Copied from my posts on
In my experiments I found there is no real difference between splitting the (+) or the (-). So while some like Gray split the (+) even more inventors like Tesla, Carlos Benitez, Hendershot were splitting the (-).
Splitting the (+) is a series circuit configuration where a higher (+) polarity is discharged into a lower (+) polarity. So we place two 12v batteries in series for 24v and connect the (+)24v terminal to the (+) terminal of another 12v battery and connect the negative terminals together. This gives us 24v series minus the reversed 12v battery for a true circuit voltage of 12v.
(-)12v(+)----(-)12v(+)--<<<<<<--(+)12v(-), Note >>> is the electron current.
The real question is why do it, what is the benefit?.
This concept is difficult for most people because they can understand concepts like voltage, current and power however the concept of Energy is generally foreign to them. Think of it this way, if I place a resistor in series with a battery the energy tends to dissipate in the resistor as heat and not the battery because it forms a circuit node in the resistor. However if I shorted the battery with a heavy bar the node is now within the battery which overheats and tends to explode. As such energy nodes are formed in every circuit where opposite (+) and (-) polarities merge and energy is transformed, nodes can concentrate or dissipate energy.
Now if we split the positives and short the connection between the 24v(+) and the 12v(+) terminals the circuit node is now within the 12v battery which charges rapidly. So even with a dead short in the system at worst were recharging the 12v battery versus generating heat elsewhere. As such, splitting like polarities is a simple way to increase efficiency and reduce I^2R losses by controlling where energy dissipates within a circuit.
There is much more to it because these nodes where energy can either dissipate or concentrate can become motional within a circuit. However these advanced concepts are far beyond the scope of this conversation.
Regards AC
« Last Edit: 2021-04-16, 16:30:35 by Allcanadian »
Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman