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Author Topic: A Melnichenko effect replication  (Read 14241 times)

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Posts: 4236

Hi Itsu,

This approach is the best to use but it needs to have a correct, two channel digital oscilloscope. 
There is another approach for those who have analog or other scope types with no Math function.

If a home experimenter, using his scope can measure the peak current his coil draws at the switch off moment and knows the inductance of the coil, then he can calculate the instantaneous energy (and power) the coil just possesses.

Here is the well known formula to calculate how much energy a coil receives from an input current:
   E = 1/2 * L * I² 

Let's take as an example your 3 Amper peak current measured for your old L1 coil shown in your Reply #1 https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4312.msg99509#msg99509

Your L1 coil inductance was 726 uH (without the L2+core), switching frequency was 1.4 kHz with about 9 % duty cycle as you wrote.

Using this online calculator  https://physicscalc.com/physics/inductor-energy-calculator/  for the stored energy in coils, we get E = 0.003267 Joule.

Your ON time may have been 64.2 us (based on the 9 % duty cycle, and one full cycle time was T = 1 / f = 714.2 us).  So the L1 coil received 3 A current pulses at each 714.2 usec.  Multiplying the stored energy,  E = 0.003267 J by the 1400 Hz input frequency (or dividing it by T=714.2 us), we get 4.57 Watt, this is very close to your scope's Math calculated 4.63 W result for the input power by multiplying the instantaneous DC input supply voltage and the input current (2nd scope shot in your Reply #1 above). 

So the available magnetic energy (at the switch-off moment of the input current) in your L1 coil was 0,003267 Joule. This amount of energy calculated by the formula does not include the switching and the coil (and core) losses, these should be separately considered to get the full input energy (and power) taken from a power supply. These losses are relatively low or can be kept low. 



thanks so much, so like we can calculate the energy in a capacitor (different formula of course), we can with your formula (E = 1/2 * L * I²) also calculate the amount of energy in a coil.

So we can add a 4th method to measure / calculate the input power:

1)  using a voltage and current probe at the PS entry of the circuit.
    This shows i have 36V DC @ 129.7mA rms AC for which the scope math function calculated the mean power to be 4.42W

2)  using a method presented by Jagau "Urms_pulse=Vp√D" where for:
    voltage my t1 is 72us and T is 770us thus D = 0.093, Vp is average 32.9V, so giving Vrms to be 10.06V rms
    current my t1 is 72us and T is 770us thus D = 0.093, Ip is 2.8A, but triangled, so halved for square so is 1.4A, so giving I rms to be 427mA rms   
    Power then is V rms x I rms = 10.06 x 427mA = 4.29W

3)  A 2th way to calculate I rms in the above 2) method is to use the triangle formula "Urms_triangle_ = Vp√t1/3T" which gives 2.8A x  √72/3*770 = 2.8A x 0.1765 = 494mA rms
    This multiplied by Vrms 10.06V gives 4.97W

4) Gyula's presented formula E = 1/2 * L * I² which for the data presented in method 2) gives 1/2 * 0.000951 * 2.8² =  0.00372792 Joule  (using 951uH for L1 and running at 1.3Khz 10% duty cycle).
    Divided by the 770us period, it shows 0.00,372792 / 770 = 4.84W.

So we got input powers: 4.42W, 4.29W, 4.97W and 4.84W by different measurement / calculations.

Each method has its own parameters, and although i tried to measure them as best as i can, none will be exactly right due to several fluctuations thus these outcomes.

But overall, if i would have to pick the most correct one i will vote for method 1.

Regards Itsu


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Posts: 4236
From my original Melnichenko circuit which shows a nasty BEMF spike i made a LTspice simulation too, see screenshot.

It also shows a nasty spike of 900V with 5V input green trace (voltage across L1).
Blue trace is the current through L1.

.ASC file attached.


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My IGBT being a 1200V one and using my high voltage probe i turned the PS up so i had a 1127V BEMF pulse on L1 which was reached at 18V input.
The lamp1 (120V / 4W) was not measurable on and the lamp2 (12V / 5W) was very dimly on (7.6V p2p).

