People need to write stuff down if their memory is unreliable.
It is not about numbers; it is about rate.
It is about not crushing your health service
The USA had 3,260 deaths yesterday.
The USA had quarter of a million new cases yesterday.
...and some are still saying it is "Fake News" and other Trumpian nonsense.
We had 908 deaths for a population of 25,000,000 people
That is a death rate of just 0.003%
So while you might see it as a pandemic in your country,i certainly do not see any pandemic in our country.
This is how mother nature work's--natural selection.
Nothing you do will stop covid 19,and that is a fact.
The heavy lockdowns in the US are not working,you just proved that your gave the numbers.
The very same happened in our country.
The worst hit state was also the state that introduced the heaviest lockdowns,while all the other states that had soft lockdowns did much better.
Lockdowns do not work period,and our country is proof of that.
Life is pretty much back to normal here now--has been for months.
But in the US,the saga continue's. The US is going to drag this out for years if it does not change it's ways--and that's a fact.
We have 1 idiot at the helm over here,and his state accounted for 98% of all covid related deaths.
But the US has many idiots at the helm over there,like that Palosky-or what ever her name is. She made the news big time over here,telling every one to stay home,closing businesses down,and then she go's of to an organised secret haircut,giving the excuse that she has to maintain her looks because she is a public figure-->what a fruitcake. With clowns like that at the helm,you guys are screwed for the next 2 years at least.
Im guessing you are not a Trump fan,and so voted for the other clown.
That bloke can't even remember what he did or said yesterday,and yet you think he is fit to become the most powerful man in the world
It's all down hill from here.
Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.