There is a need to connect with cosmic fields, that is, unless you just love paying $300 per month for electricity. So, don't just repeat your book learning without questions. Sun light does not come from the Sun, nor is it a nuclear furnace. It's all as false as your adored Big Bang theories. The Aether can be tested, by what effect it causes. As the cause is not visible to us, but the effects are. Todays scientists have a lot to learn, or actually report, as they already know about these things, and much more. But, are keeping us in the dark, on purpose. Free energy is all about tapping these cosmic fields. In case you don't know, or care. Stubborn is not my trait, but yours. I am only stubborn about the real truth behind the purposeful lies. NickZ
« Last Edit: 2023-11-25, 01:47:01 by NickZ »