What seems to be missing is everything that actually matters...
1)What is energy?, because this is an energy conversion device.
This and
this gives a hint what it is in general.
2)What is the exact mechanism which allows for a gain, where is it, why is it?.
3)What is the process required to produce the effect which produced the gain?.
Exactly, but I cannot accept that it is energy from nothing/vacuum like Nick is hypothesizing, because 0+0=0.
That is why I am a proponent of energy from "something".
This song springs to mind Here Wow - Kate Bush (it's unbelievable! Heh.)
Cloudbusting be more appropriate ?
didn't you observe Kators post 2 pages back ? obviously not ![/b][/i][/u]
I did and even replied to it
I believe it was both McFarland Cook and Carlos Benitez who used two coils and some switches to produce the effect.
In my opinion the problem is pretty obvious and there is no methodology, coherent theory or basic experiments trying to prove the actual effect . I mean two coils and some switches...how hard could it be?.
I looked into Benitez. He has filed 4 patents:
GB191417811A - Benitez's 1
st Patent.
Sets out his basic system for generating usable electric power from
an initial electrical charge.
GB191514311A - Benitez's 2
nd Patent.
Also a Patent of Addition relating to Patents 17811 and 5591, which gives both provisional and complete specifications on using his
system with "low voltages, smaller capacities" and "greater facilities for starting".
GB191505591A - Benitez's 3
rd Patent.
A Patent of Addition relating to Patent 17811, which describes certain improvements to the basic system, supposedly making the
system cheaper to build and maintain.
GB1918121561A - Benitez's 4
th Patent.
A Patent which describes a different method of making and operating Mr Benitez's original system, including showing
provisions for automatic operation. This patent contains a useful detailed example showing the order of determining and working out
the values of the various resistances, capacitances and inductances used in the machine.
Unfortunately these patents concentrate on the process required to produce the effect and not much on the exact mechanism which allows for the gain, i.e.: where it is, why it is.
The words beginning on line 43 of page 2 of the 1
st patent bear a resemblance to the principle translated by Vasik
The proverbial elephant in the room visible in the diagram from the 1
st patent are
the orientations of these diodes. See the diagram below: