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Author Topic: Don Smith Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications.  (Read 58687 times)
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img  NickZ
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #456 on: 2023-08-03, 22:32:04 »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 617
   I'm not sure what I see. Nor is the Kacher running at 1MHz.
What are you trying to show? Fish waves?
   Anyway, try to show how well any of your ideas work, on a load. Not on mV input.
 Otherwise....A scope shot of something running at 414KHz is not very convincing.
As that is not even the normal running frequency of these devices. So, not sure what your point is.
« Last Edit: 2023-08-04, 04:52:58 by NickZ »
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img  Maxolous
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #457 on: 2023-08-04, 07:09:48 »

Sr. Member

Posts: 325
Quote from: NickZ on 2023-08-03, 22:32:04
   I'm not sure what I see. Nor is the Kacher running at 1MHz.

Am only using 1MHZ as an example.

Quote from: NickZ on 2023-08-03, 22:32:04

What are you trying to show? Fish waves?
   Anyway, try to show how well any of your ideas work, on a load. Not on mV input.

What do we call this; arrogance or sarcasm , anyway am no permitted to do that .save that for another day. How ever those who wishes to learn had picked some point. This is not an insult but a gentle advice to an old friend.

Quote from: NickZ on 2023-08-03, 22:32:04

 Otherwise....A scope shot of something running at 414KHz is not very convincing.
As that is not even the normal running frequency of these devices. So, not sure what your point is.

Dear Nick,
 When a device like this is running with the Tesla "ON" frequency usually multiplies. You should know this.

Open your heart not your eyes

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img  Maxolous
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #458 on: 2023-08-04, 07:29:59 »

Sr. Member

Posts: 325

To clear your mind on the frequency of kacher;
The overall frequency is deceptive . If you want to know the frequency of kacher or controlled Tesla, use your cursor menu from your scope to read that.like in my first pic were I said the kacher was ringing. To know the frequency, use cursor on your scope to know the exact frequency it runs.

If after all these years you are no clear about this. Please, stop making some comments not to discourage the new ones who will like to try something. Because reading your comments is discouraging as if those who posted don't know what they are here for.

In light of the for going, except you are here to do that. That is, to be a club in the wheel of progress.

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img  Itsu
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #459 on: 2023-08-04, 10:21:30 »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3823
Quote from: NickZ on 2023-08-03, 22:32:04
   I'm not sure what I see. Nor is the Kacher running at 1MHz.
What are you trying to show? Fish waves?
   Anyway, try to show how well any of your ideas work, on a load. Not on mV input.
 Otherwise....A scope shot of something running at 414KHz is not very convincing.
As that is not even the normal running frequency of these devices. So, not sure what your point is.


Max, is only showing a nice example of an interrupted kacher signal.

His scope is not interpreting the frequency (414kHz) correctly somehow, not sure why, but as i have shown you before, you can calculate the used frequencies shown yourself.

The first picture shows the single ringing of the kacher at M 2.50us, meaning his scopes time base is set to 2.5us/division.
If you take 1 period of that signal (like 2 peaks next to each other) you can see that this single period lasts about 1.5 subdivisions.
As 1 subdivision = 1/5th divisions = 0.5us, then 1.5 subdivision is 1.5 x 0.5 =  0.75us which is 1.333MHz (https://www.calctool.org/waves/frequency)

Max his Kacher is therefor running at 1.333MHz, not the shown 414kHz.

The second picture shows the interrupted signal with the time base set to M 25us.
Between 2 interrupts we have 1.6 division, thus 1.6 x 25us = 40us which equates to a frequency of 25kHz (so not 15kHz).

That the kacher signal is in the mV's only, is probably because Max is having his pickup probe some distance away from the kacher or antenna.

So what Max is showing is an interrupted kacher signal running at 1.333MHz interrupted at 25kHz intervals.

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img  Maxolous
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #460 on: 2023-08-04, 11:03:08 »

Sr. Member

Posts: 325
Quote from: Itsu on 2023-08-04, 10:21:30


Max, is only showing a nice example of an interrupted kacher signal.

His scope is not interpreting the frequency (414kHz) correctly somehow, not sure why, but as i have shown you before, you can calculate the used frequencies shown yourself.

The first picture shows the single ringing of the kacher at M 2.50us, meaning his scopes time base is set to 2.5us/division.
If you take 1 period of that signal (like 2 peaks next to each other) you can see that this single period lasts about 1.5 subdivisions.
As 1 subdivision = 1/5th divisions = 0.5us, then 1.5 subdivision is 1.5 x 0.5 =  0.75us which is 1.333MHz (https://www.calctool.org/waves/frequency)

Max his Kacher is therefor running at 1.333MHz, not the shown 414kHz.

