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Author Topic: The Aether and science  (Read 20581 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
With respect to an Aether, in the Holcomb thread you touched on how it could work...

Regarding the possibility of overunity, Chung Hyun's configuration makes no more sense than Holcomb's.
Whether the field is variable and/or moving is the same thing. The "displacement" of a field is a view without physical reality. Increasing the field in one place while decreasing it in another gives the impression of displacement, in the same way that projecting a beam of light onto a wall by turning the projector. The light point seems to move along the wall.  In reality nothing moves along the wall, it is only the photons emitted from the rotating projector that hit the screen at one point, then another next to it, and so on.
For an electric or magnetic field, it is the same. A certain field is generated at a certain point in space from coils, and by playing with the currents, the same field is then generated at another point, close by, and so on giving the illusion that the field is moving.
Seen from a coil that recovers this flux, the only field it feels is that of the place where it is. It sees no displacement but a variable field, which is what it really is and only.

This is a common mistake many seem to make similar to the Michelson-Morley experiment falsely presuming an Aether would move. I found it kind of strange than anyone would presume an all encompassing medium fundamental to everything would somehow flow like water. So of course the experiment failed, it was literally designed to fail and was amateur at best.

We could think of it this way, everything we know and call tangible is a lie. It's less than 1% material and over 99% energy as supposed EM fields and the closer we look the less substance we find. As if it could possibly get any worse nobody has a clue what the Primary Fields( Electric, Magnetic, Gravic) are in reality. So far as science/physics is concerned were basically flying blind.

Here is another example of the lie almost everyone was taught about space, motion and our solar system...
The helical model - our solar system is a vortex

Think about that, for millennia man watched the stars and plotted the positions and motions we know today. Everything was almost always depicted as a flat 2D drawing which is never how reality actually works, it's always 3D and motional. Here's a clue, ask someone to start drawing everything as it exists in 3D. It's always a train wreck because most cannot even draw and even if they could there perspective is severely flawed concerning any 3D space let alone any motion within it.

Now think about the picture of the standard transverse EM wave. It's a joke and is basically an artifact from our amateur measuring techniques. It's simply a flat 2D oscilloscope measurement with another measure interlaced at 90 degrees. I mean, nobody honestly believes this looks even remotely close to anything we would actually find in reality do they?. Well no, it looks like just like the analog signal we see on our screens not reality, lol.

So given all the lies, false depictions, false representations and gaping holes in our knowledge it's easy to understand why nobody can seem to understand an Aether or free energy.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
   Current science proponents must think that we are all clueless, and so, they will teach us how it all began with one Big Bang. Still taught in school.
And SCIENCE is still playing that BS game, today. Yet, do we believe it? That this theory is called science??? And is the basis for our understanding.
OR is it...
   Yet, you will not hear anything about the Aether, nor about Tesla in school, or about free energy devices, it's even more illusive than the Big Bang.
But, science does not believe in Free Energy. Remember, they tell us that there IS NO SUCH THING. Only solar panels, hydro electric generator systems, wind generators, and such. But, nothing about harvesting the Aether, nor about tapping into free energy from this unlimited source, from the surrounding ambient.
   Which version of "science" do you chose?

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
I am familiar with the challenge to the Michelson-Morley experiment.
Even if it did not demonstrate the absence of ether, it demonstrates that we can do without it.
The invalidation does not have to be demanded, but the existence of ether has to be demonstrated in order to talk about it and define it, and this is not the case. It is not enough to criticize the current model, which is working.

You won't fool me with the inversion of the burden of proof.  ;)

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Assuming for minute that there is a "medium" all around us.

What can we do with it?

Can we shake it? How and what does that do?

Can we rotate it? How and what does that do?
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I am familiar with the challenge to the Michelson-Morley experiment.
Even if it did not demonstrate the absence of ether, it demonstrates that we can do without it.
The invalidation does not have to be demanded, but the existence of ether has to be demonstrated in order to talk about it and define it, and this is not the case. It is not enough to criticize the current model, which is working.

If by working you mean cheating the system by making constants like space and time variable then I suppose it works. However if they can make space and time variable then I can make inertia variable by the same reasoning and we can do without them. We could then ask the question, if inertia is variable making apparent time/mass variable then something external could have caused this change in properties. Otherwise were left with the notion that something has acted on itself which is problematic in itself.

You see, I can deny your theories using the same kind of reasoning your using to deny mine. Of course, the usual response is to say one theory is more popular than another however we all know how that works from our history. Popularity was never a good measure of anything other than popularity...

