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2025-04-01, 00:33:38
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Author Topic: A true OU Breakthrough..? Holcomb scientific research  (Read 17241 times)

Group: Professor
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Posts: 1961
Try this one.
Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 2148

I have read the application carefully and I remain doubtful.
If one understands that the reaction does not take place on the torque, since nothing is actually rotating, there is no reason why Lenz's law should not apply. A rotating field is the resultant of the variable fields created by the currents of the "rotor" coils, whose phases are offset. Seen from each stator coil it is a simple variable field. The current in the stator coils flowing into the load will therefore induce a current opposite to that of the "rotor" coils. So I don't see where the idea is.

Invoking the spin of the unpaired electrons to explain the extra energy, why not, but you would still have to explain how this is possible. An explanation by the spin is not more credible than by a LENR, the neutrinos or the ZPE... If the alignment of electrons in a magnetic domain by a weak field caused a free stronger field, we would have extra energy in all coils with a ferromagnetic core. Holcomb's comparison between a coil with a ferromagnetic core and one with Plexiglas proves nothing. The inductance of the former being much higher than the latter, and the magnetic energy that a coil stores being proportional to L*I² where I is the same in both coils since they are in series, there is no reason to be surprised by the strengthening of the field in the former compared to the latter: its field is stronger, but it is because this coil/core recovers more electrical energy.

So we find ourselves with a new story of an OU machine which is, as usual, either a scam like Perendev's, or a gross error of concept and measurement as with Steorn's, or Holcomb really has something, but obviously he does not understand where the energy comes from and tries to give credibility to his assembly with idle explanations.

I put all the documents found on Holcomb on my catch-all site here: http://exvacuo.free.fr/div/Sciences/NewEnergy/Holcomb/
The patent application is there as well as the 2018 one, which is very similar, but without an explanation of where the OU came from.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
I have read the application carefully and I remain doubtful.
If one understands that the reaction does not take place on the torque, since nothing is actually rotating, there is no reason why Lenz's law should not apply. A rotating field is the resultant of the variable fields created by the currents of the "rotor" coils, whose phases are offset. Seen from each stator coil it is a simple variable field. The current in the stator coils flowing into the load will therefore induce a current opposite to that of the "rotor" coils. So I don't see where the idea is.

Invoking the spin of the unpaired electrons to explain the extra energy, why not, but you would still have to explain how this is possible. An explanation by the spin is not more credible than by a LENR, the neutrinos or the ZPE... If the alignment of electrons in a magnetic domain by a weak field caused a free stronger field, we would have extra energy in all coils with a ferromagnetic core. Holcomb's comparison between a coil with a ferromagnetic core and one with Plexiglas proves nothing. The inductance of the former being much higher than the latter, and the magnetic energy that a coil stores being proportional to L*I² where I is the same in both coils since they are in series, there is no reason to be surprised by the strengthening of the field in the former compared to the latter: its field is stronger, but it is because this coil/core recovers more electrical energy.

So we find ourselves with a new story of an OU machine which is, as usual, either a scam like Perendev's, or a gross error of concept and measurement as with Steorn's, or Holcomb really has something, but obviously he does not understand where the energy comes from and tries to give credibility to his assembly with idle explanations.

I put all the documents found on Holcomb on my catch-all site here: http://exvacuo.free.fr/div/Sciences/NewEnergy/Holcomb/
The patent application is there as well as the 2018 one, which is very similar, but without an explanation of where the OU came from.

Thank you for pulling these documents and video together, F6.
The image below is from Holcomb's video.
1 - Does he have any other videos?
2 - Just what is "electrical steel"? 
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
There is another video but not technical, they celebrate their launch:

I didn't know about the term electrical steel either. Wikipedia talks about it:

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
There is another video but not technical, they celebrate their launch:

I didn't know about the term electrical steel either. Wikipedia talks about it:

Thanks, F6.
Next question -
3. Does Holcomb have just the one approach, or more than one (for FE)?


