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2025-03-31, 22:41:08
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Author Topic: Dally, Akula & Ruslan Coils & Magnetics discusion circuits  (Read 18704 times)

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Guys , I have to save this vital post here from the twin thread, you might wake up one day and not find it there anymore.


NickZ thread had been deleted by himself.

This is exactly what I meant when I wrote the above and save some of my vital post in twin thread. There is an adage which says ; the stone you see coming cannot blind you. This is what happens when you bought a bus driven by  a character you are not sure of his or her stability

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Quite certain Nick would allow access to other persons posts from his “parked “ thread ?
had asked Peter about this , he said to wait and see what happens the next few days
as it is Nicks thread!

I did say I would try to reach out for Nick to ask about this,will send a pm now.
One thing is certain,the backbone of the open source FE community are the persons
who build and share their work for scrutiny ( results oriented)
Any resource which can help them , should be made available (if within our abilities.

Much gratitude

Group: Guest
Sure but in saying that i have taken a horse to water in the past but could not make it 'drink'!
Now  the water hole is dry some were able to take a fill with them others did not bother.

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
    To almost all members especially:
AG, Max, Ape, and Verpies, you had nothing but insults and disrespect towards my person.
My answer is NO, the thread stays CLOSED!
  In time you will see that I was right. For now I could care less what you think, or want.


Why only you?
Food for thought!.
Sow the right thought or words, you would get the right response.
Sarcasm doesn't pay. You have directed disrespect you mentioned towards yourself. Everyone is making effort , you are there negating them instead of encouraging them. This is what I call "club in the wheel of progress"

It isn't a must for you to make comments, let people carry out their experiments and learn. In your case, you dissuade them before they start. As though you have everything to gain if there is no replication. Which also makes you a suspect.
If you are as old as you claimed to be, it would reflect in your words. Remember, we have all ages  here as in other forums; some are in their 20s, 30s , 40s and so on . The only thing that draws respect here is your knowledge which you're ready to share. Otherwise, you're nobody's  Principal.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Why only you?
Food for thought!.
Sow the right thought or words, you would get the right response.
Sarcasm doesn't pay. You have directed disrespect you mentioned towards yourself. Everyone is making effort , you are there negating them instead of encouraging them. This is what I call "club in the wheel of progress"

It isn't a must for you to make comments, let people carry out their experiments and learn. In your case, you dissuade them before they start. As though you have everything to gain if there is no replication. Which also makes you a suspect.
If you are as old as you claimed to be, it would reflect in your words. Remember, we have all ages  here as in other forums; some are in their 20s, 30s , 40s and so on . The only thing that draws respect here is your knowledge which you're ready to share. Otherwise, you're nobody's  Principal.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
To almost all members especially: AG, Max, Ape, and Verpies, you had nothing but insults and disrespect towards my person.
I disagree. You had only criticism and disagreement of your research methodology from me - not any insults toward your person.
If there were any Ad Hominem insults from me then you would be able to quote them.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Your opinions are why I left.
Really ?
I thought you just wrote that your reason for blocking access to all other people's work, posted in your thread, were insults toward your person ...not my opinions.
I am still waiting for a quote that supports the claim of such Ad Hominem insult from me...

Are you even capable of distinguishing unfavorable opinions about your methods from Ad Hominem insults ?
FYI: Unfavorable opinions are not an offense in a civilized discourse between adults so this will not send me on a guilt trip.
Group: Guest
Nick it sounds like you have a problem you need to cool down and possibly get some help
this shit isn't worth it.

Take it easy get some rest.

All the best Sil

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Nick it sounds like you have a problem you need to cool down and possibly get some help
this shit isn't worth it.

Take it easy get some rest.

All the best Sil

NickZ is worked up and needs a rest or check up


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
I have had no problems with Itsu, ever. Nor anyone else, until Verpies showed up, again.
You keep mentioning my name, so I must respond.

First of all, my critique of your methods does not constitute a "problem".

You had no success with Itsu, either. 
You were trying to superficially mimic a device you've seen on YouTube.
You kept trying to tune the device for the highest amplitude at the output without a guiding operating principle and treating the device as a tuned transformer in your experiments.
You were disregarded alternate paths of operation and experimentation without consideration and with prejudice and you encouraged Itsu to do the same. 
You got upset when I criticized you for this.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Can you for once get off your horse and shoot your gun at someone else.
When you address me, I must respond.

Your opinions still mean nothing to me.
That is a testament to close-mindedness.

Like I said, just keep guessing... 
That's better than  superficially mimicking a device without its operating principle.

Hypothesizing (what you call "guessing") is actually a part of the scientific method.  Which is:

After all these years you have gotten nowhere.
Not nowhere but no OU, which is the same as you. However I have not even tried the grenade device. You have tried it for a decade

Is that your problem, ?
I don't have a problem, and certainly not with criticism and civil discourse like you do.

Notice that you are resorting to Ad Hominems now.

You feel insecure, and need to show your authority. Looks like it
...and amateurish psychoanalysis.

All because I dared to criticize your research methods and will not recant.

Group: Guest
   Yes, we know what you can't, do. Even though you think that you are so open minded. You aren't.
The proof, proff is in the pudding. Where is yours? Lost in space?


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
The proof, proff is in the pudding. Where is yours? Lost in space?
You're changing the subject.
Our conflict is about methods - not results.

