This thread is opened to investigate the asymmetrical transformer concept for the "Karnaukhova-Kalabukhova generator". Its based on the below PDF linked by Partzman some time ago in the "Dally, Shark & Ruslan workbench" thread. The diagram below shows the basic setup in which in the orange circle is the yoke transformer (2x 10 turn primary and 3 turn secondary) and in the red circle the Grenade transformer (Inductor primary and Grenade secondary). The statement is that this concept could increase the input power 20x in the first transformer and an additional 50x in the second, totaling a 1000x increase. A thing to notice is that in the PDF text is said that for the Yoke transformer the secondary should have more turns which it does NOT have in my Ruslan setup and thus not in my initial tests here. Also for the Grenade transformer, the primary (inductor) forms a Parallel LC now with the cap where in the Ruslan setup it was a series LC. Resonance in the Grenade transformer primary (inductor) was accomplished by a 450nF Wima cap parallel to the Inductor and is around 28.8KHz. Input voltage is 24V @ 460mA. Some initial tests show that there is indeed a minimum current (1mA rms) running in the yoke transformer secondary (which is open) and we have some voltage across the Grenade transformer primary LC although very limited (5Vpp), see screenshot. (yellow is voltage across the inductor / wima cap, green is the current in the ground wire). This results in an unloaded DC voltage of about 2.8V after rectification from the Grenade (secondary). A questions i have is what type of bulb should be in the Grenade output line (presently a 220V / 25W bulb). Video here: itsu