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2025-03-31, 22:40:58
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Author Topic: Aerial energy collector. AKA Jes Ascanius system.  (Read 8381 times)
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
I found interesting that the higher frequency is, the smaller capacity must be. At least in first section where antenna is connected to the circuit. Diodes may not need to be fast recovery in every circuit and leakage from caps and forward from diodes should be minimal possible.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear Mr Classic.

Might I suggest that you try a simple, practical, nuts and bolts experiment?

Build the circuit I described on the opening page. You won’t need Germanium diodes just fast Silicon ones will suffice. Connect it to a decent earth ground ( preferably one that’s isolated from your energy network supplier )  Drive a small Plasma lamp adjacent to your circuit with a short aerial and be amazed…. I would be interested to know if it was able to light a few LED’s directly.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
I am able to do much more than that  ;)

The problem is they don’t work everywhere and i tried all kind of diodes until you find one that works better

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
I am able to do much more than that  ;)

The problem is they don’t work everywhere and i tried all kind of diodes until you find one that works better

Well…. As the saying goes “ extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof “ let’s see “ watcha got “  :)

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Well…. As the saying goes “ extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof “ let’s see “ watcha got “  :)

Cheers Grum.

This is work in progress, be sure i will share when i will finish experimenting. It is my will to publish a device that can power a household and is cheap to build and maintain. I have quite few projects running not only this one. And if they don’t work as they should or the cost is to high i will just leave them alone. Rich guys can do it by themselves if they want … it seems that they don’t for the moment.

Have you tried to add some resistors on the ground connection and hook up a bigger load ? Wait few minutes and see if something happen, or add gradually more load. Not LEDs, incandescent bulbs or toy motors.

Also if you have found the right diode, start to play with capacitors … there is much to test until you get something and is frustrating to see that might not work at all in a different location.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
What would be the outcome if we add resistor(s) to the ground connection ?  :-\ I mean once you get your setup going at reasonable desired characteristics.
Group: Guest
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Tesla said FE is a wast of space with out RESONANCE http://hotstreamer.deanostoybox.com/temp/DesigningtripleresonanceTeslatransformers.pdf

I wonder if wouldn’t be more effective to post in grenade coils construction ?

Anyway something strange happened few days ago and none of my setups can output even a mili volt, I even made few more setups and tested many other diodes and I’m still not able to get at least 1 mili volt output … I have no clue what happened.

Anyone else experiencing same problems  lately ?
Sr. Member

Posts: 340
This video I came across seems appropriate for this thread.  They use a drone and fly it up into the air with a copper wire attached and show the effects of the potential gradient that is induced on the wire.  I would be willing to bet that an aerial with significant surface area would draw down some usable current.

Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1250
Hi Dave,

You may be aware of Oleg Jefimenko's activity on electrostatic motors years ago, he built practical motors running on HV.  This atmospheric energy "tap" can surely drive such motors for free if the antenna wire is erected from high rise buildings.  Problem is of course the danger of lightning strikes. Here is an early book of historical collection on electrostatic motors by Jefimenko: https://rexresearch1.com/Books/JefimenkoElectrostcmotor.pdf
Another one https://schematicsforfree.com/files/Power%20Electronics/Energy%20Efficiency%20%26%20Power%20Saving/New%20Motors%20Run%20on%20Power%20From%20Earth%27s%20Electric%20Field.pdf       

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
...This atmospheric energy "tap" can surely drive such motors for free if the antenna wire is erected from high rise buildings.

I'm not sure about that at all. We often confuse the electric field in free space, which can be significant in a large altitude difference, with the real field we'd get in a conductor, or near a building that collapses the electric field around it, simply because it is itself more or less conductive, but the little current it takes is enough to make the voltage drop, a question of the very high internal impedance of the "atmospheric generator”.

It may be possible to recover enough energy to run an electrostatic motor in dry weather, we'd have to check, but there's no theory to suggest that we could obtain really useful energy by this means, which is even more random than wind power, and of much lower energy except sporadically in thunderstorms.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1250
Well,  I tend to agree,  I read more thoroughly the paper in the 2nd link and found this:

"They also had an Earth -field antenna, which was simply a 24 -foot wooden pole with a speck of radioactive material at one end and a wire attached to it."
Also, they used electret material in the rotor of their electrostatic motor.

The  2nd link is not working at the moment so I attached the paper.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2148
Jefimenko's work is interesting and very valuable, especially on electrets and retarded fields. But we had the same thing from retarded potentials, so it's not really innovative, and it's not against Maxwell but against a misinterpretation of Maxwell (the fact that electric and magnetic fields could be the cause of each other, which is admittedly false; these effects are concomitant from charges).
As for electrets, he left us a legacy of ingenious experiments. Unfortunately, no technology has really emerged from this work. But he's a good physicist, and his work might be worth revisiting.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
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