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Author Topic: A true OU Breakthrough..? Holcomb scientific research  (Read 17242 times)
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
Arrrrggghghhhhh........................................... There's no such thing as southern Ireland; there's northern Ireland and there's Ireland.
And more precisely, there is a part subordinated to a kingdom, and a real independent republic!   :)

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
I promise you, in a year or two the climate crisis will have progressed to the point where we have passed irreversible points.

The greatest pollution is that of the minds of the environmental activists who spread their catastrophism and their apocalyptic predictions everywhere, promising climatic hell if one does not adhere to their cause, that of the goddess Nature, as the Catholic religion did for centuries for its own god. The followers of the new sect of environmentalism are constantly blaming man, accusing him of being the cause of all evils, just as religion used to do: a famine, a war, an epidemic, man's fault for having offended God. Now it is man's fault for offending Nature.

Many of these followers are less concerned with Nature than with its instrumentalization to serve their real cause, which is political, their fight against capitalism and the West in general, for degrowth and therefore the return to a few centuries ago that these uneducated people imagine as being pleasant to live when life was much harder than today.
If these people were honest, they would not waste the planet's resources by using massively PCs, smartphones, forums, social networks infrastructures and datacenters that they consider polluting, to spread their propaganda. But they are hypocrites, most of them live like everybody else but like the pedophile priests who however preach the love of the neighbor, they harass us with their message "do as I say, not as I do".

If we take a closer look at the predictions of the IPCC, we can clearly see that their models are regularly wrong by a factor of two to three over periods of only 5 years in the past, that all their models diverge, that the climate sensitivity is constantly corrected, probably according to what there is to prove, and that physicists regularly correct climatologists who have a very poor command of physics, especially thermodynamics and statistical processing, which are key areas of their discipline. Add to this their politicization and their monopoly of the good word, a method that is never seen elsewhere in science where independent teams verify what others assert, and we understand that it is not scientific. Climatology is at best research, and research is not yet science because science is knowledge.

What we can say with certainty is that climatology today does not have the science that could allow it to make long-term predictions, and that the fight against global warming is not only futile but will create far more problems than it solves, collapsing the world economy and impoverishing everyone if the recommended measures are implemented. Those who advocate these drastic methods are neo-Malthusians.

So to come back to the subject, if Holcomb's machine works, it would obviously be a fantastic advance for humanity, with the elimination of fossil fuels and above all the emergence of a considerable number of new technologies, prevented today from existing because of the cost of energy or the difficulty to make it portable. If we can help in this way, we must. Contrary to the followers of the fashionable religion, the religion Nature, if we are here it is I suppose, that we think that the technology can be put at the service of the humanity, that it can progress to improve at the same time our living conditions, comfort, health and environment, and consequently to be a progress not only material but also of ideas as all the technological advances were it in the past (the wheel which improves the transport favoured the exchanges between people, the printing press allowed to democratize the culture, the radio allowed to inform even in the most remote corners of the earth, Internet put at the disposal of all the academic knowledge...).

We benefit today from what our forefathers did and the risks they took to do it. Contrary to the message of the narrow-minded environmentalists who want to impose on future generations their current conception of a supposedly better world, our generation has the same duty as our forefathers towards future generations, not to preserve the heritage but to bring its new contribution, also taking its risk of novelty, all for a future that we do not know, that we build little by little, and that must remain open to the people of the future.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
hi Steve I preempted you question and asked Ellen Holcomb yesterday. Her response was “ Hi Jim, it's a pleasure to "meet" you. Thanks so very much for this... we appreciate it.
Thanks, too, for your kind words about our videos and for sharing them. After 15 years in R and D "stealth" mode, we are trying to get the word out about our technology and a better future for the planet, and we appreciate the assist from every corner on earth.
To answer your question, our HES units are not yet available for purchase, but that will soon change.
Thanks again and all the best,
Ellen” I hope they don’t get acquired by Google, that would be tragic.

"better future for the planet", "not yet available for purchase", it's disturbing. I've heard this so many times, and we never saw anything coming afterwards...
I've also seen that most of the sites that talk about Holcomb have conveniently copied their press release word for word. We have no independent source, no journalistic analysis, only Holcomb's word.
So without independent duplication, beware!

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
And more precisely, there is a part subordinated to a kingdom, and a real independent republic!   :)

It might pay for you to brush up on your history of "The Troubles".
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I don’t pretend to understand the science or history …  or predictions .. of the Green movement
I have however wholeheartedly embraced it , from our FE perspective , it is win win and we will have a monstrous
Ally whence we find the FE !

I must add , I loathe burning our atmosphere,flushing or wasting drinking water ,and am genuinely creeped
Out by the mess plastic has made of our planet !

Having an FE point of use power grid available to our planet’s inhabitants would spread us out considerably for a few hundred years , and give us incredible economic stimulus !

I suppose I/we could light fires around all sides of this topic ?? ,
here we work towards Finding and open sourcing FE

It’s is a plenty big piece to chew on
And the luxury of not presently starving to death or freezing or …etc etc
Should not hinder our pursuit !

Chet K

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
It might pay for you to brush up on your history of "The Troubles".

I suppose I/we could light fires around all sides of this topic ?? ,
here we work towards Finding and open sourcing FE

Current geopolitical situations are always a consequence of the past, so they have explanations.
This does not prevent us from making observations about the present time, such as the two Irelands, nor from questioning the situation.
Of course this is not the place to discuss it, but I am not the one who brought the discussion about Ireland or about the "climate crisis".

If a moderator would remove all these digressions, mine included, I would not mind, but as long as an off-topic is open and visible, contradiction must be possible.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
2 or 3 layers of coils? Judging by the attached image from their video, there are 3 concentric layers of coils while the patent only shows 2.
Did I misinterpret something?

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
Errr, back to the subject of this thread, what do we know in general from Holcomb's patents?

1)   Solid state inductive rotor producing a rotating magnetic field by single or multiple phasing.

2)   Stator consisting of pickup inductances.

3)   Claim of gains in the 300-500% range.

Anyone here have any experience whether or not this type of topology would encounter CEMF or Lenz?

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
2 or 3 layers of coils? Judging by the attached image from their video, there are 3 concentric layers of coils while the patent only shows 2.
Did I misinterpret something?

The patents are obviously old while the website and video newer. You see real inventors with real intelligence are always making improvements to the art and there thinking. Nothing is static and everything is always evolving and changing unlike many people stuck in the past who cannot change or learn.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
You have done much active research here ,and some bench musings

Can I ask to have this board moved to your bench ?
You would be moderator there ?

I have asked for some quick input on this suggestion from experimenters/builders within the open source community !
_Well received _

I have to contact Peter on another matter later ?
Can we ask him ?
( not actually certain he can move it there since Forum is in ongoing upgrade mode
However he may be able to just place you as moderator here ?

Chet K
For clarity… the intent is to go as deep as possible into this claim
And how to manifest it !

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Re climate catastrophists; history shows they’re always wrong. But so is our stewardship of the planet. Free clean portable unlimited energy is a path to true freedom and prosperity for all as well as being good for the planet. What is unclear to me right now with HES is what is the specific goal of their current promotions. I will ask them soon but there does not seem to be any clear call to action for the vids they are releasing

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
You have done much active research here ,and some bench musings

Can I ask to have this board moved to your bench ?
You would be moderator there ?

I have asked for some quick input on this suggestion from experimenters/builders within the open source community !
_Well received _

I have to contact Peter on another matter later ?
Can we ask him ?
( not actually certain he can move it there since Forum is in ongoing upgrade mode
However he may be able to just place you as moderator here ?

Chet K
For clarity… the intent is to go as deep as possible into this claim
And how to manifest it !
im keen to build, I’m very experienced at building motors that won’t rotate  ;D the conical core ends seem important as well. From the vids he is saying the 4-500% P.O. is because of 4-5x extra flux from the steel. I know a lot of us go “duh” re the stronger flux but if he has what they claim a solid state generator, then the steel as the fuel makes sense to me. Looks like a good learning project
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
... The patents are obviously old while the website and video newer. ...
The patent that is supposed to match their announcement today is not old at all, it is from April 2021.
This is the 1st one on the list here: http://exvacuo.free.fr/div/Sciences/NewEnergy/Holcomb/

It would be of no interest to Holcomb to release an invention that would not be protected by a patent.

The other ones I've put in, which are close, only serve to eventually understand the intellectual path that Holcomb followed and help determine the basic idea.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
You have done much active research here ,and some bench musings

Can I ask to have this board moved to your bench ?
You would be moderator there ?

I have asked for some quick input on this suggestion from experimenters/builders within the open source community !
_Well received _

I have to contact Peter on another matter later ?
Can we ask him ?
( not actually certain he can move it there since Forum is in ongoing upgrade mode
However he may be able to just place you as moderator here ?

Chet K
For clarity… the intent is to go as deep as possible into this claim
And how to manifest it !

Thanks for your confidence, Chet, but I think a moderator should be independent of the topics, and even not participate in them. When one is judge and party, one tends to do censorship more than moderation. I've been a victim of this a few times on forums, so I wouldn't want to be the one to fall into the same trap.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
im keen to build, I’m very experienced at building motors that won’t rotate  ;D
;D O0

the conical core ends seem important as well. From the vids he is saying the 4-500% P.O. is because of 4-5x extra flux from the steel. I know a lot of us go “duh” re the stronger flux but if he has what they claim a solid state generator, then the steel as the fuel makes sense to me. Looks like a good learning project

The form is certainly important, but what we need to understand is why. The concentration of the flux has never allowed OU, because even if the flux is well concentrated in one place, it does not prevent all the field lines from looping. A flux variation is not a change in level along the loop of field lines, but should be seen as the addition or removal of always looped field lines. 

