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Author Topic: Graham Gunderson's CLEAN·LIMITLESS·POWER ·from computer chips·  (Read 10028 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4235
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Posts: 2735
Good video and I like that he's tried to explain perpetual motion as the foundation of everything as I have in my "what is energy" thread.

In my opinion the first step is setting up an alternate consciousness, a new perspective about what energy is and why it is. This in itself, given time, will change peoples perspectives as it becomes more self-evident. The next step is simple examples of how we can apply perpetual motion such as Graham's diode array which is known in the art. Another example I theorized about many years ago was the billion channel crystal radio also based on the "whole can be greater than any part" theory Graham explained. I mean, we are greater than the sum of our parts, how could it not be any more obvious?.

It's important not to get too hung up on anything I or others say but the message and build on the premise presented. What we were lacking in the past is a reasonable explanation for energy, free energy and perpetual motion however that is no longer the case and I suspect many people will catch on. From there it's simply a matter of applying what we know which relates more to transforming energy.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
Excellent video, I take my hat off to him O0


Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 344

A crude demo would have sealed the deal .

He a good speaker

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4235
I agree,   but are there already such things as "forward voltage less" diodes that can rectify those minute particles, or does he want to push industry to create them?

« Last Edit: 2020-11-03, 15:51:40 by Itsu »
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
He does say they are there ....
But for different applications ( not actually designed for harvesting)

We can buy the part SOT 23 packets
At 29 minute mark in Vid

The voltage they make is considered an “Issue or concern “ in field applications

This one way harvesting makes me ponder the experiment Smudge recently
Posted ( I think at Stefan’s??) on Tesla “one way”  valve ?

He postulated that Tesla May have had more in mind than gas or fluid
With that valve ( which has no moving parts )

I believe Smudge was exploring magnetism and the effect such a topology would have?
Was a rotary or circular “valve” he drew

(Will ask him)


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
I have known Graham for a number of years.  Although we have never met in person we met on conference calls arranged by Mark Goldes.  He did a lot of experimentation, built automatic test rigs that took large numbers of measurements that eventually came to me for analysis.  I know that things went wrong for him after Chava Energy dispensed with our services and I am pleased to see him looking well and having a family life.  The high gain DC amplifier that Itsu now has was built by Graham, and when he sent it to me he commented that energy was everywhere because it always gave readings whatever it was connected to.  He did things that AFAIK no one else has ever done, like build a flux multiplier that works somewhat like a voltage multiplier.  And not long ago he demonstrated his magnetic implosion transformer for which I made a number of comments posted on this forum.   I wish him well in his endeavors.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4727

Buy me some coffee
He does say they are there ....
But for different applications ( not actually designed for harvesting)

We can buy the part SOT 23 packets
At 29 minute mark in Vid

The voltage they make is considered an “Issue or concern “ in field applications

This one way harvesting makes me ponder the experiment Smudge recently
Posted ( I think at Stefan’s??) on Tesla “one way”  valve ?

He postulated that Tesla May have had more in mind than gas or fluid
With that valve ( which has no moving parts )

I believe Smudge was exploring magnetism and the effect such a topology would have?
Was a rotary or circular “valve” he drew

(Will ask him)

Seems you need P/N junctions,and lots of them.
Well,there are millions of very large P/N junction items floating around atm--old solar panels.
I wonder if there is some way of using these as large harvesters of this elusive power GG talks about ?.

I do have a heap of high voltage solar panels (90 volts each)

They say everything has an equal and opposite.
So you have to ask-->where is all the anti mater ?
Find that,and you have limitless energy.


Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4235

Hi Chet,

yes, i know he mentioned the SOT-23 packaged diodes, but not which one specific.

SOT-23 (Small Outline Transistor) is a packaging layout for severall miniscule electronic components and can contain diodes, transistors, MOSFETs etc.:

But does there already exists a diode (in whatever package) that has no "forward voltage drop" needed here?  And if yes,  what is the type / model?

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I agree,   but are there already such things as "forward voltage less" diodes that can rectify those those minute particles, or does he want to push industry to create them?

I designed a zero threshold diode/mosfet a few years back then found out they had just entered the market.
The Quad/Dual N-Channel Matched Pair Zero Threshold MOSFETs are matched at the factory using ALD’s exclusive EPAD® CMOS technology to achieve the industry’s lowest threshold voltage of 0.0V with an exceptional range of variation from 0.01V to -0.01V and an offset voltage of just 2mV.

Think of it this way... if a diode is like a check valve then a zero threshold diode is like a check valve which opens before the water hits the flapper not after so the resistance is zero. All I did was build a very sensitive and intelligent switch with extremely low power requirements. It's basically a variation on Maxwell's Demon for electrons.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
He does say they are there ....
But for different applications ( not actually designed for harvesting)

We can buy the part SOT 23 packets
At 29 minute mark in Vid

The voltage they make is considered an “Issue or concern “ in field applications

This one way harvesting makes me ponder the experiment Smudge recently
Posted ( I think at Stefan’s??) on Tesla “one way”  valve ?

He postulated that Tesla May have had more in mind than gas or fluid
With that valve ( which has no moving parts )

I believe Smudge was exploring magnetism and the effect such a topology would have?
Was a rotary or circular “valve” he drew

(Will ask him)
Sorry I couldn't remember the Tesla valve when you phoned.  Here is the post that I put on overunity.com and the image.

"We know that magnetization waves travel along ferromagnetic cores at a certain velocity (associated with domain wall movement, inter-atomic distances, electron flip times etc) so it may be possible to construct the equivalent to that Tesla fluid valve using ferromagnetic material as the transport channel.  Do you know if anyone has tried this?  A core where waves travelling in opposite directions have different characteristics could offer an interesting assymetrical transformer design where the primary does not see the secondary load, see sketch below.  I have used Tesla's fluid geometry but the actual geometry would rely on experiments.  For the experimenter it probably needs iron-dust cores cast into various shapes, but they would be large so as to get useable delay around the small interconnecting loops."

I did try a FEMM simulation and that didn't show any effect, but then again FEMM does not deal with magnetization waves, it only gives snap shots.  It would need some experimentation to see if it really worked.  I remember Tinman making his own dust cores and perhaps he could try this out, but even that may not be the answer.  It may need a continuous ferro "fluid" and not discontinuous particles.


Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Yes that’s the one

One other comment ... on Brads musings on the PN junction

Does seem a viable consideration..?  and perhaps some parts are good for possible discussion/investigations ? (Arther Manelas work always intrigued ??)

Also a note
I have mirrored this topic in your section at Stefan’s
So more persons have access for input

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4235
I designed a zero threshold diode/mosfet a few years back then found out they had just entered the market.
Think of it this way... if a diode is like a check valve then a zero threshold diode is like a check valve which opens before the water hits the flapper not after so the resistance is zero. All I did was build a very sensitive and intelligent switch with extremely low power requirements. It's basically a variation on Maxwell's Demon for electrons.


AC, thanks for the info, but i think there is a difference between the threshold of a gate of a MOSFET (not a P/N junction) and the threshold of the forward voltage of a diode (a P/N junction).

So still my question if those "forward voltage-less" diode already exists?


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4235
I have known Graham for a number of years.  Although we have never met in person we met on conference calls arranged by Mark Goldes.  He did a lot of experimentation, built automatic test rigs that took large numbers of measurements that eventually came to me for analysis.  I know that things went wrong for him after Chava Energy dispensed with our services and I am pleased to see him looking well and having a family life. The high gain DC amplifier that Itsu now has was built by Graham, and when he sent it to me he commented that energy was everywhere because it always gave readings whatever it was connected to.  He did things that AFAIK no one else has ever done, like build a flux multiplier that works somewhat like a voltage multiplier.  And not long ago he demonstrated his magnetic implosion transformer for which I made a number of comments posted on this forum.   I wish him well in his endeavors.


Hi Smudge,

i indeed have this high gain DC amplifier and it always gives readings whatever is connected to it.

But is this not the amplified noise which always is amplified in an amplifier?

