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Author Topic: Where does the energy come from  (Read 16558 times)
Group: Guest
Even if u all go back and listen to Stan Meyers...

he said the center of atoms is GOD and this is where the energy comes from.


he is right !!!

this thread has its answer.  O0

Sr. Member

Posts: 453

I too would say you have a bar of gold...

And yet, if we define a volume of "empty space" and insert 0.0000000000004% by volume of contaminants in the form of an electron and proton, we say we have something (hydrogen) called "matter", and not "empty space".

The proton has spin and a magnetic moment.  We are told that the proton is actually made of six "particles", three quarks and three gluons.  We are also told that gluons act like little springs that are attached to and hold the quarks together.  If a gluon were to escape to be on its own, it would very rapidly disappear, that is, evaporate into the "empty space" of the "vacuum".  In the absence of all else, the proton is mathematically predicted to be stable for a lifetime of somewhere on the order of 1034 years (having spin and a magnetic moment for all that time...).  However, it is also mathematically predicted that a proton can decay, but would do so by becoming two quarks (a quark and an anti-quark) and yet another "particle" called a pion.  Isn't it rather amazing how a "particle" of "something" can transform itself into a "particle" of something else?

To switch gears, consider the speed of light.  The speed of light in a vacuum is, well, the speed of light.  If we pass an EM wave, or photon (that pesky particle wave duality thing) through something transparent to that EM wave, something we call "matter" (which is mostly empty space), the speed of that wave becomes slower by an amount related to that "matter's" refractive index.  We use this property everyday and seem to have no problem believing that as an EM wave propagates through "matter", which again is mostly "empty space", the speed of light slows down.

However, if we pass that EM wave/photon through the "vacuum", i.e., supposedly empty space, the speed of light is slowed to, well, the speed of light.  Why?  Why does an EM wave/photon, unencumbered by anything in the "emptiness" of the vacuum not just take off at an infinite speed?  We are told that the speed of light is a constant, a magical thing that just happens to be.   Even though it makes sense for us to know that an EM wave will slow below the speed of light when passing through a cloud of hydrogen (which is 99.9999999999996% "empty space" or "vacuum"), we can't seem to wrap our head around the possibility that an EM wave is also "slowed" to the speed of light when passing through a vacuum because it is actually propagating through "something", not just the supposed emptiness we call "vacuum".

And then there is the "vacuum catastrophe".  Most scientists believe the vacuum contains something we call energy, however, the amount predicted to be there varies by 55 orders of magnitude, and in some predictions, even moreso.  More recently we have predictions of dark energy and dark matter, because we believe all that "matter" we observe and predict to be in the universe, must represent only a small percentage of what the universe is actually made of in order for all that "matter" to behave as it does in our observations.  Add to that the Casimir effect and those "virtual particles" just popping into and out of existence from "nothing", and one might begin to think that perhaps the "vacuum" is not the emptiness we may believe it to be.

A quote:

"Everything is made of nothing, all nothing is almost something...
There are two kinds of nothing, organized nothing and disorganized nothing."

"Nothing" is just a word.  Like "bark" (the outer layer of a tree or the sound a dog makes), or the names assigned to quarks, like up, down, top, bottom, color, and strange, these are just words we assign, sounds we utter or write using an alphabet, to allow us to portray thoughts to others.  The word "aether" has gotten a bad rap.  As long as we use words like "vacuum", "dark energy", or "dark matter", all is well, but label those as being the attributes of the "aether" and all hell breaks loose.   

Just food for thought,
« Last Edit: 2023-11-25, 19:26:58 by picowatt »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
Does the proton recoil as it re-emits the "aether particle" ?
Yes and it also got an impulse when it absorbed the particle, the two force impulse magnitudes cancel out but the time separation causes a small incremental movement of the proton.  The aether background of particles from all directions create jittery movement that we know as Heisenberg uncertainty.  What doesn't cancel out is the rate of absorption v rate of emission when the proton is accelerating or decelerating, leading to a net force opposing the change from uniform velocity.

In the presence of a nearby mass the arrival rate v arrival direction is not uniform because that mass is interrupting things slightly, so we get a net force towards that mass that we know as gravitation.  And if we give the aether particles spin (neutrinos have spin) and define rules of engagement between the proton and the particle whereby the particle's emitted direction is determined by its spin we can explain what electric charge really is (those rules of engagement), electric forces and magnetic forces also appear.  Another aspect of this theory is that the aether at distant parts of the universe can have a different particle density than that within which we live.  This would mean that the "universal" constants that we use in our calculations (electron mass, proton mass, Planck's constant etc. etc.) can have differnt values out there in those distant regions.  So the Hubble constant takes on a different meaning and the universe is not necessarily expanding.     


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
I wrote papers on the aether 20 years ago and trawling through my memory sticks I have found two of them.  This bench may not be the best place for them but here they are.  I never got round to writing the paper on magnetic fields and I am too old (nearly 90) to do it now.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Yes and it also got an impulse when it absorbed the particle, the two force impulse magnitudes cancel out but the time separation causes a small incremental movement of the proton. 
Please do calculate the time delay between absorption and re-emission.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
I too would say you have a bar of gold...

And yet, if we define a volume of "empty space" and insert 0.0000000000004% by volume of contaminants in the form of an electron and proton, we say we have something (hydrogen) called "matter", and not "empty space".
That is a very good point.
I have came to the same conclusion decades ago and have developed it further.

I will have a lot to say about that in a different topic but not today.
Please make a new topic here and copy your post from here to there to continue the discussion in a more appropriate category.  I would do this myself but I cannot copy posts yet.
Group: Restricted
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Posts: 102
« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:26:55 by stivep »
Group: Guest
Perhaps this couple of vids might help explain things i sujestyou watch them



Group: Restricted
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Posts: 102
« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:25:43 by stivep »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
Please do calculate the time delay between absorption and re-emission.
I can't do this without knowledge of the characteristics of the aether particles such as volume density and the particle's momentum.  Also I need the collision cross section of the matter particle.  Current science says that the size of the matter particle is inversely proportional to its mass, whereas under my theory the opposite is true, greater size means greater collision cross section hence greater mass.  Note that under my theory at the individual collisions creating the positional uncertainty there is no mass value we can use (what we know as mass results from many collisions) so how does the body behave?  It is not unreasonable to posit that it moves at light speed or greater before reaching a position where another collision alters its movement and position again.  Thus a body of small size (hence small mass) will move further within the inter-aether-particle space hence appear to occupy greater volume.  I could take a guess at the aether particles being neutrino-like and use the known neutrino momentum, I could guess at the likely density (in the region of 10^40 per m^3), and I could take a known matter particle (say proton) and make a stab at its collision cross section.  That would lead me to a delay time, but would it have any real value?

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I don't think most appreciate how electricity or energy works...

Consider that 1 Coulomb of electrons is the quantity of electrons transferred in one second by a steady current of one ampere. One amp seems very small to most people who think they understand electricity. However if we transferred one Coulomb of electrons (1 amp in one second) to a 3" metal sphere the voltage measured on it would be one hundred eighteen billion volts.

For comparison, if we had two metal plates with an area of 1 square meter each, 1 meter apart the force exerted on the plates by a difference in potential of one hundred eighteen billion volts would be one quintillion four hundred twenty quadrillion tons. The numbers quickly become beyond what most can even imagine.

This may be part of the reason why Nikola Tesla implied everyone has everything completely backwards. Matter may be at the lowest energy density and the surrounding space at many magnitudes higher energy density.

As Nikola Tesla implied, the smaller the scales the greater the energy density and forces. For example, if we moved our two metal plates with an area of 1 square meter each from one meter apart to one millimeter the new voltage is one hundred six sextillion six hundred quintillion volts and the force one septillion three hundred thirty sextillion tons. Now imagine the energy/forces present on the sub-nanometer scale.