Then we need to know what needs to be built. The model presented in the video does not seem to correspond exactly to the patent.
Finally, it is a very big equipment, it seems to me very difficult to build, even if we had all the details.

But if we understood the idea, we could perhaps build a much simpler proof of principle.

The degree of coupling between 2 circuits will determine the number of common field lines that cross both, and whether the flux is generated by one coil or the other doesn't change anything, it's reciprocal, hence Lenz's law. In the invention here, it obviously doesn't. The key factors that can play a role here are the number of coils, the apparent rotational motion of the field, and the time delays involved in magnetizing the ferromagnetic masses. This gives us degrees of freedom on how to share the magnetic fluxes to perhaps obtain a non-reciprocity between windings. With only 3 coils, maybe we can test some effects, we know the problem of instability and chaotic behavior in the 3 body problem in gravity; in magnetism, it is probably the same, I'm just thinking about it for the moment...

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
;D O0

The form is certainly important, but what we need to understand is why. The concentration of the flux has never allowed OU, because even if the flux is well concentrated in one place, it does not prevent all the field lines from looping. A flux variation is not a change in level along the loop of field lines, but should be seen as the addition or removal of always looped field lines. 

Then we need to know what needs to be built. The model presented in the video does not seem to correspond exactly to the patent.
Finally, it is a very big equipment, it seems to me very difficult to build, even if we had all the details.

But if we understood the idea, we could perhaps build a much simpler proof of principle.

The degree of coupling between 2 circuits will determine the number of common field lines that cross both, and whether the flux is generated by one coil or the other doesn't change anything, it's reciprocal, hence Lenz's law. In the invention here, it obviously doesn't. The key factors that can play a role here are the number of coils, the apparent rotational motion of the field, and the time delays involved in magnetizing the ferromagnetic masses. This gives us degrees of freedom on how to share the magnetic fluxes to perhaps obtain a non-reciprocity between windings. With only 3 coils, maybe we can test some effects, we know the problem of instability and chaotic behavior in the 3 body problem in gravity; in magnetism, it is probably the same, I'm just thinking about it for the moment...

Ahh yes, this has been my point all along.  Anytime there is induction between two coils whether they are are at right angles, inside out, upside down, etc, there will be a Lenz effect as F6FLT has stated.  If there is no Lenz effect in the Holcomb device, then what topology is used to reduce/prevent it?

The primary of a two winding transformer can be shown to be free of Lenz if a current source or voltage sink is used properly on the secondary.  If a rotating electromagnetic field is used as the source of induction under these conditions, then little to no Lenz effect will be experienced.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  F6 wrote, and I totally agree: 
"Finally, it is a very big equipment, it seems to me very difficult to build, even if we had all the details.

But if we understood the idea, we could perhaps build a much simpler proof of principle."

   Yes, a small proof-of-principle prototype is an important goal.
Also, small devices like this could be mass-marketed by HES LLC, and getting them needed funds - and at the same time, get the device out to the people before it is/can be squashed.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
The primary of a two winding transformer can be shown to be free of Lenz if a current source or voltage sink is used properly on the secondary.
Do you have a set-up and measurements to support such a claim?

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
Do you have a set-up and measurements to support such a claim?

Yes in simulation if that will do.  And in practice, a current transformer bench device showing a slight gain.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
Here are the sims for elimination of Lenz in a transformer primary by means of constant current and constant voltage in the secondary.

The first is constant current with an ideal current source in the secondary as shown.  The theory is quite simple as explained in the attached pdf.  If one calculates the inductance of L1 = E*dt/di using the sim's parameters, it will equal 5mH.  There are many variations possible with this topology and a few show a small gain even under simulation.

The second is with a constant voltage sink in the secondary that is equal to Epri*k .  This again will provide an elimination of Lenz as shown.  L1 in this example calculates to be 5.06mH which is greater than the actual value of L1.  This is due to the fact we are ignoring the voltage drops in the winding's dcr.  Again many variations are possible.

Both of these examples are conservative using their current induced induction source.  However, using a PM or rotating field induction source could provide a Lenz free induction source utilizing the concepts shown here.  I'm not claiming this is the method the Holcomb device uses, I'm just saying it is one possibility.


Hero Member

Posts: 2735
The problem I see is that this thread looks exactly like countless others spanning decades. The people may change and some of the terminology however the same old concepts always remain. I noticed this early on in my research that everyone is saying and doing exactly the same things and nothing ever changes.

