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2025-04-01, 00:39:36
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Author Topic: Member TinselKoala will be made homeless as of August 1  (Read 5392 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
It is very good news but no reason not to pursue the idea of using crowd funding to support his research.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
He might have room for a small lab
He did mention it!

Who was it ?? Ben4Kzep (or something) had world’s smallest lab ?
I wonder how he is doing ( cool guy)

There are a few things kicking around that may show a need ?
TK has seen more actual lab work towards FE over the years it is hard
To bring something forward which he has not touched on !

It’s always been a dream of mine to help those with the tools and skill set
Do work which others could only dream of !

So yes I agree !!

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
I stumbled a bit by chance on an old scam, the worst in my opinion that free energy has known, the QEG, which allowed the manipulative "Hopegirl" gains of hundreds of thousands of $ through crowdfunding and exploitation of the gullible.

And sure enough, I come across a post by Tinselkoala, dating back to 2014, so at the very beginning of the QEG. And Tinselkoala already had the precise vision of the scam:

"If you look closely you will see that this is a religious cult-type activity, and that the design for the thing was "revealed" to the "inventor." They do not have any kind of working prototype, they only know that it will work because it has been divinely revealed. For these people to be soliciting funds in the way that they are doing should be illegal, or at least against the fund-raising site's TOS. It's delusional and cynically manipulative."

The sequel proved him totally right. What insight! We should follow his thought pattern in our analysis of the claims, it would save us 90% of our time.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"

Posts: 15
@chet k, Is TinK stable now? i just got to read this thread.

ask him to contact me if life is still hard, i got few good relatives staying in San Antonio Texas from many years, working as IT guys. (immigrants)

i can ask them to help him with some finance and other essential chores

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Will drop you a pm soon
As of this moment things are somewhat stable

However it is a day to day thing!

Posts: 15
Will drop you a pm soon
As of this moment things are somewhat stable

However it is a day to day thing!

Full Member

Posts: 124
  Could they be also called a casalito?
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Just a note
Member TinselKoala is struggling quite a bit ( not making ends meet )
This thing we do can be all consuming…

And our world a bit ruthless..
Anyone who can help a bit ..it would be greatly appreciated by TK and his old dog Murphy..( whom he adopted
Just prior to becoming homeless last year ( woman went into nursing home and  Murphy needed someone to care for him .

I am also trying to do something I should have done a decade ago , start a nonprofit to help utilize resources like TK…
Most do not know that he worked for decades in labs working on things we work on in open source FE community

Worked for philanthropic organizations researching FE for the benefit of humanity..
Incredible amount of life’s experience in this thing we do …

I have meetings this week about this nonprofit
It would plug us into incredible resources..( and I personally have no interest in financial benefits for myself

I tried to figure out a method ( nonprofit donations etc) for Stefan’s forum years ago, wish I had persevered
It was so complicated ( international nonprofit)

One goal for certain would be to open Stefan’s back up ..
And help him too ..hopefully help us all ( a better world) when we crack this nut !

TK’s PayPal


We have to keep moving Forward !!
Chet K
A particularly interesting replication
TK says
For your amazement!
Ahh those were the days.
End quote

Edit to ad quote note ( “end quote “)
« Last Edit: 2023-12-05, 21:37:33 by Chet K »
Sr. Member

Posts: 335
It is atrocious for what the US has become it is literally at the end of its Imperial rule. If anything or possible I would highly recommend him to migrate to the EU where health care does not make you go homeless and housing is still affordable. There are plenty of companies that can use his skills and knowledge too even as part time while social benefits can give you housing and food to survive.
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