As we can see, if as Tesla implied the medium was infinitely energy dense and perfectly insulated then no detectable motion would be required to transfer massive amounts of energy. Of course, this doesn't mean we could detect or access any of this energy because of the scales involved. It only explains how energy could travel as a wave in a medium with no apparent motion of said medium. Likewise how measuring the motion of a body through said medium is equally improbable ie. the Michelson–Morley experiment.

The medium would appear "rigid" similar to how a chunk of plutonium appears rigid on observation but can release it's internal kinetic energy measured in mega tonnes of TNT to vaporize a city. We simply take this know concept to the next level supposing there are smaller elements possessing even greater energy and the notion of observable "motion" becomes a mute point. Otherwise were left with the notion of a spooky action action at a distance which seems a primitive way of looking at things.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest

WLW here.

my posts r being removed, but gosh I hope this gets thru:

Watch & Learn  O0
NEW atomic structure and destruction of old outdated models.

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052

WLW here.

my posts r being removed, but gosh I hope this gets thru:

Watch & Learn  O0
NEW atomic structure and destruction of old outdated models.


Actually it’s much less sinister
Verpies has agreed to help with Forum
And keeping topics “on topic” is a very big part of that,
Something ( one post) you posted was in wrong section
He asked if it could be moved ( as of this moment it can’t be without making a mess (_ hopefully _ will be fixed soon ..under construction))
So post was removed with a note sent to you about “all the above “
Giving you the opportunity to post ( un touched ) in proper section!

If you did not receive notification…please PM Verpies
I am still on road and noticed your comment while getting fuel , PLEASE remember
All persons who help here are volunteers ..

Appreciate your patience ,and yes this has happened here with other posters and notes were sent , allowing them to
Repost or remedy issues so as to maintain continuity in topics.
With closing of OU.com to archive.. things have gotten dicey here …they are trying to work through that so this forum
Can stay online and open and productive ..that is to say the forum theme of research is top priority followed by builds and empirical testing.
BTW this ( suggestions towards builds) is already starting to happen !

Group: Restricted
Full Member

Posts: 102
« Last Edit: 2023-11-28, 21:39:42 by stivep »
Group: Guest
statement: simple facts:
Erwin Muller https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erwin_Wilhelm_M%C3%BCller
USP called also "university" doesn't have address nor telephone listed https://www.philosophy.org/scholarship.html#/ or I couldn't find it. should this "GOD"
DARREN COLOMB  acting in that video   can't be found by me in wikipedia,- his bio proof of achievement I found "as stated only" as:
"Laboratory Scientist / Inventor / Musician / Metascientist /" 
No evidence of his inventions, lab, commercial activity, registration nor address of the lab was found by me.

With all due respect Dear whitelightningwizard  .
Please correct me  :
You are not interacting with me and continuing  projection of
some sort of  magical "university" not registered in US educational system, with unknown  amount of students, never  receiving any degree.
unknown or nonexistent faculty members likely located in some average home or apartment .

No explanation seems to be convincing you, or you are not at the level to interact totally ignoring other people  responding to  your writing.
Revelations of yours and  the video collides with official science. I think you wouldn't like  your own child to attend to such school/ university
You provided no  credible  in science links  and keep going to  post more of  the nonsense.

This small crowd here wants real help in understanding and building. They are  appreciating very much not obsessed with any "pseudo"  friendly hand.
Can You respond with facts, or you are not at that level yet?

legal note:  opinion expressed is entirely mine and it was expressed  according to the constitution of USA

Hi Wes

University of Science & Philosophy: https://www.philosophy.org/museum.html#/
phone & address. u didn't look very hard.

Forget the guy in the video, what is it that he is saying? a new way to look at old theories.

You don't know 'my level' but some on other forums do. I share when I feel inspired to help.  O0

Pretty sure I still have FREEEDOM of SPEECH. as do u.
Take what I say or leave it, but do not berate as this leads nowhere.




Edit for terms of service off topic violations
« Last Edit: 2023-11-27, 16:57:59 by Chet K »
Group: Guest
Actually it’s much less sinister
Verpies has agreed to help with Forum
And keeping topics “on topic” is a very big part of that,
Something ( one post) you posted was in wrong section
He asked if it could be moved ( as of this moment it can’t be without making a mess (_ hopefully _ will be fixed soon ..under construction))
So post was removed with a note sent to you about “all the above “
Giving you the opportunity to post ( un touched ) in proper section!