The yellow 7.6V pulse across lamp2 STARTS at the beginning of the white BEMF pulse, so not at the shown position!!

So the fact that Lamp1 was not to be measured, this circuit is almost impossible to analyze.

Not sure how to tackle this.

Group: Tech Wizard
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Posts: 1250
Hi Itsu,

During these latest tests, what is the input power to the circuit?  Is it also around 4.6 - 4.7 W?  Peak input current?  Just to learn more about the details in this situation.
IF Melnichenko used such circuit indeed (not only in his drawings shown in his videos), then he should have faced the same issue...  :D 


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no, with a 1150V BEMF pulse from L1, at 18.5V input, we have about 52mA input running making a calculated mean power b y the scope of 950mW .

Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1250
Okay, thanks.  This means that the AC impedance of the L1 coil is higher than the DC resistance of the filament, using the same ON time for the IGBT switch as earlier. 

You wrote: "So the fact that Lamp1 was not to be measured, this circuit is almost impossible to analyze."

Well, just use a noninductive resistor load instead of the light bulb and see the power in the resistor then. 


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Hmmm, the inductive reactance of my 951uH coil @ 1.5KHz calculates to be around 9 Ohm plus 0.3 Ohm dc resistance.
This is way lower then the 120V/4W lamp which has a cold filament resistance of 385 Ohm and 3.3K when on full.

The 4.6 - 4.7 W measured earlier was with the modified melnichenko circuit, not with the present original melnichenko circuit.

Anyway, i can substitute an induction free resistor  for this 120V/4W bulb and measure the power with and without lamp2 switched on.

Group: Tech Wizard
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Posts: 1250
Okay Itsu,  thanks for the further pieces of info and the correction, I agree now.  8) 



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Using a 100 Ohm 1% induction free resistor as lamp1 and a 12V / 5W lamp as lamp2, i have a 200V BEMF spike across L1 @ 36V input voltage.

FG:1.5KHz @ 10% duty cycle

The input power in that situation is:

with lamp2 load off: 3.65W
with lamp2 load on:  3.73W

The power into the 100 Ohm lamp1 load is:

with lamp2 load off: 3.2W
with lamp2 load on:  2.3W

The power into the lamp2 load is:

with lamp2 load off:  0mW
with lamp2 load on: 710mW

So in the original melnichenko circuit using a 100 Ohm 1% induction free resistor as lamp1 we see a similar behavior as with the by Jagau modified melnicheno circuit.
At 36V input voltage, the lamp2 load when switched on takes / shares its power from Lamp1.

Efficiency with:

Lamp2 load off: 3.2W / 3.65W                = 0.87 = 87%
Lamp2 load on: 2.3W + 710mW / 3.73W = 0.80 = 80%

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 4236
As both the original and the modified Melnichenk circuits show similar results (cop < 1) using similar components / setup, one thing that could be the cause of these ordinary results is the components / setup used for the coils.

It could be that the secret to the special Melnichenko effect is hidden there.

I did use several different L2 coil setup's, but none showed anything special.

Taking a look at the patent (attached below), and especially the items 0009 and 0010 where the coils are described does not enlighten me much:

The simplest version of the device is one magnetization coil (inductor) and one ferromagnetic core with a removable winding on it.
The inductor coil can surround the core coaxially, but due to a specially increased diameter, it does not cover a significant or large part of the magnetic field of the core.
For example, the diameter of the coil is almost equal to the length of the core plus its width if the coil is considered round and the core is approximately round or square.
The coil can be both square and rectangular.
The dimensions of the core and the shape of the core, as well as their number, can be any.
But the dimensions of the coil are chosen so that a significant part of the magnetic energy of the ferromagnet is closed inside the coil without the coverage of the turns by inductive coupling.
This is achieved by selecting the distances from the wires of the inductor coil to the surface and sides of the core.
The coaxial arrangement of the core in the coil is the simplest technical option.
For generation, it is enough to divide approximately two-thirds of the energy of the magnetic field of a ferromagnet from the coil and inductor.
This is achieved by selecting the dimensions of the diameter or sides of a rectangular coil, taking into account the length and width of the core itself and the distances from the wires to the surface of the core.
If the core is made in the form of a wide pack narrow steel plates, then the width of the coil is taken into account where the greatest magnetic scattering of the field occurs along the steel charge.
On top of the coil or in layers interspersed with turns of the inductor, if necessary, according to the scheme, a winding is wound to regenerate magnetic energy into capacitors.
The width of the winding on the core itself is also taken into account, since space and volume are needed for the formation of a ferromagnetic stray field inside the coil.
If a long core is inserted into the inductor coil partially and with only one end, then its ferromagnetic field is a vortex and its magnetic equator is shifted closer to the middle of the core.
The magnetic field of a ferromagnet is, as it were, taken out of the coil by its vortex, which sharply weakens its magnetic coupling.
Since any coil is a magnetic dipole, two long cores can be placed along (and across) the axis of the coil.
In the axial position, it is optimal to insert two relatively long cores into the coil with their ends and bring out the main magnetic vortices of the ferromagnet.
Open free ends can be closed with magnetic shunts or narrow corner and end protrusions can be made, which sharply reduce the demagnetizing factor.

Perhaps a better starting point is the diagram shown in Melnichenko his video at the start of this thread where he shows this diagram:

The formula above the both coils and the layout of the coils may give some idea of the setup used:  D=2R=L + 2a
"D" being the inner diameter of L1 (10cm in my case), "L" being the length of the core and "a" the outer diameter of the core (2cm in my case).

This computes that L (core length) in my case must be 6cm.

The layout shows that the L2 coil itself covers 1/3th of the core in its center, thus 2cm and using 60 turns (3 layers of 20 turns of 1mm litz wire).

I will be building such a L2 coil and start making some measurements with it.

« Last Edit: 2022-07-26, 20:44:42 by Itsu »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4236
New L2 coil made according to above specs, see picture below.

L2 core 6cm long @ 2cm diameter, coil in center core 2cm long 60 turns (3 layers of 20 turns) 1mm litz wire, 0.5 Ohm DC resistance

L2 standalone                 372uH @ 1KHz
L2 inside L1                    369uH @ 1KHz

L1 standalone                 726uH @ 1KHz
L1 with L2 inside             798uH @ 1KHz
L1 with L2 inside shorted 729uH @ 1KHz

Coupling coefficient K      0.29     ( https://www.e-magnetica.pl/calculator/magnetic_coupling_coefficient )

I will do some measurements with this new L2 coil.


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Hero Member

Posts: 4236

I did some measurements on this new L2 coil setup:

Using a 100 Ohm 1% induction free resistor as lamp1 and a 12V / 5W lamp as lamp2, i have a 228V BEMF spike across L1 @ 36V input voltage.

FG:1.5KHz @ 10% duty cycle

The input power in that situation is:

with lamp2 load off:  4.52W
with lamp2 load on:  4.52W   so identical.

The power into the 100 Ohm lamp1 load is:

with lamp2 load off:  3.76W
with lamp2 load on:  3.50W

The power into the lamp2 load is:

with lamp2 load off:    0mW
with lamp2 load on: 200mW

So in the original melnichenko circuit with a matched L2 (video), using a 100 Ohm 1% induction free resistor as lamp1 we see a similar behavior as earlier and as with the by Jagau modified melnicheno circuit.
At 36V input voltage, the lamp2 load when switched on takes / shares its power from Lamp1.

Efficiency with:

Lamp2 load off:  3.76W / 4.52W = 0.76 = 76%
Lamp2 load on:  3.50W / 4.52W = 0.77 = 77%

Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1250
Hi Itsu,

Thanks for your devoted efforts on this setup.

