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Author Topic: JOE CELL Initiative  (Read 12755 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 274
Copper Medium

On planet earth all our copper atoms have one of two different Isotope frequencies.
The ratio between them is about 60/40.

One has an NVR of 88.297 mm/khz
The other is 94.584 mm/khz

Make yourself a scalar Aluminum Bismuth core coil, connect an F gen to it then set the coil on a large copper bar, or ground plate, and enter the realm of vibration science.

Tune up a frequency of 88.297 khz, and run your hand around the bar. You will then start to feel a vibration field bubble that is originating within the mass of the copper, and the larger the mass the stronger this field will become.

Tune up 94.584 khz and note the same sort of field bubble will come up around the copper bar.

Now add the two frequencies together and experience something very unique, all the atoms will align into one spin plane.

88.297 + 94.584 =  182.881 khz

This is the taming of the coper atom, such that 100 percent of all the atoms present will come into a coherent field alignment.

You can palm around this, as if feeling a quartz crystal, and find the dimensions of the field were it seems to stop moving away from the copper bar or plate.

Ask yourself, is this real, what is it, why have I never felt this before, and how come it can be calculated?
How in the world did Dave ever figure this out?

Everyone who ever studied NMR science could never come up with a way to create a field from it without using magnets, or very sensitive EM devices, and when they did, it was never this easy to feel.

If you like set a magnet on the copper bar, and realize that the vibration frequency does not stop working or change frequency!
This kind of energy will overpower the magnet, and the magnet will not cause it to change frequency, because this energy lies underneath the magnetic field.

This energy is connected with the vibration that sustains the copper atoms and gives them ability to self power!
EM rides on the outside of the atoms, this energy comes from the nuclear core of the atoms.

NMR science then is limited to what the electron shell of the atom is doing as a response to the presence of a magnet.
NVR is the root mass resonance at the location of control of atoms dimensions and its recovery response to pull the electron shells back into place.

One can then begin to understand how mass vibration works underneath the EM fields to power atoms.

Previous to this kind of manipulation, NMR was thought to be a very weak interaction, and it is.
NVR however is the root power source of the atom, as a vibration field that is pretty much immune to EM manipulation.
If it were not then atoms could be torn apart using EM fields, and that is not possible!

The holding force of the nucleus of the atom called the strong force is 137 times stronger then EM fields can become.

The experiments pretty much prove out what parts of the atom we are accessing, based on what we know already from physics.

Nuclear manipulation, allows manifesting of elements, from a water cell. There is nothing unscientific about this process.
It is repeatable!

Dave L

Posts: 33
Hello Dave
Based on your previous post I want to give something to read but it is only in German language. It might be useful for you.

Full Member

Posts: 140
I am going to buy into this debate.

about 1.3756% of what DaveL says is true... The rest is pure fantasy or contrived feelings from fake science theories. We have known each other from other forums for over a decade. Dave has completely derailed this thread with misguided beliefs in what a JoeCell is and how it works thus tabling fake explanations.

The JoeCell, from Joe's answer when I asked him direct so I could quote him is.... "JoeCells change the memory of water permanently".
We live in a Water Universe created by crystals of Light. Dave has in his vibrational memory that the universe has some gases as 'elements' which is wrong as its not the way Joe describes his Cells functionality so why is he imposing his 'theories' on this topic? Dave has a fractional Barrow to push. Dave has in his vibrational memory, that effects his finger tips, that electrons and protons are something he can measure and calculate 'spin' but this is just a theory and has no place in JoeCell Science. Dave fails to understand his own 'control' over his own 'vibrations' when he holds his calipers usually in a shed with a 120VAC Vibrational Field within and surrounding the shed. Dave thinks he can ISOLATE Frequencies with a mechanical device independent of its surrounds even ignoring the Y factor. Dave uses the word 'gravity' when he knows nothing about it and neither does science. For every action there is an Opposite and Equal Reaction.... Joe has quoted this to me dozens of times for me to calculate what it is we are witnessing. Where is the Opposite and Equal of 'gravity'? Yeah I can wait for an answer.

The JoeCell is the Science of the Stars. The science of Energy manifestations we call elements. At no point did anyone try to understand what it is that the CAR BATTERY is providing to the JoeCell to understand what it is that is happening to the Cell. Some even claimed his Flatline DC Battery power source (a telecom rectifier battery charger olde skool tech) was some how altered to give the Cell some form of 'energy' that makes his Cells actually work. So I bought one in Melbourne and took it to Joe and he used it to power up a Cell in front of me so I would KNOW it wasnt the Power source and had to go back to the most ORIGINAL and Ancient Baghdad Battery constructions to understand 'batteries'. The rest of you cant get past the 'bubbles'. Must be a childish thing. Alex Schifflier didnt understand the 3rd Elemental State of WIND activation and instead called it Stage 3. You want to make AIR implode and run a car on Implosion or Compression Energies, its the 3rd Elemental State of Matter or the water in the Cell that needs HYPERCHARGING to effect this energy manifestation that is the Cause of the Atmosphere (WIND) to condense or Compress to RAIN in an Atmospheric CELL where the rotating Winds are actually ROTATING MAGNETIC FIELDS and the Lightning is best understood by taking a new look with Water as Magnetic Light Crystals, in Lord Kelvins "Thunderstorm".... google it.

Dave still thinks the only way to power a JoeCell is with the Negative in the Centre tube.
Some Paul guy wants to see Transmutation... https://rumble.com/vhodfb-full-unedited-version-of-oil-from-water..html

This device is SO FAR OUT THERE its no wonder no one understands it. Try sitting with Joe for 10 hours studying the Bible as background information to the Numbering system in the Cell and and then going to the shed for some practical experiments and returning with a detailed verbal description of this Field Science as to how to build a propulsion system for a interstellar craft. All in one day. Takes Months to decipher what he said and apply it. Recently he taught me how to get the 4 Phases of 'electricity' out of 3 car batteries. The implications of this PHENOMENA is mind blowing as it tied together a lot of past Physics he explained over the years and the experiments I could do with them. Think of extracting the North Pole Negative Field of 'electricity' from 3 Baghdad Batteries and applying it to a COIL arrangement of Silver Wires in a Persian Carpet with 3 Baghdad Batteries. Joe has made the Wheel obsolete.

This Hypercharging of Water through Stainless Steel Antennas should be on everyone's agenda and taught in High school. It is a real Pity people like Peter Stevens and Alex Schifflier and now DaveL have got it so WRONG. I have suggested to Dave he should delete his JoeCell pages from hjs website as they are doing a great disservice to Joe.

Why did they and still do, get it so wrong?  There is no MAGNETICS in the Atomic Structure for them to have some knowledge to associate with it. There is little in Academia to correlate Battery DC with Magnetics. Their Minds are CONTAMINATED with protons, electrons and Neutrons and other MARBLES like Water MOLECULES. They even think Iron comes from the earths Core !!!! Their understandings of 'electricity' as a theoretical MARBLE is just plain farked. No other way to say it. Something this wrong is generally just plain farked.

Joe is inspired by his "God" and he does what his God tells him. NONE of you have any place for God in your belief system. Ever think that might be a clue as to why its beyond your comprehension or engineering capabilities? You want to travel to the Heavens, you'd better start understanding how Heaven works.

