Contrary to what is written, the coils you showed us are inductive. Since the number of turns is odd, the magnetic field of one turn is not cancelled out. You need to add or remove one turn. Its not that hard
Wind a bifilar air coil, 1", 28mm dia with a twin wire, such as speaker cable, 12" long or 300mm.
Place a small compass next to the side of the coil.
Connect the coil as a capacitor only connect in series with a 20uF non polarised cap, speaker cross over cap is good.
Charge with 300v DC or so and watch the compass when charging.
Short through a 10 ohm 5w resistor and repeat.
Using two N mosfets such as IRF840 along with a flip flop or johnson counter clocked at say 10kHz should do the trick. You can change the frequency as needed.
You should see the needle deflection or (spin depending of the frequency), that is the emergent magnetic field between the plates ( turns of the coil )which only happens when charging.
Not complicated, you just have to think about it! Its not that hard;topic=403.0;attach=53381;image;topic=403.0;attach=53383;image
What's not hard? Providing images of coils is not difficult, and we could present dozens of others corresponding to Centralflow's text. Not only do we not know exactly what type of coil he's talking about, but your images lack answers to key questions. “Connect the coil as a capacitor only": meaningless sentence How is the 20 µF capacitor or the switch connected? “Charge with 300v DC": charge what? ‘the coil as a capacitor’ or the ‘20uF non polarised cap’? “Short through a 10 ohm 5w resistor and repeat": short what? How? And repeat what? “You can change the frequency as needed": what frequency? 0.1 Hz or 150 GHz? The order of magnitude isn't even indicated. The only thing that's clear is that it's impossible to do, given the thousands of configurations you can imagine apart from this gibberish that makes no operational sense. When you present an experiment, you have to do it precisely and respond to requests for clarification, otherwise it's really contempt for others. It's easy to see that the guy's not here to build anything, but to show off to the gullible, who will waste their time guessing and conjecturing before the grand master who pulls the mysterious strings and surely has a higher purpose than informing you. That's what we're doing now. The grand master has won, he has his cult.
« Last Edit: 2025-03-02, 10:49:08 by F6FLT »
"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"