My solution to this common problem was to not allow myself to follow along or repeat what others do. So if I needed a transformer I wouldn't use one and devise another way to convert the voltage. If I needed something as simple as a transistor I wouldn't use one and think of another way to interrupt the circuit. I would try to never use the same process, concept or idea twice. In this way were not simply going through the same old motions and actually have to think about how stuff works.

This Quote comes to mind...
The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude. No big laboratory is needed in which to think. Originality thrives in seclusion free of outside influences beating upon us to cripple the creative mind. Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.  Nikola Tesla
Source:Tesla Sees Evidence Radio And Light Are Sound


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
This patent submitted in 2017 and published in Dec 2021 explains how he avoids lenz. https://patents.justia.com/patent/11196331 I have not read it all yet but hope to a bit later. He references Tesla unipolar dynamo in it. Edit not solid state and completely different architecture. Still interesting though in the context of their latest vids and how it may relate.
« Last Edit: 2022-03-20, 09:04:31 by JimBoot »
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148

I redid your simulation and found the results you indicate.
But an idea as simple as preventing a current variation in the secondary to prevent the application of Lenz's law has no practical application: the result is equivalent to having the secondary in open circuit seen from the primary. No power can be transferred.

What is interesting is to put a load R1 and to make the power balance. Of course it must be put in series and not in parallel on L2 otherwise the current would not be constant in L2. We arrive at the diagram in the attached file.
The circuit is supplied by a voltage generator + a current generator, which gives us the total power supplied to the circuit (in red), while U(R1)*I(R1) gives us the power consumed.
We can see that the consumed power of 0.5W is equal to the supplied power, except on the first 10 µs where the voltage generator supplies the energy W=L*I1² to create the magnetic field stored in the inductance, this without any incidence on the load. Only the current generator supplies the load.

It is clear that an idea as simple as keeping the current constant at the secondary to avoid Lenz's law seems brilliant but would have been seen by generations of engineers who preceded us. We need to get out of electronics and back to physics. Charges do not know if they are in a primary or secondary circuit, they always influence each other by their electric field.
The moving charges create a vector potential at the level of the other moving charges, thus an electric field E=-dA/dt. It is the one that acts by the classical Coulomb force F=q.E. The magnetic field is only a relativistic effect linked to their motion, which simplifies electromagnetism, but to the detriment of understanding the forces really at work, seen in the frame of reference of the moving charges.

Coming back to Holcomb, Holcomb does not need to claim that Lenz's law would be defeated, since he says that the extra energy comes from the spin. This is not consistent. If the OU comes from the spin, Lenz's law can still apply, and it is still free energy.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
Jim:  Thanks for the link as that doc has considerable info!

F6FLT:  Point taken and noted.

Sr. Member

Posts: 453
2 or 3 layers of coils? Judging by the attached image from their video, there are 3 concentric layers of coils while the patent only shows 2.
Did I misinterpret something?

There are three systems being discussed, a high efficiency motor, a single to 3 phase converter, and an overunity energy source.

The image you grabbed from the video animation is, I believe, the high efficiency motor.  Elsewhere in that video (or one of the other videos) we see several vertically mounted "motor" shaped units in front of a large control/monitoring panel of sorts.  This, I believe, is the three phase converter.  I do not think we have seen any images of the overunity "free energy source", although that appears to be, in one embodiment, the complicated system with multiple gears and rotors as seen in patent drawings.  What I think are the three phase converters may be a later embodiment of the OU system, but it does not appear to be salient wound as discussed in the patents.  What I think are three phase converters look like fairly standard wound rotor synchronous motors with the rotor shaft physically retained to prevent rotation.  Sequentially energizing the physically stationary rotor windings with properly wound/sequenced field coils would seem to be a plausible manner with which to make a three phase converter.

Regarding the third set of coils in the center of the animation screen grab you posted, let's call that the physically rotating armature (the patent references are somewhat confusing).  The outer most coils are physically stationary field coils.  The middle group of coils is referred to as a rotor, albeit physically stationary as well, with its coils driven in sequence to create a rotating magnetic field.

Another embodiment I have seen replaces the rotating armature coils with permanent magnets.

The following patent covers most of this:


FIG 14 depicts connection to a three phase power source.  From the patent text, the rectangular boxes with long and short dashes within are  plugs/connectors, the circles with curved top tees are wattmeters.

With all the connections, caps, loads, and windings involved, and no mention so far, that I have seen, of reactive power (I/V phase angles), there seems to be plenty of room for measurement errors.

This is also covered in the following patent:


Note that this patent has an assignee that may, or mat not, be an offshore shell/holding corp which may, or may not, mean anything.  From a search result, the assignee may also have been listed in the leaked Panama Papers.  Perhaps I am wrong on all this and the companies are not one and the same, so please search the assignee and form an opinion for yourself.


« Last Edit: 2022-03-20, 17:26:22 by picowatt »
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