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Here is a quick FEMM simulation showing the field from a conical core and a plot of the field along the centre line.  The core is Fe and the coil around it is 100 turns carrying 10 amps.  Clearly the conical shape has produced an almost linear gradient, the drop off at the end is due to the hemispherical shape there.  There is no doubt in my mind that conduction electrons will be drawn to that sharp end of the cone thus producing anomalous field value there.  Whether that effect will produce OU is another matter.
thanks for this smudge. It looks as though it’s only the base of the core that is conical from the vids I’ve watched. Almost like the inside of a toroid. They have 7 vids on their channel. They have an r&d facility in Florida https://youtube.com/channel/UCUi_RHRrr80Dsa4cnUJlTAw
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
Seems to be the latest and most relevant:


Note the introduction of curved rotor poles and the addition of inner and outer rotors, the outer of which appears to be an adjustable/rotatable flux path that can be tuned (statically or dynamically with loading), as new embodiments.

He is still claiming the excess energy is from electron spin or domain orientation via a relatively small applied current and still uses the plexiglass versus xfmr steel (electrical steel) core as proof, and discusses the S shaped hysteresis curve and saturation (which, if true, begs the question, why aren't all transformers overunity?).  He also makes the analogous comparison to a solar cell so as to not be claiming perpetual motion (a patentability issue).

He also discusses automatic switching of capacitors on the output as needed, and again, no mention of phase angle or reactive power. 

It does look like he has put a lot of time and money into this, and there is a lot to digest in this rather lengthy patent, but...


Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
The company is an IRISH (Dublin) Ltd company, registered in Dublin, it is not American, that rings alarm bells, STEORN for example.

Well, I really can't go along with the electron spin, eddy currents producing equal and opposite poles, I can, but I do not see any cooling because at the power levels they are talking about something is going to heat up, whatever.

All the units are 3 phase electric motors which I presume have been rewired, and the rotor fixed so it does not move! as can be easily seen in the photos or videos.

Electrical steel (silicon steel) does not hold residual magnetism, as in transformers or motors, but with a coil wound over it and a current passed, it produces a large field through it but is still subject to the amount of current passing through the coil.

The company has the same modus operandum as that Las Vegas company with their permanent magnet generator, what happened to them!!!!



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
The company is an IRISH (Dublin) Ltd company, registered in Dublin, it is not American, that rings alarm bells, STEORN for example.

Well, I really can't go along with the electron spin, eddy currents producing equal and opposite poles, I can, but I do not see any cooling because at the power levels they are talking about something is going to heat up, whatever.

All the units are 3 phase electric motors which I presume have been rewired, and the rotor fixed so it does not move! as can be easily seen in the photos or videos.

Electrical steel (silicon steel) does not hold residual magnetism, as in transformers or motors, but with a coil wound over it and a current passed, it produces a large field through it but is still subject to the amount of current passing through the coil.

The company has the same modus operandum as that Las Vegas company with their permanent magnet generator, what happened to them!!!!


Gee what do you have against the Irish. Many companies HQ there because of tax incentives. There is also someone building them in Florida apparently

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
Gee what do you have against the Irish. Many companies HQ there because of tax incentives. There is also someone building them in Florida apparently

Well Jim I will tell you a true story.

One of my best friends in the UK is an engineer as well, but he went down the civil engineering route, we both went the university together and he was my best man at my wedding. His first big job was on building the M62 motorway across the north of England, there were many subcontractors as there always is, and many came over from Irland and camped out in caravans alongside the job, that is not a problem. The problem came about when they had the contract to lay the drains for the surface water on the motorway. All looked good, the inspector of the works was also Irish as well, but of course, he was a qualified surveyor, so no problems or there should not have been!!

The first section of the motorway was completed and opened, then there was a big storm and the drains could not take the water away. On inspection, all the drains went nowhere, a short length of pipe to the side of the road and covered up, they should have gone to a collective catchment area where the water would drain away through a laid out stone soakaway like fingers on your hand. The workers had long gone back to Irland, well paid by the subcontractor who had to take the cost of repairing what had not been done.

This is where the name  Irish Blarney comes from


Not all Irish are like this, but you have to weed out the good and the bad ;)



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
Just because Steorn failed and Steorn was Irish and Holcomb would be too, does not mean that Holcomb should be suspect. 
This reasoning is a fallacy without any logic.

Can we please stick to the topic and avoid unnecessary slanderous digressions against the Irish?

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
3. Does Holcomb have just the one approach, or more than one (for FE)?