Posted else where but its fitting to add it here

The creation of Aetheric Scalar Energies as Tesla envisaged or otherwise known them as "pure Flat Line DC (direct current-no hertz) necessitates the creation of a Neutral Centre 'point' attachment to the Aether or Aristotles Quintessence. It is to be thought of by the Inventor (alchemist/blacksmith/Druid) as being like a ‘god’ and 'creating Life'. Any newly created Energetic or magnetic Field that isnt found elsewhere and so is like an 'invention', first creation or proto type is "alive" when its MANufacturer (person-facturer) creates a Neutral Centre attachment of the 'invention' to the Aether, as a newly created life form. (but not a Life Form as we know it Jim, for the trekkies)

We can draw a simile in the Creation of a New Life Form between a man and a woman. Where one can easily see that at the moment the sperm enters or breaks the Field of the Egg, a new magnetic Field is instantly formed or created and all the other sperm are no longer attracted to the egg’s Field Charge. A New Field is ‘born’ awaiting birth. Incidentally, all the Magnetic Spheres in the Heavens and their positions effect the 'pattern' of the New Field as we are in "their Field".

So we think of building this Scalar Energy Motor or Crystal Staff or magnetic In Line Cell and as we assemble this Magical Item we talk to it and lovingly make every piece fit like a glove, plain and functional no frills. It’s the moment the alligator clip touches the Battery to make the connection, its the beginning to Spin the Stator by hand, its the moment the sperm drills the egg. It’s the Magical moment you have a device you created with an attachment to the Aetherical Universal Consciousness, that your thoughts or words of 'command' or instructions of what you want from this new life form that determines how it functions. Its a Mental Universe. This is how one creates LIFE.

The Honeymoon would fairly ensure that that moment of Creation of a new neutral centre life form would happen in the after glow of lovingly embracing the union. Or we can wonder where the egg donor and sperm donor is in their drunken state. Or the randomness of shaking a test tube. Some call this Civilization, others call this Satanic and some call it "science" you can safely and effectively trust.

It can also be likened to the Joining of Magnets. see video of Joe here https://metallicman.com/forum?view=topic&id=178

To explain this Mathematically... adding one magnet to another magnet is like adding 1 + 1... but the answer is only ever 1.   Adding 3 or 4 magnets together still only gives 1 "Field" and 2 poles and the Gauss stays the same. 1+1+1+1+1 only ever equals 1 (or 1 magnetic 2 poled Field)
But in the above vid Joe adds 2 magnets together and he gets something completely unexpected or another number that we can designate '2'. So 1+1=2 in Field science Maths and this can be extended when a 3rd magnet is added to the 2 with same poles together or 1+1+1=2 or TWO distinct new and stronger 'poles' on the washers made by 3 magnets.

One is CREATING a NEW Field the other is just adding to an existing one. One changes the water the other just adds more water to the existing mass. Some Creations can have a Neutral Centre and be Alive. This is the Quest… to become a God and Create Life if you want to play with Scalar Energies in a Samsung smart drive motor. Any other generator that puts out more than it consumes is NOT Scalar, it is just ‘over unity’. Creating or joining 2 or more rotating Magnetic Fields creates this Neutral Centre that ALL ‘defined’ Fields have. 2 interacting rotating Magnetic Fields is 1+1=2

These Physics of Life Principles are even more magical and evident when using the JoeCell (hyper-charged water Field)  to use existing DNA to create Mental Images of new DNA species  combinations like a Fish with human Teeth for example. (google it, it was probably a high school experiment back in Posidea)

The creation of a New Magnetic 'entity' that previously did not exist, happens when the Field is first turned on, water flows through the pipe or the moment that the electrodes are connected. In the water JoeCell the centre of the inner tube has no 'electricity' passing through it forming a 'natural' neutral centre. But its full strength is reached when the Total number of 'Poles' adds up to 9 in number and are Magnetically aligned for a Unified Field effect that can surround a craft for example like making Jock’s F150 Levitate and lacking Inertia or resistance to the Aetheric Energy Grid of the Universe as it has become One with the God Consciousness. Simple really. These are some of the practical applications of the Secret Teachings of all Ages.

If you can play with the Vibrations we call 'electricity' and through the use of semi conductors and batteries, you can make these Vibrations do many things like Laser Lights, Tasers, LED's, transformers, inverters. Stop thinking in terms of making electrons that can be stored. Two metal sheets insulated will store these vibrations as a capacitor. What do you want this motor to do? You can do both... make a motor run its own generator as there are 3 phases so one is free to be a generator, or use the magic of Rotating magnetic Fields  (1+1=2) to generate a Neutral Centre that is Mentally Created by the inventors Mind.

I am here to inspire you to be a creative integral of the Universal Consciousness... not to spoon feed you. Only this way you will learn your position in the matrix. The CSO at Philosophy.org is much smarter than me and his experience and interpretation of Joe's Video where he explains the position or orientation of the Magnet on the stator, is critical and may require several to be modified. Joe and I went to the laser and water jet cutters many times. He 'found' or some would say was guided, to a particular washing machine at the scrap metal dealer saving him the work of repositioning the magnets. But he learned the hard way by trial and error. Think about them iron filings wave forms traveling past a coil and how they interact. Smooth flat-line DC requires smooth riding the waves past the magnet not 'cutting' them but more like surfing the wave.

You now have all you need to know to build a Samsung smart drive motor to make Tesla’s Radiant or Scalar Energy. Watch the Joe Vid on the motor CSO posted. Think about what and why you are doing it. Let the Creative forces of the Universe (faith) guide you. It can be done and has been done by what one would call ‘gifted’ people. Tesla, Joe, Keely, they are all/were blessed with the Gifts of God (intuitive energies) for without these you must be forgiven for you know not what you have done or the mistakes of life you may yet commit. 

When I visit Joe next I will inquire of the magnets orientation on these motors now that I can ask a decent question I might get a decent answer.
Hero Member

Posts: 1579

.... "JoeCells change the memory of water permanently".

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". Carl Sagan.

Full Member

Posts: 140
For Some No Proof is Required
For Others there is never enough Proof

The same can be said of God... For some no proof is required for others there is never any proof.
For some they see the magic of Life for others its just swampy evilution.

Which one are you Paul?

If the 'elements' are but frequencies of Water
And Battery 'electricity' is but Vibrations of varying frequencies depending upon the 'elements' in the battery.
then the Addition of Battery Vibrations via a Frequency Generator or ANTENNA immersed in water
Should have a 'effect' on the constituents that the water is comprised of.

Did you not watch the video of water being Vibrationally changed into Oil and then we burnt said oil Paul?

I have written about the 16 different products from one batch of water, the memory can be Permanently changed into by the position and sequencing that the electrodes can be activated from...

Here are 5 pictures of Fracking Waste Water from Colorado that has had some of these electrode placements.  You can see the Cone Cell ANTENNA that did this experiment.
Bottle 3 is the original sample. Bottle 1 is so pure you can drink it. I actually have this Test Sample being Charged on Video as we were doing this for the same lady from the USA that Video'd the Magnetic In Line Cell. https://rumble.com/vhrdlh-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh..html

But for some No Video Evidence is enough. For others not even 3 visits bringing their own water and watching it being MEMORY CHANGED was enough. These people, if you can call them that, have been educated TOO far in the other direction.
Full Member

Posts: 140
Pic 2   (the site isnt allowing me to post but one pic at a time)
Full Member

Posts: 140
Pic 3
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Posts: 140
pic 5
Full Member

Posts: 140
Copper Medium

On planet earth all our copper atoms have one of two different Isotope frequencies.

On Planet Earth, Gold has 16 different Frequencies... This is evidenced by the '49ers Gold Panners' who found that 16 Bends down stream they found the Same 'kind' of pannable gold.

Actually Dave, its ISODOPES.

And just what is the ORIGIN of this 'copper' we find on planet Earth?

Hint...  Its much the same as the ORIGIN of ALL IRON on Planet Earth.

Posts: 19
Hello everybody.
Thank you very much for the interest that you have showed in my thread.

I apologize to you all , and I am very embarrassed that I did not find the time anymore to continue the experiments , but I hope that will change in the near future.

Even if you write 3 rows , you are using time from your life , to make a contribution to the thread.
In this situation I want to give a big THANKS to Merlynn  , Dave and all the other members.

Merlynn , I want to apologize in the name of those who offended you , Lynn , Joe and I hope that you find the strength to see that we are not enemies here.
Even if somebody (I think Stevens) stole a JC from Joe's garage , please do not judge us all , for the actions of 1 man.

Today August 2023  . we have 11 years , since JOE filmed the videos at his farm.
Since then , no new information has Surfaced.
Also , Lynn has not posted any new material on his website , (water-science ).

My car uses 5 L Diesel / 100 km so :
I do not want to turn water into oil , or run my car on a JC , because as you can see it is highly economic.

I would really like to learn more about the Element Water and Magnets , so the question is ,
Where can a BoB like me start this process of learning ?

Thank you very much , I am glad that you are healthy and hope that all the member can change a little bit ,
Because at the end it does not matter how much you know , but WHAT you do with the information to make the world a better place.
Best regards
@Sollaris :)

Full Member

Posts: 140
Where can a BoB like me start this process of learning ?

What I present as "Field Science" is just another way of understanding Walter Russells View that in the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation. The 'waves' from magnets create electricity. Some say its an Electric Universe but its actually made of Light Crystals given their lack of understanding WAVES.

What has been presented by all 'others' including Peter Stevens or Alex Shifflier is their 'belief' or 'view' of what they thought they 'saw' at Joe's demonstrations. 

To surmise, they 'saw' essentially 2 things (1)bubbles being created by DC and (2) this bubbling apparatus was it running a car.
What else they 'saw' was a Man of God who Walked the Talk and had near zero scientific background training or for that matter, much of any schooling. They saw a guy who lived on top of a Guinea pig cage, fixed cars for fun and profit and had a way of answering your questions to the level of intelligence of whom was asking. After the usual 50 hours of bible study, if you were still there, you then got some real science. It was always worth the wait and was actually necessary to understand where his MATHS came from. (Hebrew) Some Sydney college of religion sent 3 guys to Joe's house and he lectured them for days on what they missed in reading the hyphenated words and what the verse numbers related to, in context. He literally would be the smartest man you would ever meet. Most Intuitive too. They 'believed' they saw a desperate inventor to take to the cleaners.

Peter sought out alternative science on the net and came to the conclusion and even visited the Russellian Museum in Virginia as the answer to what was happening in the cars Internal Combustion Motor. He started on the quest a decade after he borrowed the first Cell as Joe had ceased educating Peter after the borrowing event. When Joe made the first Magnetic In Line Cell with Ring Magnets in 2007, Peter quickly went to Joe's House with a Video Camera to get Joe to spill the 'science'. Joe did oblige but only in so far as to 'put it out there'. So peter took these bits of science and began manufacturing In Line Cells for sale and Joe had no end of phone calls from very disgruntled buyers of these boat anchors. Over the course of 2007 and 2015 every time I visited Joe, these guys would show up just to say hi to Joe to see what we were up to. At no time did Peter ever want to understand what Joe had said of his Cells, instead trying to use his new found Russellian theories to explain their operation. Sad that Joe finally forbid the word "Russell" in his presence. Cliff Pound reported to the editor of Nexus Magazine where an article appeared in the '90's describing this 'new found energy'. The fact that dozens of people saw a car levitating only furthered the Mystic of the JoeCell. ASIO Agents came and video'd the "escort video" of the entire conversion which included taking the Jets out of the Carby after disconnecting the petrol. In the video, Joe claims the battery shorted out and the car stopped and he switched the motor back to 'petrol' but never replaced the Jets on the side of the road. This was done to thwart and self discredit the JoeCell to any trained investigative person to prove it was a fraud. Unless you know what is really happening. These 'tricks' Joe used with EVERYONE as it kept him alive and still breathing. ASIO sent around Jock Longfield and he built him a working JoeCell and installed it on his F150 Pickup in 1995. This was done so ASIO would have something they could NEVER reverse engineer. Jock phoned Joe when he began playing with ring Magnets in 2007 and reminded him about playing with things that can get one killed. He was essentially 'silenced' but still alive. He was on the "to do" list that Joe claimed to have seen when he tapped Jocks keyboard and it came up with his hit list page. To this day there is a motor in Melbourne still running on 'blocks' with no source of 'fuel' other than a stainless steel 'dripper' from a hospital blood infusion device attached to the engine block.

Alex Shifflier was part of the Melbourne mob that Joe visited in a working JoeCell car, for them to examine for 3 days and learn from the horses mouth. They KNEW it worked. But they KNEW NOT how. Lacking in 'science terms', they took everything Joe said on how to build this Cell and Alex being an Orgone fanatic cultist, proceeded to tell the world how to make this energy with a JoeCell design gleaned from Joe's unique way of telling the truth but leaving you wanting for more. Alex sent Joe a $1 check as "Royalties" for the Experimenters Manual to begin a 'paper trail' of 'Partnership'. Joe showed me the Check and the Printed Manual which he gave me. Joe refused to talk to these people ever again.

There were enough people that saw and experienced a Car running on the Energy from Water and not ever consuming the water. One car was examined by the university of Newcastle and they tried to get a Compliance Plate for it but that required an engineers certificate and no one could provide that. The 'evidence' for 4 years of cars running on JoeCells was such that Alex Schifflier was able to sell the idea to the world that anyone can build a JoeCell and run a car on Orgone. DaveL was the accumulated finale of that trial and error shit show on the Yahoo forums. Bernie wrote to me and said that DaveL and him and others debated the fact that the Motor DID NOT run on IMPLOSION energies as this meant the Valves would open when they shouldnt and the motor couldnt possible run. Forgive me but DaveL is still stuck on stupid over this operating procedure of the JoeCell. Its a Mental Universe Dave and such thoughts about the Cell not functioning this way guaranteed it would not. Dan Winter studied the Implosion of the JoeCell and he went off on a tangent using this limited understanding of Implosion and what causes it and he too has an economic interest to push his fake theories. Dont even get me started about EZ water....

One guy built a beautiful Cell and took it to Joe and asked him why it didnt run the car. So Joe grabbed the Cell and jumped in the car and said lets go for a drive. Joe as passenger, just touched the Cell to the metal on the door and the car accelerated and they all thought they would crash at the bottom of the Hill. Joe merely asked the Cell (after touching it and changing the vibrations of the Cell) to show us some Scalar energy. Asking it to show some Orgone energy, nothing happens, Orgone, as a unique energy form is merely a mislabeled "energy" we know as a Magnetic Field Bias and so cannot be 'produced'. It simply does not exist as they THINK it does. Reichs, orgone box is a self charging capacitor utilizing the Magnetic Fields of the Earth. Depending upon material construction determines its beneficial nature or not. Same as a pyramid.

The JoeCell that was mounted to the car they examined for 3 days was what Joe calls a "4 Way Cell". 4 tubes in a ss container that can have 4 distinct electrode placements for 4 distinct outcomes with 4 stages or PHASES to each Way the Cell is powered up. It had an electrode placement at the bottom of the Cell and Alex determined that this is the Only Cell design that will generate 'orgone'. Stage 3 Cell is the 3rd 'tapping' Sequence of the North Pole Negative Bias Cell. This was just too much info and so Alex took what he thought was all he needed to know and wrote a manual. ONE way of 16 ways was promoted and nothing was ever said of any other MAGIC that this Cell design could perform. Joe asked them many times to cease and desist but this orgone was too good and Alex knew it "worked". He got to examine a running car for 3 days. For those who know the Law. To run a car different from the Compliance Plate on another 'kind' of fuel is illegal and can have your car towed if stopped by the Police and you can be thrown in Jail for this. For Joe to acknowledge this device is capable of powering a car, was a serious offense. Joe has never used a computer or the internet or owned a mobile ph. Nothing can be attributed to him and they all misrepresented his words and designs. He had no way to correct this. 1000's eventually gave up experimenting with JoeCells because of Alex and Peter's fake orgone science when it was they who inspired them in the first place. The whole story is a travesty if I hadnt came along.

I was a bit like Joe in that I could fix most anything and I too rebuilt cars and motors. So I knew how they operated from a petroleum perspective. Most people DO NOT know the MECHANISM that makes the piston 'go down' in Petroleum engines much less the Mechanism that the JoeCell uses to suck them up in implosion physics.

The Atmosphere or WIND we refer to as Air has 2 major 'components' nitrogen and oxygen. We now know that Oxygen is made with a Positive Field Vibration and provides the 'energy' for Heat or Fire to manifest. Nitrogen is highly reactive to energy inputs or very 'stable' when encapsulated. (tyres on airplanes) As the Air is drawn into the motor and fuel added at the same time, when this mixture is Fired or Sparked the oxygen energy is released as Heat and this expands the Nitrogen instantly pushing the piston down. The fuel is ONLY the 'Catalyst' to release Oxygen energy to expand the highly reactionary Nitrogen or Neutrally charged AIR. The fuel catalyst requires Fire in the form of a spark to begin the frequency change of 'oxygen' to 'carbon monoxide' in what we call AIR. These are not chemical actions but frequency interactions that can permanently change the Memory of Earth, Water, Wind or Fire. To use Negatively charged AIR as the Catalyst to IMPLODE the Nitrogen instead of Petrol to EXPLODE the Nitrogen is the classic Opposite and Equal effect.

The 'car' JoeCell has the Negative terminal at the Centre bottom tube, creating a Negative Bias (neutral Centre) Magnetic Field Effect. This makes the Bubbles of Hypercharged Air Implosive when Sparked by a match or spark plug...  see this here... https://rumble.com/vh7v87-im-plosions-and-ex-plosions-demo.html

The bubble and the Field of the Water in the JoeCell are all Negatively charged. Thinking in terms of energy, frequency and vibration, These bubbles of Vibrational energy, as is the Water in the Cell, are now Magnetically Charged and Vibrate at a new rate or frequency and have POLARITY or a Magnetic Field like a magnet. When this Cell is attached to a dead bolt on the motor, after a period of time these Negative Field Vibrations permeate the iron or better still the Aluminium Block. The JoeCell is a Frequency device for permanently changing the vibration of 'matter' or changing its natural Memory of Vibration be it water or an engine block.

As the Air in drawn into the Motor that has a new Field Effect of IMPLOSION Field forces, it instantly Charges the Air with this same Vibration and it too wants to IMPLODE like in the above video. All it takes is a spark at the moment the cylinder is fully filled up with new air by setting the Distributor at approx 70 degrees before top dead centre and this implosion acts upon the Nitrogen component in the air and it implodes like in a thunder storm and the Air shrinks in volume 1400 times to make water or rain. The JoeCell imparts a new frequency to the motor and the air and uses the Opposite and Equal of Explosion or Heat as IMPLOSION or COLD fusion energies. The motor ran ice cold. If water doesnt have memory, then cold fusion cant exist either and we call this "over educated too far in the other direction" to quote Joe who rarely has a bad word about anything.

One could describe a JoeCell as a Mono Pole Field Generator. Its the same as the Mono Pole Field where the same poles of 2 magnets are joined together with a washer inbetween and the Washer exhibits a Mono Pole. The JoeCell makes the water Magnetic as a single or Unified Field Charge. Until I explained this to the 5000 odd members of the JoeCell forums, they were oblivious to the how a car motor actually runs and the Field Effect that is required to mimic nature we call Cold Fusion. No wonder no one ever reverse engineered a JoeCell, not even Peter.

Hooking one of these up to a car is an advanced usage of such technology and requires a very detailed knowledge of the Atomic Structure and the only 2 forces inherent in Nature. Namely Implosion and explosion or as Russell says it, Compression and Expansion. But for Alex, he marketed the JoeCell as an Orgone device for free energy and all Joe's 'science' was just hocus pocus.
I once went in the shed at Joe's and he had a beer keg full of water with a ConeCell in it. (I believe it can be done with a tubecell as well.) He took the Cell out of the water and told me to put my hand in the water which I did. He then said to swirl my hand in the water. It felt like a 1000 razor blades were 'nicking' my hand. The faster I twisted my hand the greater the sensation of electrical contact like touching a battery to one's tongue. This is the Water Effect one is looking for when making a JoeCell cold fusion battery in a stainless steel bucket of plain water.
All thats required once this water is charged appropriately is HALF of an old RADIO tuner with 2 wires attached immersed in the bucked for unlimited DC energy. Very few people were shown the ConeCell and what it does to the water. The world really only knows of the 4 way tube cell and then only one way to power it up and then only one way to use this energy if you figure it out.

Joe spent 1000s of hours playing with his Cells in solitude in his workshop figuring all this out with no back ground physics to add to the explanations. Spectators could disrupt any experiment with just their attitude of 'free energy'. Many people brought water or waste products to obtain a way to fix pollution. He would pour the water/used engine oil/acid mine waste/ gold bearing ore   into his cell and gave them the result they wanted... only no report was ever written and SIGNED OFF on by some over educated Academic for it to be invested in.

Its marketing strategy required Joe to either teach some one, or his Hands On involvement for commercialization. He can build things that do not require this Mental Universe training but then he's giving away his IP and its all he has to his name. He 'likes' it that I reveal what he does without revealing the IP. Like the Samsung Motor, you can do it, all you gotta do is begin. Any Experimenter Guide will not suffice if Faith is beyond your comprehension. With what I have revealed on OUR, you have much more than you actually need to have results. JoeCell experimenters only ever tried ONE way to achieve a result and never knew anything else could be done. Its not mine to give away but to Inspire mad scientists everywhere freeing them from fake satanic theories. In reading the bickering comments in some threads, after decades of inventors failing to teach others how to get their free energy, I can see the frustrations. Over Unity is CREATION technology and requires Creation understandings. I cant tell you how to run a car on a JoeCell. I can tell you why it runs a car and how to experiment with one. Same goes for any Joe Designed Cell.

