Hi smudge, Thanks to your documentary work on Chava, Coler's machine is the only one that I keep from the past, which could indeed be the demonstration of a new phenomenon. However there is still the problem of the origin of the energy. To say that it comes from the ZPE, from nuclear effects, or why not from a Maxwell demon or other exotic sources is what one says when one has in fact no idea of the real mechanism at work, nor of the cause and effect relationships between the exotic source and the production of electrical energy. The study of currents inside ferromagnetic conductors is surely one of the best ways to try to understand what could have happened and how it could lead to self-oscillations or DC (which can be rectified self-oscillations). The first thing to do is imho to test the reality of an abnormal elementary effect by an experiment. I'm pondering on the subject but not making much progress...
"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"