The second picture shows the interrupted signal with the time base set to M 25us.
Between 2 interrupts we have 1.6 division, thus 1.6 x 25us = 40us which equates to a frequency of 25kHz (so not 15kHz).

That the kacher signal is in the mV's only, is probably because Max is having his pickup probe some distance away from the kacher or antenna.

So what Max is showing is an interrupted kacher signal running at 1.333MHz interrupted at 25kHz intervals.


Thanks so much @ Itsu,
Our man has so much limitations which has become a club in wheel of progress. My voice can't be louder than this. It is disheartening for someone to use his myopic view to disrupt processes.

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img  NickZ
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #461 on: 2023-08-04, 20:22:38 »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 617
  Itsu: Wow. Thanks for doing all those calculations.
   Good thing that all I have to do is lay my scope probe next to the kacher, and it tells me at what frequency its running at.
You know how I love doing math...

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img  NickZ
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #462 on: 2023-08-04, 20:34:37 »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 617
Quote from: Maxolous on 2023-08-04, 07:09:48
Am only using 1MHZ as an example.

What do we call this; arrogance or sarcasm , anyway am no permitted to do that .save that for another day. How ever those who wishes to learn had picked some point. This is not an insult but a gentle advice to an old friend.

Dear Nick,
 When a device like this is running with the Tesla "ON" frequency usually multiplies. You should know this.

Open your heart not your eyes


   Dear Max:
  No, my frequencies do not vary, at all, when turning on my kacher.  Nor have I seen that to be the case.
You can call this hands on results. Not guessing at what "usually happen".
  My heart may "open" if you'd show something that actually works. For a change...instead of wrong measurements.
 I don't need your "gentle advice". Some actual not invented scope measurement, that we don't need to do the math on,
 would help. That is what is disheartning.
« Last Edit: 2023-08-05, 16:09:02 by NickZ »
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img  NickZ
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #463 on: 2023-08-09, 02:06:56 »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 617
   Verpies amoung others have mentioned not being able to post on this thread.
   I have done nothing to change things, so can you check on this, please.

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img  Itsu
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #464 on: 2023-08-09, 11:27:24 »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3823

Again /still there is this warning when hitting the reply button:

Warning: topic is currently/will be locked!
Only admins and moderators can reply.

but as can be seen, one can still add a post to this thread, at least....    i can.

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img  AlienGrey
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #465 on: 2023-08-09, 13:01:49 »

Hero Member

Posts: 964
Enjoy your trek through life but leave no tracks
Strange goings on over on Overunity was conversating with Wesley when got cut off, now it says the
password is wrong ( but it's not, it's been got at). Can't edit it or update it now  >:-)
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img  Itsu
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #466 on: 2023-08-10, 10:05:35 »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3823
Ok, where were we?

First of all, as i mentioned earlier, i am not here to do a complete replication of the Ruslan setup.
I tried it twice and failed, so either i am doing something wrong (most probably), or there is something wrong with the used circuit.
But i want to try to further refine some parts of this setup to gain knowledge, both for me as for others.
If it is found to be off-topic, then feel free to mention this and i will remove any post being off-topic.

i was trying to get the modulated kacher output signal picked up by a distant probe laying 10cm from the antenna like shown by Max here: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4471.msg105536#msg105536

My Grenade is resonating at 1229kHz (Max method see here:  https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4471.msg105593#msg105593 ) and my new kacher secondary is resonating at 1160kHz (with antenna attached) and when elevated some distance from my bench it could be tuned to resonance at the same frequency as the Grenade (1229kHz).
The Push-Pull was tuned to around 1/50th of the kacher / grenade frequency so around 24.58kHz.

Both the Kacher secondary and the Grenade are made up of 37.5m of copper wire.

But still i could not see the modulated kacher signal Max has shown, nor do i know (nor Max) that this is needed for a self runner.

Anyway, what i tried next is to sync the push-Pull frequency to 1/50th of the kacher signal by using some frequency divider circuit.

Verpies tipped me to use of some TOSLINK optical fiber receiver like this one: https://toshiba.semicon-storage.com/info/datasheet_en_20140403.pdf?did=14714 found in some later audio / tuner equipment.
This will completely isolate electrically the kacher signal from the divider circuit.

I found a FCR684205R optical link receiver in my junk box:  https://www.farnell.com/datasheets/3816994.pdf and found that a normal 6mm red led fed with a 1250kHz sine wave was able to produce a nice square wave pulse at 1250kHz

Firing up the kacher and attaching the red led to a piece of twisted wires with 1 side to a copper tape just beneath the Antenna and the other piece to the base of the kacher drive transistor (or ground) shows a nice lighted up led, see picture:

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img  Maxolous
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #467 on: 2023-08-10, 10:56:14 »

Sr. Member

Posts: 325

You're not off topic as far as you caught the picture and form of what to do(principle).