I like Feynman's take on our dilemma...
"Scientific knowledge is a body of statements of varying degrees of certainty — some most unsure, some nearly sure, but none absolutely certain."
"Have no respect whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, 'Is it reasonable?'"
"That is the principle of science. If there is an exception to any rule, and if it can be proved by observation, that rule is wrong."

In fact our dilemma is the same as the one associated with a FE device. As I once told a friend, I could make up any kind of nonsense as to how my device works and they wouldn't know the difference. You wouldn't know anymore than them because whatever does happen is hidden behind a magnetic field change. The field changes more for reasons they cannot understand and there primitive measuring devices gives them no insight into how this could happen so they guess. Sometimes it's space-time, neutrinos, electron spin in iron, cosmic radiation or any number of things. In effect they don't know for the same reasons you don't know and nothing can be absolutely certain more so on the levels were speaking of.

I think we share a similar train of thought and reasoning however I like to take it much further. I want to know what the person/being was thinking in the UFO I observed pulling 100+ G's and accelerating to 60,000+ mph in a 1/2 second as it left out atmosphere. As you can probably imagine that's a tough act to follow...


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
Assuming for minute that there is a "medium" all around us.

What can we do with it?

Can we shake it? How and what does that do?

Can we rotate it? How and what does that do?

If the medium is shakeable, it can be shaken.
If the medium is rotatable, it can be rotated.

Same question: assuming there are "pink unicorns" all around us. What can we do with them?
If the pink unicorn is rideable, we can use it as a horse.
If the pink unicorn is powerful, it can pull the plow.

Same question : let's assume that angels exist. What is their sex?...

It's amazing how far we have come in understanding the universe!  ;D

The properties of an object can only be derived from its observation. If you assume the existence of an object before observing it, you can assume anything and everything about it, it's not even science fiction, it's esoteric verbiage.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"

Hero Member

Posts: 568
Some period literature on Lorentz' aether model:

"An overly-skeptical scientist might hastily conclude by scooping-up and analyzing a thousand buckets of seawater that the ocean has no fish in it."
Group: Guest
   What can we do with it, the Aether?
   How about to just to live with it, like you do with your soul. You can't live without it, yet you will never prove it, nor disprove it.
However, as we live in a multi dimensional world. Not everything can be seen, nor directly proven. Since some of you may not believe anything that I say, I recommend that you read up on Tesla, and his ideas, tests and inventions on free energy harvesting from the Aether. Such as his electric car.
   But, the point on this thread is, to make use able electricity from this invisible Aether. That is what we are all here for. Remember...
Except for those that have decided, they don't need it. So, keep paying your bills. I don't pay electric bills, so "I don't need it" as well, as my electricity cost me nothing. But, I still want it though, that is, the knowledge to be able to harvest from it. So, I will continue to study and work towards that end. As I have by building replications of self runners for the last several years. Along with other people like Itsu, Geofusion, and others. Those that are interested in what I've built, can look for it on you tube under my name, Nick Zec.
As that IS where the energy comes from. IF you care to know, and would like to have a free energy device. And if not, no skin off of my nose.
   Of course, I am not forcing my views on any one, at all. As I know that this knowledge will come to us, sooner, or later.
    Below, is an image of my version of the Ruslan/Stalker self runner replication. I put it here for more insulting comments about it. So, you can throw dirt on it, like Akula said about his device, and what people thought of it.

   The exciting (or pulsing) of this Aether is done with devices. Such the one that I am showing below. I have posted a link as an example of what Kapanadze has said and done, concerning that necessary "shake". He was the originator of this means of pulsing the surrounding Aether, to achieve several self running devices, shown running and producing up to 4.7kw, with NO INPUT source.
Shown here: https://youtu.be/EH9VhcDZYKg
   I doubt that anyone has studied nor been able to replicate TK's work here, as it is secret, still. And he may just die with the knowledge, like some others, have done. Of course, probably nobody saw the YT link to his latest device that I previously posted, a 4.7kw device producing free energy, and much less, have taken the time to view it. He mentioned that these devices are built from Tesla's ideas, and that they use the Aether as their fuel.
   If you think that there is no need for an Aether, (99 percent of "empty" space), good thing that YOU don't need it, but, I do...
   I'm not here to convince any one, I'm here to WORK on all of this, with any one that's interested. Not with naysayers.
« Last Edit: 2022-08-22, 15:22:15 by NickZ »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
If the medium is shakeable, it can be shaken.
If the medium is rotatable, it can be rotated.

Same question: assuming there are "pink unicorns" all around us. What can we do with them?
If the pink unicorn is rideable, we can use it as a horse.
If the pink unicorn is powerful, it can pull the plow.

