Verpies: You have called me many things, such as ignorant, because I don't give in to your distracting rants. I am waiting for YOU to show me just how smart you are. By showing me just how important a piece of magnetized copper wire is, to a fully functioning self running device, as well as your magic core. As you'd rather insult and try to manipulate me, with your false logic. I don't buy it. I warn you that I only have a few more years left to listen to your unproven rants, and insults. I know that you never will do anything about that, as other than talk and insult me, none of your ideas have ever panned out, at all. I am waiting, put your money where your mouth is. I consider you to have quite an inflated ego. So, show me, just how you waste more time with this issue. I'm waiting. However, I have lost all credibility of your educated guesses, and I'm very tired of your insults, professor. And I also wonder just what you are doing here, and how paranoid you are about your image. I am here to build a self runner. What are you here for? You want to keep to a record of what I said to you, to prove to me how wrong you are, in the future. That's great. I'll be waiting for that too. Along with you showing us all how well your working self runner runs by itself, that you obtain from a piece of magnetized wire. I won't hold my breath, though.
Funny thing about AG, the most distracting guy in any forum, and he now wants to moderate me. Me, the guy with over 5000 post about this device, alone. Perhaps I should moderate myself, right out of here, and save you the trouble. And leave you all with AG and Verpies to lead the way. Neither of which have ever built this device, and never will. Unlike Geo, Itsu, or myself, that did not make a self runner, but, at lease we tried. Nor have I thrown in the towel, as yet. So AG, if you'd like to moderate me, go for it. I think that people will remember you, and what you did, or wanted to do, always. I also wondered about your intentions, here, as well. You two make for a great team. Good luck.
« Last Edit: 2021-11-07, 17:04:49 by NickZ »