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2025-03-28, 12:31:25
News: Forum TIP:
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Author Topic: Posting Tips  (Read 8473 times)

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Here we can post tips for new and not-so-new users. Here are two to start...

Adding embedded links

Sometimes url links are long and complicate/mess up a post, or are so long that they "break" the post and go off the page. A nice way to keep a post clean and simple is to use embedded links on a text string.

As an example, rather than pasting the link to OUR as: https://www.overunityresearch.com, you could simply type "OUR", highlight it, and hit the "Insert Hyperlink" button under the I. What pops up is [ url ]OUR[ /url ] (minus the spaces). The trick to using it requires you to add a "=" after the first "url" and pasting in the url so that it looks like the following (minus the spaces) [ url=https://www.overunityresearch.com ]OUR[ /url ]. This change will add an underline to the text string indicating it is an embedded link, and in this case it will look like OUR.

Adding horizontal lines

Rather than typing a gazillion -'s to make a line, simply click the "<---->" button.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
In line with staying true to OUR goals, here are some guideline reminders to topics and behaviours that will not be permitted/tolerated at OUR:

from: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4082.msg90512#msg90512

Until further notice, these and any other topics of the following nature will be locked:

1) Politics
2) Climate Change
3) COVID-19
4) Religion
5) Philosophy
6) Conspiracy Theories
7) etc. etc. etc...(you get the idea)

For those still wishing to discuss these types of topics are encouraged to seek out other venues and forums to do so.

Casual non-FE topics will continue to be permitted, just be advised that any topics or posts that wade into the forbidden zone will be dealt with swiftly and firmly, and may lead to users being placed on read only access (or more severe measures taken if necessary).


OUR - Admin.

from: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4326.msg100341#msg100341

And these behaviours:

...no tolerance for slander, defamation, or derogatory/malicious criticism (i.e. attacking the person not the idea), etc.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Other topics that should be avoided (cont'd):

8 ) Spirit world
9) Ghosts
10) Angels, fairies, sirens and mermaids

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
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