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Author Topic: Dally, Akula & Ruslan Coils & Magnetics discusion circuits  (Read 18704 times)

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
...the Catcher device needs to produce standing waves, i assume he is referring to the little fishes ?
Where do these "fishes" appear ?

Verpies I know the vids in russian but he does ask that question him self, i asume he doesn't see any.
« Last Edit: 2022-05-02, 13:53:52 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
Where do these "fishes" appear ?
Shouldn't you be asking Vasik41 that one?

but Vasik talks about it in one in one of his PDF's he translated off firefly's channel youtube.

Any way your the professor how do you get what works as a standing wave reflector ie > 75ohm res in series with a coax short circuited at the other end, S how do you get a Tesla coil to be have the same way is the question ?


Try having a look at www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRBRv2ihAk8
Group: Guest
I posted a similar circuit idea on one of Itsu's threads, but it disappeared   

Any way no problem here is a similar circuit again.
All it does is modulate the carrier wave energy.
« Last Edit: 2022-05-02, 13:49:53 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
   Thanks for reactivating this thread. Let's see if we can get back on track, once again. Enough distractions...
   The posted circuit seams to be an interuptor circuit. That is all it does, and all it needs to do. Yet, will it make any difference?
   The idea is not to add voltage or amperage to the push pull pulses, by the HV and HF device, and to the yoke/grenade circuits, but to disrupt the push pull pulses, instead.
   Can any one add anything more to this? As we don't really know or have observed just how this interuptor works, especially to achieve OU,
or self running.

Group: Guest
   Thanks for reactivating this thread. Let's see if we can get back on track, once again. Enough distractions...
   The posted circuit seams to be an interuptor circuit. That is all it does, and all it needs to do. Yet, will it make any difference?
   The idea is not to add voltage or amperage to the push pull pulses, by the HV and HF device, and to the yoke/grenade circuits, but to disrupt the push pull pulses, instead.
   Can any one add anything more to this? As we don't really know or have observed just how this interuptor works, especially to achieve OU,
or self running.

The idea shown by Akula would need this circuit to be a harmonic of the push pull
and the since this circuit generates a distorted square wave it would need to be tuned to
be in resonance ie a sine wave thus modulating as an AM signal
Group: Guest
The idea shown by Akula would need this circuit to be a harmonic of the push pull
and the since this circuit generates a distorted square wave it would need to be tuned to
be in resonance ie a sine wave thus modulating as an AM signal

   IF you recall,  Geo did make a close replication of the Akula circuit, including his new Serbian made interuptor HV circuit board, with dead time controls. Yet, no OU to be seen. Which is what I was hoping that he would show, if it works properly.

   AG, no where will you see that there is a set frequency match, that works, such as what you keep mentioning. IF so, please post it. As you are mentioning the same thing over and over and over again for some years without ever trying it out yourself, first. No one is going to build it for you to find out if it works, or not. As there is no proof that it works the way you want it to. So, you need to prove your ideas to yourself, first. You are asking all the wrong people to show you what works. But, they don't know. Nor will you do anything about it, also.

   What would help us at this time is for a true working replication showing all the proper information. Such as the scope shots showing what the waves should look like, schematics, videos, and any other details needed. As it seams that even Itsu could not duplicate the wave forms shown by Stalker. Nor anyone else that has tried. Perhaps, that is our problem to obtaining self running. As well as the geo location issues, and varying frequencies across the planet.
   So, is there any one out there, especially in the Slavic countries that is willing to give us a hand? Not just in words, but in actions as well.
No more guessing, please. You can see that we are in a very STUCK situation here at this time. And that is why I am asking for help from those that KNOW HOW to achieve our goal, and have obtained FE themselves. Otherwise, it could be another 10 years down the drain, with no success, at all.
   Thanks in advance.
You can PM me if you want to stay anonymous, also.


   PS. Vasik has mentioned that the image posted is not from Stalker, yet, it was on one of the Stalker videos that I downloaded it from.
   So, AG please check the scope shot below, and tell me what you see concerning the working frequencies.
« Last Edit: 2022-05-03, 19:21:52 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
Nick that scope shot doesn't mean any thing to me, it doesn't work for me and as you say others have tried it.

Have a look at Donald L Smith video on YTube no 19 he appears to mix2 harmonics.

« Last Edit: 2022-05-04, 21:09:32 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
   It means nothing to you. It was meant so that you can see what you don't want to see, that the matched frequencies are never matched.
And, it works, unlike what you think.
    Ok, then don't look at it. Follow Don's guidance instead. No one person has replicated any of his ideas. Maybe you'll be the first.
   Anyways, I give up with you. You don't build anything, anyway. So, what's the difference. I forgot that you're only speculating, and theorizing.
Well, go right ahead...

« Last Edit: 2022-05-04, 14:58:24 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
Nick that scope shot doesn't mean any thing to me, it doesn't work as dozens have tried it.

Have a look at Donald L Smith video on YTube no 19 he appears to mix2 harmonics.


