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Author Topic: Don Smith Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications.  (Read 58684 times)
Jr. Member

Posts: 87


It was you who pointed to some statement from GUNTIS/COSMOLVE that there should be sharp inpulses see statement 5) in your earlier post.
But i did expect to see some sharp unidirectional HV pulses coming from a LOPT, but obviously there are not.

You guys could always try it out for your self.

I agree about not having a full diagram, and the possibility of them "might have been pulsing the pry of flyback", thats why i ended my last post with:  "perhaps they somehow pulse this static DC / field."


I think the LOPT has an high inductance so the emf  has a long duration.
Pulsing a coil as shown will in my opinion generate a emf half wave puls.
So a small coil will give a 'sharoer' puls.

And yes, Don talked also in my opinion a lot of bs... its not someting I take as a guidance to

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
can you move the lower part of the wave to the left or right 90 deg so it cancels ?
I don't think that is possible.
I know what you mean, vectorially, Electric field "E"is perpendicular to magnetic field "B" at 90° ,this is natural. Some folks think you have to do this or  that to achieve that. Such as winding in a certain way. No!


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
After looking to all his video's, "lectures", demo's and replicating several of his "devices" (and with me many others) i noticed a lot of nonsense being spread around by Don Smith, so i consider him someone to not be taken very seriously, so any pointing to him or his devices are falling on deaf ears with me.


Don said many things he wanted us to figure them out. Like he said putting a resistor across a transformer to get the required frequency. Indeed, you and I know that it is not possible. It could actually mean impedance "Z"  . Impedance can be XL, Xc because they are measured in Ohms "Ω" the same way Resistor is in "Ω"
He was actually talking about Xc which is capacitive reactances which is in Ohms too. Therefore by putting capacitor of appropriate value from resonance chart to get your deserve frequency.
Most of those things, he said he was not allowed to speak in plain language.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4224
It could actually mean.......       He was actually talking about.....         he was not allowed to speak in plain language......

Believe what you want to believe, i am not here to make you change your mind.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4224

When using a fly back circuit from a (broken) plasma ball, see picture (which does not have any internal rectifier diodes in the fly back transformer), the output signal looks completely different as it is AC, see screenshot.

The signal probably is somewhat dampened by the use / load of the HV probe.

When using this in combination with Maxolous his interrupter, we might end up with the sharp pulses we are looking for.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1847
When using a fly back circuit from a (broken) plasma ball, see picture (which does not have any internal rectifier diodes in the fly back transformer), the output signal looks completely different as it is AC, see screenshot.

The signal probably is somewhat dampened by the use / load of the HV probe.

When using this in combination with Maxolous his interrupter, we might end up with the sharp pulses we are looking for.



Would you define the pulse you are looking for ie, max voltage, pulse width, repetition rate, and unipolar or bipolar?


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4224
Hi PM,

good question, we have seen (working?) devices using:

# a straight kacher (continuously bipolar pulses at 1.2MHz, drawing 5mm sparks),
# interrupted kacher (bipolar pulses at 1.2MHz drawing 5mm sparks in packages of 2 to 5 pulses every 41.67us (24kHz),
# nano-pulses (800 to 1600V) unipolar at 4 (Dally) to 24kHz repetition frequency,
# lately these LOPs, rectified, creating a 2 to 7 KV static DC (my tests), and un-rectified creating around 15 to 26kHz bipolar (sort of, see my last screenshot above) at 10kV.

These last types lack any documentation / diagrams, so no info on the used LOPs and how they are driven (interrupted etc.).

With "working" i mean they are shown as doing work (lighting some bulbs), not meaning they are overunity.

So what the best or only useable pulse is, is not clear to me, but some posts back Maxolous presented a list of statements from GUNTIS/COSMOLVE with what is needed for success and item 5) was the need for sharp pulses.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1847

Thanks for the info!  Well, if I may suggest a little different method of producing these types of repetitive HV pulses, please see the attached sim results.  These 2.1kv pulses are produced with low voltage and relative low inductance transformer windings.  The concept utilizes the self capacitance of the windings in conjunction with a buck mode for the primary and secondary currents.  These pulses use very low power and this example the energy consumed is ~25uJ.

The sim schematic uses ideal switches which would obviously be replaced with the appropriate hi voltage mosfets and the windings would be capable of withstanding the voltages that would be generated.  D3 would also have to be able to handle the reverse voltage of the pulse.

If anyone is interested, I would be willing to simulate actual components for a  specific set of parameters.  All parameters can be engineered within reason to accommodate a wide range of pulse amplitude, width, and repetition rate.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4224

Hi PM,

well, that sounds interesting, perhaps it indeed could replace the pulse generators used up till now.

Could you please draw a diagram using standard components, not the LTspice simulator ones?


Group: Guest
PM Hi, Re your interesting circuit diagram.

I’m just enquiring how you solve the HV pulse from destroying T1 and T2 and how are the two coils wound regard winding phase and
 how you solve other circuit and winding characteristics not shown, I feel your reply could be most interesting.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1847
Itsu and AG,

Here is a sim for a 1200v peak pulse generator with a 20us repetition rate that uses available off-the-shelf components.  I have used a simulated pulse gen and inverter but I think most would have the knowledge to be able to engineer these.  I also have used discrete circuitry to drive the half-bride M3 and M4 because less power is consumed than the integrated half-bridge devices which of course could be used.  This generator is reasonably economical but I will do a version based on the Ixys IXTH2N300P3HV that will be capable of 3000v pulses but will be more expensive.