If you did not receive notification…please PM Verpies
I am still on road and noticed your comment while getting fuel , PLEASE remember
All persons who help here are volunteers ..

Appreciate your patience ,and yes this has happened here with other posters and notes were sent , allowing them to
Repost or remedy issues so as to maintain continuity in topics.
With closing of OU.com to archive.. things have gotten dicey here …they are trying to work through that so this forum
Can stay online and open and productive ..that is to say the forum theme of research is top priority followed by builds and empirical testing.
BTW this ( suggestions towards builds) is already starting to happen !

Chet thank u for your balance and explication.  O0

We all feel LOVE for our family and friends, but we cannot QUANTIFY or MEASURE this LOVE.

Here then we have example of something NON-PHYSICAL that we cannot QUANTIFY or MEASURE but yet it is felt by humans to be REAL.

So this is proof to scientists that not all things that are in fact REAL are necessarily PHYSICAL.

REALITY exists within the MIND, not the other way around. It will take scientists at least 1000 years to catch up to this truth at the present rate.
But with this vantage point we can solve unlimited energy as we have found the NON-PHYSICAL source of PHYSICAL energy.

Group: Restricted
Full Member

Posts: 102

« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 16:51:35 by stivep »

Sr. Member

Posts: 302
Why don't you said that there is a cold nuclear fusion in your drop of water when it electro blow up ?
This is where the extra energy comes from...
Group: Restricted
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Posts: 102
« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 16:52:31 by stivep »
Group: Guest
There is  no such thing as cosmic fields. .  No such terminology is in use. ( google it please)
Your comment about light is nonsense not supported by any link.
The Aether  can't be tested as it doesn't exist nor does it have any fixed documented modern description
and because of it -  it sounds like a bark of a dog to us
intuitively  ignoring it or trying to google it to find what it might mean.

Bark is like a sound without specified meaning intuitively understood  as dog happiness or its anger but you'll never be sure.
Barking human doesn't speak in dog language nor it helps understand science and for us is not the language, but a verbal form of dogs emotional response.
Smile is also an emotional response but you don't know if the dog smiles or not before (it/he/she) bites you.
Scientists learn but you refuse to learn.
Verpies is helping you, I'm helping you  but you refuse this help.

   Verpies, Wesley:
   Thanks for the "help". But how can either of you help,  when you don't know and have never built what we are here for.
Conventional electronics/physics book learning has gotten you no where, after all these years. What you bring onto this free energy site are distractions, while showing nothing that works concerning free energy. And now you Wesley are here to bore us again, with your long and repetitious conventional knowledge essays, that don't not even believe in free energy. Even  your translations are no longer needed.
Or am I speaking dog...



Sr. Member

Posts: 302
Why can't we combine two forums into one overunity and OUR ?
I don’t understand anything about this, maybe I’m talking stupidity.
But it would be nice. :)
Sr. Member

Posts: 280
Why can't we combine two forums into one overunity and OUR ?
I don’t understand anything about this, maybe I’m talking stupidity.
But it would be nice. :)

I think it is already happening as a result of overunity being made read-only. It looks like a lot of the members from there are moving to other forums, this being one of the most popular ones.
Group: Restricted
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Posts: 102
« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 16:53:32 by stivep »
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Here patents can fill entire forum ( every day new ones)
If you have a replication request of a successful FE device ?

Forum guidelines explain this process very clearly !( please read them

Or else it is not a claim here ( successful independent replications are required here!
Writing something as fact and pointing to the work of others ( unverified open source)
Not what is done here ( wrong forum).

Please these are early days ..
Trying not to reboot old fights from other forums .
Fights Cannot fill these pages
Wrong forum..,
Group: Guest
Struth fellers what's with the calling each other names and greed seekers exployters names doing on this thread
please give it a rest eh!

« Last Edit: 2023-11-29, 20:10:18 by AlienGrey »
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