Max: Thanks for the video. Question, why do you say that the bulb shown is a 50w bulb? As it looks like a smaller value, to me. If it really is a 50w bulb, it should light fairly bright, as I can light even a 100w bulb, using my Kacher only, like you are showing your bulb lit. Here is a old video that I made a few years ago. Although it's not the only video I have about this, you can see that I've removed the induction circuit board, for repairs, and only the kacher signal is being shown lighting the bulbs, through the rest of the induction circuits. You may find it interesting. I do have other videos showing lighting 2 50w bulbs, as well as a single 100w bulb, also, just using the kacher HV output. IF you're interested in seeing some of my other videos about this device, check my YouTube channel under my name, Nick Zec.