As far as results go, we are in the same boat.
Nobody here has the proof of OU, including you.

As far as methods go, we are in different boats because you are not using the scientific method to do your research and I am. Your method is based on mimicry, prejudice, confirmation bias for your illogical M,O.,  off-hand rejection of alternatives, magical thinking and emotions.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
My conflict? 
I wrote "our conflict".
That conflict is about our methodology and reasoning - not results.
We have full agreement about results.

Is you, who thinks you can manipulate me into your limited way of thinking.
Civilized discourse is not manipulation.  I can see that you are immune to logical arguments but that is nothing to be proud about.

Show how well your method works, as so far your method has gotten you nowhere, at all. 
You missed the point, the scientific method is the most probable way of finding the truth but it does not guarantee it in every case.  That is why it is iterative.
Magical thinking is the least probable way.

Show how well that split tube works. My results are similar to Itsu's, nothing positive to report.
All in due time.
Your pursuit of energy from the ambient has nothing positive to report either (even with Itsu's help), but your methodology is not wrong because it has not brought positive results, it is wrong because it is illogical and based on emotion.

Where are your tests???
On my bench.

Why do you care about what I do ?
Because you are wrong and you discourage other members from experiments that do not align with your ideology and methodology.

« Last Edit: 2023-10-04, 07:56:19 by verpies »

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Too quarrelsome!!!!
Group: Restricted
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Posts: 102
« Last Edit: 2024-01-23, 18:17:11 by stivep »
Group: Guest
  Oh Wesley, I can almost believe you... but I don't, sorry.
Energy transfer, is not free energy. This forum and OU.com are about free energy, that is NOT paid for to a corporation.

    I am demanding nothing. I am suggesting we get back on track. There is a difference, Wesley.
   For this last year or so. All the resent tests have proven negative, not the slightest bit of advancement. None at all.
   We have tested for fish waves, modulated waves, split tubes, and other useless ideas. And, probably many more to come, But so far, no advancements. Sorry for my dissatisfaction with the "process" so far. I know that Itsu has done his best, and I have shown what my findings are as well.

  I try to bring a different concept. A concept mentioned by Kapanadze, Tesla, as well as myself, and just get beat up here, as I can't prove it. Nor would I be so dumb as to try to do that publicly, here. Remembering Adrian Gustav...

    I pay nothing for electric power. I could say that I have free energy. Although it's true, I don't try to impress anyone, by saying that. Yet, I've paid nothing for power for several years now. So, I can say that I obtained my goal, already.
 And, now Wesley comes to tell us that he and his secret partner have hit on it, but, will not tell us more about it. Nice, Wesley, you deserve a medal, at least. I hope that your unsharing partner does not go the way that Tariel went, taking his secret with him to his grave.
I would like to hear Chet's opinion about that.

Hero Member

Posts: 1582

When technology  is  in over 200 patents of Dr Corum
Accurate winding the structure  explained.  No puzzles,
explained in easy language...

I don't know this chap. Will you point us towards a plan for replication?
Group: Guest
   That's great Wesley. Can you please explain the free part, even if you can't explain how, by showing the input and output, and just telling us where the energy comes from, that needs to be transfered, in the first place??? In practice.
 As you seam to not believe in an Aether, as a source of FREE energy. That your scientists are still hiding from us. Which I don't trust.
   My father was a scientists as you may know. Working in GE nuclear plants, Calif. He didn't need to put on his white coat at home. He mentioned the contamination, of the cooling water source for their reactors, and radiation of his person.
Today, it's even worse.

  Like AG mentioned,  "scientists LIE".
 "Keep them in the dark, and feed them bullshit", like mushrooms. Meaning us ...

   "Nothing  that YOU have ever done works".  Like the BIG Bang, theories, you are so fond of.

Group: Guest
   Ignorance, is not what I show, it's total distrust of those in control.
Including your energy transfer ideas, that you've been talking about for several years. Whiout any proof, at all.
And, trying to tell us that that was how Kapanadze faked his lake video, also.
   I "demand"  that you show what you mean, even if it has no relation to what these threads are about. Free energy...
Other wise, you won't be taken seriously, with just more unproven claims. Best thing is to start another thread, instead

  Any ways, sorry AG, for hogging up your thread, with this.
Group: Guest
Have a look at this guys work, see what you think.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Have a look at this guys work, see what you think.
I could fake it by inserting a small battery and oscillator under one winding.
Removing a part of the core to make space for the above, is also an option.

Finally, the original video was released April 1.
« Last Edit: 2023-10-19, 18:46:47 by verpies »
Group: Guest
Well perhaps but I know he has ND magnets in one side and a rubber gap in the other side.




Weard ?
« Last Edit: 2023-10-19, 14:22:25 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
   This is another video by Andrey245 on YT, showing where to place the HV pulse, to obtain the highest output from the PP circuit.
   He has many videos, of his tests and trials, if any one is interested.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
   This is another video by Andrey245 on YT, showing where to place the HV pulse, to obtain the highest output from the PP circuit.
A well-made video and a nice guy.  He seems to be unhappy with the +30V increase.
Maybe his PP transformer is the wrong type to be influenced by these HV pulses or the magnetic flux density inside this transformer is the wrong one for the width of that pulse.
What do we know about that PP transformer ?
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