With using this D=2R=L + 2a formula, you managed to test yet another size ratio for the coils as Melnichenko indicated. It is strange the efficiency has not improved but become even less than earlier tests.

Of course his patent application includes some pages on core material properties, sizes, many suggested variations too but no practical results as usual.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

Thanks Gyula,

yes, the results with different sized cores / coils for L2 seem to all point to an efficiency around the 70 - 80%.

All my L2 cores where made of ferrite, so i can try to use iron as that is what is being mentioned in the several video's  from Melnichenko.


Group: Moderator
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Posts: 4236

New L2 coil made using an iron core, see picture below.

L2 core 6cm long @ 2cm diameter, coil in center core 2cm long 60 turns (3 layers of 20 turns) 1mm litz wire, 0.3 Ohm DC resistance

L2 standalone                 167.8uH @ 1KHz
L2 inside L1                    168.3uH @ 1KHz

L1 standalone                 726uH @ 1KHz
L1 with L2 inside             748uH @ 1KHz
L1 with L2 inside shorted 725uH @ 1KHz

Coupling coefficient K      0.175    ( https://www.e-magnetica.pl/calculator/magnetic_coupling_coefficient )

I will do some measurements with this new L2 coil.


Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1250
Hi Folks,

In his patent application WO2022075876A1, Melnichenko wrote about a few things with which the output energy can be increased.

For instance, in Section 0017, Page 6, see PDF file https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4312.0;attach=45080 he wrote this:

"You can also use anisotropic steel specially made for increased magnetic dispersion not along,
but across the axis of the core with the highest magnetic permeability. For this, the axis of
maximum magnetic permeability and susceptibility is made at an angle to the axis or across
the geometric axis of the core itself, which sharply increases the transverse component of the
magnetic field of the core across its axis. The stray magnetic field across the core axis through
its side surfaces increases sharply due to the fact that the magnetic anisotropy of the steel
does not coincide in direction with the geometric axis of the core. This factor of the magnetic
anisotropy of the material can be used to increase the energy of the free magnetic field of
ferromagnets and the generation efficiency. This is most applicable in electrical steel and high
power applications and where steel grades with pronounced magnetic anisotropy can be used.
This anisotropy of the steel across the axis of the cores can increase the energy of the stray
magnetic field outside the inductors by several times

In Section 0033, Page 10, he wrote this:

"Another option is to divide the core in height into shorter cores with dielectric gaps between
them to significantly separate their magnetic vortices and magnetic energies.
With this separation, the magnetic field of the cores is closed in a closer zone in distance and
the common magnetizing coil can be made much narrower than with a longer core or cores.
The total magnetic energy removed from such an assembly is several times greater than from
one longer core, since each core in a stack has almost its own separate magnetic energy.
such a device, each core in the stack must already have its own separate removable winding
to convert its own magnetic energy

 In Section 0034, Page 10 and 11:

"For better magnetization, each such core in a stack is additionally divided into separate
narrower cores in cross section. Removable windings can be on each such core or stack of steel sheets.
Eddy current losses are also reduced by dividing a common steel sheet bundle into narrower and shorter
steel bundles. At the same mass flow rate of the ferromagnet material, the total the magnetic flux
and magnetic energy of such an assembly of shorter and narrower cores can be tens and hundreds or
more times greater than a large whole core of the same mass of material and volume.

In Section 0041, Page 13, he wrote this:

"The use of permanent magnets for magnetization can give the effect of remagnetization of the core and
this can give almost the full amplitude of magnetic induction. This makes it possible to increase almost four times
the total power of the core at a given frequency with the full swing of the magnetic induction amplitude.
This effect is applicable to all devices with unipolar operation to increase generation efficiency

The use of permanent magnets to speed up the change of the core's magnetic field was also included in an earlier patent application by Melnichenko, WO2017209652A2, see the full description here: http://rexresearch.com/melnichenkoferromag/melnichenko.html and I quote the relevant text from it:

"The reverse mode allows you to get rid of the reaction of the current in the secondary winding during magnetization,
but does not interfere with the conversion of magnetic energy of the ferromagnet during demagnetization.
It should be noted that the energy in a ferromagnet is stored in the form of a magnetic elastic interaction energy of the domains,
and this quantity also depends on the initial induction and the external constant magnetic field. When the core is magnetized by
permanent magnets (or currents), it is possible to work on a cycle not of magnetization, but already demagnetization of the core
to zero or of the remagnetization of the core in general in the opposite direction. But the principle of the reverse stroke remains here,
this is the accumulation of magnetic elastic energy in a ferromagnet and then the return of the magnetic induction to the primary state.
The core magnetized by permanent magnets can be demagnetized by the magnetic field of the current and even reversal in the opposite
direction to the magnetic field of the magnets. This allows you to significantly increase the maximum amplitude of the magnetic induction
in the core of a ferromagnet, almost twice (maximum) than just on the magnetization cycle from zero induction.

Also, the presence of a demagnetizing field of permanent magnets makes it possible to reduce the time of decay of magnetic induction to
zero when the magnetization current is turned off and to reduce the residual induction in the core.
The magnets can be located both sequentially at the ends of the core, and parallel to it

In Section 0049, Pages 15 and 16, this is written:

"You can also use the repeatedly accumulated magnetic energy of the magnetization coil due to
the energy recovery system back to the power source. To do this, several techniques are used. The simplest is a special power recovery
circuit in the form of an oblique diode-transistor half-bridge (oblique transistor-diode half-bridge) with two switches and diode circuits for
the recuperation current. My invention lies in the fact that a removable winding from a ferromagnet is introduced into the diode chains and
not only the recuperation of the magnetic energy of the coil, but also additional magnetic energy of the free field of the ferromagnet goes to the input.

These are interesting thoughts, the question is how these statements hold in a practical circuit ?  I would appreciate reading comments on these energy increase possibilities.
Unfortunately, Melnichenko has published no measurements to back up his statements.

I have attached below all the Claims of his patent application WO2022075876A1.



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Posts: 4236


great research   O0  and good to know that Melnichenko has stated in his patents the reasons he thinks what is causing the amplification of magnetic energy.

Also that he mentions that adding one or more permanent magnets to the core can increase this effect.

I have a hard time visualizing how he used his PM's as no video's are showing this, but start experimenting.

If he used solid steel or in strips is not clear with me, so for the time being i will test with my solid iron FE-57 core, but expect heavy eddy currents.

Group: Guest
   I have always used egg shaped magnets on the yoke cores and on most other ferrite cores. They do help, but at a higher expense of input power.
Group: Tech Wizard
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Posts: 1250
I think if the core used has very low remanence (residual magnetism) specification like say soft ferrites,  metglas,  then the use of a permanent magnet may not be needed at all.  This is because when the core is able to lose its magnetization the moment the outside magnetizing field disappears, then there is no need for a PM to help 'flush' the core. 
Iron and steel cores may have unwanted magnetization remaining when the outside field becomes zero.  Say one end of a core remains magnetized with an unwanted (and weak) S pole, then placing a (weak) N pole of a PM close to the core end will speed up the demagnetisation process and the core's S pole will become first zero and then gets weakly biased to have an N pole from PM.
So the next magnetizing field we apply should defeat first this weak bias field, this needs some more input as Nick found.
 See how Doug Konzen applied such method in a pulse motor (very likely his cores had certain residual magnetism):

In the Melnichenko setup discussed here you could attach a weak ceramic magnet with one of its poles to one of the ends of the core (test which pole helps), either directly or via a non-magnetic spacer, especially in case of the solid iron rod core you test now.  Question is how much loss the solid rod causes in itself from which any improvement can still manifest by the use of a PM. 


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Posts: 4236
I did some measurements on this new Iron L2 coil setup:

Using a 100 Ohm 1% induction free resistor as lamp1 and a 12V / 5W lamp as lamp2, i have a 293V BEMF spike across L1 @ 36V input voltage.

