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Author Topic: Dally, Akula & Ruslan Coils & Magnetics discusion circuits  (Read 18705 times)
Group: Guest
He had 3 video's on that device some time back where he broke the device down and showed the circuitry
it was just like the Alexee device with high power but it's gone.

There was that   Maxolous guy he appeared to be making head way I wonder how he is getting on?
I'm sure there are others interested.

Nick here is a gated modulated sine wave from a phase locked modulated katcher drive.
perhaps you can explain the difference ?
Nick in this pair of graphics Top one the wave I would think is current and the little signals must be
voltage but in the bottom pic it's any ones guess whats going on, well that is my opinion.

Any one in the trade would know if volts and current arnt happening at the same time you get nothing it's basics.

Group: Guest
Group: Guest

Posts: 49
Quote from: Vasik041  :-[link=topic=4238.msg99197#msg99197 date=1654805266

Can you summarize in a few words what the author is telling about his replication?
Group: Guest
Can you summarize in a few words what the author is telling about his replication?

Author replaced Tesla coil with setup trafo from old UPS and showing amplification effect
when phase of push pull and HV pulse from trafo properly aligned.
You can use auto translation of subtitles if you like see more details.
Full Member

Posts: 124
  Thank you Vasik, this vid was an eye opener for me. So far in the past, I have had to seek out a translator to help. Costly path. I am starting to get a general idea of what is going on in the build now. I so appreciate these videos that have included the translate on the fly so we can get a jest of what the author is trying to show.
  Shines a new light on how this is working. Will have to review the sch's again.
Group: Guest
  Thank you Vasik, this vid was an eye opener for me. So far in the past, I have had to seek out a translator to help. Costly path. I am starting to get a general idea of what is going on in the build now. I so appreciate these videos that have included the translate on the fly so we can get a jest of what the author is trying to show.
  Shines a new light on how this is working. Will have to review the sch's again.

You may be want read this https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4154.msg93064#msg93064
There are also many extra info spread over the discussion thread https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=3926.0

People give up too easily on the half way.

Posts: 49
You may be want read this https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4154.msg93064#msg93064
There are also many extra info spread over the discussion thread https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=3926.0

People give up too easily on the half way.

No one gives up easily. And because of all the crises in the world, man can't give up quickly either.

The problem with the Kapanadze generator is that there are so many different opinions, ideas and schemes floating around. Even if a general picture emerges from all these variants, it is far from clear to me what the general principle of operation is, or what mechanism of energy amplification is actually behind it (NMR, wave superposition, parametric oscillation etc.).
Group: Guest
here is another circuit from one of the links with a modulating disrupter..

The device appears to generate a saw tooth wave at resonance with a fast
fly back time see geo's video.rather like a line fly back pulse
Group: Guest
Sr. Member

Posts: 261

Interesting video, thank you for pointing it out  O0

"1/3 long primary windings (8 awg, 1.31" long) to secondary windings (32 awg, 4" long)"
and the 1N4148 Switching Diodes.

Input: 5w to 10w Transmitter Coil,
to Receiving Coils nearby (similar to Don Smith)
Output: +150v dc @ 0.25a to 0.5a  = 37w to +70w

And an open-source build!   O0
Group: Guest
This device I wound two coils just like he shows. I was a bit sceptical but intreaged, I wired one coil the RX up tp a LED and the TX
to my Signal Gen at first and a driver circuit but not much doing, I noticed the frequency was around the 1000 Khz before i got a glimmer
of life if you can call it that, after that the responce was flat all the way up to 5mhz.

As far as I can tell some thing isn't all it should be, and I dont have time to faff about with it.

Any ideas any one ?

Group: Guest
Re the Old Alexee Sergey device (you can find this circuit on The Dally thread P975) the original bread boad version I built this as a test rig but never got it going I could never get any output out of the 8 in MosFet driver chip it just didn't have enough drive I had to add another 74HC14 to get any where.

On top of that to get wave forms in the correct context involved a lot of sergery and another thing i had to alter the phase drive out of the
IR2153 by adding trim pots into the drive circuit, amongst othere things.

Any feed back on this subject apreciated Sil

But be aware i'm just interested in the divce as a educational experiance
Group: Guest
The Alexee Sergey circuit, this circuit just appears to put a pulse at the top of the sine wave like scope shot below fig A.

However other devices appear to fill the top cycle with in sync pulses scope shot B.

Second scope shot of center of 90 deg phase shift pin 5 and 7, this is used to sync any add-ons to ether phase but only one phase shown blue

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
What do you think is the common denominator between these devices ?

Imo common denominator is the interference point between longitudinal and transversal waves, easy to observe in Don Smith tuning described by Patrick Kelly when a fluorescent tube is used to find resonance point along the windings while being held at 90 degrees
Sr. Member

Posts: 453

input: 5w to 10w Transmitter Coil,
to Receiving Coils nearby (similar to Don Smith)
Output: +150v dc @ 0.25a to 0.5a  = 37w to +70w

Multiplying the open circuit voltage by the short circuit current is a meaningless number to compare to the stated input watts.  The short circuit current demonstrates around 6 milliwatts of output power when short circuited by the ammeter (assuming a .1R shunt in the meter and .250 amps). 

Placing an ammeter in series with the LED lamp and multiplying the measured current times the voltage across the LED when lit would at least be somewhat meaningful. 

I saw no evidence of overunity demonstrated in the video...

Group: Guest
Multiplying the open circuit voltage by the short circuit current is a meaningless number to compare to the stated input watts.  The short circuit current demonstrates around 6 milliwatts of output power when short circuited by the ammeter (assuming a .1R shunt in the meter and .250 amps). 

Placing an ammeter in series with the LED lamp and multiplying the measured current times the voltage across the LED when lit would at least be somewhat meaningful. 

I saw no evidence of overunity demonstrated in the video...

your expecting that idea to work talk to 'picowatt' it's HF RF
Group: Guest
img  Itsu
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #476 on: 2023-08-11, 20:36:14 »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3823

For the PLL i modified a circuit designed by verpies some time ago and was published here:  https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=3472.msg62527#msg62527    (use "verpies PLL 2").

As this was designed for phase locking the Voltage and Current of a series LCR, so to force it to stay in resonance, i had to modify some parts to use it in my present setup.

The modified diagram that i use now is here:

So we have the 1/50th square wave coming from the divider as input for the PLL and have it locked in phase.
The triangle waveform coming from the PLL pins 6 and 7 is then balanced, shaped and presented to pin 5 of the TL494 which produces the Push-Pull outputs on same frequency as the input and can be used to drive the Yoke.

A video showing the whole process can be seen here:   https://youtu.be/ns_IBUZWWUs

We can manipulate the Kacher signal to a specific frequency (within reason) by a ferrite rod f.i., and the yoke signal will follow to stay at 1/50th of that kacher frequency.

Hopefully i can simplify the divider with the new SN74LS56P divider chip when it arrives.

PLLL to TL494 push Pull driver.png
* PLLL to TL494 push Pull driver.png (19.04 kB, 877x789 - viewed 280 times.)
« Last Edit: 2023-09-01, 14:40:29 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
img  Maxolous
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #484 on: 2023-08-13, 08:18:06 »

Sr. Member

Posts: 325
Quote from: Excelsior on 2023-08-13, 01:41:21
Can someone please elucidate the shared attributes between these 3 devices?
(What are the fundamental similarities?)

Akula, Ruslan and Stalker's device if that is what you're referring to, have the same mode of operation and of course they're same device not actually attributed to one person as above because they all replicated it also.

The original owner of this device  is Nikola Tesla of blessed memory. Other foremost persons who built a working devices on this principles are Donald L Smith and Teriel KAPANADZE both of blessed memory.

The principle is based on "resonance and synchronization" through this, power can be harvested from the ambient or Aether. This had been proven many times that , there is excess energy in resonance and back EMF when the ambient is disturbed.

In this case we are creating voltage levels, thus ; the high voltage and the low voltage. Impinging the low voltage side with the high one. Both are already in resonance and in proportion to each others in term of frequencies ,then synced.

Quote from: Excelsior on 2023-08-13, 01:41:21

And why does it seem that one cannot be said to be "better" than the others?

The three named above are doing the same thing, one, namely Ruslan seems to have edge over the others on the media because he built a 4kVA unit of it and more current. Mind you he copied from Akula.

Quote from: Excelsior on 2023-08-13, 01:41:21

Or, is one of the three devices indeed more worthy of R&D than the others? If so why?
Thoughts appreciated

No, we only have enthusiast  like; Itsu, NickZ, Aliengrey, Geofusion, Maxolous, Apecore,Vasik042,Verpies just to mention few who are willing to take up the challenge and to build  which ever version of this device on their work bence, also seeing it as real because there is sufficient evidence of the existence of this device as an over unity device , hence a " self runner"

« Last Edit: 2023-08-13, 16:58:31 by Maxolous »
« Last Edit: 2023-09-01, 14:38:46 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
Quote from: Maxolous on 2023-08-12, 17:01:42
From the foregoing, it is better for Tesla pace be determined by Push-pull than push-pull be determined by Tesla. If Tesla pace is determined by Push-pull , then, you will have interruption of Tesla signal.

Itsu did well by locking the phase perfectly, but not interruption. Hence Tesla runs continually which might not be so effective in this regard.

AG posted one such cct. that can do just that ,

Find attached below:



thanks for your insights, but when you say "it is better for Tesla pace be determined by Push-pull than push-pull be determined by Tesla", i think that in that example circuit you referred to, there is no relation / sync between the Tesla and the Push-pull.

The Tesla is synced/locked to itself IMO and this locked / synced signal is interrupted (inhibited) via pin 5 in the rhythm of the push-pull signal which has no relation to the kacher frequency.

« Last Edit: 2023-09-01, 14:38:17 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
img  verpies
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #285 on: 2023-07-01, 21:39:43 »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 2757
Quote from: Maxolous on 2023-07-01, 21:17:44
Tesla coil always produce standing waves, no doubt about that.
This is actually true because antenna builders strive for 1:1 VSWR and TeslaCoil builders strive for ∞ VSWR.
« Last Edit: 2023-09-01, 14:36:06 by AlienGrey »

Sr. Member

Posts: 389

Thanks for bringing out some facts.
Guys 74HC390 ie a versatile chip.
This is how it works;

1.  Divide by 2.
Signal in pin 1
Signal out in pin 3
Ground 2,4,8,12,14,15

Divide by 4
In 1
Out 13
Gnd 2,4,8,12,14

3. Divide by 5
In 4
Out 7
Gnd 1,2,8,12,14,15

4.  Divide by 10
In 1
Out 7
Tie 3-4
Gnd 2,8,12,14,15

5. Divide by 20
In 1
Out 13
Tie 3-4
Gnd 1,2,8,14,15

6. Divide by 50
Signal in 12
Signal out 7
Tie 1-9, 3-4
Ground 2,8,14,15

7.  Divideby 100
In 12
Out 3
Tie 9-13, 1-2, 4-13
Gnd 2,4,8


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

Guys , I have to save this vital post here from the twin thread, you might wake up one day and not find it there anymore.

Sr. Member

Posts: 280
Guys , I have to save this vital post here from the twin thread, you might wake up one day and not find it there anymore.


What was it that you intended to save? The quote above is blank.

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
What was it that you intended to save? The quote above is blank.


It's already there in my penultimate post.

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