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2025-03-31, 22:56:23
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Author Topic: Don Smith Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications.  (Read 68271 times)
Group: Guest
Nick this thread was active well before yours and it's full of your antics and shenanigans and your not
a researcher and you don't do research you seek and exploit information and know how from others. so don’t BS me.

Well said
Group: Guest
Some of you might be intererested in this old posting from Worlcup's post records
Ruslan had a lot more posts than he has now, some one needs to save it, I can't,
real player no longer works over here and hasnt for a long time.

Group: Guest
"Revolutionizing Energy: Dr. Steven Greer Explores Zero Point Energy's Infinite Potential"

Group: Guest
Guys, Chet, Wesley,

Its all a big joke here.. our.com.. ou.com
Tell me I'm wrong.

All you working in private benches, shame on you.
Wesley come on  .. how should I call you?.. pussy or compromised.

Were not far from truth... so forget about patents and legal aspects.
Just be a kind of Nikola Tesla guy and make history for man
Do it or some nobody like me wil do it before you.
Aint you tired of faking truth?

Not a personal opinion just a wake up call for all the ones who know
Group: Guest
Guys, Chet, Wesley,

Its all a big joke here.. our.com.. ou.com
Tell me I'm wrong.

All you working in private benches, shame on you.
Wesley come on  .. how should I call you?.. pussy or compromised.

Were not far from truth... so forget about patents and legal aspects.
Just be a kind of Nikola Tesla guy and make history for man
Do it or some nobody like me wil do it before you.
Aint you tired of faking truth?

Not a personal opinion just a wake up call for all the ones who know
Well from an educational point of view if you have something working
why not tell us all, but do not put it on the market.

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Honestly,I have no idea what you are writing?
People work in benches for long time ( because of this type comment ,one you just wrote,
Also paranoia which grows with frustration ?

Here I could write a recipe for a nice cake in one paragraph
Everyone could bake it and get results..
However all who claim some type of success?
Share it !!
Get results !
Write all confusing information,assuming persons understand ?

Or make measurement errors and assume it’s not
That has happened for years..

If you have a path towards a gain ?
Share it
Writing nonsense while patting yourself on the back ?

These open source forums are about sharing
And bringing change

This is not a game..( yes I see the guys who play games sociopaths having
Some sick amusement..dropping crumbs like sadists ..

Group: Guest
Honestly,I have no idea what you are writing?
People work in benches for long time ( because of this type comment ,one you just wrote,
Also paranoia which grows with frustration ?

Here I could write a recipe for a nice cake in one paragraph
Everyone could bake it and get results..
However all who claim some type of success?
Share it !!
Get results !
Write all confusing information,assuming persons understand ?

Or make measurement errors and assume it’s not
That has happened for years..

If you have a path towards a gain ?
Share it
Writing nonsense while patting yourself on the back ?

These open source forums are about sharing
And bringing change

This is not a game..( yes I see the guys who play games sociopaths having
Some sick amusement..dropping crumbs like sadists ..
Chet Worldcup already did, it was one odd Don smiths doc vids
I didn't save it or copy it I have no way to do so, it's a bit of a joke realy
all this high speed internet if you /we cant make use of it  >:-)

It was under resonance crafting, I recently looked for it but all traces of it
appear to have been removed or replaced with trivia.
The hyper link is 2 or three posts back, I did post it on Nicks thread a few weeks back but he delated it !
« Last Edit: 2023-07-27, 21:15:55 by AlienGrey »
Sr. Member

Posts: 479

device evidenly consist of Tesla transformer and power coil.
« Last Edit: 2023-07-27, 21:23:03 by forest »
Group: Guest

device evidenly consist from Tesla transformer and power coil.
I looked at it its been in the OU tread under Stalker, didn't Itsu make it and couldn't get it to work ! >:-)
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Honestly,I have no idea what you are writing?
People work in benches for long time ( because of this type comment ,one you just wrote,
Also paranoia which grows with frustration ?

Here I could write a recipe for a nice cake in one paragraph
Everyone could bake it and get results..
However all who claim some type of success?
Share it !!
Get results !
Write all confusing information,assuming persons understand ?

Or make measurement errors and assume it’s not
That has happened for years..

If you have a path towards a gain ?
Share it
Writing nonsense while patting yourself on the back ?

These open source forums are about sharing
And bringing change

This is not a game..( yes I see the guys who play games sociopaths having
Some sick amusement..dropping crumbs like sadists ..

You may want to check patents in Europe, especially in NL where patent office don’t ask inventors to remove specific instructions and/or quantity, dimensions etc from the patent as they do in USA

Regarding offsetting costs associated with research and experiments … I can’t see any substantial gain happening any time soon for any inventor as any kind of tech is deemed to be suppressed as it pose a great danger to those 1% of world population.

So, any work presented in the open is pro bono and possible no fame gain or anything else, only the satisfaction of an achievement for the mankind.

Some sadistic guys dropping crumbs you say ? Really ? First of all we need to understand that fe is that one that can’t be measured so it can’t be taxed based of collection of it and that fe is present everywhere so, nobody can claim territorial occurrence of it, I mean no human on this earth can claim.

