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Author Topic: Links and Docs  (Read 12429 times)
Group: Guest
Less known self runner video  and transcript :)

Group: Guest
Compilation based on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtrXOXKbmOI

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
Compilation based on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtrXOXKbmOI



Have you attempted a sim replication of this device?

Group: Guest

Have you attempted a sim replication of this device?


Hi Pm,

yes, partially (only resonance part)


Group: Guest
PS Here one related file, I haven't it posted here yet
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
Hi Pm,

yes, partially (only resonance part)

Hi Vasik,

I have not been able to find the sweet spot frequency wise to produce the correct waveforms as shown in the video.  I like you, started with 30kHz which is close to the series resonance of L3 and C2 and have tried various duty cycles but without correct results.

It appears to me that the voltage waveform on UL1 indicates half resonance similar to Class E amplifiers but that just doesn't work in my testing!

Group: Guest
Hi Pm,

You right, L1C1 tuned to approx. 15Khz
AC analysis show that there are 3 resonances in this circuit.
I guess that we need to use higher one, approx. 31 KHz


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
I have not been able to find the sweet spot frequency wise to produce the correct waveforms as shown in the video. 
What mutual coupling coefficient did you use between L1 and L2 ?
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
What mutual coupling coefficient did you use between L1 and L2 ?


Originally I used K=.99 as Vasik but changed to K=.999 later on.  A small change in the waveforms but still far off from the video. 

At the 54:40 mark in the video, it can be seen that the voltage on the collector (UL1 in Vasik's schematic) drops below zero reference if one assumes the horizontal line is zero.  I can't seem to be able to read any of the scope trace data.  If so, I get ~68v peak and the negative looks to drop to ~20v.  I plan to insert an IGBT to replace the S1 switch today as I think a reverse collector to emitter breakdown would create this lower voltage level, we'll see.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
For example, here is a comparison of my sim to an enhanced scope pix of the authors sim.  Note the phase difference between UL1 and UC2 (yel and blue) and the shape of IC1 (red) as compared to the author's sim.

Note the dot change on L2 compared to Vasik's sim.

Although not stated as far as I can tell, perhaps the author was synchronizing the IGBT drive with the voltage on UC2.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
Here is an improvement from tweaking the frequency and changes in the S1 switch, but still not quite the same as the original.  I would say that the original sim was done with rather high value on the minimum timestep as evidenced by the poor resolution in the previously posted enhanced sim traces.

At these circuit parameters, the output voltage across C2 will only reach ~400v peak which is considerably lower than the original.  Also the ratio of Uin/Uout Uout/Uin ~ .5 or so.  IMO at this point in time, this circuit doesn't perform as claimed with high COP's.  My main reasoning for this is from an analysis of what part of the time S1 is on does current flow from the supply V1.  It is only when the current is reversed in C1 as can be seen.  This is supposed to be the magic part of the circuit design but at this point in time, I just don't "see" it!


Edit: Corrected COP 
« Last Edit: 2022-02-12, 00:13:27 by partzman »
Group: Guest

Thanks for the simulation. The schematic is very sensible, small change in timings have huge impact on the operation mode.

I would like to clarify why I published this.
My belief is that it is impossible build something without understanding how it works. Such probability is almost 0 :)
And so I am studying Akula's, Kulabukhov's etc devices. I think they all can be called Tesla's devices.
Most important features are:
- use of "displacement" current
- use of two frequencies
This setup present good learning possibilities.
It is quite probable that schematic should be modified (see "red" wire on the drawing on the table)
So when we start loading/extracting charge, it become even more complex.
As usual, there are people who claim that they got OU from it :)

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861

Thanks for the simulation. The schematic is very sensible, small change in timings have huge impact on the operation mode.

I would like to clarify why I published this.
My belief is that it is impossible build something without understanding how it works. Such probability is almost 0 :)
And so I am studying Akula's, Kulabukhov's etc devices. I think they all can be called Tesla's devices.
Most important features are:
- use of "displacement" current
- use of two frequencies
This setup present good learning possibilities.
It is quite probable that schematic should be modified (see "red" wire on the drawing on the table)
So when we start loading/extracting charge, it become even more complex.
As usual, there are people who claim that they got OU from it :)



During sleeping hours I realized that there was no inter-winding or inter-turn capacitances added to L1/L2.  With such tight coupling, there has to be a significant capacitance between windings which I'll try today to see the effects.  Also, since we are not shown any start up waveforms as best as I can tell, there may be a possibility of variable pulse width in the generator particularly during the voltage ramp up of C2!