There are many roads to the result.

Group: Guest
img  AlienGrey
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #468 on: 2023-08-10, 13:31:55 »

Hero Member

Posts: 964
Enjoy your trek through life but leave no tracks
Itsu nice photo have you tried running the Ariel from the Tesla coil up the inside of the Grenade coil and an alloy or foil earth
on the out side with a slit gap in it as not to short circuit it's output, that way your not transmitting dangerous RF all over place or wasting energy !

Just a thought Sil
« Last Edit: 2023-08-10, 15:48:46 by AlienGrey »
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img  NickZ
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #469 on: 2023-08-10, 16:08:59 »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 617
   I was wondering what you were up to. I'm not sure I understand the point, as yet, so I'll wait for your results.
   There seams to be many roads to NO results, instead.
We now have lost Apecore,  Geofusion, Vidura, and all the rest that had the intention of replicating these supposed self runners. Without the least bit of free energy coming from anyone.
  But, I feel that we have been lied to, for gain and profit. And something has been covered up, and hidden from the schematics. So that is what I'm after, still. Out of curiosity mostly. As I already have free electric power for all my needs.

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img  forest
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #470 on: 2023-08-10, 16:59:18 »
Sr. Member

Posts: 416
I think the mistake is with attempt to replicate device which is the final stage of development with each coil interacting with others in complex way. We simply haven't seen to the original  first stage of device which may be all those coils separated with clearly seen interaction. I'm working on it slowly from this perspective ( one segment being Tesla coil and separated power coil)
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img  NickZ
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #471 on: 2023-08-10, 18:34:13 »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 617
   Just look at Ruslan many self runners. His first device was suppose to be a self runner. And all the other versions after that, all self runners. Having no previous experience at this, no years of hands on tests, not even is he an engineer like Akula is. Well, I don't buy it. Nor will anyone show scope shots and videos of a working device connected to a scope while running itself. Why is that??? Because,  something is fishy...

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img  NickZ
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #472 on: 2023-08-10, 19:28:28 »

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 617
   If you want to see how Akula developed his first and second self running devices. You can find that info by watching his first videos on YouTube. Further tests have been ongoing for some years now. But are now being kept secret to the public, and to these open source forums.

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img  Itsu
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #473 on: 2023-08-10, 21:08:12 »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 3823
The next step was to build  a 50:1 divider, so i came across the SN74LS56P divider chip, but this one seems unavailable at the electronics stores i usually buy from, so i needed to buy some from Ebay China, but takes some weeks.

So for the time being, i use 3 pairs of CD4017 / CD4001 chips building my 50:1 divider (5:1, 5:1 and 2:1) after first boosting / buffering the Optical receiver output using a MOSFET driver (ixdd614pi) running at 10V.

As these 3 divider pair circuits each drastically reduces the duty cycle of the pulses, i ended up with a 1/50th pulse of only 1% duty cycle which was useless for further processing.

So i added a Hex Schmitt-Trigger Inverter (CD40106) after each divider pair to flip the duty cycle from say 5% to 95% ending up with a 40% duty cycle pulse around 24kHz (kacher input 1200kHz).
Picture of the divider bread board:

Output signal of the 1/50th Kacher frequency:

Diagram of the used 50:1 divider (LTspice sim included below).

Next i will add a PLL (Phase Locked Loop) circuit to be able to drive a TL494 (push-Pull) needed for the yoke.

This PLL circuit was designed by verpies some time ago using a 74HC4046 chip to directly drive a TL494 PWM and which i will use now (slightly modified) to drive a TL494 from this divider output signal.

50 to 1 divider circuit small.png
* 50 to 1 divider circuit small.png (1268.39 kB, 1008x756 - viewed 100 times.)
24kHz output divider.png
* 24kHz output divider.png (30.24 kB, 800x600 - viewed 97 times.)
* divider 50 to 1.asc (4.5 kB - downloaded 4 times.)
divider diagram small.png
* divider diagram small.png (108.78 kB, 1344x722 - viewed 97 times.)
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img  AlienGrey
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #474 on: 2023-08-10, 22:08:13 »

Hero Member

Posts: 964
Enjoy your trek through life but leave no tracks
That's an interesting circuit I also made a syc divide by 50 circuit it just uses 2 4017 chips and a 4046 and i get an EW 50/50 true square wave out put
it's brilliant without all the other support chips. The 4046 can also be gated by the PP 494 chip directly.
devide by 50 E.jpg
* devide by 50 E.jpg (64.98 kB, 342x356 - viewed 19 times.)
« Last Edit: 2023-08-11, 08:05:56 by AlienGrey »
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img  Maxolous
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #475 on: 2023-08-11, 09:29:31 »