Same question : let's assume that angels exist. What is their sex?...

It's amazing how far we have come in understanding the universe!  ;D

The properties of an object can only be derived from its observation. If you assume the existence of an object before observing it, you can assume anything and everything about it, it's not even science fiction, it's esoteric verbiage.

What of Maxwell's displacement current?  Is that still a pink unicorn?
What of the James Webb Telescope?  Was there no reason to build it, since we could see no further into space with the telescopes we already have?
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Assuming for minute that there is a "medium" all around us.
What can we do with it?
Can we shake it? How and what does that do?
Can we rotate it? How and what does that do?

The notion of an Aether as it applies to us today isn't so much about what we could do with it but what it is conceptually...

For example, many in the past thought air was nothing because they couldn't measure or grab hold of it. Then they learned moving air (wind) could apply a force on a sail to move boats or turn a windmill. Much later they learned very fast moving air could be rendered rigid and used to apply a force to lift something called an air-craft. In effect we are similar to the cavemen of the past wondering what good the strange medium called air was.

You see man didn't learn to fly, there is no such thing as flying in physics, it's absurd. We learned to apply a force against a medium to counteract another force called gravity so we could move through said medium. In the same way we will learn to grab hold of or apply a force against the medium in space we call the Aether and no longer need silly propellers beating at the air or rockets belching flames. The leap in technology will be magnitudes greater than any other discovery we have made in the field of propulsion.

Here's a clue, SM's TPU was a solid state electrical device said to have inertial effects because of the process involved. That is, the device appeared to resist an acceleration more when turned on than when off. Thus we could mount two TPU's onto two counter-rotating disks and turn them on during 180 degrees and then off the other 180 degrees producing a unidirectional propulsive force. Here we need to be clear this is an inertia based force where the inertia of an object changes but we still don't know what inertia is. What we could assume is that the laws of action and reaction still apply thus what we see as a change in inertia is a change in the interaction of the medium the object is immersed in... an Aether.

Thus we come full circle back to the question of what good an Aether would be...

As usual everyone has this concept of the Aether and energy completely backwards and it's not only a matter of motion but also a lack of it. Now imagine were on Earth which is actually moving at near 1.3 million mph through space and we attach a craft to a rigid point in space. This is equivalent to riding on a high speed train and throwing an anchor out the window attached to our waist. The train keeps on moving at high speed and we come to a very abrupt halt. However the people on the Earth/train would see us moving away from them at a very high speed even though we are the one's not moving anywhere, they are. As well, it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if our anchor was attached to a generator then the difference between the motion of something and any fixed point in space could generate a great deal of energy. So once again we can see almost everyone has the Aether concept completely backwards and if everything is already in motion then any truly fixed point in space represents energy. Energy is not something, it is the difference or change in motion between any two or more things.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
   Perhaps the idea is that there is more to "thin air", than just thin air. Dr Stiffler would say, yes. Who, was Dr. Stiffler you say?
   We need to see how fields have something to do with all this. Field are what we need to harvest from, not the material objects like coal, wood, gas and oil. These unsean fields are where free energy lies.
  Some guys need proof or want see some proof. Proof, of that idea. Which is what guys like Kapanadze, and several others have shown. And no one else, or so it seams. However the actual "cosmic soup", can't be sean nor measured. Sorry F6. But, it's effects can be sean and reproduced. Don't get me wrong, this is not an easy and simple process. Or we would not need to be discussing it,, like we are.
   Reminds me of the other similar question, are we alone. And can you prove it...

Group: Guest
   What can we do with it, the Aether?
   How about to just live with it, like you do with your soul. You can't live without it, yet you will never prove it, nor disprove it.
However, as we live in a multi dimensional world. Not everything can be seen, nor directly proven. Since some of you may not believe anything that I say, I recommend that you read up on Tesla, and his ideas, tests and inventions on free energy harvesting from the Aether. Such as his electric car.
   But, the point on this thread is, to make use able electricity from this invisible Aether. That is what we are all here for. Remember...
Except for those that have decided, they don't need it. So, keep paying your bills. I don't pay electric bills, so "I don't need it" as well, as my electricity cost me nothing. But, I still want it though, that is, the knowledge to be able to harvest from it. So, I will continue to study and work towards that end. As I have by building replications of self runners for the last several years. Along with other people like Itsu, Geofusion, Apecore, Tomtech, and several others. Those that are interested in what I've built, as well as the other guys mentioned, can look for it on you tube under my name, Nick Zec. IF you care to know, and would like to have or build a free energy device, remember, this still in experimental stages, at this time.
    I know that this knowledge will come to us, sooner, or later

    Below, is an image of my version of the Ruslan/Stalker self runner replication. I put it here for more insulting comments about it. So, you can throw dirt on it, like Akula said about his device, and what people thought of it.