FG:1.5KHz @ 10% duty cycle

The input power in that situation is:

with lamp2 load off:  4.55W
with lamp2 load on:  4.37W   Less when L2 on!

The power into the 100 Ohm lamp1 load is:

with lamp2 load off:  3.89W
with lamp2 load on:  3.97W    More when L2 on!

The power into the lamp2 load is:

with lamp2 load off:    0mW
with lamp2 load on: 32mW     Very marginal power!

So in the original melnichenko circuit with a matched IRON L2 (video), using a 100 Ohm 1% induction free resistor as lamp1 we see a different behavior as earlier and as with the by Jagau modified melnicheno circuit.
At 36V input voltage, the lamp2 load when switched on does NOT take / shares its power from Lamp1.

Efficiency with:

Lamp2 load off:  3.89W / 4.55W = 0.85 = 85%
Lamp2 load on:       4W / 4.37W = 0.92 = 92%         Max. efficiency up till now!


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Posts: 1961
gyula has asked me to comment on Melnichenko's statements he posted in Reply#40 above.  The set up Itsu has just tested can be modeled in FEMM using the axisymmetric method which is a true 3D solution.  I have done this modeling the core with greater mu in the r dimension (the radial dimension) than the z dimension (the length dimension).  I used mu = 10,000 for the radial dimension and mu = 100 for the length dimension.  There is no overunity in that situation.  Melnichenko is correct in making observations that the anisotropy of the core will affect the magnetic energy stored for a given ampere turns of current, but I can find no evidence that this can lead to OU.  My opinion on his other statements of dividing the core into individual sections each with its own winding is that also will not produce OU.  I will have a go at doing a simulation of such an approach and report back.
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Posts: 1250

Hi Itsu,

Interesting results with the solid iron rod core. The less input power draw when lamp2 is ON indicates the existing eddy current loss in the core is partially compensated by the load current from lamp2. When you have time, please check L1 coil current and voltage waveforms when lamp2 is OFF or ON, whether anything manifests on them.


Thank you for taking the time to go through Melnichenko's statements.  I think he mentioned the use of the possible anisotropic property of a core because such property can help store (and capture) more field from a given amount of input energy versus a normal core which has no such property. 
Regarding his statement on the use of many individual core sections each with its own winding may be the conclusion coming from finding eddy current losses when he used solid steel or iron cores, so by dividing such solid cores can surely help reduce or eliminate the losses. 


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The L1 current and voltage waveform hardly change when switching on or off the L2 load.
There is a slight increase in Voltage (p2p from 298 to 302V), current and thus power.

Using a stack of ceramic magnets on the iron core does not show any deviation on the L1 current / voltage, but when monitoring the L2 voltage / current, we see a small (±2mW or so) deviation on the power,
2mW low when using 1 side of the magnet stack, 2mW higher using the other side, but with 32mW total this is very marginal.

« Last Edit: 2022-07-31, 21:18:44 by Itsu »
Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1250
Thanks Itsu for checking the waveforms.

Yes, the small deviations caused by the magnet stack poles indicate that either the iron core losses hamper what the "regauging" effect by the magnets could improve on the output or the iron core does not need much help to lose quickly its induced poles when the input current is switched off. 

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Posts: 1861
This may not be relative to this thread so please delete if this be the case.

Many times in patents or other IP material, it's what is not said that can become the key to understanding as compared to what is said.  This could be the case with Melnichenko's devices.

For example, the paper below I did several years ago regarding core remanence in ferrite material shows the different energy levels to reach a given inductor current depending on the core remanence.  To be clear, the core was first setup or run with the appropriate 1 of 4 schematic and then was run with a "single cycle" using the NZR schematic.  Yes I know remanence is misspelled on the schematics. 

I have a transformer device using RLE that exhibits gains from 1.05~1.15 that has always puzzled me as to the source of gain but now I believe it is due to retained positive core remanence between cycles.

With iron having a much larger remanence than ferrite, Melnichenko may have used a similar setup with single cycles to do his tests.  Jus' saying!

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