   AG: You mentioned "Dozens have tried it".   You can't even reference one person that has shown trying it. Don't lie, about what you don't know.
   No, no one has really tried it. No one has shown having the same scope shot, and similar unmatched frequencies. Not even Itsu, Who HAS tried it.
   But, of course you can't see that, as you have other ideas, ideas that have not been shown to work, at all. Especially by you.
   But, Don Smiths stuff is off topic, here. As there are no similarities. Nor has he ever shown any of his ideas self running, and none have ever been replicated. Want to keep chasing wild geese...
   If what I'm saying and showing is of no use to you, well, perhaps it may be of use to someone else who is going to do something about it. Other than toss it out the window. I won't waste more time with you...You just know too much, except for what counts, here. Every time I mention something important, you just shit on it. Sorry if I don't answer you, but, you'll know why. As most of the time, we don't even know what you are saying.
   "Look at this, look at that, look at this, look at that, look at this, and have a look at that"....
    No thanks.


Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Sorry to interrupt
Probably thousands have experimented privately with many things discussed here
I have also seen bits of AG’s builds in private discussions!
And plenty other fellows hunting work together off forums ,

But always take a call to share ..or just say hello and hear new stuff ..which is happening in open source community!

Please don’t call liar so easily
Or make assumptions about others work ( your quote “ you don’t build you are a theorist “ example of same person)

Sorry AG
did not mean to …..

It’s just not acceptable forum behavior ( prelude to flame wars)

And your builds and sharing are always appreciated Nick
But this goes over the line here !
Group: Guest
  Yes, you're right.  It's my fault. I should have said you should stop saying things about which you really don't know much about.
What was tried that did not work? And who says so? Is that a fact, or another unconfirmed opinion?
   Sorry, just get tired of listening to these kinds of discussions. I had enough of that from F6. And here we have another expert.
I am trying to make a point, and he just tosses it out the door, again.
   Thanks, Chet.  I will be more careful. I came here to get away from this kind of thing. But, here it is...


  BTW: Chet, AG has never built this device. Just so you know. I don't know about the other thousands building in private that you speak of. Perhaps you should check your data, as well.
« Last Edit: 2022-05-04, 22:37:49 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
Nick I don't understand why you are so angry, your welcome to use and show on here any circuits that are relevant
to Magnetic discussions on this type of device the Don L Smith uses exactly the same principle as Akula and others
use even Adrian Guska used that same idea but you choose to ignore it, but if you look at Geo's last video's he demonstrates that same type of Don Smith circuit with a ladder multiplier (and links it to a Chinese video) in detail if you only look.

The scope shot in your post you are getting up set over was investigated by G Sav on YouTube, its that same scope shot your showing, it's difficult to produce and for that little gain the load current also increases, if you bother to read the freed back it gives little return from what I can see
and I wont be following that idea unless there are major leaps in the circuits gain.

The other thing is you were discussing and referring to Geo's interrupter circuit it is that part I want to investigate
lets stick to that phenomenon shall we !

Regards Sil
Group: Guest
  Because you piss me off. You never hear a word I say. 
   You want to know about Geo's device, we'll go right ahead.
    I won't waste more time with you. Sorry.


  PS. Definition of liar: Person who does not tell the truth.
  And,  I believe that you are not telling the truth.
  That is why I get upset. When you say, " dozens tried it", it doesn't work.
   Sorry, but we can't progress like this.
« Last Edit: 2022-05-05, 00:05:38 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
  Because you piss me off. You never hear a word I say. 
   You want to know about Geo's device, we'll go right ahead.
    I won't waste more time with you. Sorry.


  PS. Definition of liar: Person who does not tell the truth.
  And,  I believe that you are not telling the truth.
  That is why I get upset. When you say, " dozens tried it", it doesn't work.
   Sorry, but we can't progress like this.
Then put your cards on the table and show us all a device that works, my guess is you can't or you wouldn't be demanding i sort the problem out!
I'm sorry but I don't work like that i'm a hobbyist not a R and D development any longer i'm retired from that game.

PS i have answered some of your questions here.
« Last Edit: 2022-05-05, 14:53:39 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
   If you want to see a device that works, well, keep waiting. No one is showing anything that actually works, any more.
   I don't want to end up like Adrian, either. His device was built just like mine, both are Stalker device replications.
   Geo's rig does not work any better than mine. Even with all the new goodies on it, that you are so interested in.
But, no one is holding out. There just are no working devices made by any of us here. Here or on any other forum that I know of.
   That is what the people in control want us to say. But, then you already know that. And, I am not demanding nor expecting anything at all from you.


  P.S. BTW:  I see nothing about the same type of device that G Sav has shown, compare to what we are working on here. Nor the same type of wave on the scope, nor the same working frequencies. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=g+sav
  So, again, I don't know what you are talking about. What he has is a Tesla coil, going to another Tesla coil (pick up coil) That's it. That is supposed to be OU. I doubt it.  If Tesla coils were free energy, we would have known it long ago. Plus any device has to have a feed back path, back to the input. Where is his? Mostly what we find, are reading and measurement errors in the input to output math. And they still need a power supply, or batteries, as they are not self running.