   The exciting (or pulsing) of this Aether is done with devices. Such the one that I am showing below. I have posted a link as an example of what Kapanadze has said and done, concerning that necessary "shake". He was the originator of this means of pulsing the surrounding Aether, to achieve several self running devices, shown running and producing up to 4.7kw, with NO INPUT source.
Shown here: https://youtu.be/EH9VhcDZYKg
   I doubt that anyone has studied nor been able to replicate TK's work here, as it is secret, still. And he may just die with the knowledge, like some others, have done. Of course, probably nobody saw the YT link to his latest device that I previously posted, a 4.7kw device producing free energy, and much less, have taken the time viewed it. He mentioned that these devices are built from Tesla's ideas, and that they use the Aether as their fuel.
   If you think that there is no need for an Aether, (99 percent of "empty" space), good thing that YOU don't need it, but, I do...
   I'm not here to convince any one, I'm here to WORK on all of this, with any one that's interested. Not with naysayers.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326

Nice thing about thin air - if you're an antenna guy at least - is the impedance is about 377 ohms.
Design your antenna so it matches close to that 377 ohms and you get very little reflection loss!


Group: Guest
Nice thing about thin air - if you're an antenna guy at least - is the impedance is about 377 ohms.
Design your antenna so it matches close to that 377 ohms and you get very little reflection loss!


   SL: Thanks.
   However what I have seen as far as harvesting energy by antenna from thin air, is that they only produce milli watts. Not KW.
   Kapanadze has shown producing 100kw. On some of his earlier devices. I have not seen that from guys with antennas.
   So, I venture to say that Kapanadze has shown a much higher output than has been shown by just using antennas, and capacitors.

Group: Guest
What of Maxwell's displacement current?  Is that still a pink unicorn?
What of the James Webb Telescope?  Was there no reason to build it, since we could see no further into space with the telescopes we already have?

   Grumpy: Good question about the James Web telescope.
The mirror on it is twice as big as the Hubble, and so it's resolution can be better and clearer than the previous one.
I also understand that like the Hubble it may also have weapons tech on board. Better and improved over the Hubble.
Perhaps that is the real reason that it was built, and it is also much further away in space, from man made influences, as well.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
So, how does Kapanadze's device work?

How are his coils wound?

How does he drive the coils?

Until we know these things, Kapanadze might as well be using pixie dust.
Group: Guest
   Sorry Grumpy, but I've made over 5000 post here and on overunity.com about this subject, and several videos of my tests.
  I don't feel that I want to repeat myself again and again.

   However, there are two circuits to these devices, a magnetic lower voltage push pull pulse circuit, and a Tesla coil type HV HF pulse  circuit. The two different frequencies and circuits are combined together on tuned coils using capacitors to tune for specific resonance points, which contributes to the pulling and harvesting of additional, or extra energy (Aether) from the surrounding ambient. That is the idea, in short.
  That is where we are at with this now, and needing further tests to continue in. This is a work in progress, not easy and not cheap to work on. Requiring much time,  not to mention the costs involved. Yet, I know of no better project to work on, for now.
Group: Guest
  Double post delited
Group: Guest
Guy's I have been going over some of this data on the Dally device and some of the other similar devices that are said to work
mainly photographic screen shots most of the devices published in the west are vastly different how they are said to operate
one screen shot from further back in this thread boasts of a single burst shot at the peak of sine wave while some other shots found on both this website and some Russian speaking threads show a number of screen shots filling each entire wave with rf modulation with a small dead zone between each half of the sine wave or in some cases a squarish wave.

I'm referring to thr push pull leak off feeding the RF shaping circuits, I was wondering if any one has done any experiments on this phenomena or hypothesis ?
please feel free to comment.

Regards Sil

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
   Sorry Grumpy, but I've made over 5000 post here and on overunity.com about this subject, and several videos of my tests.
  I don't feel that I want to repeat myself again and again.

   However, there are two circuits to these devices, a magnetic lower voltage push pull pulse circuit, and a Tesla coil type HV HF pulse  circuit. The two different frequencies and circuits are combined together on tuned coils using capacitors to tune for specific resonance points, which contributes to the pulling and harvesting of additional, or extra energy (Aether) from the surrounding ambient. That is the idea, in short.
  That is where we are at with this now, and needing further tests to continue in. This is a work in progress, not easy and not cheap to work on. Requiring much time,  not to mention the costs involved. Yet, I know of no better project to work on, for now.

