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Author Topic: A Melnichenko effect replication  (Read 10870 times)

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 4112

Unfortunately, Jagau has decided not to share any more his findings on his Melnichenko replication due to several reasons, among others being a breach of trust.

I am not aware when i breached that trust, but i apologize for that and have to respect that decision.

I will stop my replication here, but hope that others will join him at his forum to continue to work on this Melnichenko replication.

Regards Itsu
Group: Elite Experimentalist
Sr. Member

Posts: 340
I tried to make sense of what is on public display at that site and I can only find "emotional facts". If that is even a word?

I think that it is important for that site to contribute to the crashing mag field hypothesis or you may be seen to be betraying the

"great discovery" that is revealed there.

 It reminds me of religious teachings .

You did an excellent job of duplicating and any body would be willing  to help you if only they were able.
Well done .

There is a much better project here if you get the time and don't mind high voltage .

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Posts: 4112

3D, thanks for your insights.

The projects you're referring to are from Hakasays i guess, they are indeed very intriguing and of high standards, no doubt, but i don't think they are concerning overunity per se,
or you must consider partially lightning up a 20W fluorescent tube driven by a 0.7W FG   O0  that, but it will be hard to measure me thinks.

Regards Itsu
Group: Elite Experimentalist
Sr. Member

Posts: 340
I agree

The steap project .

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 4112

There was some misunderstanding between Jagau and me, which now is cleared up.

I will continue with this replication here in cooperation with Jagau and his thread on AU.com which is not an ideal situation but the best we can do right now.

Group: Guest
Hi Itsu,

one idea for you if you like - look for 1/2 wave resonance of your secondary winding and try all setup on this frequency.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4112

Hi Alexey,

thanks, I was and am doing some resonance testing on L2 (10uF cap parallel to L2) as some Melnichenko video's show such a tuning cap.

Did you come across any information on this tuning cap in one of his video's (1/2 wave, 1/4 wave)?

Group: Guest
Hi Alexey,

thanks, I was and am doing some resonance testing on L2 (10uF cap parallel to L2) as some Melnichenko video's show such a tuning cap.

Did you come across any information on this tuning cap in one of his video's (1/2 wave, 1/4 wave)?


No, I am not following Melnichenko's videos, I do not have respect for people who behave like him and prefer not waste my time.

It is just an idea. When you have ferrite core in the coil wave resonance will be in kilohertz region without capacitors. It might be be not easy to find, but it is there. Once you tune to this frequency(or harmonic) you will get additional gain due to this resonance, in addition to regular flyback operation. This will give some FE if you not loading device too much.


Group: Moderator
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Posts: 4112


thanks, a remarkable reply, not sure what you mean by that first part, but you will have your reason.

I did make a sweep of the both coils earlier ( https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4312.msg99826#msg99826 ), and found the L2 resonance (without parallel cap) to be around 680KHz.

This is way above the pulsing frequency of 1.5Khz, which is the 453rd subharmonic, so i guess not really realistic to use, but you never know.

Regards Itsu
Group: Guest

thanks, a remarkable reply, not sure what you mean by that first part, but you will have your reason.

I did make a sweep of the both coils earlier ( https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4312.msg99826#msg99826 ), and found the L2 resonance (without parallel cap) to be around 680KHz.

This is way above the pulsing frequency of 1.5Khz, which is the 453rd subharmonic, so i guess not really realistic to use, but you never know.

Regards Itsu


When looking for 1/2 wave resonance you need short secondary and look on current e.g. with current probe, also I think you need slow scan, it is easy miss this resonance.
It is possible to drive with short pulses 1.4us (1/680K) and still have frequency 1.5KHz. Other possibility is
to drive with pulse bursts e.g. 5 or 10 1.4us pulses, then pause for 1.5KHz.
This is probably going too far away from Melnichenko description...



Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4112

Thanks Alexey,   sweeping with the current probe sounds i good idea.

Normally i sweep for 10 seconds, so fairly long.

I will see what i can do.   


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4112
My latest post concerning the replication was about the again new coil L2 consisting of 3 coils in series with gaps in between and all data which I repeat here:

New L2 coil made of 3 coils in series each on a ferrite toroid with 5 mm gap in between as suggested by Jagau.     40 turns each so 120 turns total.

L2 standalone                 1093uH @ 1KHz
L2 inside L1                    1090uH @ 1KHz

L1 standalone                 726uH @ 1KHz
L1 with L2 inside             944uH @ 1KHz
L1 with L2 inside shorted  559uH @ 1KHz

Coupling coefficient K      0.64   (https://www.e-magnetica.pl/calculator/magnetic_coupling_coefficient)

I will do some measurements with this new L2 coil.


The measurement results of this (original melnichenko) setup are:

Using a 100 Ohm 1% induction free resistor as lamp1 and a 12V / 5W incandescent lamp as lamp2, 36V input voltage.