I will give a transformer design later on that will work for this version.  To handle the high voltages, the bobbins will be multi-flanged but not so much as to lose the required self capacitance.  It is a balance between inductance, self capacitance, k factor, frequency or rep rate, and the required pulse.  Basically the core sizes will be relatively small due to the buck mode of operation.  I would note that the k factor for this version is .8 .  I would also point out that in general, the k factor is determined by the position of L1 relative to L2.  In this case, k=.8 is easily achieved with side-by-side positioning.

The high voltage diode seen before on VL2 is now the source-drain diode internal to M2.  I've attached the asc file for those who wish to play with it.



Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4224


thanks for the diagram / sim, it does not run very well with me due to some unknown components, but i can see the 1.2KV micro-pulse coming out.

I wonder what that A1 component is and how the coils look like.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1847

thanks for the diagram / sim, it does not run very well with me due to some unknown components, but i can see the 1.2KV micro-pulse coming out.

I wonder what that A1 component is and how the coils look like.



I'm using LtSpice IV but I don't think that will make any difference.  A1 is simply a digital inverter to invert the polarity of generator V2.  I'm working on an economical transformer for this version but I would like to point out that there is excess current flowing during the switching of M3 and M4 during the time the HV pulse is generated.  This is sometimes referred to as "punch through" current so I would recommend that one uses a half-bridge drive for M3 and M4 that has programmable timing.

Edit:  I see why you are not seeing the correct waveforms.  After running the sim, go to the the right hand vertical current column and left click it.  A window will open where you need to change to the following- Top=1A, Tick=100ma, and Bottom=-1A.  This will give you the view of the currents.  The reason this needs to be done is that there are presently large current spikes that force the current range much higher than normal.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4224


i also use LTspiceIV, but it has problems with the PH_BZX384-B15 and 2N4400 components (it will take default models).

OK about A1.

I did not have problems with the currents, they show up like your above sim output, and if i adjust the current scale to +/- 1A i get this:


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
PM , Itsu

It is not just one pulse that's required , but up to 3-4pulses.

Itsu why not try a driver like this for your MOSFET.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Here you have sharp pulses , you can modify and vary frequency of pulses and rep rate which is currently in 20us.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Feed your Push-pull signal in the NAND gate as the second signal generation


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Replace second gen with Push-pull signal
Your output goes to your MOSFET driver


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

The sharp pulses mentioned is only applicable to your Transistor's gate.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4224

thanks for the sim, but i already experimented with a similar interrupted Kacher driver, see this post etc. here: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=3926.msg93638#msg93638

However, i bread boarded / build your sim circuit only using a CD4011 and using my dual port FG as the inputs (omitting the 555 timer and the push-pull signal) with this as a result:

Blue and purple are the inputs, yellow the output

So your design might work to drive a kacher (MOSFET) to produce several HV pulses.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

thanks for the sim, but i already experimented with a similar interrupted Kacher driver, see this post etc. here: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=3926.msg93638#msg93638

However, i bread boarded / build your sim circuit only using a CD4011 and using my dual port FG as the inputs (omitting the 555 timer and the push-pull signal) with this as a result:

Blue and purple are the inputs, yellow the output

So your design might work to drive a kacher (MOSFET) to produce several HV pulses.



It's okay, the 555 is just an oscillator . Any oscillator with Pwm and freq adjustment will do. Cd4011 is okay, quad NAND gates.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Congratulations as far as I can see, you  appear to be building a Marconi Hertzian type of AM transmitter so what’s different ?



This is just a template. He hasn't picked his frequency yet.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4224

It's okay, the 555 is just an oscillator . Any oscillator with Pwm and freq adjustment will do. Cd4011 is okay, quad NAND gates.



if you further read the posts in the link i send, you will see that generating those 3 or 4 pulses is not the problem, the problem is that the Kacher output will not follow that pulsed / interrupted input, see for your self.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

if you further read the posts in the link i send, you will see that generating those 3 or 4 pulses is not the problem, the problem is that the Kacher output will not follow that pulsed / interrupted input, see for your self.



How do you mean that kacher output won't follow the pulses. It always follows. You will see the intervals

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1847
FWIW, here is an actual bench test of the HV generator using an IXYS 3N120 in the circuit shown in the 1200v sim.
The transformer core in an EC-52 with a .035" center leg gap.  Both coils are 72T of 15-34 litz which result in a self capacitance of 63pf with an inductance of 1.63mH. 
The power supply is set at 28v DC and from the 1st scope pix we see the Pin = 4.209W over 16.01us for Uin = 67.4uJ.  Note that the current has not returned to zero in the primary and secondary windings and this is a problem at this point!  This is the reason for the single pulse demo.
The 2nd scope pix shows the peak level of the HV pulse at 1.006kV but this is clipped by the input channel and i don't currently have a working HV probe.  I would estimate the peak is ~1.1kV.
The 3rd scope pix shows the pulse width of 350ns at the base.
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