So, you don't really know how Kapanadze's coil works.  None of Tesla's pulse circuits were HV HF.
So much money and time is required, yet Kapanadze had barely enough to eat.  MY guess is someone told him how to do it, and he tried to get rich.
Oh, and Kapanadze's coils are very homemade and I doubt they are tuned for anything like a normal resonance, more for "greatest output".
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326
So, how does Kapanadze's device work?

How are his coils wound?

How does he drive the coils?

Until we know these things, Kapanadze might as well be using pixie dust.

Grumpy - FYI,

 A topic simply called Documentation contains some information regarding the theory and operation of the Kapanadze/Ruslan Generators starts at:


Summarized operation/theory with a preliminary tested postulation of How/Where the Energy comes from is here:

https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4154.msg96060#msg96060 and here

NOTE: During testing the Ruslan Device continually showed erratic behavour and failures. It was discovered that this instability seemed to
correlate with the changes in atmospheric conditions - primarily approaching lightning storms (as you know, the earth's electric field reverses polarity
in and around thunderstorm activity).

Summary: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4154.msg96356#msg96356

It was preliminarily concluded this might be a (related) cause of the Ruslan Generator instability.  Work was suspended at that point and a "work-around"
has yet to be found by anyone, as far as I know anyway.

The related OUR thread was closed before any real completion of the Ruslan device simulation results could be posted, many of the posts were deleted
and I was banned - so further analysis or observations did not appear in OUR.

The workaround is still ongoing in the lab, however its a "back burner" task at the present time. New advances in sensing and Microcomputer performance
are being evaluated for use in a "pre-distortion" type of fix for the Ruslan device.



Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Simple question:

Why does the cable pass through the center of the coil?
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326
I don't recall - would have to review the simulations; probe the wire and plot it...
There's a lot of complex stuff happening in, and around, this device.

Where would you put the wire? Through the center of the TT/Kacher coil?
Around the outside near the HV (so called) Antenna? Winding starts at one end
and finishes at the other.

The info was FYI - that's it.


Group: Guest
Simple question:

Why does the cable pass through the center of the coil?

   That is the way that the "grenade coil" was designed. Not sure if it is entirely necessary to be that way, or not. But those two cables only go through the grenade part of the coil, not through the Kacher secondary coil.
Perhaps it is ment to add something to the combining of the two frequencies. As one of the two cables are further Earth Grounded. 
   I did not work on the Kapanadze device as it is still secret. But, I did spend some years working on the Ruslan//Stalker devices, instead. And can explain how they are supposed to work. As there is much information there, but something may still be left out.
   The Kapanadze grenade may not have the same number of windings and clock wise and counterclock wise turns. As the Akula or Ruslan devices have. Cancelling the normal induction. Many types of grenade coils have been tried. Stalker built 25 different grenade coils, to find one that worked. The grenade can be further tuned for higher output by placing ferrite rods or bars inside of the grenade former tube. But I found this also caused additional heating of the coils, as well as heating of the whole device. Enough to bend the plastic grenade former tube. So, ferrite is not used by me anymore. The ferrite yoke core can also be tuned by placing magnetite magnets on the yoke coils, or inside the yoke. The yoke is the power house, and heart of this contraption.
The push pull circuit is the magnetic part of the device, and its electric output is non shocking. That is one thing I really like about magnetic type of current, no shocks. But, once the HV Tesla coil circuit is also turned on, then you will get shocked to kingdom come.

« Last Edit: 2022-08-22, 19:14:20 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
Your asking how does it supposed to work, well there are two types of electricity both Tesla and Dollard refereed to it
one uses a wave where the electrons wast time dancing up and down and the other a direct punch effect that could be faster than light it self.

Some time ago Dolamorto  posted a short description on one of Wesleys threads with a shot description and circuit
diagram, and circuit brief theory of operation you would need to search for it, try Dally thread.
Basically both the Tesla coil and the Grenade have to be the same frequency, as your doing an TX & RX to pick up
static But your not modulating any thing as Geo showed in his vids, until he modulated the output driver probably at
quarter wave to create a spin that way it would be in sync (starting at the same place in the modulated window, like a spinning arrow or other projectile.

The other thing is do you remember the Forester Travis Walton who went to investigated the bright lite in the trees?
well this type of wave almost destroyed his nervous system, find his interview on the subject, before you experiment
might be a good idea.

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