that just too easy?
   I have many many times mentioned what my device is running at. I've also shown scope shots of it running, on my videos. IF you watch them.
Also Itsu has, as well. He has tried many frequency matches, yet has produced much less actual output, than what I show, while lighting 3 200 bulbs, partially. Same with Geo, apecore, and others.

   Ok, one more time...  My magnetic induction circuit runs at around 18KHz, while the Kacher runs at around 1MHz. So, not the same nor are they ever the "same" for any of the self runners of this type. Nor is the Kacher supposed to run at 18KHz, like the induction circuit does. Which would make them the same frequency.
   Why does this matter to someone that will never build anything?  And why do I have to repeat myself to you so many times?
Please check my videos, where all that is explained. Or is your memory failing you?
   Each and every self runner shown by the different replications, run at different frequencies, all of them are different from one another, as well. And, NONE of them run at a matched frequency, that you think they  should. My device is a TopRuslan 7/Stalker replication, not Delamortos nor any other device that you come up with that has nothing to do with what we are doing.
  I have shared a lot of information here, which others may not know. I'm not here to argue, nor waste time. If you don't care to have me share any more information, just let me know. But, I'm not here to be insulted, everyday. And can delete all my posts if needed.


   BTW: F6 this is not anything that would interest you, sir.  And you also seam to have a very bad memory problem, as well, as some other personal problems concerning respect of the members here. Therefore, I will "ignore" you, nor answer you ever again.
   If you are not a TROLL, you certainly act like one. And, I don't talk to trolls, nor trust them, who are here for no useful purpose. 
   IF you continue disrupting this thread, you may find it to be one more forum, that adds to all the others that you got banned from.
« Last Edit: 2022-08-24, 17:04:52 by NickZ »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
F6 is well versed in relativity theory and on my Marinov Generator thread he said
Special relativity is not new to me, but its use in electromagnetism, yes. I am trying to familiarize myself, and I regret that electromagnetism was not taught to me on this basis, it is really elegant, complete and uncompromising.
.  In that respect his perception of the workings of the universe does not need an aether.  Although I don’t agree with him on this I do respect his view, and the disagreement could simply be an interpretation of what is meant by the word “aether”.  I would say that the 4 dimensional space within which relativity formula reign supreme is an aether. 

When I look at the night sky and find the constellation Orion, I see the star Betelgeuse on Orion’s shoulder that is visibly more red than the others (my physics teacher jokingly referred to it as beetle-juice).  I then realize that atomic oscillators some 640 light years away are at that moment having an effect on the atomic oscillators in the retina of my eye, and it’s a sobering thought that such action at a distance is possible.  Distant matter is populating our local space with photons, so I have no difficulty in imagining it populating our space with other virtual particles.  Then all the wonders of our modern physics like Heisenberg uncertainty can be explained simply by interaction between our mass particles with that seething, active, non-empty space.
Group: Guest
   Thanks for your comments. If the relativity theory is what interests you, and others, you should cover that on a relativity theory, thread.
   This thread on this overunity forum is about the Aether, and how is relates to science, not relativity theory, but, Aether theory, instead.
And the free energy devices that are said to tap into this source of energy, the Aether, are the proof of such possibilities.
Can you accept that?

   The same people that came up with the Big Bang, are the ones that believe and give credence to relativity theories. I don't care nor accept a science which says, that there is no such thing as free energy, and that everything came from nothing, in one big bang. As I am here for OU, and self running devices.
   I have explained and shown kapanadze device, as well as my own. And I've mentioned concerning some of the things needed for a free energy devices. And, what Tesla has mentioned about the Aether, as being the source of all, and how to tap it. And I get shit on, and insulted, everyday, here.
 IF that is the kind of person that you would like to have here, then, so be it. That is your choice. I see him as a disruption, as I've already mentioned.
  The Dally Akula Ruslan thread was ended due to these same disruptions, and off topic BS. Just ask AG, as that was what he did, deleted and ended a most important thread, under this exact type of issues. And it has now gotten to the point where it's now just the same here, as well.
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