Hi PM,
good question, we have seen (working?) devices using:
# a straight kacher (continuously bipolar pulses at 1.2MHz, drawing 5mm sparks), # interrupted kacher (bipolar pulses at 1.2MHz drawing 5mm sparks in packages of 2 to 5 pulses every 41.67us (24kHz), # nano-pulses (800 to 1600V) unipolar at 4 (Dally) to 24kHz repetition frequency, # lately these LOPs, rectified, creating a 2 to 7 KV static DC (my tests), and un-rectified creating around 15 to 26kHz bipolar (sort of, see my last screenshot above) at 10kV.
These last types lack any documentation / diagrams, so no info on the used LOPs and how they are driven (interrupted etc.).
With "working" i mean they are shown as doing work (lighting some bulbs), not meaning they are overunity.
So what the best or only useable pulse is, is not clear to me, but some posts back Maxolous presented a list of statements from GUNTIS/COSMOLVE with what is needed for success and item 5) was the need for sharp pulses.