Call me sadistic if you like but all I can tell you that anyone can tap into this energy if is going to exploit the gradient or potential different between two fields of an energy (carrier ) of the same kind. No I’m not speaking about exploiting the gradient between two kinds of energy, I’ll leave this for some more advanced and experienced people.

Hmm, sounds complicated isn’t it ? Let’s have a look at solar power system ? Is it free source ? Yes. Are we exploiting the gradient ? No, all solar systems works only in sunny condition, I mean in the presence of light … while the complete gradient is light and dark … this lead to maximum inefficiency(that’s why system have been allowed in the open).
 Thermal gradient: hot and cold, few methods are proved Stirling engine if you prefer kinetic transformation or Peltier effect or many other.

For myself just for myself, I don’t need any academia to understand and eventually explain why and how a device works when is able to provide the power I need for whatever I’m going to use. They disprove and deny anything they can’t or won’t explain from various reasons. So for me they are useless. Just look at French National Academy when they decided that no object heavier that air can fly … yet, I can’t remember where or if they ever apologise for that in the same way they trumpeted their lousy decision.

So, I’m afraid you won’t get more than crumbles as the world isn’t prepared yet for this and my only concern is I can’t see any kind of interest in preparedness apart from the idiotic response with total lockdown that we already experienced recently with faked reason for this. It seems that in their minds whatever cost is a cost worth to maintain some kind of order … which creates huge inequality and suffering.

So, follow the crumbles for yourself and make sure you follow the crumbles and nothing else if you want to get out of the maze.
Group: Guest
Kapanadze has absolutely nothing. No one has produced any free energy from his tricks. And in 5 years, his patents will expire. They will have been useless. Kapanadze has proved as useless on the free energy question as those who have produced hundreds of useless, nonsensical posts around him.
Question,Is your handle by any chance to do with amature radio ?

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Anyone trying to match the impedance, matching impedance at resonance is of essence for any efficient apparatus and I can suggest to start from the power source to be used in a real world working device … it is unrealistic to design such a device based on use of grid power … it won’t work in my opinion.

Adjust resonance in coils based on wire length or weight of wire.
Output power desired must be matched by capacitor bank.

Unless you are a dedicated mathematician you want to work with equations only, if you want a working device just define your input to be used in real world and desired output. Keep it as simple as you can. Just go with things ready on the self, then make bespoke components to link with desired effects necessary to work.

Always try to bear in your mind the big picture, focusing excessive on small bits doesn’t help.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Did anyone checked for negative resistance that should occur in HF HV ? This phenomena is present in old ballast neon sign recommend by Don Smith and is supposed to work with spark gap/neon tube.

Negative resistance is an interesting and unique electrical characteristic that can be harnessed in specific applications to achieve certain benefits. Some of the advantages of negative resistance include:

Oscillator and Signal Generation: Negative resistance is crucial in certain oscillator circuits. It allows for the generation of high-frequency oscillations without the need for additional active components like transistors or amplifiers. This property is utilized in devices like tunnel diode oscillators and Gunn diode oscillators, which find applications in microwave signal generation and communications systems.

Amplification: In some cases, negative resistance can be used for amplification purposes. When combined with positive resistance in a circuit, the overall gain can be enhanced, leading to increased signal levels and improved performance in specific frequency ranges.

Power Gain: Devices exhibiting negative resistance can offer power gain, meaning they can deliver more power at the output than the power supplied at the input. This property is beneficial in certain applications where power amplification is required without the use of additional amplifiers.

High-Frequency Operation: Components with negative resistance often operate effectively at high frequencies. This makes them suitable for applications in radio frequency (RF) circuits, microwave systems, and other high-frequency electronics.
Microwave Applications: Negative resistance devices like Gunn diodes are used in microwave applications for their ability to generate microwave signals efficiently without the need for complicated circuitry.

Simple Circuit Design: Negative resistance devices can simplify circuit designs by eliminating the need for additional active elements, reducing complexity and component count in certain applications.

However, it's important to note that while negative resistance can be advantageous in specific contexts, it is not a common characteristic of most passive electronic components. Negative resistance is typically observed in specific active devices, such as tunnel diodes, Gunn diodes, and some gas discharge lamps used with magnetic ballasts. Most resistive components, like regular resistors, do not exhibit negative resistance and follow Ohm's law, where current increases with voltage in a positive resistance manner.

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
    The thing is that if we take the pulse from the TL494 chip, to turn the kacher on and off, it will be limited to funtion at only that same frequency, and no other frequencies.
So, is that really the best way to sync the kacher with the induction circuits??? 
As that means that the kacher pulse wil be running at around 15KHz to 20KHz, or so, just the same as the induction circuits. Instead of running in the kachers normal MHz range that its secondary coil is tuned to run at. Therefore, it's no wonder the kacher will be running much weaker, using that system. And perhaps the kacher secondary coil needs to be retuned like Adrian has his, (much longer than normal). To run in the KHz range, instead.
  These are some of the things that we need to verify.