FG:1.5KHz @ 10% duty cycle

The input power in that situation is:

with lamp2 load off:   3.97W
with lamp2 load on:   3.97W   

The power into the 100 Ohm lamp1 load is:

with lamp2 load off:   3.2W
with lamp2 load on:   2.15W   

The power into the lamp2 load is:

with lamp2 load off:    0mW
with lamp2 load on:  1.01W     some light in the 12V / 5W lamp

At 36V input voltage, the lamp2 load when switched on does take / shares its power from Lamp1 once again.

Efficiency with:

Lamp2 load off:   3.2W /  3.97W = 0.80  = 80%           
Lamp2 load on:  3.16W / 3.97W = 0.79 = 79%         


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4112
Jagau pointed earlier in his thread to a new coil setup in which we have the L1 air coil in the middle, and 2 L2 coils with T-cores inserted joining at both sides of this L1 coil.

I 3D printed such a former with the L1 air coil in the middle, a 3 mm gap on each side, then the both L2 coils which have the T-cores (part of E-cores) inserted, see picture.

The coils measure:

L1 80 turns (5x16) 0.8 mm diameter magnet wire, L2 48 turns each (3x16) 0.8 mm diameter magnet wire.
L1 (air) measures 116uH with both T-cores inserted in the L2's and resp. 108uH and 104uH when removing the L2 cores.
L1 measures resp. 107 and 100uH when shorting L2's.
L2's measure 176uH each.
So we have a low coupling factor K of resp. 0.28 and 0.37.

I will do some testing with those and look into the use of a "tuning cap" parallel to the L2's for power factor compensation and / or resonance tuning.

This testing will be done using the "modified by Jagau" circuit as shown here: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4312.msg99530#msg99530 but with the new
L1 / L2's coils and a 12V / 5W incandescent automotive bulb as Lamp2

Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1185
Hi Itsu,

You have been making great progress in testing the various coil constructions, thank you for your kind efforts and for sharing the results. 


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4112
The measurements using the new combined L1/L2 coils is on hold right now as there is some discussion about how to accurately measure the input power.

Up till now I used the filtered DC input Voltage and current at the entry of the circuit right after the DC Power Supply, see "screenshot 1" probe points:

The result is a straight DC voltage (yellow) and a positive fluctuating current (blue):

Using this as input power, and measuring the combined powers of the loads (lamp1 and lamp2) as output power, yields an COP of around 0.8, measured over several circuits and coils.

By using an alternative input method where the input is measured somewhere else in the circuit and then calculations are made for input power, the COP should be > 1.

I am waiting to get a clear picture where the Voltage and Current probes should be placed, so I can make these alternative input measurements and do the appropriate calculations to measure/calculate the input.

"Smath solver"program will be used to make the calculations.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1771

In a periodic operating circuit which you have here, and there is no gain being produced by the circuit, it will not matter where you measure the input if all the energies are added.  For example, where you are currently measuring the input power will yield the lowest COP relative to the output because you are not considering the losses in the cmc. 

If you  move the voltage and current probes to the right of the cmc, you will now yield a slightly higher COP but will still be conservative or COP<1 unless the circuit under test is OU.  This is because you have eliminated the losses in the cmc but, if all the losses are considered when measuring from the left side of the cmc, the COPs will be identical.

This will also apply if the current probe is placed on the left or right of C1.  However, the re-charge of C1 must also be considered which will be difficult to measure especially with larger values of C1.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4112

thanks, I agree, but I understand that the voltage probe (yellow) and current probe (green) possible need to be positioned as in the below diagram (need confirmation still):

This way we not only omit the losses in the CMC, but also of the 24K resistor across C1, the Vce(on) loss (few volts) of the IGBT Q1 (IRG4PH30K) and even the FG loss.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1771

The position of the current probe as you show it does not include the current on the negative side of the power supply to the circuit.  The current probe should be positioned ahead or to the left of the junction of the anode of D1 and L1.  Or, the current probe could be placed on the emitter of Q1.  However, Q1 is instrumental in producing the periodic operation of the circuit and therefore should be included in the overall power/energy analysis to be really honest about it.  This would mean even including the gate drive energy to Q1 which could be independently measured.

Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1185
An additional remark:

The current probe when placed in the position Itsu indicated in green (in his Reply # 91 above) measures the flyback current of L1 during the demagnetization time if one wishes to learn about the flyback current value.
At that position the current probe cannot and does not consider the current on the input side of course.

Group: Guest
To minimize the loading effect of the probe, clamp it at the low or ground end of a component lead when possible. This method also minimizes noise or stray
signal interference. This is a Tektronix recommendation

On this side you have the magnetisation

Si Itsu you are correct on the low ground side

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4112
Guys,  thanks,  good discussion.

So lets see what the different positions of the current probe does with the shape of the current signal.

I have put the current probe in 3 positions in the circuit, see each diagram and the accompanying current waveform.

1st is the current probe at the anode of the diode.

