argumentum ad ignorantiam.
response is argumentum ad ignorantiam. Each question was presented for a specific reason related to telluric+longitudinal research.
**** Do you know the dielectric loss tangent of water/soil at 50-100kc?Reason 1: Dielectric (displacement current) losses go down with frequency, and are potentially negligible in the LF spectrum for these materials.
Reason 2: Nikola Tesla was operating in the 50-80kc range in Colorado Springs.
**** Do you know why it is critical to minimize ground impedance in a telluric system?Answer: Because efficiency of an LC circuit depends on it. Any stray impedance in a telluric system will appear as an equivalent series resistance.
**** How might a ground with 2 ohms DC resistance perform worse than a ground with 50 ohms DC resistance?Answer: If the contact area of the 50 ohms ground was greater than the 2 ohm ground, it would present as a lower impedance, despite having significantly higher DC resistance.
(note: I just encountered this yesterday!

**** What is the approximate velocity of dielectric induction, according to Nikola Tesla, Eric Dollard, and Charles Wheatstone?Answer: PI/2 times the velocity of light.
***** Do you understand why I ask these questions?Answer: Because the questions are directly related to my work and I wanted to probe your depth of knowledge. Your avoidance infered a lack of knowledge on the subject.
The transmission lines are precisely made to replace the remote energy transmissions that we do not know how to do otherwise than by radio and generally with little efficiency.
It depends whether you're talking about a transverse or longitudinal transmission line, and whether you're talking about continuous waves or transient impulses.
Both will have different properties and loss conditions vs distance (as you can model yourself with the analog network in the previous post).
The transmission lines are the engineering of the medium, not the engineering of the transmitter nor of the receiver nor of the coupling of both with the medium, which is, I thought, the interest of your experiment. If you consider the earth as a transmission line and the science is already known with Heaviside or Dollard, you must already know the result of your UK/US link.
As with the pre-Wright-bros flight experiments, there are still some technical and engineering questions remaining to be tackled.

* The technical question is one of loss tangents and bulk transmission medium characteristics for longitudinal waves. We know Tesla operated in the 50-100kc region, but that may not be explicitly required for simple communications. There is very little published research regarding bulk dielectric/magnetic properties and loss tangents at such low frequencies.
* The engineering problem is one of ground impedance. Ideal impedance is 1 ohm or less, which requires
substantial engineering in order achieve (like burying multiple 10,000 gallon steel tanks underground).
We hope that our modest home-based arrangements will be enough to overcome the impedance and dielectric losses, but in every case we are working to improve this.
The 160m amateur radio band was chosen for a combination of cost and legality. We hope the loss tangents and bulk properties are still favorable enough at the 1.8-2mc region to allow reasonable propagation in the 1-2kw region. It also means we only have to wind 100-200ft coils rather than 3500ft+ coils.

If I have to read Dollard about that, where can I find his texts? Videos are totally insufficient.
I think you'd like the video because it's an actual live experiment with both configurations demonstrating the different properties of both networks. It's a very straightforward and scientific approach: if you do want to deep-dive, there are plenty of papers from the 80's that attempt to describe+model the different transmission networks. Be aware that Eric is a 19th century Electrical Engineer so his work is built largely around the materials and perspective of Steinmetz, Heaviside, and Maxwell:
'Theory of Wireless Power''Build your own Alexanderson Antenna': think there is also a chapter in Lone Pine Writings that is quite a bit simpler both conceptually and mathematically; I will post the relevant pages when I find it.
Also more bulk written material here:'t worry if it doesn't make sense right away, I studied for about 2yrs before the concepts started to click)
"An overly-skeptical scientist might hastily conclude by scooping-up and analyzing a thousand buckets of seawater that the ocean has no fish in it."