Sr. Member

Posts: 325
@Itsu and AG,

Nice layouts.
No venture ,no success as I said many roads lead to success here. It's time to think outside the box. That was what the inventors did . They only left us with clues and not the real deal hoping you to join the dots. Those who are still sticking to pictogram on the page should just be there playing and deceiving themselves. Most working devices displayed on page that eventually worked were all modified.  The inventors Haven gone through rigorous processes to get his/her inventions to work might not want to serve it to you on the platter of gold. In the course of their toiling, they realized the do's and Don's. Probably, they serve you the Don's which they know might be appealing to you and you might eventually buy it.  Which is why we continue to try without any results and them laughing off their ass.

Continue your good work.

« Last Edit: 2023-08-12, 11:44:35 by Maxolous »

So we have the 1/50th square wave coming from the divider as input for the PLL and have it locked in phase.
The triangle waveform coming from the PLL pins 6 and 7 is then balanced, shaped and presented to pin 5 of the TL494 which produces the Push-Pull outputs on same frequency as the input and can be used to drive the Yoke.

A video showing the whole process can be seen here:   https://youtu.be/ns_IBUZWWUs

We can manipulate the Kacher signal to a specific frequency (within reason) by a ferrite rod f.i., and the yoke signal will follow to stay at 1/50th of that kacher frequency.

Hopefully i can simplify the divider with the new SN74LS56P divider chip when it arrives.

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img  AlienGrey
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #477 on: 2023-08-12, 04:58:24 »

Hero Member

Posts: 989
Enjoy your trek through life but leave no tracks
Regarding the CD4017 it's a decoded 0 to 9 device each section depends on where the reset is placed
if you want to divide by 5 the reset needs placing on output 6 in order to divide by 5 it's as simple as that
the device also has a carry output which is EW ie a true square wave so if the last device is a divide by 10
just use the carry EW output and you have a divide by 50 ew output simple.

If your using TTL there is another chip with 2 x divide by 5 and 2 x divide by 2 which basically can be
configured as a divide by 50 in that one chip a (double 74HC90 74HC390).

* 74HC390.png (13.5 kB, 265x285 - viewed 290
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img  Maxolous
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #478 on: 2023-08-12, 11:45:33 »

Sr. Member

Posts: 325
Nice  one Itsu.

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img  AlienGrey
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #479 on: 2023-08-12, 15:22:19 »

Hero Member

Posts: 989
Enjoy your trek through life but leave no tracks
Hmm! it's a good idea it's true but it doesn't make full use of chips  available for a start the Catcher is running all the time
generating stress and heat gating could be done with the 4046 and you don't need all those op amps and it doesn't take
into account the propagation delay  of the gate drivers or the mos FET's and it has no self feed back and you need to have
a self running Tesla oscillator when you could
use the VFO in the 4046.

Sil other than that  is the answer to all your electronic problems as it seams !
* IMG_1295.JPG (561.46 kB, 1600x1200 - viewed 216 times.)
« Last Edit: 2023-08-12, 23:43:56 by AlienGrey »

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img  Maxolous
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #480 on: 2023-08-12, 16:42:00 »

Sr. Member

Posts: 325
Quote from: AlienGrey on 2023-08-12, 15:22:19
Hmm! it's a good idea it's true but it doesn't make full use of chips  available for a start the Catcher is running all the time


I got your point on this. Kacher running continually is not actually the best option. There must be interruption of kacher by Push-pull .

Quote from: AlienGrey on 2023-08-12, 15:22:19

generating stress and heat gating could be done with the 4046 and you don't need all those op amps and it doesn't take
into account the propagation delay  of the gate drivers or the mos FET's and it has no self feed back and you need to have
a self running Tesla oscillator when you could
use the VFO in the 4046.

Sil other than that  is the answer to all your electronic problems as it seams !

The VCO on the 4046 ,am not sure it can divide by upto 50.
He might still need 4017 IC to do that

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img  Maxolous
Re: Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, device discussion and replications. « Reply #481 on: 2023-08-12, 17:01:42 »

Sr. Member

Posts: 325
From the foregoing, it is better for Tesla pace be determined by Push-pull than push-pull be determined by Tesla. If Tesla pace is determined by Push-pull , then, you will have interruption of Tesla signal.

Itsu did well by locking the phase perfectly, but not interruption. Hence Tesla runs continually which might not be so effective in this regard.

AG posted one such cct. that can do just that ,

Find attached below:

* index.php(5).jpg (91.72 kB, 647x415 - viewed 248 times.)
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