I can't resist not commenting on this.
Please, kacher always resonate at it own frequency whether you build it to res. on MHZ or KHZ. When you interrupt it with your push pull signal of say 15KHZ, that will be the repetition rate of the kacher in it own res frequency.

That is to say: a kacher that is running at 1MHZ will do that at the rate of 15000cycles/sec.

Now, this is what we have been talking about, but some persons don't pay any attention.  Thus; the push pull signal becomes the envelope and the kacher signal becomes the message as in AM modulation. This is synchronising both signals.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
For more clarity, I post the pictogram below. Assuming the kacher in the first  pic is ringing at 1MHZ.

Check the second pic ; If the Push-pull signal is 15KHZ and it's interrupting the Kacher, then you would see 15,000 of this "fish' in 1sec .


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
These are not artifacts

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
   I'm not sure what I see. Nor is the Kacher running at 1MHz.

Am only using 1MHZ as an example.

What are you trying to show? Fish waves?
   Anyway, try to show how well any of your ideas work, on a load. Not on mV input.

What do we call this; arrogance or sarcasm , anyway am no permitted to do that .save that for another day. How ever those who wishes to learn had picked some point. This is not an insult but a gentle advice to an old friend.

 Otherwise....A scope shot of something running at 414KHz is not very convincing.
As that is not even the normal running frequency of these devices. So, not sure what your point is.

Dear Nick,
 When a device like this is running with the Tesla "ON" frequency usually multiplies. You should know this.

Open your heart not your eyes


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
   I'm not sure what I see. Nor is the Kacher running at 1MHz.

Am only using 1MHZ as an example.

What are you trying to show? Fish waves?
   Anyway, try to show how well any of your ideas work, on a load. Not on mV input.

What do we call this; arrogance or sarcasm , anyway am no permitted to do that .save that for another day. How ever those who wishes to learn had picked some point. This is not an insult but a gentle advice to an old friend.

 Otherwise....A scope shot of something running at 414KHz is not very convincing.
As that is not even the normal running frequency of these devices. So, not sure what your point is.

Dear Nick,
 When a device like this is running with the Tesla "ON" frequency usually multiplies. You should know this.

Open your heart not your eyes


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

To clear your mind on the frequency of kacher;
The overall frequency is deceptive . If you want to know the frequency of kacher or controlled Tesla, use your cursor menu from your scope to read that.like in my first pic were I said the kacher was ringing. To know the frequency, use cursor on your scope to know the exact frequency it runs.

If after all these years you are no clear about this. Please, stop making some comments not to discourage the new ones who will like to try something. Because reading your comments is discouraging as if those who posted don't know what they are here for.

In light of the for going, except you are here to do that. That is, to be a club in the wheel of progress.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389


Max, is only showing a nice example of an interrupted kacher signal.

His scope is not interpreting the frequency (414kHz) correctly somehow, not sure why, but as i have shown you before, you can calculate the used frequencies shown yourself.

The first picture shows the single ringing of the kacher at M 2.50us, meaning his scopes time base is set to 2.5us/division.
If you take 1 period of that signal (like 2 peaks next to each other) you can see that this single period lasts about 1.5 subdivisions.
As 1 subdivision = 1/5th divisions = 0.5us, then 1.5 subdivision is 1.5 x 0.5 =  0.75us which is 1.333MHz (https://www.calctool.org/waves/frequency)

Max his Kacher is therefor running at 1.333MHz, not the shown 414kHz.

The second picture shows the interrupted signal with the time base set to M 25us.
Between 2 interrupts we have 1.6 division, thus 1.6 x 25us = 40us which equates to a frequency of 25kHz (so not 15kHz).

That the kacher signal is in the mV's only, is probably because Max is having his pickup probe some distance away from the kacher or antenna.

So what Max is showing is an interrupted kacher signal running at 1.333MHz interrupted at 25kHz intervals.


Thanks so much @ Itsu,
Our man has so much limitations which has become a club in wheel of progress. My voice can't be louder than this. It is disheartening for someone to use his myopic view to disrupt processes.


Group: Guest
   This is your last warning. I don't need your insults. You are being very disruptive, once again. Last warning ...
Group: Guest
Max Nick Itsu aren't you going to share information ? have you a link to ape core video ? please show it all
« Last Edit: 2023-08-07, 21:01:43 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
   You mean the new video that Ape said was coming, showing "something working"
   I think that he just said that, as he is mad at me for some reason.
   You can look at YouTube under Apecore, to see his previous videos.

Group: Guest
I all ready have there is nothing new, and all of his post records are gone and so are his contact details
verry strange. :-X

Group: Guest
I all ready have there is nothing new, and all of his post records are gone and so are his contact details
verry strange. :-X


  Ape has not removed anything, nor added anything.
  Apecore has over 30 videos still listed on YouTube.
Nothing is "gone". Nor is there, "something working", that I can see.
  We are still sharing,  to those still interested.
Thanks for hanging in there.

« Last Edit: 2023-08-06, 04:36:52 by NickZ »
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