Here i use a 100 Ohm resistor as input and amplified (1000x), see yellow trace.
The blue trace is a similar 100 Ohm resistor without amplification.

There is a difference in favour of the yellow amplified trace, but not by that much, but probably it could be very well that the not amplified signal (blue) is burried in the scope noise.


Sr. Member

Posts: 352
I appreciate Gunderson's ideas but I don't see it happening.  For example cell phone manufacturers have no incentive or reverse incentive to do this as they would not be selling batteries for their phones if they never needed charging and phones that do not have easily replaceable batteries (which is nearly all phones in the last few years) will not create much incentive for customers to upgrade them and buy a new phone if the old one has an everlasting power.   

It sounds a bit like Graham was inspired by the beer drinking football fan who easily got a million dollars when he held up a sign at a game saying he was out of beer money.  So I guess his idea if crazy football fans would donate that much for a guy out of beer then people should certainly donate that much to get his idea going.   Good luck with that...

All the same it would be great if this could really work AND happen.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
Hi Smudge,

i indeed have this high gain DC amplifier and it always gives readings whatever is connected to it.

But is this not the amplified noise which always is amplified in an amplifier?

Here i use a 100 Ohm resistor as input and amplified (1000x), see yellow trace.
The blue trace is a similar 100 Ohm resistor without amplification.

There is a difference in favour of the yellow amplified trace, but not by that much, but probably it could be very well that the not amplified signal (blue) is burried in the scope noise.

That DC amplifier has a very low pass filter in it whereas your scope does not, so IMO you are seeing mostly the wide band noise at the scope input.  You need the scope to be DC connected and to look for slow movement of the noisy base line when you breathe on the connection, or touch it.  You will see microvolts change when you have the DC amplifier there but no change when it is not there.  I think the point about this is that there is that tiny voltage everywhere you have metal to metal contacts, but we don't normally see it, we have to amplify it to see it.  But if we could somehow create a large number of these tiny voltages in series we would have something we could use.  On the web I have seen piles made of many discs, each one a different material, that yield usable DC voltage.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
AC, thanks for the info, but i think there is a difference between the threshold of a gate of a MOSFET (not a P/N junction) and the threshold of the forward voltage of a diode (a P/N junction).
There is a difference and active rectification must include a near zero gate threshold and near zero source-drain resistance to act like a lossless diode.

So still my question if those "forward voltage-less" diode already exists?

Not to my knowledge which is why most high efficiency circuits now use active rectification. It's important not to get too hung up on the tech talk and look at things conceptually. Following a line of reason...

-a diode is just a switch which allows a current to pass once it exceeds a given voltage, it's a voltage dependent switch.
-the P/N threshold voltage is a voltage dependent resistance to current flow.
-we have low resistance switches like a mosfet with only 0.6 mΩ of resistance.
-we have mosfets with near zero gate thresholds to turn on the very low resistance path of conduction.
-we already have the capability to build a near lossless switch which acts exactly like a diode.
-ergo, it doesn't matter if it's a diode or not, only that it acts like one.

It is the action, what it does in reality that matters not so much the terminology or appearances. I have built switching devices with almost no resistance or losses which act exactly like a diode however I don't call them a diode because it's a switching device.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4235

AC,  thanks for your interpretation of the GG video and your line of reason...

For me, if someone mentions there are SOT-23 diodes that do not have a forward voltage drop, i want to know which one specifically, and not conceptually, but thats just me.

I think for now i have to conclude there are no such things around yet.

Regards itsu
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
New initiative from Graham Gunderson:



Any thoughts?


Hi Itsu and All,

So many words in the video to say nothing or clichés, and a site that is an empty shell, it's very impressive  :). This guy thinks he has discovered hot water and he takes us for uncultured when it's only him. The question is not to shout "energy is everywhere" but to extract it. And the idea he proposes is the worst, he obviously hasn't understood anything about thermodynamics.  A diode with a threshold voltage so low that it would rectify the thermal agitation of the electrons is impossible, because at equal temperature, the thermal agitation of the electrons at the junction of the diode would compensate that of the rest of the circuit.
A diode works because the "temperature" of the electrons is higher than the temperature of the diode, there is a generator that boosts the kinetic energy of the electrons.
For the same reason a solar panel on earth, facing the sun, provides electrical energy. But if it was placed on the surface of the sun, assuming that its material is temperature resistant, it would not produce anything because its temperature would be the same as that of the source. If today we extract energy only from temperature differences, it is because there are well known physical reasons and constraints that prevent us from doing it from a single thermal bath.

