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Author Topic: The Aether and science  (Read 20582 times)
Group: Guest
   I understand your views about what is or is not "science".
    I personally am more interested in the truth, about free energy, not the "science" of it, instead. As I seam to have an inherent distrust for what is called "science", now. I am a nuclear scientists son. And am very leary of anything "nuclear", sorry to say. As that is what our electrical power will be based on, to be able to run the millions of new electric being made, as well as nuclear everything else. Like giving a gun to a baby.

   So, there seams to be a difference to Tesla's ideas, and what we have going on now. Pay, pay, pay, pay and pay some more.  Nice...

« Last Edit: 2022-08-20, 14:19:15 by NickZ »
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
It's probably that kind of hostility that gets you kicked off the other sites, trying to berate someone that's agreeing with you. C.C
I was trying to stay focused on the science, that if such perturbations exist, of how they might be created/detected in EE.

I don't contradict those who agree with me, so if I left that impression or did, it is a misunderstanding.

So I reread our exchange:
"Objects in science are only the definitions of properties that scientists make of them."
"Couldn't agree more"

I understood you to say that you no more agree with me (hence my request that you define your own objects).
Now that I reread, I understand that you were saying the opposite.   8)
Sorry for the misunderstanding, English is not my native language, and glad we agree.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Guest
   I repeat again, Kapanadze who follows Tesla ideas, says that, you have to  "Shake the Aether". Excite the Aether...
   Kapanadze did mention that his devices use Tesla's ideas. And he did have many witnesses with all their test equipment, to make sure he was not fooling around.
« Last Edit: 2022-08-17, 14:21:49 by NickZ »
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148

"Shake, rattle and roll" the Aether, Bill Haley added, the COP will go from 10 to 1000.  :)

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"

Hero Member

Posts: 568
I understood you to say that you no more agree with me (hence my request that you define your own objects).
Now that I reread, I understand that you were saying the opposite.   8)
Sorry for the misunderstanding, English is not my native language, and glad we agree.

It happens.  Just an example of how easy it is a topic can be confused with language/definitions. :P

BTW I am finding some instances of anomalous negative capacitance, which from an elastic aether model, it would mean relative permittivity is dropping below 1:

Most commonly seems to show up in ferroelectric capacitors and multiferroics.
Anomalous negative inductance seems less common but I suspect it would show up inside magnetic amplifiers and synchronous alternators.

"An overly-skeptical scientist might hastily conclude by scooping-up and analyzing a thousand buckets of seawater that the ocean has no fish in it."
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
We expect those who talk about it to define it with the same rigor that scientists define their own objects. Otherwise, the ether not being defined, everyone says anything about it and it is no more verifiable than a pink unicorn horn.

It's debatable, if anything not defined or verifiable by science cannot exist how do you explain...you?.

Our brain is just a bunch of electrical signals bouncing around off bundles of cells and if it wasn't for our own existence/consciousness science would deny it's even possible. Consciousness makes literally no sense because it's just a bunch of inanimate material and electricity according to science isn't it?. Yet here we are having a debate even though science in principal would claim we cannot exist and we are as you say...pink unicorns.

I have found it's best not to get too full of ourselves with respect to what we think we understand given our circumstances.

On the Aether, I can take it or leave it and it doesn't mean much either way. It's more a question of logic and reason than others opinions. My reasoning is that energy cannot translate through an empty space because this would be no different that saying something can be created from nothing. It's like saying something moved which is energy then said energy traveled through an empty space where nothing was present which could have moved which isn't energy then magically appeared somewhere else again as energy. Ergo something from nothing which we know doesn't work.

In the big picture I use a different methodology I call the "different facts" scenario...

For example, I and another person observed a UFO do some crazy stuff first hand and we know this as a fact. You and countless others may not have seen one, may not believe it's even possible or believe anything you want because it doesn't matter. In effect others opinions cannot change our facts thus we must be using a different set of facts as we know them.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Dr. Harold Aspden reported an odd effect that he experienced when doing experiments with motors.
He used the term "vrtual inertia" to describe it.

2019 discussion here:

Articles about the effect:
Group: Guest
   You mentioned:
   On the Aether, I can take it or leave it and it doesn't mean much either way.
                                                                                                                end quote.

