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Author Topic: Viktor Schauberger on water  (Read 3392 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Finishing some testing today on remote water sampling with my Arduino conductivity meter prior to calibration, so the conductivity reading is only comparative.

Southern Alberta, May 20, 2021
Conductivity = C

RO water- C was 14, PH 6.0
Tap water- C was 115, PH 7.0
Stream water- C was 107, PH 7.2
Dugout water- C was 207, PH 7.5
Fresh rain water- 30, PH was 4.7

I couldn't believe the last PH reading on fresh rain water so I double checked it then did a little digging and found this...https://www.aces.edu/blog/topics/other-resources-water/acid-rain-an-overview/. Which made sense because in this area of the Alberta prairies were starting to see many issues with tree loss and topping (dead tops) I associated with low rainfall but is also influenced by acid rain.

The pH of normal rainwater ranges from 5.5 to 5.6, while most acid rain has a pH value of 4.0 to 4.6. In isolated cases, rainwater has been measured to have a pH as low as 3.0. In extreme cases, where high concentrations of acid-forming pollutants dissolve in freshly condensed water vapor, pH values have approached that of battery acid.

Acid rain can kill tree saplings as well as cause crown droop, or the death of limbs at the tops of mature trees. Acid rain can keep seeds from germinating. Plants growing in high altitudes (especially cloud forests) are the first to show the effects of acid rain, because they are often literally bathed in acid mist.

So in fact, the rain/sleet/snow falling today at a PH of 4.7 was on the verge of what is considered to be acid rain and may explain the large amount of mature tree topping I'm seeing in this region.

Viktor Schauberger claimed this was coming and he called it the positive overpotentializing (H+, acidic) of the atmosphere. CO2 may be good for plants however it's toxic for the atmosphere thus all living things when it combines with reactive (ionized) oxygen forming an acid. All of Viktor's work revolved around the opposite effect called reduction reversing the oxidizing/acidic process. Producing a cold plasma to reform oxidation into reduction binding the reactive oxygen so it becomes latent.

This also has far reaching effects in biology relating to anti-oxidants and I'm working on a device to do as much. Imagine that, there would be no need to eat special anti-oxidant foods because we could produce a potent form of them in ordinary water. What Viktor called virgin mountain springs or the fountain of youth able to reverse the damage done by over-oxidation claimed to cause many diseases like cancer. That's pretty cool in my books...


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
You can easily determine if the Acidic pH measurement of the rainwater is due to Carbonic Acid.

Boil the water for several minutes then re-check the pH.

Boiling should release any dissolved Carbon Dioxide.

If it is due to Sulfur or other acidic substances further testing would be necessitated.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
You can easily determine if the Acidic pH measurement of the rainwater is due to Carbonic Acid.

Boil the water for several minutes then re-check the pH.

I understand many people get upset or triggered by certain terms or subjects with respect to the environment and I'm making a conscious effort to avoid them.

Viktor Schauberger like myself understood carbon or "carbones" relating to primary or atmospheric carbon is quite natural. It's when these "primary substances" or elements become "overpotentialized" ie. ions and reactive that they become a problem. As you can see I'm adding Viktor's terminology in with conventional terms for reference. It has taken me years of research to decipher most of Viktor's strange terminology/technology and it is aligned with what we know in science.

Here are the broad strokes...
Overpressure and heat based combustion doesn't only release byproducts we consider harmful. It goes much deeper into the kind of excitation occurring on the atomic level not unlike the Joe cell. For example most like myself though chlorine was benign in our water as a disinfectant, I use it on my well water. However it's a powerful oxidizer on the chemical level which apparently also causes unwanted changes on the atomic level. Oxidizers are reactive substances which also produce a reorganization of the crystalline structure on the molecular level which apparently creates problems. In this respect Viktor was what we might call a nano-technologist or physicist today because he reduced everything down to the most fundamental level.

For example, 80 years ago Viktor purified water in much the same way we are just starting to learn today with what we call cutting edge technology. It's called a plasma/ion reformation process whereby water which could contain any number of pollutants is purified. Low flow purification can be achieved with "capacitive ionization", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitive_deionization. The next level for bulk reformation is plasma arc reformation which is not very efficient,  https://www.greengeek.ca/plasma-arcs-for-water-treatment/. However Viktor was doing something truly amazing by applying the principals above as a cold plasma in a vacuum, ie a large vacuum tube.

You see it's no different than the new technology were just starting to learn about however Viktor perfected it damn near 80 years ago. In this respect, like Tesla, he was so far ahead of his time nobody knew what to make of what he was trying to say. This is the point I keep trying to impress upon you gentlemen, it's the same science we know and love, it's just that these inventors were decades ahead of there time.

I built a capacitive deionizer with activated carbon used for aquariums, aluminum flashing as separator plates, a constant current power supply and it works perfectly. The plasma arc reformer is easy enough and I used my trusty Miller Econotig welder to test the process which also works. My work with Viktor's process is still a work in progress however I have no doubts it will work because above all else the science and reasoning behind it is sound. Again, I cannot impress this concept strongly enough... if the concept, theory and the science behind the technology is not sound then were simply chasing smoke and mirrors.

So far as I can tell the problem seems to revolve around what many call conventional science versus advanced science. Which is a quaint way of saying I know I should change and evolve however something I cannot quite describe is always holding me back. I feel it as well, it's just that the force pulling me forward is much greater than that holding me back for reasons I cannot explain.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: AC
For example most like myself though chlorine was benign in our water as a disinfectant, I use it on my well water.

However it's a powerful oxidizer on the chemical level which apparently also causes unwanted changes on the atomic level.

Oxidizers are reactive substances which also produce a reorganization of the crystalline structure on the molecular level which apparently creates problems.

Unfortunately, Chlorine because of its inexpensive cost, is used to disinfect most municipal water supplies.

The Hypochlorous Acid that it forms in water is far too powerful an oxidizer for that purpose as it does create very toxic reaction products in impure water.

Chlorine Dioxide is much, much safer and even beneficial to human health.  It is water soluble without reaction and doesn't produce toxic reaction products.

Many municipalities have begun to make the shift.

Quote from: AC
I built a capacitive deionizer with activated carbon used for aquariums, aluminum flashing as separator plates, a constant current power supply and it works perfectly.

The plasma arc reformer is easy enough and I used my trusty Miller Econotig welder to test the process which also works.

More details please.

Are you using it for an aquarium or for other water purification?

Any maintenance problems?

Is the Aluminum holding up?

How are you extracting the Purified Water?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
On chlorine, it is not needed to disinfect water more so to protect the distribution lines from bacteria or algae growth. In this respect it's easier to just remove the chlorine at the point of use.

At the moment I'm testing multiple systems as well as new multi-sensors for automation. What many don't understand is that the activated carbon is not a filter but a large surface area capacitor plate. One gram of activated carbon can have a surface area of 3000 square meters. It's literally a pollutant magnet stripping all impurities out of the water. CDI works extremely well because the applied voltage can be reversed ejecting all the pollutants from the surface to drain.

I have had no problems to date however these are experiments to prove proof of concepts. The technology is evolving on a daily basis so I try to keep my designs fluid. Most of these technologies are obsolete relative to viktor schaubergers work in my opinion.

However its important to do the groundwork on the basic effects prior to building more complex systems. The when, where, why and how of it.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
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