The heat/mechanical work equivalence has been known since 1842. We know that the thermal agitation of particles comes from their kinetic energy.So the idea of extracting this energy came at about the same time as the knowledge of this equivalence, more than 150 years before Graham Gunderson, when James Clerk Maxwell suggested in 1867 the thought experiment of his demon to which his name was given. Maxwell's original demon was shown not to be able to function. We know today that information is related to energy, and that the demon should have spent energy to know when to open or close the door between the two containers.

Since then, other Maxwell demons have been proposed (example here: https://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0509111) and it has not been demonstrated that they are impossible.So there is a small hope on this side.  I don't deny the possibility of doing it, but certainly not with Graham's naive and outdated idea, a useless new one (just like Captainloz who talks about "cop = 2" without having looped his system).
Thermodynamics are statistical principles. One may think that the second principle no longer applies to a single particle, or on very small scales of time and space, and therefore in the quantum field. And we can also think that a very large number of quantum phenomena could be made to cooperate to create a macroscopic effect. It remains to be seen how. The idea of using a second natural phenomenon, such as the asymmetry produced on the electrons by a magnetic field in the experiment in the link that I passed, seems to me a good approach. 

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
-we have mosfets with near zero gate thresholds to turn on the very low resistance path of conduction.
-we already have the capability to build a near lossless switch which acts exactly like a diode.
-ergo, it doesn't matter if it's a diode or not, only that it acts like one.
This idea has a severe limit: it requires knowing when to switch. You have to apply a control signal in phase with the electronic noise, to switch at the right time, such as synchronous rectification.
However, the electrical signal related to the thermal agitation of the electrons is still extremely weak, far from being powerful enough to trigger the switching of our components. It is not even sufficient as a control signal, so to hope to draw more useful energy by this process seems to me a utopia.
I think that if a Maxwell demon can exist, it will only be possible by using natural phenomena linked to each other by basic cause and effect relationships, without any intermediate control device.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Guest
Is this a private thread or can any one join in or are some of you going to tell me to clear off Remember ?  >:-) >:-)

For a start you could polarise the reviving particles you want to collect easily another way and magnify your collection
at the same time with a three point action idea that works.

Any way to lower the depletion layer Gunderson is probably talking about Germanium doping and you going to need
some sort of collection device like an dish or Ariel or ground point oh yes the earth is a huge Ariel. Erick Dollard, Tom Brown credit.

Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Would love to grasp what you mean
Or what the experiment would look like

Towards a result?

Seems I spoke with a fellow involved in Graham’s work/investigation

I might be able to get some bits for testing ( the mentioned diode thingy?)
Will know more in the next few days !

Thanks for all you do!!
And your dedication to open source and a better world !
Graham says he has same vision!!( in his video’s
Much gratitude
« Last Edit: 2020-11-20, 15:37:54 by Chet K »
Sr. Member

Posts: 331
Hi All,

This is an old thread but it's relevant to my recent research concerns, so I'm revving it back up.

Graham's diode array for rectifying thermal agitation was first invented by Joseph Yater in the 90s, but Yater's circuit uses 'quantum well diodes' so not really easy to implement. It did cause a lot of discussion in the physics journals at the time, most of it negative.

The attached circuit from Shanefield uses easily available parts, specifies part numbers and values, and has only one diode. Shanefield was an EE professor at Rutgers when he patented this. It's a fun patent to read because he was quite surprised to get any positive results...

Sr. Member

Posts: 331
Hi All,

I see there's some interest in the Shanefield patent application.
Here's the EU application, which contains some interesting additional experiments, especially around pg. 11...

Given the temperatures reported around the world, a device that generates electricity while cooling the surrounding area seems ideal from a lot of standpoints.

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