I'm not sure I understand the question. Does it concern the pure technique or also the commercial issue to spread their invention? I am not in a better position than anyone to answer because the subject is very recent. One would have to explore Holcomb's past activity to see how he arrived at his current model. But if there really are FE and several approaches, the basic concept and principle is surely unique.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
thanks for this smudge. It looks as though it’s only the base of the core that is conical from the vids I’ve watched. Almost like the inside of a toroid. They have 7 vids on their channel. They have an r&d facility in Florida https://youtube.com/channel/UCUi_RHRrr80Dsa4cnUJlTAw

Yes, very interesting.
Thanks for the link, JimBoot.
Especially interesting, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUIK1GZSduo

He speaks here of a small home unit, and he says the device is "scale-able".  That's good, if true.
And if true, we can expect a BIG company like Google or Musk's Tesla to snatch up the technology...  As you may know, Google has sent representatives to LENR conferences in recent years - and supported research - with a hand on the technology.

While the device is still on the market - I wonder if we could BUY one?  and then test it ourselves....    I would gladly chip in, especially if there were a money-back guarantee if it failed to run on "no fuel" as advertised.

Jim - can you find out the least expensive (smallest) prototype they have, that we could purchase?   (right away, for sure)
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
- I wonder if we could BUY one?  and then test it ourselves....    I would gladly chip in, especially if there were a money-back guarantee if it failed to run on "no fuel" as advertised.

Jim - can you find out the least expensive (smallest) prototype they have, that we could purchase?   (right away, for sure)

Initial releases can be expensive. Crowd funding might be successful but an application would need careful wording.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
Just because Steorn failed and Steorn was Irish and Holcomb would be too, does not mean that Holcomb should be suspect. 
This reasoning is a fallacy without any logic.

Can we please stick to the topic and avoid unnecessary slanderous digressions against the Irish?
No slander there, read my post better. Slander is when you state something which is not true about a person. As I perfectly said, not all Irish are like that, history shows a lot, it has become a joke.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
Holcomb has at least 13 application patents in the area of interest from 2010 to present, many of which are similar to their latest.
Their oldest patents are from 1988, but prior to 2005, they are only for magnet therapy.
I have updated my folder. The documents have been OCRed, the text is searchable.


Their latest product would have been witnessed-certified by SGS and DNV. We do have the DNV report, but I haven't seen the SGS one anywhere. Does anyone have it?

On their website and in some of their videos, I saw that they emphasize the environment and make many references to a clean world, with photos to stimulate affect. This is often used in scams as conditioning to make it easier to accept their system. It's too early to say that this would be the case here, but it is disturbing.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
No slander there, read my post better. Slander is when you state something which is not true about a person. As I perfectly said, not all Irish are like that, history shows a lot, it has become a joke.

If "not all Irish are like that", why talk specifically about the Irish?! This is true for all countries.

Your word was very clear : "The company is an IRISH (Dublin) Ltd company, registered in Dublin, it is not American, that rings alarm bells"
This is clearly stating your prejudice against the Irish, and your prejudice in favor of the Americans.
You'd better make amends than deny it.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
If "not all Irish are like that", why talk specifically about the Irish?! This is true for all countries.

Your word was very clear : "The company is an IRISH (Dublin) Ltd company, registered in Dublin, it is not American, that rings alarm bells"
This is clearly stating your prejudice against the Irish, and your prejudice in favor of the Americans.
You'd better make amends than deny it.

What do I have to make amends for Milehigh. I am English and not American, my home town is very close to Irland, (North Wales), unlike you on the west side of France. I have Irish friends, quite a few in fact. My father-in-law is French, yes my wife who still works as she is younger than me, has a lorry in your neck of the woods in a couple of weeks "Nante", small world we live in.

Many many Irish in America, or of Irish descent, let's be honest America is a multi-racial country, but the real Americans are the American Indians who still try to keep a pure race going.

Anyway, Southern Irland has one of the largest shell company holdings in Europe because the government opens its arms to incoming money and low tax, but it's not an offshore country, which would ring bigger bells as far as looking for outside investment was concerned.

Now tell me why this company has not raised money from their own bank, I'm sure they would be very interested to be able to print their own money!!!! Ah, the government would shut them down, but not without paying them a handsome amount to keep their mouths shut.