The Great Work is an Alchemical term for the process of working with the prima materia to create the philosopher's stone which has never been fully understood. Prima materia is WATER also known as Earth, Wind and Fire. This 'stone' can be ANY product that imbues the Vibrations (chi/prana/scalar etc) of its CREATOR who can only be an educated or a Learned man of God as the Quintessence or the God Source Code of all the Energy manifestations we should know as our Water Based Universe. Electricity is 'Water Vibrations' as the crystals vibrate back and forth it separates into 2 charges or forces. Pull and Push. Pos and Neg. Expansion and Compression. One theorist called it a Reciprocating Universe and was the reason the RA material of Hermes Laws were rejected. Truly you can lead a horse to knowledge but you cant make it think. Its even more entrenched now that we are the Planet of the Apps.

The Keyword for this Sermon is FAITH.
Knowing of 'god', 'aether', Scalar, Light Crystals or the Inverted Triangle Water 'symbol'. These are the Things your Conscious Faith knows are the only 'things' in existence to be willed to create by YOUR Conscious thoughts and visions to assist with your I-Magi n-ation (my magi n action) to believe in what you can do. And why Wait. If you put your MIND to it, knowing your Scalar god energies can have The Power of God really manifest creating your imaginative ideas to fruition with either hands of Healing or inventiveness or enlightenment.

To take God from our collective consciousness by education, sees so few church goers in a nice extended loving family like the boomers had it as kids. This involved debasing the Word God by using the word Faith in conjunction. The mantra of How can you have FAITH in a God that cant be proven to exist? It took a long time to make god look bad from a FAITH perspective. Degrading this word has meant we cant have FAITH in anything any more. Odds are you will be unfaithful to someone so Faith is already tarnished. We lose all faith in humanity when we find out the medicines and doctors, we cant have faith in anymore for fear of being poisoned literally to death. YOU NEED TO LEARN FAITH if you are going to build a JoeCell. Faith in yourself. Faith in a higher source for 'everything' you can imagine you will need. Faith someone believes that this JoeCell has an amazing healing capability, if nothing else to build it for. This I can tell you how to build. I managed to get one out of Joe that has 3 JoeCells in 2 basins so many can be treated at once. It is truly the Healing hand of God in a bucket and all from just one car battery. All JoeCells work best with one car battery. Unless one knows the secret of other phases from multiple batteries.

Physician... first heal thy self...

Hero Member

Posts: 1579

...Over Unity is CREATION technology and requires Creation understandings.

...These are the Things your Conscious Faith knows are the only 'things' in existence to be willed to create by YOUR Conscious thoughts and visions to assist with your I-Magi n-ation (my magi n action) to believe in what you can do. And why Wait. If you put your MIND to it, knowing your Scalar god energies can have The Power of God really manifest creating your imaginative ideas

...To take God from our collective consciousness by education, sees so few church goers in a nice extended loving family like the boomers had it as kids. This involved debasing the Word God by using the word Faith in conjunction. The mantra of How can you have FAITH in a God that cant be proven to exist?

...It is truly the Healing hand of God


This is a scientific forum. This user is turning into a God Squad ranter and appears to be tryting to use these pages to propoagate religious beliefs.

This should not be happening.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1768

This is a scientific forum. This user is turning into a God Squad ranter and appears to be tryting to use these pages to propoagate religious beliefs.

This should not be happening.
I substitute the word god for whatever deity, quantum force, life force, zero point etc that suits . I would encourage this discussion. There is much in this universe we don't understand. More civil discussions by curious minds should be free to take place here.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1768
Merlynn I live in Melbourne. Would the engine be open to be viewed by a curious mind?
Full Member

Posts: 140

This is a scientific forum. This user is turning into a God Squad ranter and appears to be tryting to use these pages to propoagate religious beliefs.

This should not be happening.

Since when was the study of God not "scientific"?
Since when was the Study of these Intuitive Arts not Scientific?
Since when was the study of Mind over Matter Not scientific?
Since when was looking for more to understand not scientific?
Science is to QUESTION EVERYTHING not ban "misinformation" because some one Owns the Science you must Trust to be safe and effective.

If, as it happens, that a belief in a Higher Source of all energy is part of the experiment then it must be investigated and questioned according to Science Principles of Questioning everything.

Walter Russell says EXACTLY the same thing. philosophy.org. 'Without Mind there is No Creation'. Most people not only fail to understand this MIND thing but also fail to use it as it was created to use. Emoto showed us the infancy of this SCIENCE. Joe takes it to the INVENTING Level.

This is the JoeCell Initiative thread. It surly relates to ALL things JoeCell yes Paul? You certainly could not disagree could you? If part of that Science that Joe espouses is God related, why must I exclude it when there are those who want to know this Art of Mind over Matter and what is required to preform such Magic to build the impossible that Ungodly people fail to do?

Joe's standard answer to the 100's of varying questions of "How do you know these things Joe?" and lets face it Paul, he knows things you would LOVE to know, (if not then why are you commenting on this thread?) Joe's standard answer and Ive heard him say it at least a dozen times is... "GOD tells me what I need to know when I need to know it".  Stick around Paul, I will eventually give this thread lots of examples of how GOD tells Joe what he needs to know. And each and every example will be SCIENCE but maybe not as you would like to believe in it Paul. Everything you've ever dreamed of making in some form from ideas presented on this forum, Joe has built a working prototype. I havent even begun to explain some of his inventions. And Paul... if you want to replicate any of them as time goes on, its best to understand the god equation in this universe. Or not. Its your choice but dont stand in the way of those who may want to know why, after decades of over unity research, you cant go to your local over unity store and buy something much less go to your fav forum and build something. I would be pleased if you never responded to any Post I make again if its going to be as disruptive as this one. We would all be better off that way. For you, there will never be enough proof it seems. The threads and benches I respond to are very appreciative of my input. So lets each stick to OUR own.

In the following video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKS2UdRz9DE&t=303s
Joe adds 2 waters and sparks them 4 times (to active the 4th Phase of Elemental matter or FIRE;  as in Earth, Water and Wind being the 1st three. Its a SCIENCE Paul. But not as you know it.

Joe did this demo the first time in front of me at that same table back in 2007. (its at his old house) In the comments someone asks for a transcript. Did you see the guy who stuck his nose on the spoon to 'smell' the water? Joe specifically asks that no one touches this spoon and then this nose sticks itself into Field and he couldnt get it to light and has to start again. They are talking about Charged waters with each of the 2 bottles having a different Charge. There is no alcohol involved. These are the same bottles Joe used for my personal demo of this experiment. I 'tasted' each one just like the guy in the Vid does. No one says there's alcohol involved. It takes 4 sparks to make it burn. Not 1 nor 2 not even 3 but 4 sparks. If there was alcohol, NO sparks would be needed and Joe wouldn't have had to do it again when some nosey guy disrupts the Field Effect in a Mental Universe. Joe copped a lot of flak over this video. So since 2007 and these bottles were used up by drinking and burning, and Joe literally never does the same experiment twice or make the same Cell design again, always seeking to do it differently, I have watched Joe over the last 16 years do this Burning Water experiment more than a Dozen times and here is my video taken in 2013 or so where he AGAIN just uses a DC power source (Ive seen him do it with a near FLAT car battery even) to activate the Memory of Fire within water. Those present in the workshop are my family.

