What do you mean by "turn one in the middle around"? Do you mean to flip it over or make it rotate?
No switch, SM did not know why it turned off when flipped over and asked the entire forum if anyone knew why. At the time I did not.
SM explained that the center of the TPU is a "void " and safe place to locate the electronics.
I think your device is different from the TPU, based on what you have explained about it.
Grumpy You get nothing if there is no source, first you identify the source and then you look for the way to plug into it, that's the first rule. With that said, where do YOU think the power comes from? The first one made by SM stopped when turned over, the second one probably as well, the other small ones were built differently, the ionic field is pulled into the solenoids and it spins inside, back, and to. The void would be natural the only place there would be something, in the small TPU's is where the two ends are close and the electronics are placed, there is nothing in the middle of those "only thin air". What if I said the forst was totally passive!! Hmmmm that would put the cat amongst the pigeons  You may be right mine is different  but answer the question, where does the power come from? I know, I nearly always shock myself every day opening my front gate  Well that's me done. Attached may help you see things differently Regards Mike
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860
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