    Yes, that is what most people think, as well. As that is what they want us to think. As neither they nor you KNOW about what it can do.
But, Kapanadze does. And does not expect to harvest from "nothing" as you think.
    Considered unimportant, but the use of Aether physics, could change this fucked up polluted dying planet. Without the need to keep burning things up, nor creating a real mess with nuclear facilities. Nor making a Ponzi scheme of our economies. And, with out the need to spend money on, fuel, for your car, nor spending anything to heat ones house or business. Planes could fly for free, almost.   Can you take that, or leave it??? Doesn't matter to you?...You would think differently if you KNEW that it's all more than just possible.
    Do you think that those space ships that you saw need to burn tons fuel, to get here?  Like we are doing just to get anywhere. That's why they don't want us to know anything about the Aether. You will not hear about it in physics class. And any one showing a working self runner, will have problems. They have done a great job, hiding the truth from us.
   We will finally see that everything that we know of, can be taken or produced from this Aether. Like food, and well everything. Of course no one believes it. But, I do. As it's in my blood, yes, Slavic blood. And, we don't give in too easily to the current brainwashing ideas, and tactics.

   The Anunnaki needed slaves to mine for gold and Uranium so they created us to serve their needs. Just like we use beasts of burden. And now we are still slaves, to the current work ethics, providing us with big debts to keep us working without freedom of choice.
But, they the Anunnaki come from a different dimension, and didn't need to "travel" to get here. Nor needed to buy a ticket...

   Grumpy:  Tesla has mentioned that the energy that comes from spinning a magnet over coils, does not come from the energy created by the spin, as we are still being taught in schools. It comes from the Aether, instead.  You can believe him, or not, but it helps to believe, if you want free energy.

« Last Edit: 2022-08-17, 15:32:03 by NickZ »
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
   You mentioned:
   On the Aether, I can take it or leave it and it doesn't mean much either way.
                                                                                                                end quote.
    Yes, that is what most people think, as well. As that is what they want us to think.

And these people are right, just as some proponents of the ether are wrong to "want us to think" that the ether would be useful.
They are wrong not because they make the ether hypothesis, but because they talk about it as if it were a reality when they are unable to produce any experimental evidence. 

As neither they nor you KNOW about what it can do

nor you.
Or please, spare us the tedious blah blah or conspiracy theories like in your reply #16, and present us with your experimental results about the aether.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Guest
   Bla bla bla, you call it.
   It is obvious that you have read some of Tesla's ideas, but the bases of those ideas and tests are based on this unimportant issue to you you called Aether. Can I prove it, no, can you?
   Well, if you can't prove it, and I can't prove it, it just can't be true... Or can it.
   Remember, this is a thread about Aether science. Not about my opinion, or yours. Nor about conventional closed circuit devices.

Group: Guest
  Funny how you start a thread about this subject, yet seam to ignore and disbelieve its essence.
Then ask me to prove what is not provable, at this time. Like proving that God exist, or that you exist.
  I did mention the Kapanadze devices, and there is also Akula, Stalker, Ruslan,  Adrian Gustav, and others that you may not know.
  Are you aware of what they have shown, concerning Tesla ideas of harvesting from the surrounding ambient medium? As it does not seam like it. Or is this all about naysaying and calling me an idiot. Is that what you think of Tesla, also? All this is bla bla bla, to you.
But, not to worry, I won't waste any more of your time. I was hoping that there are others that may be helped by what I've said.
   Sorry to bore you AC. You can continue telling people how wrong they are, in your opinion. Yet, show no proof, as well...

« Last Edit: 2022-08-18, 02:06:21 by NickZ »
Group: Guest

Group: Guest
  Double post deleted.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I offered Dr Aspden's "rotational motor anomaly" as possible indication of an aether, but no one commented on it.
Group: Guest
I offered Dr Aspden's "rotational motor anomaly" as possible indication of an aether, but no one commented on it.

   I did answer you. Post #32.
   Sounds interesting, but we would need to replicated the effect, to confirm the anomaly.
   Thanks for sharing the info.


« Last Edit: 2022-08-18, 03:49:17 by NickZ »
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
   Bla bla bla, you call it.

Obviously not, you are mistaken. I don't call ether "ba bla bla", but only what you say about it.

You ask others to "shake the ether". So shake it yourself and then come and tell us how, with your experimental results to support it. Only then can your words be considered as something other than "ba bla bla".

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
I offered Dr Aspden's "rotational motor anomaly" as possible indication of an aether, but no one commented on it.

I have a video on YouTube about that, done several years ago now. My results were inconclusive and rather amusing as we forgot to note the acceleration times.   ;D

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
   Ok, so it seams that both AC as well as F6 do not agree with Tesla, and believe him to be wrong. Nor know what Kapanadze and others have said and shown. Kapanadze, (not me) is who mentions about exciting the Aether. But, F6 only wants me to show him what kapanadze means by that. He needs me to show what has already been shown. So, I will make no reference to them again. If you want proof, be that proof. Don't expect it from me. I'm not here to waste my time discussing this subject to those that don't want to believe nor accept Tesla's ideas as fact, but call him wrong, as you know so much more, now.
   Is there something else that you don't agree with. As it seams that I need to confront these two guys here, just to say anything, about anything.
   Yes, the two guys that don't ever build anything, such as a free energy device, never have shown a working device, but have lots of discussion about what it is, and what it's not, as if they really know.
   How about some proof concerning the Aether from you two guys. For a change. As you seam to think that everything that I say is wrong. OR are you here to somehow disprove Tesla's ideas, just with your words, but think your unproven ideas about all this are what is correct.
   So, carry on guys...show us what you know and can DO concerning the subject of this thread. Otherwise, I'll leave you to your selves on this free energy forum. As it sure seams like neither of you two really know what you are saying, nor know anything at all about Tesla's Aether nor about free energy. Nor really know just what has been shown by kapandze, Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, and others, such as myself.
 You've made your point. And I can now see why F6 gets kicked out of every forum that he has ever been to.
It's not because of your outstanding knowledge about free energy.
   As it seams that these two guys have no knowledge at all about free energy, and about the Aether, and what has been shown, and said about it, by those that do know.

   The link below is NOT OLD, 4.7kw. 
   Kapanadze  FREE ENERGY:  https://youtu.be/EH9VhcDZYKg

   As some people have eyes, but can't see... Yes, that means you two guys. Who come to a free energy forum, and post a thread about the AETHER, just to throw dirt of it. And pretend that you know so much more, than Tesla. But, you will never show anything at all. Just being naysayers, with out knowledge of free energy. While Tesla had over 700 patents, to inventions that he made. And ran his electric car for one week, up to 90 miles per hour, needing NO batteries. What have you ever made that works, F6? Not one thing?
   I would start a thread about this same subject, but, I'm not here to discuss with these guys and their negative opinions. I've had enough. They win. I would suspect that there is a troll or two disrupting things here. It would not surprise me.

« Last Edit: 2022-08-19, 14:20:21 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
I have a video on YouTube about that, done several years ago now. My results were inconclusive and rather amusing as we forgot to note the acceleration times.   ;D

Cheers Grum.

   Thanks Grum:  It's nice to talk to someone that is here towards a positive end.
   If these anomalies allow for a self runner, that would be something to discuss.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
   Ok, so it seams that both AC as well as F6 do not agree with Tesla, and believe him to be wrong. Nor know what Kapanadze and others have said and shown.

Tesla, Kapanadze and others have never provided any free energy setup or proof of concept. Tesla has no such patents, and Kapanadze has black boxes in his patents, there are no credible reproductions of the effects he claims. Until proven otherwise, these effects exist only in the heads of those who believe in them.

It seems that Nickz prefers to talk about old stories that don't work and point us in the wrong direction. But it's not blah blah blah around urban legends that will make them reality. "Shake the ether", and without offering a single clue for a method, I still laugh.  ;D

And I can now see why F6 gets kicked out of every forum that he has ever been to.

Slanderous remark, not true. Out of some forums only. I am flattered but I remind the slanderers that this thread is dedicated to the ether, not to me.
Excommunication is the price to pay on some forums when criticizing the nuts who take Tesla for an omniscient God, and the false prophets who pretend to relay his Word for self-promotion. The way they talk about Tesla's work is an insult to his memory.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
Tesla was a genius inventor, having mastered the electrical engineering of his time after learning it at university. The scientific community recognized him by taking his name as the unit for the magnetic field, although he remained a mediocre theorist who did not understand the advances in physics of his time, especially at the beginning of the 20th century when the 19th century ether was disqualified.

Then, the ether remained a hypothesis. People smarter than Tesla, like Einstein, Dirac or De Broglie, continued to invoke a new ether after the 19th century one was recognized as useless or incompatible with observations. But these new ethers, be it the one carrying the physical properties of space in Einstein's 1920 conception where he was moderating his own past statements against the ether, the one of De Broglie carrying his "matter waves", or the one of Dirac's, a quantum bath, were no longer claimed to be "luminiferous" like the one of the 19th century, Tesla's. Whether it is the old conception or the new one, this notion of ether never proved to be useful, so little that it was never taken up by the scientific community despite the fame of those who invoked it. Note that they simply invoked it, without ever integrating it into their equations.

At the very least, it is possible to invoke a new ether notion, provided that it is defined, but to invoke the one from the 19th century is really to have missed all the modern physics.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
 Funny how you start a thread about this subject, yet seam to ignore and disbelieve its essence.
Then ask me to prove what is not provable, at this time. Like proving that God exist, or that you exist.
  I did mention the Kapanadze devices, and there is also Akula, Stalker, Ruslan,  Adrian Gustav, and others that you may not know.
  Are you aware of what they have shown, concerning Tesla ideas of harvesting from the surrounding ambient medium? As it does not seam like it. Or is this all about naysaying and calling me an idiot. Is that what you think of Tesla, also? All this is bla bla bla, to you.
But, not to worry, I won't waste any more of your time. I was hoping that there are others that may be helped by what I've said.
   Sorry to bore you AC. You can continue telling people how wrong they are, in your opinion. Yet, show no proof, as well...

When I said "On the Aether, I can take it or leave it and it doesn't mean much either way." I meant I think the Aether must exist because something cannot translate through nothing but I'm not going to force my beliefs on anyone. Believe or don't, I don't care and I like debating all the hard questions so I can learn from everyone. 

Be right or wrong, attack the person or not, argue the concept or not it makes little difference to me. I don't generally pick sides and I'm just here to try and promote constructive debate so I can learn and make progress. I this respect everyone helps me and I'm thankful for that.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
    So AC, are you saying that you don't care, one way or the other. as well.
    Is there something that you do care about?  Just asking...As you are taking sides, and telling people that they are "wrong".
    I will not waste more time, trying to bring something new into this thread. Just to be insulted by your sidekick F6. You two make a great team.
    It is obvious that neither of you two can accept what Tesla has mentioned. That is your choice. And that is also where this thread dies...
As neither of you can produce, a real self runner, and only disrupt what we are here for. Nor know anything at all about this subject, and it's relation to free energy.
    I have not told anyone to "shake" anything, it was what Kapanadze and others have mentioned, that the Aether needs to be "excited", in order see any response from the purpose of harvesting of the Aether. That is what it takes, to produce and extra gain, and is what has to happen, with all the different free energy devices that use the Aether as their fuel.  Of course that makes no sense to F6. It's obvious, that you don't know. And can only add negative and uninformed comments.
    Perhaps you should both study this subject, before commenting on it. Or don't, as you can take it, or leave it. But, then what is it that you are doing here? Perhaps it is better to "leave it", as you think that it does not exist, and are only pissing on Tesla, and his ideas, while telling people that they are wrong? And anyone else that has shown true free energy devices such as Kapanadze. In front of many people, many different times, that have confirmed with their measuring instruments, that there is no BS.
    So, continue on gents, without me. As I tried to explain "where the energy comes from" and it's relation to the Aether, and I only get shit on and insulted for even mentioning about the "shake" needed to observe an additional gain. It's obvious for me that I'm talking to the wrong people.
« Last Edit: 2022-08-20, 17:00:10 by NickZ »
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
I don't generally pick sides and I'm just here to try and promote constructive debate so I can learn and make progress. I this respect everyone helps me and I'm thankful for that.


This is also the method I advocate for people of good will. If an ether can be defined, with its properties, to explain what would not be explained with the current theories, then it becomes necessary and we must adopt it, that is what I would do.

When you say that the ether seems to be indispensable as a medium, a vector of interactions through space, I see it as a hypothesis coming from common sense. It can however be misleading, but it can also bring promising new ideas, hence the necessary confrontation with facts to adopt it.

But to assert its existence a priori, asking others to "shake it" when nobody knows what it is, that is only a question of faith. And questions of faith are what make some people aggressive when theirs are challenged. They have not understood the difference between science and religion or politics, of which they believe themselves to be high priests, evoking imaginary mysteries that are beyond them and calling on their lost sheep to submit to their vain precepts.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Guest
    Well, for all those that would like to hear a bit more about Tesla and his inventions. As it relates to the Aether, and free energy,
this video below, may add at bit more info to this thread. Of course, no one is going to give you ALL the information about free energy.
Nor how to make an energy weapon, nor any the secret information that is still secret.
Even this video was removed, for a while, and later reposted.
   Please start the video from the beginning, if you like.
   Warning, not for F6.
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