   About the scope shot that I posted. Those are the proper frequencies as shown and recommended by Stalker. That was what we were trying to replicated. At least Itsu was, but he not able to achieve the same wave form, or results. Of course, you know so much more, and it's so easy to talk, while showing no results. Not very convincing, bud.

   I would not believe what this guy G Sav has done, as he has nothing compared to what Stalker, Ruslan, or Akula have shown. Your choice.
   Concerning your "answers" to me on the posted scope shot.  Keep guessing...and while you are calling me an "idiot", you're trying to tell us how to do this, in theory, without ever doing it. Good luck with that...   But, don't worry, this idiot won't bother you, again. I see it useless...you wonder why I get mad at you.
   I think that I need a Snickers Bar, and a long vacation from this thread.

« Last Edit: 2022-05-05, 17:47:40 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
Here is a working device you might like to see

Group: Guest
  No thanks.
   I looked a minute or two of the first link. Some old guy spewing HV into the air. Wow. Amazing.
    I'll leave the rest for you to contemplate. I am not looking for other devices, I already have one that needs tuning, that's all.


  We really do need a builders thread, again. But, where are the builders??? 
Group: Guest
He had 3 video's on that device some time back where he broke the device down and showed the circuitry
it was just like the Alexee device with high power but it's gone.

There was that   Maxolous guy he appeared to be making head way I wonder how he is getting on?
I'm sure there are others interested.

Nick here is a gated modulated sine wave from a phase locked modulated katcher drive.
perhaps you can explain the difference ?
« Last Edit: 2022-05-07, 21:19:52 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
Just thought i would slip the above in .

Group: Guest
  One difference is when the HV is pulsed. At the off of the push pull cycle,  not at its on times.
   I would need to see the working frequencies and the matching sync times. And all this needs to be tested.
   That is exactly what is needed. And of course, a fully built replication to work on.

Group: Guest
The thing is, As an Educated point of view, Wouldn't one expect the katcher and the grenade have to be in resonance?

So wouldn't the maths division be fixed so if the grenade is the low 'F' wouldn't one expect,
(but not forgetting each harmonic jump can't be greater than 3)
So one would expect to see a board like TK's hidden some where in his box of tricks.

That sorts all this out ie with loads od division and PLL multiplying circuits ?


Group: Guest
The thing is, As an Educated point of view, Wouldn't one expect the katcher and the grenade have to be in resonance?

So wouldn't the maths division be fixed so if the grenade is the low 'F' wouldn't one expect,
(but not forgetting each harmonic jump can't be greater than 3)
So one would expect to see a board like TK's hidden some where in his box of tricks.

That sorts all this out ie with loads od division and PLL multiplying circuits ?


    AG:  You can "expect" whatever you want, but, that doesn't mean it works that way. If you think so, prove it.
As you've said the same thing about 100 times. Yet where you got that from, is beyond me. As I have never seen that to be the case, in practice.
Not just some more theories, in your head. For your educational purposes.
   As you don't EVER believe me, look at Itsu's last video, where he tries to match and sync the two circuits, to some supposed "matched" frequencies.
It's NO CIGAR...nor OU, much less self running.

Group: Guest
@ Nick Z, re ‘Itsu’, have you a pointer or hyperlink to the video your thinking of ?

Some time ago years infact Energetic forum posted a video by Eric Dollard you really should make an effort
to watch that film if it's still available, oops you have to buy it ! but it would explain a lot to any seriously Educated reprobate willing to learn.

Talk to (Aaron Murakami’s)
« Last Edit: 2022-05-17, 11:46:56 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
   I looked for Itsu's last video on the Ruslan/Stalker replication, but I'm not sure if that was the right video, or not, below.
   As you can see, he has absolutely no interaction on this video. Perhaps he can point you to a better example of matched and synced tuning.
   All the guys that have tried to find matched settings have failed, up to now. While I can light 3 200w bulbs, at least, which is a step in the right direction. Not even Geo has shown that much output.  So, my point is that those matched setting, don't work, at all.
   Itsu's last video, is now 6 years ago. With no improvement, since then. Even with all the new tuning specs provided by Vasik.
   So, up to now, what we have is a deco art piece, and nothing more. Yet, I won't give up on this.
   Nor look at Eric's videos, as he has no OU, nor self running, nor knows how to make it work to produce FE. But, you are welcome to waste more time on his stuff. I'm not into further distractions.
   Itsu's video,  https://youtu.be/yDZZUSZkG4Y

« Last Edit: 2022-05-17, 20:10:00 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
I have sort of watched the video but will have to watch a few times to grasp whats going on.

Any way here is one of Alexee's circuits notice the katcher is driven of the oscillator drive of the
4451 before it is split in two ie push pull, thus the katcher is double the frequency of the
push pull, due to divide by 2 thus each push or pull is half frequency which is the opposite to some other circuits where
katcher drive is taken from only one leg.

Witch matches up with Akula's info. I posted earlier
However there will be a problem with this idea as even if it is two times freq if dead time is used
None of the frequencies will ever be in resonance ! therefore I very much doubt it will work.

« Last Edit: 2022-05-18, 13:44:06 by AlienGrey »
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