I'll also try the extra jumper wire in the schematic.  I remain willing to try until there are no other possibilities left to explore!



Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
With such tight coupling, there has to be a significant capacitance between windings which I'll try today to see the effects. 
Indeed ...and between turns, too, which makes the winding a frequency-dispersive element.
Group: Guest

During sleeping hours I realized that there was no inter-winding or inter-turn capacitances added to L1/L2.  With such tight coupling, there has to be a significant capacitance between windings which I'll try today to see the effects.  Also, since we are not shown any start up waveforms as best as I can tell, there may be a possibility of variable pulse width in the generator particularly during the voltage ramp up of C2!

I'll also try the extra jumper wire in the schematic.  I remain willing to try until there are no other possibilities left to explore!

So do you have fishing or anglers emporiums where you live ? simply usr some fishing line as a spacer, all you have to do is work out the spacing, that can be fun with round wire.  8)

Group: Guest

During sleeping hours I realized that there was no inter-winding or inter-turn capacitances added to L1/L2.  With such tight coupling, there has to be a significant capacitance between windings which I'll try today to see the effects.  Also, since we are not shown any start up waveforms as best as I can tell, there may be a possibility of variable pulse width in the generator particularly during the voltage ramp up of C2!

I'll also try the extra jumper wire in the schematic.  I remain willing to try until there are no other possibilities left to explore!



This extra wire makes biffilar coil out of primary and secondary coils (L1 and L2).
Many different modes/combinations possible with such connection.

I don't think that variable pulse width used here, but who knows :)

Group: Guest
I would like to clarify the point about two frequencies.

I have "discovered" recently that it is possible create asymmetric current in LC resonance circuit.
Asymmetric, I mean to have DC offset while circuit in resonance.
This can be achieved using two different frequency. Frequencies can be in same LC circuit (with changing L or C) or just two LC circuits oscillating on different frequencies.
(Attaching example of such circuit)

There is a hope that this asymmetry can be used to create OU.


PS other examples are  in Selected Basics thread

Group: Guest
Another idea for this kind of setup could be creating voltage and current on some component of the circuit
by different frequency oscillation.
For example voltage on capacitor created by series resonance and current trough capacitor by half wave resonator.

- Vasik ;)

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
Another idea for this kind of setup could be creating voltage and current on some component of the circuit
by different frequency oscillation.
For example voltage on capacitor created by series resonance and current trough capacitor by half wave resonator.

- Vasik ;)


You are getting close to the STEAP TPU with that set up  O0


Mike  8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Guest
Vasik hi some where on one of your many threads you Published a katcher test circuit  a TL494 with an extra variable resister in the frequency circuit, and some other Katcher circuits, have you a link to them as I can no longer fined them and could you explain in some detail how to obtain standing waves from such a device please

Regards Sil
Group: Guest
Vasik hi some where on one of your many threads you Published a katcher test circuit  a TL494 with an extra variable resister in the frequency circuit, and some other Katcher circuits, have you a link to them as I can no longer fined them and could you explain in some detail how to obtain standing waves from such a device please

Regards Sil

I guess you looking for this

Group: Guest
I guess you looking for this

Yes that's the one, many thanks, i have a PCB lay out if any one wants to play.
here is a board i modified with some under track surgery the output transistor with the gated FET driver
is a bit crap as if it's unplugged the 2SC5200 Coil driver is permanently turned on perhaps the FET could be replaced with a PNP none inverting device or just removing and driven direct from the driver chip on the main board.
Group: Guest
From my archive, year 2014
Group: Guest
Vasic further back you pointed to a design of Igorek he uses a catcher of  G2  as 1/2 wave, 1 MHz that's modulated by G1 as 1/4 wave at 400 MHz, shouldn't the G1 be 500 KHz ?

Also the equation is wrong the 1000-400*2 it should be like this (400*2) the portion in the brackets should be worked out first.
it's quite mind boggling   :-\

Group: Guest
Vasic further back you pointed to a design of Igorek he uses a catcher of  G2  as 1/2 wave, 1 MHz that's modulated by G1 as 1/4 wave at 400 MHz, shouldn't the G1 be 500 KHz ?

Also the equation is wrong the 1000-400*2 it should be like this (400*2) the portion in the brackets should be worked out first.
it's quite mind boggling   :-\



there is non-linearity, so 400KHz is right.

You still haven't read this link

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