You mean the pandemic isn't a problem in Australia yet because this ain't over.
Meanwhile here in Alberta, Canada we just went into a full lockdown again as the infection rates went through the roof. Which makes perfect sense because most here have bought into the populist bs and few people were wearing masks and had large gatherings during thanksgiving. In effect there ignorance could kill many more people and bankrupt even more businesses they falsely claim to care about.
I had two businesses crater when oil came off the rails and I can accept that. However most of my friends who own businesses still operating are saying they feel like bitch slapping all these clowns who didn't wear a mask bringing on a second wave. The oil downturn is understandable but some clown saying masks don't work, infecting hundreds of people bankrupting a business some people put there life into is not. So I will tell you what people better watch there mouth around here because the people I know have had about enough of this bs.
So ya, now were in another 4 week lockdown with all the business owners in panic mode because some far right snowflakes think a mask violates there freedom, what a !@#$ing joke.
The only reason it is a problem,is because of the dickheads running the show, not the people refusing to wear a mask. Will you be happy wearing a mask for the rest of your life?,as you will never rid the world of covid 19.
This is where common sense comes into it,and it seems you have not listen to a word i have said.
A mask is not going to stop the spread of covid 19-period. You cannot wear a mask while you eat,which means everyone eating at a diner etc cannot wear a mask. So what is your plan-never have diners open again?.
I know what you are going to say-wear a mask until the !!pandemic!! is over. As i said,like the flu,covid 19 will be around for ever,as it is a strain of the flu. So unless you are prepared to wear a mask for the rest of your life,there is as much chance of covid 19 breaking out again as there is of a common flu outbreak.
As i also said,once you have had covid 19,your immune system knows how to react to a second dose,and the symptoms are much less severe =just as the flu is once your immune system knows how to deal with it.
It is also true that near to 0 healthy people have died from covid 19--most don't even know they had it.
So should we lock everyone up for the few that have died from covid 19,or should we do as i stated before?-let those who are at very low risk of dying from covid 19 should they catch it,keep the world running,and those at high risk be isolated,and kept safe.
Your analogy seems to be that if 1 person in a group of 10,000 people can't swim,then the other 9,999 that can swim are banned from swimming. Here is something from the WHO-->quote:
Approximately 1.35 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes. , So using your logic,we should stop everyone from driving,as it will save lives
. We both know that you can't stop everyone driving,as the world would just stop. But this is exactly what your saying--we have a pandemic,so lock everyone down,as your mask idea is just not going to work. covid 19 will always be there,and it will only take one traveler to start the spread again. So unless your happy to wear a mask for the rest of your life,never dine out again(as you would have to remove your mask in public to eat),then mask wearing is not the issue here.
What i said is the only way through this !!pandemic!!,keep those at risk safe and isolated,and let those that are at very low to no risk(bulk of the worlds population) ,get back to it,and keep the world going.
It is not covid 19 that is locking down people,and destroying live's-->it is the idiot's in charge.
Here is a little truth for you--graph below from the center of disease control and prevention.
Now,would you have everyone wearing a mask for the flu?
I mean,the actual numbers between the flu and covid deaths are very close.
Should we lock everyone up if a few catch the flu?
Also note the age risk. Give me one good reason that those 55 years old and under should not be aloud to keep the world going?.
Like the bulk of the population,you could have had covid 19 already,and not even know it.
This is no more a pandemic than the common flu,and we have never locked the world down for that-->or any other pandemic in history.
Asking people to wear a mask is like people wearing a seat belt--there still is going to be deaths regardless.
Car accident deaths did not disappear with the wearing of seat belt's,and covid 19 will not disappear with the wearing of mask's.
You simply do not lock up 10,000 people because one person is at risk-that is about the ratio we are talking about here. All low risk people should be aloud to get on with life,and deal with covid 19 if and when they catch it--just as most have done so far.
So no point in blaming people for not wearing a mask,as it is your leaders that have screw'd things up,not the people. And if your mask's are so effective,then why would those that have the best of the best still be contracting covid 19?
Yesterday, the Victorian government released much-anticipated figures showing the proportion of the state’s health-care workers who caught COVID-19 at work.
Victoria’s chief medical officer Andrew Wilson said yesterday that 70-80% of health workers testing positive to COVID-19 were infected at work. So there you go. Health workers who had the best mask's,the best sanitisers,the best PPE all round-->and they still caught covid 19
. So your mask argument is just garbage.
It is our leaders that are making things worse,not the people that want to get on with life.
You just can't seem to look at tomorrow.
Is this what you want to happen every time there is a !!so called!! pandemic-and there will be more to come.
My children are in the very low to no risk category.
My grandchildren are in the no risk category.
So why the hell should they be locked up ?
Why should there way of life--there freedom be taken away,because there is a risk of 1 person in every 100,000 will die?. Wouldn't it be much more sensible to isolate the 1 in every 100,000,keep them safe,and let the rest of the world carry on.
1.35 million people dying from vehicle accidents every year.
Thank God the covid 19 mentality didn't take hold here,and everyone was banned from driving.
1.35 million die each year from vehicle accident's=keep on trucking.
650,000 die from flu each year=no change
1.6 million die each year from diabetes=such is life.
1.57 dead in a year from covid 19=world wide lockdown, life altering changes,and freedoms removed.
Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.