This project looks a lot like redesigning the amateur radio antenna.
Check out the Isotron antenna, I have one setting out back.
It had a very narrow bandwidth, so was not so useful across the whole Amateur band.
It is my experimental experience that these sort of devices radiate the energy outwards as an RF field.
They act as and are calculated as a load to a transmitter.
The Isotron was driven with an HF transmitter at 100 watts, feedline 52 ohms coax. It is a coil in the center with two capacitor plates setting above and below it. It is not very large but can radiate on 80 meters pretty well. They make them band specific, so you need multiple units to hit all the HF bands.
It is an RF load.
If tunned off frequency, there will be reflected energy back to the transmitter that is out of phase, the transmitter will either burn up or shut down.
We use an antenna analyzer to adjust the center point of the tunned frequency, so we do not burn up the transmitters.
Your end caps with extra loading coil on one side will pull the frequency down and charge up to extremely high voltages at resonance, there will be voltage nodes on both ends of it. People have phtographed a blue glow off the plates of the Isotron at times.
This has only to do with EM resonance.
So your addition of a coil off one capacitor plate will cause that side of the dipole to reflect energy back at a different frequency then the side without the coil, and it will unbalance the feedline back to the transmitter, which if it is a new transmitter will shut down or at least throttle the power back to a very low output. If it is not SWR protected it will fry the transmitter output transistors.
And if you have resonance on a dipole you do not have to feed it with high voltage, the high voltage will appear at the ends of the dipole. At the center you will have high currents.
Isotron Antenna----------------------------------------------------------
That said you can use that form to generate a vibration field around the device in space, by adjusting it's dimensions correctly.
Your spacing of one radius is the right idea. 1/2 Radius will activate a HEX vibration form on the two discs. A T field bubble based on the mass resonance of the two discs, and pull up energy from the mass level turning it into a Tensor type of field. This will appear without any EM applied, how it reacts to EM may be of interest. It will resonate with applied frequency by the formula 1/2 radius length = x mm = x khz, usually done with a scalar coil. This has nothing to do with RF EM resonance which is in general a loss of energy.
Self Resonant Disk StackDaveL