The Spiel.
Joe and I have done this many times. I took my family to see Real Science and Video'd it. Here is that Fathers Day 2015 presentation. It has been witnessed by literally 100's of people over the years. The DC 'electricity' source has come from a flat car battery, a small 12VDC wall charger and in this video, from a Telecom Battery Charger (old school power tech). Mostly we use a car battery as Pure Flat-Line DC works best. This particular Burning Water Video is; The Alchemy of adding Fire to Water using https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-technology/baghdad-battery-0078
You can schedule an Appointment with Joe and see this done anytime. You must bring your own bottled water.
If you doubt this can be done as presented, then the problem is in your Mind. We are here to fix that.
To fully understand what is happening to the Water Structure, one needs a whole new Atomic Theory. It takes the INTENT of the MIND FIELD (Emoto's discoveries) to a whole nuther level. If you can bend spoons, you can learn to do this or vice versa. You have everything you need to be self sufficient, unless you believe in 'electrons', then you are muchly handicapped and pretty much guaranteed to fail to replicate this.The Magi, from Persia, practiced Magic using Magnetics. A Battery is a FLOW of MAGNETIC CURRENT.
One day back in 2013, Maurice, a Gold Miner was negotiating with us to acquire Gold Separation Tech using just "Magnetic Water". As part of the Tech Demo, this 'Burning Water" procedure was done. No matter how many matches were thrown at the water it would not burn on this day. Not until Maurice exited and stood outside the shed could we "light" the water. Gold Miners tend to be greedy 'service to self' people. He wanted ALL the IP, not just Precious Metal extraction. He didnt even know why he failed the interview and there was no way to tell him.

The Tube JoeCell is a device that uses a Battery and electrodes to change the Memory of Water. In this case to the Memory of Fire but it can be the Memory of any 'element' or compound or 'other' liquid.

Joe has a Battery (his grey matter brain) and two 'electrodes' being his Right hand which is a Positive Terminal or electrode and his Left Hand which is a Negative Terminal and he has "Memory" held in his Bio Field and Every Cell in his Body to transfer the Memory of Fire into the Water. Emoto is flat out getting the Water Pattern to be perfect. Its easy to make water burn. Just add it to an OIL fire like the instructions on water fire extinguishers STATE NOT TO DO. So what is it that an oil fire 'adds' to water to make it burn or literally explode? Remembering Teslas quote to understand Burning Water, how ever its done, to understand it, we think in terms of FREQUENCY and Vibration from Joes Fingers is aided with or AMPLIFIED by DC Current Vibrations. Being God Like and Walking the Talk and praying like Emoto says.... helps.

You have everything you need to know to make water BURN or turn it into wine if you just have FAITH in yourself and follow (gods) Laws of Creation. We call this Process "Chemical Emulation" and you can see Carbon Emulated here... https://rumble.com/vhodfb-full-unedited-version-of-oil-from-water..html
Hero Member

Posts: 1579
Since when was the study of God not "scientific"?

This thread is about the Joe Cell. Give Him a special thread.

(For some reason that I have never undertstood, energy forums can attract people who are there primarily to sell religious beliefs rather than for the purpose of the forum).

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1768
This thread is about the Joe Cell. Give Him a special thread.

(For some reason that I have never undertstood, energy forums can attract people who are there primarily to sell religious beliefs rather than for the purpose of the forum).
That is a misrepresentation of the above post. I'm not religious but I am very interested in the context of the Joe Cell evolution . I see no one selling religion.
Full Member

Posts: 140
Merlynn I live in Melbourne. Would the engine be open to be viewed by a curious mind?

Do you have a Level 1 Security Clearance?

In Tasmania there sits this 'motor'.   The Bucket of Charged Water that I put my hand in and it felt like a 1000 cuts with a knife was Charged by a ConeCell. During the (Hyper)Charge process, the water wanted to rotate in the bucket anti-clockwise during charging. Joe picked up a very long screw driver and swirled the water clockwise and watched the water slowly stop turning and begin rotating the other direction. It was a function of Charged Water not anything 'random'. When he threw the screwdriver on the bench, all the metallic items on the bench 'jumped' to the screwdriver. So he investigated this phenomena. As it happened there was a ring magnet on the bench and his masters voice told him to place the screwdriver into the Ring Magnet. Joe was unable to stop the shaft of the screwdriver from rotating in the centre of the Ring magnet. It did NOT attract to the magnet when INSIDE the Field. Joe discovered a new motor.

So he got 2 ring magnets for thickness, and placed them in a lathe and CUPPED them out in their centre. He then took a steel shaft and lathed it in the shape of an Icecream cone of the same bevel as the Cup. Then he swirled this cone in the charged water to magnetise it. This matching cup and cone configuration he then mounted on the input shaft of a Ford panel van instead of the V8 petrol motor. A Lever inside on the dash was used to bring the Cup closer or insert more if it into the Cone making the input shaft of the Gearbox spin. In 4th gear it would spin the tires accelerating from a standing start. A motor with only two magnets and 2 bearing supports. But But But God !!!!!! There is no place for Him in this scientific forum or heaven for christs sake.

With the Ring magnets and the Neutral Washer used to Join the Same Magnetic Poles together, Joe found that this plain mild steel washer would not rust when left in water. The Magnetic In Line Cell should have water kept inside it by valves either end to retain "Memory" of the Mind Program imparted between usages. So this washer is always immersed in water but never rusts even if removed from between the 2 magnets.

This is beyond comprehension of particle science electron brains. it represents a Patentable Method to replace expensive stainless steel. It probably is the Method whereby the Iron Pillar in Delhi never rusts after 1000's of years of exposure to the elements.

The JoeCell.. Brought to you by God through Joe. Like it or Not, its how it happened and it has so many by products, inventions or methodology of usage it is a Revelation in Science. To leave out Gods Hand in the Joecell would be a travesty of miss information by omission.
Joe has in many instances, made Tesla's AC obsolete and the Wheel as well. His Hoverboard works better over water, unlike Michael J Foxes Back to the Future 'hoverboard'. One could surf all the way to Hawaii. Im not trying to sell religion, nor stainless steel components. I am explaining the JoeCell in the JoeCell thread and how it was created or invented into existence. I am not leaving anything out. This is the way it was explained to me and unlike Peter Stevens and Alex Schlfflier I havnet changed it to fit my belief in electrons or orgones or isodopes. Absolutely astounding anyone would see this as a Bannable offense.

Full Member

Posts: 140
This thread is about the Joe Cell. Give Him a special thread.

 energy forums can attract people who are there primarily to sell religious beliefs rather than for the purpose of the forum

Would not the JoeCell thread be the special thread you are looking for?  You know that Tree in front of the Forest for them with eyes to SEE and FEEL the ENERGY Fields around the JoeCell.