2nd is the current probe right of the junction with the diode

3rd is the current probe left of the junction with the diode

What we see is that the first position shows the demagnetization current only.
The second position shows both the magnetization AND the demagnetization currents.
The third position shows the magnetization current only .

Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1185


What we see is that the first position shows the demagnetization current only.
The second position shows both the magnetization AND the demagnetization currents.
The third position shows the magnetization current only .


Hi Itsu,

Very clear and telling measurements, thanks for sharing these. 


Group: Moderator
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Posts: 4112
I think we can assume that for input power measurements we should put the current probe left of the junction with the diode (position 3) to measure the magnetization phase current, so we can collect some data to calculate this input power.   Yes?  /  No?

I use this diagram with the probe positions green: current probe, yellow: voltage probe, purple: my normal input power probe points:

I toke several zoomed in screenshots showing the data we need to calculate input power.

Screenshot 1 shows the timing relations of the full cycle (1500KHz) and the on-time pulse:

screenshot 2 shows the measured average voltage (yellow), current (green) and power (red) of the ON-TIME pulse of 62.5us:

Data on screenshot 1 shows we have:

a full cycle of 667us = 1500Hz 
an ON-time pulse of 62.5us
a duty cycle (DTC) of 9.37%

Data on screenshot 2 shows we have In between cursors A and B:

an average pulse voltage (Vpave) of 33V,
an average pulse current (Ipave) of 1.158A (roughly half of Ipeak 2.313A)
an average pulse Power(Ppave) of 38.52W in this 62.5us pulse ON-TIME.

From this we can calculate the average power over a full cycle as:

Pfave = Ppave x DTC = 3.61W.

As a double check we can use multiple cycles  (6)  for measuring the average input power confirming the 3.6W input power like:

And finally we can use the earlier proposed method (here: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4312.msg99687#msg99687 ) (method 4) to calculate the stored energy in a coil using this formula:  E = 1/2 x L x I²       
For L= 945uH (L1), I= 2.3A we get 0.0025278J (Ws), so for 667us we get 0.0025278/0.000667=3.79W
Which is close to the 3.6W but deviates somewhat due to the 945uH being measured outside the circuit at 1KHz while we work at 1.5Khz etc.

Measuring the input power, the way I normally did, can be seen in screenshot 3:

Where we have an average input voltage of 36.1V (yellow), an average input current of 107.4mA (blue) and a calculated average input power of 3.87W (red).
This 3.87W input is some 260mW more than the 3.61W calculated earlier and can be explained by some losses like:
# the heat loss in the 24K resistor (P=U²/R =  36²/24000 =) 54mW
# Vce(on) saturation voltage loss of the IGBT (typical 3V according to the IRG4PH30K datasheet)

So I think we can conclude that this 260mW loss is marginal and that the different shapes of the voltage and current signals caused by the filtering components has no influence on the energy supplied except for some losses and certainly will not cause the COP to go from <1 to >1.
The earlier calculated efficiencies of the used circuit of around 80% still stands IMO.

The next question will be if the by me used output probing points and procedure (measuring loads Lamp1 and Lamp2) are the correct ones for measuring output power.

Any comments are very welcome!

« Last Edit: 2022-08-30, 11:55:21 by Itsu »
Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1185
Hi Itsu,

You do a great job, thank you for evaluating the circuit in such a detail.

I think we can assume that for input power measurements we should put the current probe left of the junction with the diode (position 3) to measure the magnetization phase current, so we can collect some data to calculate this input power.   Yes?  /  No?

Yes, where you indicated the probe (position 3) with the green symbol to check the L1 coil current, it is ok. And the voltage probe measures the voltage amplitude across the coil.


The next question will be if the by me used output probing points and procedure (measuring loads Lamp1 and Lamp2) are the correct ones for measuring output power.

Any comments are very welcome!

Well,  I would suggest using resistors (instead of light bulbs) like you already used a 100 Ohm resistor for lamp1.  However, it would be better to seek for a power match to get the highest output, this may involve the use of higher than 100 Ohm values.  And this could also be done for the lamp2 load.  Not an easy procedure, the loads surely interact when they are changed. 
By using resistors,  the measurements reduce to checking the voltage levels across the load resistors, aiming for the highest output level across them, no need for pulsed current measurements for the loads. Knowing the resistor value and the voltage across it makes it easy to calculate load power.
I understand that using light bulbs is a visual indication and an increasing brightness also shows an increase in output but to learn about the actual power the lamp currents should also be measured, giving room for more error.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4112


thanks for your insights.

I must confess that I already use a 100 Ohm as lamp1 load, so this diagram is somewhat outdated, but this does not change anything in the measurements.

I agree that doing some output tests using all resistors instead of lamps makes it easier, as is finding the perfect match to minimize reflections and losses.

But still there is some discussion about the correct way to measure / calculate the input power into such circuit, which needs to be settled first before continuing.

Regards Itsu
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