As in the pdf, starting the last sentence of page 5 suggests the end result of 2 water tanks that the energy is lost in heat, if we didnt do anything with the action of the transfer from tank to tank. Say 10gal in tank 1 and 0gal in tank 2. we should end up with 5gal in each tank when done. Same a caps, 10v willl divide into 5v in each. Same as we can count the gal in the water tanks, we can count(calculate) the number of indifference of electrons between + and - plates according to the cap value and the resultant voltage for each. No matter the resistance involved with the transfer, heat developed, energy generated by making use of the transfer till complete, we still end up with 5gall in each container or the same voltage in each cap.
Even if we could eliminate all losses, heat and otherwise, in the end we will have 5gal and 5v.... The loss is only because we let it disappear in a case of zero measurable or calculable losses by letting the pressure be reduced, nothing more. If you end up with heat, then yay, we have avoided that stupid loss. If we gen electricity by use of the transfer, then yay, we have avoided the loss again. But in no way did we lose 50% by way of resistance, or heat, etc, because in the end the number of gal or electron count imbalance of the cap plates will not change no matter how we look at it. if there were no loses evident, the 5gal and 5v would remain the same result.
The same as the pdf gives an alternate view of the same experiment but of zero resistance wires to avoid loss, he explains that the loss can be had by just increasing the cap plates to 2 times the area.. The capacitance increases or the container of water increases in width, which lowers the water level thus decreasing the bottom pressure, or the voltage in the cap which is reduced pressure. I like that example in place of the ideal super conducting example as it is more realistic but accomplishes the same idea.
So.. If conservation of energy says it cannot be destroyed or created.. But in this case, can it be destroyed? If so, then can it be created also?

Think. If after all this time, we are just now becoming aware of the actual results of this widely known paradox, then it may be just a bit longer to figure out how to create it.