Religion is only a belief system for a community to unite under.
Regardless of what you 'believe' your Belief parameters ARE a RELIGION you live by.
The act if having a 9 to 5 job your whole life becomes a religion. A way of Life.
Religion defines what the group can follow. The difference between a Cult and a Culture is the amount of Land they own according to Frank Zappa. Free Energy Forums ARE a CULT onto themselves where some claim to be the definitive last word on Physical Phenomena and evilution and tranny diversity who join two poles together and get Jack smitzth.

In Fact, Religions have nothing to do with a God or some mythical sky dweller. Bolshevism, communism and capitalism ARE religions.
God enters the equation because SO MANY have 'religious' experiences.
its estimated 5 % of the population have seen what they believe to be an Unidentified Flying Object.
I saw my first as a teenager. I had footsteps in the house and chains rattling in the garage where later I found out someone hanged himself with chains. I have published this Ongoing UFO experience here.
Apart from the many sightings as a Night Time Varmint hunter back in the 70's I even had an Out of Body (astral) experience after a car wreck that lasted for 20 minutes. It was the first. Close but not quite a near death experience.
In 1988 I built a 3 story Pyramid House aligned True North.
Would 'religion' explain any of the following experiences that in some of these cases many were witness too?
A Fire Place that starts by itself with no wood or matches in the House while we were asleep. (5 witnesses) 2 occurrences. (how do spirits carry wood 100 meters and enter a house to build a fire?)
Doors that open and close while we are eating at the table. many witnesses and many occurrences.
Maids that refuse to be in the house if no one else is there. "There's a Mauri in that bedroom and he doesnt like visitors". He came with the NZ Pine Poles.
Levitating off the bed taking the blankets with her. Witnessed by me. Them dam pesky past life life Lovers from Marie Antoinette's inner circle came visiting. Lemme tell you, the kids moved out of the Pyramid house into the cottage next door the day they finished Boarding school to have a more 'normal' existence. Me? Almost every night I tell the House of Enchantment, to give it a rest, I'm trying to get some sleep.
2 Men in Black with red eyes physically examining my 'being' and vanishing when the wife screamed at them.
One Man in Black doing a Shape shifting performance to satisfy my curiosity about his 'origin', and then we headed to the workshop to turn water into oil and make fire from a lighter go DOWN the water exiting a garden hose. Literally 100's of stories here.
And to this day, I have a 7 foot 'black guy' living (stalking would be a more appropriate word) in my computer room reading everything as I write it. It shuts down the computer if I misrepresent the FACTS. It has to be perfect both historically and scientifically. Paul also prefers his Religion that way.

In 1996 The fun really started after meeting Joe. Joe grilled me for 3 hours about my belief in God. In the end we agreed to a draw, as I concluded with, "For me, the Jury is still out on this God subject as I have too much info after 41 years of experiencing and even playing with the type of Phenomena they make movies out of". Many of these phenomena I have written about before.
You want to understand God... build a Pyramid house and really play with some Energy. Ask and Ye shall receive. No one knows how to actually ask anymore much less Seek to Find. Most here think truth can be found on some forum and when it is... we have to ban God for Christ's sake. I will Post in the Pyramid energy thread when time permits.

So Joe taught me about electricity, water and metallurgy or 'Elementology' or Geology as Petrified Biology, and the very existence of his God. After 9 months of Joe we parted ways for 10 years in Sept 1996. Joe took a 10 year break in Inventing until I came back with the Theoretical of all his Practical plus a few practical experiments of my own. I NOW understood.

In 1997 I teamed up with a 'Man in Black' and he designed the 7 Ringed Array thats marketed today as the Q2 Energy Spa. The Cube, The Aqua Chi and the BEFE unit. Four separate companies spun off from a design scratched on a piece of paper and brought to fruition from a working prototype made in my farm workshop. When one 'asks' for a device to cure everything, after Joe showed me devices (tube and cone Cells) that CURED everything, it is prudent to be careful what one asks for as you might just receive it. Y'all just want to run a car or something for free for christs sake.

Joe came to a Q2 energy spa exhibition at the Italian Club in Brisbane in '97 and as he walked up to the 7 Ringed Array bubbling away he held out his hand some 3 meters away from the bucket of water and said, 'Powerful isnt it? I can feel it all the way out here'. This Energy Manifestation is OBLIVIOUS to most people. How do you describe what they cant see or Feel? How do you describe color to a blind man? How do I describe Electricity to a Brainwashed Over Unity researcher without describing its Creator or the very least how a Baghdad Battery functions and NOT as some 'super capacitor'.

Its not a hard sell, its a Revelation. Mark my words or be marked. Autopsies reveal damage to the Pineal Gland effectively C19Vaxxing one against Spirit or God or the ability to FEEL these Vibrations from 3 meters away. Yes your Pineal Gland is the Sensory Gland for these Spiritual Aetheric Vibrations. Steiner predicted this. Edgar Cayce whom I read extensively in the 70's & 80's read his Bible every day of his life. Cayce said that the Hope for the world (white people after vaxxing 90% of them in the West) will come from Russia after 2020. Yes Russia will save the White race, but selling god is BAD. Understanding Prophecy is BAD. Its a Religion thing and must be BAD. Putin is Bad. These same people who make these labels of "Bad". calls for you to trust the science (not religion or God) and to question the H2O or Electron theory of over unity is Bad. Pons et al is BAD and of course wrong says some tranny poster herein. Just like internet sources say that 5G induces FLU like symptoms of runny nose and sinus soreness with coughing is exactly what I suffered in Vegas last month. Here is the real Science of energy, frequency and vibration for you to fight this globohomo tranny takeover of the world and...... "No" says some... because its a god thing. The 7 ringed array is designed to De-Calcify the Pineal Gland making one better able to train oneself to see Auras and feel these Aetheric Vibrations from 3 meters away. Sort of combining real healing science with meditation like lessons. Inventor, first heal thyself.

The JoeCell is a Mind Opener. My observations have concluded most are too tightly shut and cannot be opened to the reality of ALL the ENERGY Manifestations one can study if one seeks using SPIRIT. Joe had a ConeCell in a bucket in his living room and a car battery for power. He used it for healing and teaching. He would wash it under the kitchen sink, fill it full of water and connect the Battery and it would bubble profusely.  Then he would ask the person present to do the same. When the battery lead was attached to the Cell the battery INSTANTLY went flat thus no bubbles. No spark at all. Then Joe would take a coil and use it to short the battery and it became fully charged again and again the filling and connecting for another flat battery again. The battery did not go flat when Joe connected the Leads but it DID for every other person who was asked to operate the Cell with Joe sitting 3 meters away. If Joe "saw" that you were of such an open mind type to the existence of a Higher CONTROLLER over Physical experimentation's he might tell you your 'wrong think'. Aristotle said the Quintessence Governed or set the Laws by which the 4 Elemental States of Matter interacted. The Quintessence is also known as Tesla's AETHER or the Bibles 'Heaven' or the Mystic Akashic of Edgar Cayce's Records that he used to glean info for his Cures and prophesy. Its not God, its Not Religion, its Universal Laws but humans for some reason, like to 'personify' these Laws as coming from some 'enforcer'. And therein, this 'personification' leads us to the word God. Your God is not the same as my God but the Laws of the Universe are Constant and the same as yesterday, today and tomorrow. One doesnt 'Sell' or even BUY God, one is revealed to Energy Manifestations and one may tell others about such wonders of Magnetic Vibrations being the Source of Energy by Frequency and one can be crucified for doing so if you cure the Blind (Lu Britts wife was blind for 20 years in one eye until Joe Cured it with just a Car Battery) Or Heal the Sick, (Kathy and her Thyroid by a battery) Fix the Lame ( Immersion of Golden Staff in a bucket of water to make this man walk again instead of amputation) I literally can give a 100 testimonials of these MIRACLE Cures using Car Batteries and Water with Stainless Steel antennas. (25,000 7 ringed arrays used by a million people in 25 years equals a lot of miracles) Joe says its God who does the Healing but I prefer the Creation of a Neutral Centre for Aetheric energy to manifest and correct the 'electrical Biology' of disease. Invoking 'god' makes the ConeCell Bubble and do the Healing whereas thinking you are just attaching electrodes to make stage 3 bubbles sees the Battery lose ALL its 'energy'. Its very humbling for some. For others no proof will ever suffice that God exists as a Force to be reckoned with. These types may be on Free energy forums another 10 years and still not figure it out what it actually is they are trying to make more of "mechanically" using Science they can Trust from a group trying to poison them with electrons powering and CREATING the Electric Universe with Birkland thunder bolts. Wall Thornhill Died Suddenly as he too Trusted his own 'science'. In 2015 I posted many times in their forum this Field Science. If you want to join a Cult... this one has no God so is a perfect candidate for the ungodly to evolve into a transhuman or die suddenly eventually.

The JoeCell. A revelation in Scientific Understandings if you really want to know about Scalar or anything over unity.

Like hooking up the electrodes to the Teaching Cell, the instant the Samsung motor is rotated (as described in Cadmans Bench) is Over Unity if you understand the Quintessence as the 'source' of (gods) Universal energy that makes this physical universe, Healing is no longer a Miracle, Scalar is no longer "longitudinal waves' and its a Magnetic Water Universe.

Or one can join every forum looking for them ungodly schematics that will never satisfy one's desire for proof as the vaxxed count the days to their enslavement in a Bio Metric, money metered, monopoly. The End has Begun.

Any Questions?


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1768
Do you have a Level 1 Security Clearance?

In Tasmania there sits this 'motor'.   The Bucket of Charged Water that I put my hand in and it felt like a 1000 cuts with a knife was Charged by a ConeCell. During the (Hyper)Charge process, the water wanted to rotate in the bucket anti-clockwise during charging. Joe picked up a very long screw driver and swirled the water clockwise and watched the water slowly stop turning and begin rotating the other direction. It was a function of Charged Water not anything 'random'. When he threw the screwdriver on the bench, all the metallic items on the bench 'jumped' to the screwdriver. So he investigated this phenomena. As it happened there was a ring magnet on the bench and his masters voice told him to place the screwdriver into the Ring Magnet. Joe was unable to stop the shaft of the screwdriver from rotating in the centre of the Ring magnet. It did NOT attract to the magnet when INSIDE the Field. Joe discovered a new motor.

So he got 2 ring magnets for thickness, and placed them in a lathe and CUPPED them out in their centre. He then took a steel shaft and lathed it in the shape of an Icecream cone of the same bevel as the Cup. Then he swirled this cone in the charged water to magnetise it. This matching cup and cone configuration he then mounted on the input shaft of a Ford panel van instead of the V8 petrol motor. A Lever inside on the dash was used to bring the Cup closer or insert more if it into the Cone making the input shaft of the Gearbox spin. In 4th gear it would spin the tires accelerating from a standing start. A motor with only two magnets and 2 bearing supports. But But But God !!!!!! There is no place for Him in this scientific forum or heaven for christs sake.

With the Ring magnets and the Neutral Washer used to Join the Same Magnetic Poles together, Joe found that this plain mild steel washer would not rust when left in water. The Magnetic In Line Cell should have water kept inside it by valves either end to retain "Memory" of the Mind Program imparted between usages. So this washer is always immersed in water but never rusts even if removed from between the 2 magnets.

This is beyond comprehension of particle science electron brains. it represents a Patentable Method to replace expensive stainless steel. It probably is the Method whereby the Iron Pillar in Delhi never rusts after 1000's of years of exposure to the elements.

The JoeCell.. Brought to you by God through Joe. Like it or Not, its how it happened and it has so many by products, inventions or methodology of usage it is a Revelation in Science. To leave out Gods Hand in the Joecell would be a travesty of miss information by omission.
Joe has in many instances, made Tesla's AC obsolete and the Wheel as well. His Hoverboard works better over water, unlike Michael J Foxes Back to the Future 'hoverboard'. One could surf all the way to Hawaii. Im not trying to sell religion, nor stainless steel components. I am explaining the JoeCell in the JoeCell thread and how it was created or invented into existence. I am not leaving anything out. This is the way it was explained to me and unlike Peter Stevens and Alex Schlfflier I havnet changed it to fit my belief in electrons or orgones or isodopes. Absolutely astounding anyone would see this as a Bannable offense.
It falls into the category of "cool story bro" if you make an unverifiable claim. It's sounds interesting and good luck in whatever you are doing
Hero Member

Posts: 1579

...Autopsies reveal damage to the Pineal Gland effectively C19Vaxxing one against Spirit or God

...Cayce said that the Hope for the world (white people after vaxxing 90% of them in the West) will come from Russia after 2020.

...Yes Russia will save the White race,

...as the vaxxed count the days to their enslavement in a Bio Metric, money metered, monopoly. The End has Begun.

Any Questions?

Yes. What are your motives? The device was launched in the early 1990s. If the device will power a car or even an electric toothbrush, show Jim.

Are you happy with this?


Posts: 19
I really do not like the direction in which this thread is going.
Can I please get Moderator status on my thread  ?

Merlyn...there is a lot of noise from your side , with stories and stories , but I think it is time to let JOE(the man from Australia) rest.

If you Merlyn can teach us something or have something to show , please do so  , else I do not see any reason to keep this thread Open.

Thank you.
Hero Member

Posts: 1579

Can I please get Moderator status on my thread  ?

A good idea. There are a couple you could ask in the first page of this thread.
Full Member

Posts: 140

Can I please get Moderator status on my thread  ?

If you Merlyn can teach us something or have something to show , please do so

Thank you.

Yes. What are your motives? The device was launched in the early 1990s. If the device will power a car or even an electric toothbrush, show Jim.

Yes Moderators, Can you please start another Thread in the Water as Fuel division titled The Many JoeCells of Joe. or The JoeCell as he taught it to MerLynn or similar. It is possible to be a Moderator of this New JoeCell thread so that those who really want to understand this Genius can without the Noise of the nay sayers.

Thanks in advance.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4042
Here we have people who would like to learn/ witness this transformation/or transmutation
I see you reached out for Dave L( or tried)

One thing which is very odd to read in your posts ( I am confused by this save the white race or something?
Is this exclusive
Or ?
All inclusive ( the technology you wish to present ..
If you will allow some visits or teaching ?
I can ask our host about a builders bench ( which you would moderate)
Is that your plan to teach ?

I can also try to reach Dave
Chet K
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