I really really hope I am wrong, but going public on the internet on youtube, etc is asking for problems don't you think!!! more than a decade of investors putting money into a company that's not even American, but now they have to show something, investors getting itchy feet as they say.



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
I'm not sure I understand the question. Does it concern the pure technique or also the commercial issue to spread their invention? I am not in a better position than anyone to answer because the subject is very recent. One would have to explore Holcomb's past activity to see how he arrived at his current model. But if there really are FE and several approaches, the basic concept and principle is surely unique.
hi Steve I preempted you question and asked Ellen Holcomb yesterday. Her response was “ Hi Jim, it's a pleasure to "meet" you. Thanks so very much for this... we appreciate it.
Thanks, too, for your kind words about our videos and for sharing them. After 15 years in R and D "stealth" mode, we are trying to get the word out about our technology and a better future for the planet, and we appreciate the assist from every corner on earth.
To answer your question, our HES units are not yet available for purchase, but that will soon change. 
Thanks again and all the best,
Ellen” I hope they don’t get acquired by Google, that would be tragic.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
What do I have to make amends for Milehigh. I am English and not American, my home town is very close to Irland, (North Wales), unlike you on the west side of France. I have Irish friends, quite a few in fact. My father-in-law is French, yes my wife who still works as she is younger than me, has a lorry in your neck of the woods in a couple of weeks "Nante", small world we live in.

Many many Irish in America, or of Irish descent, let's be honest America is a multi-racial country, but the real Americans are the American Indians who still try to keep a pure race going.

Anyway, Southern Irland has one of the largest shell company holdings in Europe because the government opens its arms to incoming money and low tax, but it's not an offshore country, which would ring bigger bells as far as looking for outside investment was concerned.

Now tell me why this company has not raised money from their own bank, I'm sure they would be very interested to be able to print their own money!!!! Ah, the government would shut them down, but not without paying them a handsome amount to keep their mouths shut.

I really really hope I am wrong, but going public on the internet on youtube, etc is asking for problems don't you think!!! more than a decade of investors putting money into a company that's not even American, but now they have to show something, investors getting itchy feet as they say.


next you’ll tell me they all smell like potatoes  C.C
Hero Member

Posts: 1582

Anyway, Southern Irland has one of the largest ....

Arrrrggghghhhhh........................................... There's no such thing as southern Ireland; there's northern Ireland and there's Ireland.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
Arrrrggghghhhhh........................................... There's no such thing as southern Ireland; there's northern Ireland and there's Ireland.

You are right Paul, sorry about that, been living in another country for many years, 32 to be exact, even have to think twice when speaking or writing in English, and at 71years of age things do become more difficult. I'm best in the mornings, the afternoons are for a siesta ;D

Well, I'm taking a long break, I have finished my investigative work, in more ways than one, going to enjoy my family and see what happens over the next few months in the world. I have taken action over various aspects of years of investigation, of which I ask for nothing, it is all free, but I have decided to be responsible for not rocking the world more than it is already.

Free energy is something that has to be integrated little by little or chaos will result, you don't have to think very hard about that one I am sure, and many will not agree with me. But how long would that energy be free for! if you can strap a meter to it, it will be charged for.



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
if you can strap a meter to it, it will be charged for.

...as Tesla discovered with his universal system. It couldn't be charged for. But a system similar to car and road taxes could have been devised. Right now, FE has a big opportunity with the Ukraine situation and everyone desperate to find an alternative to Russian oil products.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Free energy is something that has to be integrated little by little or chaos will result, you don't have to think very hard about that one I am sure, and many will not agree with me.

It's ironic that all of the knowledge and understanding required to build a FE device is often the very thing which prevents it's disclosure.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Posts: 49
I find it more than astonishing that in a forum where it is about the development of free energy technology, solutions that are already available are not at least discussed in a private area. Instead, you want to see how the world is doing in a few months.

I promise you, in a year or two the climate crisis will have progressed to the point where we have passed irreversible points.

With that in mind, a global economic crisis caused by the introduction of such technology is really the lesser of two evils.

Nobody forces you to disclose a solution completely. But an open dialogue about where to start (experimentally) would have been nice.
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